
1  2019-02-02 by TendiesAndMeth


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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mod that op imo

Only if he posts crazussy


Who are you?

Replacement for the dead Discordcels traps.

They arenā€™t replaceable but weā€™ve got an ethot mod now so thatā€™s nice.

We brought Jewdank home? Who?

No, no jewdank. :( Trappysaruh our newish mod though has a lot of nudes going on.

Pls be my gf

pm me your resume


Youā€™re going to get turned down if send that instead of a Bussy shot tbqh.

hey why the fuck did you ban me from the deus chat wtf?

i didnt

It was me, I can't let trappysaruh take the blame. You were having multiple spergouts of spamming racial slurs if I'm remembering correctly, and it got kinda old. I've removed your ban now though.

Does allthefoxes think heā€™s to good for us wtf


I don't see myself or my main account on that list and tbqhwyf I am disappointed

or my main account



Why aren't you using that one?

Suspended for a week for calling devavrata17 a huge faggot.

If I ever get modded to this sub it means that I've completely failed as a human bean and I'm just going to off myself at that point. Please don't interpret this as reverse psychology I'll just reject the mod offer and punch myself in the dick.

Good call. It just feeds the nihilism

Just being here feeds my nihilism but that's okay because I'm pretty sure that collapse is coming and we're all going to die anyways so šŸ¤·

mods TMOR mods Russialago also many more terrible subs OK

Exactly. Any farther down the mod rabbit hole and I might as well self Darwin award.

Do it please

Never got the mod offer, sorry.

Exactly. Any farther down the mod rabbit hole and I might as well self Darwin award.

Man what do I got to do be made a mod


Now to find out whether he likes fire and wets the bed

Now to find out whether he likes fire

Who doesn't?


Where do you procure the animal bits from? šŸ‘€

And had severe head trauma as a child

I am offering 5 to 1 odds that his mom was a prostitute and made him dress up as a little girl when he was growing up.

that triad thingy is bunk, its not accurate at all as a method of determining psychopathy

I bet the rabbit toaster test is 100% accurate.

Why doesnā€™t he come make flowers šŸ’ šŸŒø šŸŒŗ with his sister anymore?

I'm busy, I have very important work to do.Ā My ascension removes me from the disk in the loop. I am near final stage. Some mornings, I can see the infernal plane.

I love re-watching that season until those scenes.


lmao he has a patreon

"doing the taxidermy, definitely not practicing anatomy for serial killing"

I'm always up for making something new, at the minute I am starting to make what I have called 'Animalgamations', but sometimes it's really nice to just think "fuck it" and make something totally new. That's how the Rabbit Toaster came about.

Holy shit this guy is fantastic.

Hahaha thanks!

I am looking forward to when you make the news

Objectively the best poster on r/drama

Hahah I havenā€™t even posted here, but Iā€™m liking that people are enjoying it!

That poor toaster

I have had a few news stories written about me and now it is kinda tricky to get a real job because if you google my name you get tonnes of pages about me cutting up rats and rabbits.


when life gives you corpses, make legoaids

My name is Jack Devaney, I get that you might not believe me, but if you give it a go youā€™ll see :)

If I gave that impression I didnā€™t mean to, I absolutely believe you.

Also, where do you get the animals and animal parts to do this?

Ahh fair enough. From the freezers in my local pet shop

Thatā€™s cool. Iā€™m a big fan, keep on keeping on.

Have you started on people or is this your work up?

i wouldnā€™t go around posting your real name on the internet.

Yeah itā€™s gone, was just to prove I werenā€™t chatting shit

Don't kill anything pls mane we're all friends here.

Holy shit I unironically like your posts after scrolling through them for about an hour


up for a good time

And patreon is down for maintenance. Fuck I want to know more about this guy is he serial killer insane or artist off the reservation nuts.

his patreon intro video reminds me of stevemre

Just ask him he's in this thread somehow

reminds me of the son in Taxidermia

The fucking toast popping at the end is the funniest thing I've ever seen. This guy is awesome.

rabbit toaster

rabbit toaster

Lmao he even put googly eyes on that fucking rabbit. 10/10

I put googly eyes on everything, except a stapler I made out of rabbit which I used cartoon eyes for because the googly eyes did t look right

Keep up the good work mate.

Keep it up taxidermy is a dying art

Are you testicle locket necklace guy?

Yeah :)

Nigga wtf he loopy in the head nigga aaaahhh

He's loopy in the head but his shit is kind of morbidly hilarious.

Leave it to the babies on reddit to downvote everything he posts.

