Another ultra-woke slapfight is happening on YA Twitter

1  2019-01-30 by HadakaApron


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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All these morons will reach their 40s still obsessed with media intended for children.

I’ve heard that middle aged women (presumably American) are the biggest demographic for YA next to actual teenagers, or something like that.

They're actually a bigger demographic for it than teenagers, and have been for over a decade.

It's the only thing keeping publishing in the black anymore, along with romance and mystery.

Makes sense really, since they share the same reading level[...](<iframe src="" width="480" height="362" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>)

Shoutout to r/blackladies, I love y'all.

No teens read YA novels, white adult women in their 20s and 30s dwarf teen demographics like your mom dwarfs the Sun

white adult women

white gussy not even once

hey, tweens read em too

Yeah, I burned through what felt like all the YA novels (save the bottom of the barrel trash even I wouldn't touch) when I was 11-13.

12 is pretty much the ideal age for most YA.

I work in a secondhand bookshop, we both buy and sell books. Sometimes middle aged women sell their entire library (generally 200 to 500 books), most of their library is identical Young Adult books. I even know which books to recommend them if asked.

I always find it annoying when an adult tells me without a lick of embarrassment that they're really into YA (always in a "lol I'm such nerd, reading books lol") because I have to restrain my natural asshole instinct to go "yeah, I liked that kind of stuff when I was twelve, but I read actual literature now".

So I kind of awkwardly go "oh it's not my thing", probably with a look of disgust on my face.

I'm usually good at not getting elitist with capeshit fans and I enjoy weebshit myself, dunno why I feel such an uncontrollable need to shit on YA.

I'm usually good at not getting elitist with capeshit fans

There is literally nothing wrong with being elitist about capeshit. Treating capeshit fans with kid gloves is how we got into this situation in the first place.

On the internet, sure, but irl you're just come off as an asshole.

I'm willing to go there with closer friends, but with acquaintances it's just trouble for no gain but a moment of satisfaction.

The big majority of YA books are read by adults, yes.

The term has also become somewhat muddied because even books that are technically adult will get labeled as YA because it sells more with that label. But these days borderline YA and the like may also get labeled as "NA" (new adult) too. But that's a very recent term.

I meant among adults I remember seeing some stats that the biggest demographic was something like 40-45. I would have expected 20-somethings.

Dune has a YA label nowadays. wtf

That's expected. They are making a movie and want to jump on the income stream. People are gonna be more willing to buy it if it seems like an easier read.

I don't get adults who read YA. I read Moby Dick when I was in fucking fourth grade. I actively avoided books "for teens" because I thought they were fucking stupid garbage. idk what happened to reading as a hobby

books are for literal cucks

I read Moby Dick when I was in fucking fourth grade.

Bet that made you a lot of friends, cuck.

Really they're mostly lite-fantasy novels for retards who can't make it through a book that is more than 250 pages.

yeah, I noticed a book I was interested in from a historical fiction angle (Through a Glass Darkly) was now being labeled as YA for some reason at my local bookstore.

No part of it is meant for children, and I think it would be far too confusing for most tweens. I genuinely do not get it, and it bugs the hell out of me.

That sounds like muggle talk to me.

Just check out the wretched ‘booktube’ community on youtube, these people already exist. Fat old women filming reviews in front of multiple overfilled bookshelves that mirror the YA section of a Barnes and Noble.

Almost as bad as breadtube

Its really not a fair comparrison. You can't really judge commentary channels the same way you can hobby channels. There's a big difference between channels that are going into deep academic or political analysis of an art medium and channels run by wholesome suburban moms who are basically just doing an online version of a book club.

Ita like comparing offical Rotten Tomatos film critics to IMBD normie user reviewers. Both are shit, but theyre different levels of shit

Worst is the photos of bookshelves sorted by colour.

Like Saruman they think taking on every color as an identity makes them powerfull...



I didn't mea-

no different than the capeshit fans, the anime fans, the funkpop nerds

we live in a society

anime is different, a lot of it is intended for salary men, basically older men with no life besides work who watch shows like Non Non Biyori to cope with the fact that they'll never have kids or even a partner who loves them, desperately living through the joy these young cartoon girls experience in their respective shows, just like me.

or... hear me out... anime is better than having a family

as for CGDCT shows, I agree

Replace "men" with "women" and it's the same as adult women who read YA.

if anything they got too much time on their hands ...

the funkpop nerds

ngl these ones bother me the most, it's like they don't even have the integrity to admit what faggots they are


Young adults in their 40s like me are now the largest demographic of YA fiction readers. So I guess that the media can't be "intended" for children if we read it more than them NOW CAN IT?!?!?! STUPIT!!