Nightmares For Algernon.


Pizzashill practicing for his big day

>I had to tie the mouse to the wall for the photo

His face, his eyes and his body language are exactly what you'd expect from a guy peeling rats

Makes you wonder what will drive him to start slapping googly eyes on dead people tbh

Well, at least we know what he looks like, for when he starts the serial killing and the police are looking for him.

The sounds in this ASMR of a knife scraping against the inside of a dried rats face :)

Saw that in his history too.

Why have I upvoted this guy before?

I am unsurprised to be honest.

Yeah this guy seems like someone Snally would like tbh

I would if he were good at taxidermy. I get his humor but think his poor skill is what makes him cross the line from interesting to creepy, along with the sheer volume of pieces he makes. You'd think that he'd improve after killing and stuffing hundreds of animals. The googly eyes don't help.

Googly eyes on the rabbit toaster is next level

Imagine not liking the toilet brush smdh

That's not a toilet brush. That is art.

Iā€™m actually in a discord based on building fascist legos. Can we ping the op?


fascist legos

the internet should have never happened

Itā€™s actually pretty funny I wonder where they even buy them. Itā€™s a dood I know from Bluelight Iā€™ve been trying to red pill him to come to the fringes of the center.

/u/WorldAroundEwe big fan. what got you into this hobby??

I misunderstood a uni project. Started making and selling rat pencilcases with anally inserted sharpeners

Lol damn. Well as long as you arenā€™t hurting anyone/animals. You do understand how your interest might be very niche though right?

It's my craft

It's now or never

These mice ain't gonna live forever

I just want to skin them when they're dead

(It's my craft)

What fuels your inspiration?

I just like seeing what I can make from the animals, I dunno really. When I did the rabbit toaster I was walking round Asda, and I looked at a budget toaster and said ā€˜I reckon I could so e that into a rabbit you know. And 3 days later (give or take) and boom, house fire! Hahah narr no house fire Iā€™m messing I took the wire and plug off but the toaster came out pretty good I think :)

I want to scream but I have no mouth.

You are too cute

Have you considered sticking to funny squirrel taxiderms? Just saying.

Do you still make flowers with your sister?

Legos are inherently fascist if you think about it

Legos == Essentialism

Ping me!

where do you get so many mouse "parts" ?

From the mice I skin to make usb sticks and stuff from :)

Oh wow. Hi šŸ‘‹šŸ½


Wait explain

This feels like the MO for a serial killer on Dexter or the mentalist

Alright, definitely one of the more peculiar hobbies Iā€™ve ever seen. I knew an autistic kid once who would never hurt anyone but was into some kind of weird stuff as well. Kind of reminds me of him.

It's good to have a passion in life

Hey, you found one of the mods alts

Everyone's bullying the OP :(

there's a difference between bullying and appreciating an artiste, little one.

Iā€™m alright, me :)

Wow lmao I was on the crapper early in the AM and thought about posting this. Dude is certifiably insane. Although the toilet brush is next level.

>the googly eyes and doll arms




This is how OniTan got his start. That guy is only two or three years away from dismembering the corpses of foids and burying them in 16 different holes each.

More like burying his dong into 16 different holes šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž

With some like the Jesus lizards I add bubbles on purpose around the mouth so they look like theyā€™re drowning, but Iā€™ve got some shapes Iā€™m trying to get the bubbles out of :)

I'm genuinely impressed with what the internet has done today.

Yes, FBI? This post right here.

isn't this where serial killers start


You're a fucking chad /u/WorldAroundEwe

I dunno what that means, man

It's okay. Chads usually don't know they're chads.

It means the means the world is your clam.

It means youā€™re a cutie patootie and that person is jealous.

so how do you make money

Taxidermy, Rat Pencilcases and that

Oh yes rat pencil cases very good.

This man could have apprenticed with a taxidermist and learned an honest trade but this is current year so we get this instead. Rip 12 pointcels

epicamytime ā€¢ 2d If youā€™re the mouse bum hole ring guy I SWEAR TO GOD

WorldAroundEwe ā€¢ 2d I am! Hereā€™s my site incase you donā€™t believe me www.worldaroundewe.com

Dandellionprincessā€¢ 1d ARE YOU THE RAT TESTICLE LOCKET TOO?

Thanks man, Iā€™m shit with computers so it took me a couple of long frustrating days

It's rare you get to see a serial killer in their rookie years

I was horrified and downvoted instinctively until I realized what sub this was. Jesus mother forking Christ, that's disturbing.