Like g*mers

they turn into 40 yo housewives who write erotic fanfiction about Harry and Malfoy

and that’s fine, anything that lowers fertility rates is a-ok in my book

People who read children's books act like children.

BRB stealing Robert Downey Jr.'s books.

14-part Twatter post

Someone needs to make a blocklist of everyone on twitter who posts in threads.

Reading blog posts 150 characters at a time is the closest I can get to understand what people with ADD experience.

Try only reading every other one. Trust me, that's how it feels

What about: reading the first one, skipping ahead to the middle and then the end, having to go back through what you missed (perhaps backwards) and then either finally somehow getting the whole picture or losing interest and closing the tab.

That ... Hits pretty close to home

same tbh

Twitter is such a dogshit platform for that exact reason. If the entire gimmick is brevity and you can just write a longpost and stretch it out over 15 messages it's not working. You shouldn't be allowed to reply to yourself imo

One author and former diversity advocate described why she no longer takes part: “I have never seen social interaction this fucked up,” she wrote in an email. “And I’ve been in prison.”

New snappy quote?

That or BussyShill 👍

/u/SnapshillBot /u/bussyshillbot

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Lol it's too early to put in the amount of effort this will take to read

long exasperated sigh


I would like to apologize for asking people to 'learn from this'. I know now that this was deeply hurtful towards people with learning disabilities. I have enrolled in a $12,000 anti-oppression training course and will endeavor to try better and consider how my words and actions impact others.

Just $12,000? What are you, going to state school?

That's right, take that whipping: take it! Seriously, though, how do people become like this? Almost comes across as pathological self harm, or need to be punished. This is some clown world shit.

how do people become like this?

I suspect it is a symptom of being extremely online

Self-flagellation has been a religious practice for hundreds of years. These people have switched from jesus to defending beautiful POC

Mmm...yeah...I'm a bad girl...I need y'all to educate me. Educate me so hard.

They're too pussy to flagellate like a real man.






I formally call for violence against anyone who can read. I realize this includes me, but it gets me off, so that's not my problem.

That’s the dinosaurs 🦖 plan as well

Illiterate lizards.

I'm not gonna sit here and read this much twitter

Gimme a quick rundown

  1. Fiction writer writes fiction

  2. Woke fiction writers and readers think her fiction doesn't 100% conform with proper wokeness and try to destroy her life

Gimme a slow run down

Fiction writer creates fictional world, twatter gets upset about real world dynamics, nobody has actually read the book.

So not enough reality in your escapist fantasy?

People over 19 who read YA fiction should be publicly executed.

Honestly, by 15 you should have outgrown YA for the most part.

Probably. They can also go.

Nah, give them some a grace period to learn.

Also, it seems unfair to focus on YA and not the real menace: capeshit fans.

Meh, YA fans are mostly pathetic loser foids while capeshit fans are fat incels.

Capeshit is YA for boys.

By then you should have advanced to more appropriate reading material, like Pynchon or Japanese light novels

YA anything was a mistake

Teenagers are worms and should neither be seen nor heard.

Tell me about it, /r/Fantasy is rife with this shit.

Don't exactly know why some subs become infected, but in this case I blame Harry Potter that made teenage girls think that every book should be an exercise in didactics and/or some statement on the human noble spirit, or fight against what they see as oppression.

Harry Potter doesn't come away unscathed from this. I've seen enough soap-boxing about the elf slavery or the Jewish caricature banking goblins for instance.

I said I think HP started this wave of feminist literary crusaders, not that the activists it spawned think it is perfection (they merely use it as a base for comparison, like how people in the past would have used the bible; "He is such a Judas!"="He's, like, Totally, like; Voldemort!")

In fact it is par of the course for them to turn on every work to seek out, or imbue, 'problematic' elements in it so they can grandstand and pretend to be so woke that even quasi-sripture is not beyond their reach to tear down. A person here, and there, and little by little the zeitgeist is changed. Just a few years ago these people adored HP, but an article here and a twitter thread there has changed that.

tbh that thing where all the bankers in HP are hook-nosed goblins that are all massive pieces of shit was pretty fucked up by JKR lmao

kind of let us know how she really feels with that one

Isn't that how goblins are normally portrayed? Well, aside from the banking. That was a bit too on the nose.

on the nose


comes up often in sci fi and fantasy. Star Trek has the Ferengi which for all intents and purposes are just space jews.

And who exactly do you think goblins are a stand-in for?

The fact she called it "Defense Against The Dark Arts" and endorsed school children carrying weapons is all you need to know about that white supremacist

Underrated comment.

and the fact that the whole point of the entire book series is that the government doesn't have your best interests in mind, and the best way to secure your safety and freedom is to hold midnight self-defense training with your personal-carry, extremely deadly weapon

wow yeah good political consistency you woke cunt

And the world is saved by a rich, white, male jock.

With the help of a working-class lackey and a talented woman who nonetheless subordinates her own ambitions to helping Harry achieve his goals.

It's basically alt-right indoctrination.

Don't forget the "heavily armed schoolchildren bring down a tyrannical, collectivist government"!

Day of the Wand when

/r/fantasy is a bit like this now. The sub has grown over the last 2-3 years and was eventually going to get its worth of bullshit. Sadly the amount of shit authors that have dragged their politics into the sub have managed to shape it to their will. And the same shit "authors"(And i'll use quotations marks becasue its the loosest definition of the word author) are completely above their works being told what they are - shit.

And its the same with awards in fantasy fiction. You literally couldn't believe or trust them to award talent or quality. The bar is actually well below Twilight quality now. Even JK Rowling (who isnt a great writer anyway) is ret-coning characters to fit the gender spectrum.

Thankfully, and i say this with bated breath, like much of the media that is consumed by this, the market dictates trends. This Bullshit doesnt sell. And quality does surface eventually. It just takes a little more effort to find.

Toxic and subculture are such gay ass words

TIL YA twitter exists

Lmao imagine having your life more involved with the internet beyond shitposting and watching Fantano reviews.

These people have crippling alwaysonline disease.

Any fiction that has a bad thing happen to a black person is bad 😡

Don't depict black people in a fantasy setting. Make all of the humans white, and all of the nonhumans elves/orcs/etc. This is objectively the correct way to perform worldbuilding.

>having humans

Not based and redwallpilled

A relative of mine is a moderately-successful YA novelist and this is all true. Tumblr/twitter backlash has become a legitimate concern to the extent that most YA authors will hire a 20-something liberal arts grad to give their book a "wokeness pass".

Note to author: If your tweet needs 16 parts, you're writing a blog article nobody will read.

Buncha dizzy broads.

Holy fucking shit people that use twitter need to neck themselves. Imagine placing value on typing out some shit about a kids book from your shitty job at dollarama.

Holy fucking shit people that use twitter need to neck themselves

it was actually pretty disappointing to find out “YA” stood for what I thought it did in this context

Books were a mistake.

Readers are over. Readers don't need to be your audience.

Hahahahahahaha How the fuck are books real hahahaha Nigga just watch a movie like nigga turn on your TV haha

The contentious issue is the fantasy races are somehow perceived as analogous of POC and the author's blithely disregard towards incorporating a prodigiously talented and infallible POC coded heroine is reprehensible.

This is clearly a condoning of racism and she's trying to inoculate young malleable teenage minds with her white supremacy. No, no. This isn't a sabotaging attempt to impede the nascent career of a fantasy writer! This isn't punishment for a lack of conformity and sycophantic bowing to the Y.A police.

Shame on you, author. We're coming for Sarah Maas next! Those fairies are derogatory allegories for primitive aggression that's typically associated with POC. Why are all your heroines white?!? WHAT? Your slaves have blue eyes?!? BLUE EYES?????

Tweet deleted?

Looks like the author has decided to not publish her book.

YA Twitter is a more successful harassment campaign against women than Gamergate ever was.

breaking news ppl who like books aimed at preteens act like preteen children

Jesse Signal finally found someone to dab on other than trannies, good job Jesse!

"oppression is blind to skin color," as per the book's PR materials. The argument seems to be that because oppression isn't blind to skin color in our world, it's racist to conjure a fantasy world in which it is.

You almost had it, blue checkmark

lol can you imagine reading a book written after Blood Meridian

The hype train was derailed in mid-March, however, by Shauna Sinyard, a bookstore employee and blogger who writes primarily about YA and had a different take: “The Black Witch is the most dangerous, offensive book I have ever read,” she wrote in a nearly 9,000-word review that blasted the novel as an end-to-end mess of unadulterated bigotry. “It was ultimately written for white people. It was written for the type of white person who considers themselves to be not-racist and thinks that they deserve recognition and praise for treating POC like they are actually human.”

The Black Witch centers on a girl named Elloren who has been raised in a stratified society where other races (including selkies, fae, wolfmen, etc.) are considered inferior at best and enemies at worst. But when she goes off to college, she begins to question her beliefs, an ideological transformation she’s still working on when she joins with the rebellion in the last of the novel’s 600 pages. (It’s the first of a series; one hopes that Elloren will be more woke in book two.)

It was this premise that led Sinyard to slam The Black Witch as “racist, ableist, homophobic, and … written with no marginalized people in mind,” in a review that consisted largely of pull quotes featuring the book’s racist characters saying or doing racist things

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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Three paragraphs is not a long post you filthy bot.