ICE arrests rapper 21 Savage, says he is actually British and made up his whole Atlanta persona

1  2019-02-03 by sevp


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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Lmao what?

damn ICE really wasting time on an 8 figure rapper from Atlanta...

Lol what?

He's definitely not worth anywhere close to that much.


8 million is seven figures, retard

Never been that good with algebra

It's calculus, sweaty.

You would know, nerd

Bullshit, it's quadratic equations.

Quadriplegic equestrians*

ez calculs

close to that much


Not sure I get this. So 7 million would be six figures then?

you subtract one, like with centuries

Just count the digits. 7,000,000 is seven figures. 8,000,000 is seven figures. 200,000 is six figures. 175,925,204,175 is twelve figures. 13 is two figures.

The fact that people are struggling with this really shows our power level as a sub.

Let's just make it private for good...


All you you is count how many numbers are left of the fucking decimal point! Jesus.

But I'm retarded. How hard is that to figure out? I'm subscribed to a sub for only retards.

This is true. Have my upvote.

He's definitely not worth anywhere close to that much.

8 million is close to 10 million... RETARD.

It's really not a lot of people won't eveb make $2 million in their lifetime. Those sites notoriously inflate celebrity net worths and that's probably his career earnings. Dude Just made it in 2017 and musician's don't make shit compared to what they use to.

It is over for present valuecels.

It's really not, a lot of people won't even make $2 million in their lifetime.

By that logic, 1,000,000,000,000 isn't close to 1,000,002,000,000. And that's retarded. We're obviously speaking relatively here.

It’s 8 times a one million dollar figure.

9 if you include the numbers after the decimal point.

Counting to 8 is not algebra.

8 figures in Canadian dollars, leaf money is the only money that matters.

But it begins with an 8.

Obviously it's 8 million pounds. That's 8 figures in dollars.

[formatting level:] (peak retard)

Damn gottem

giant random volume box

You're the biggest retard of them all

wow I hope you never have joy

Bruh if you gonna AKSHYUALLY someone you better be right

Holy shit you’re a fucking moron

American retards can't do metric, so they don't understand how zeroes work.

You’re retarded if you don’t think his net worth is over 10m

Presumably they are saying if the guy is economically productive, let him be.

Doesn't he have known gang affiliations? As in he was recently shoot by rival gang


His biggest song is a boast saying he has 8 million in his bank account, and this reddit user fucked the quote up and posted that retarded comment


A figure is a numerical number indicating wealth in order.

A 5 figure income is 10000-99999

8 figures isn't 8 million it's 10,000,000 to 100k because there's 8 numbers.


I think i meant to type sequential

You forgot about pennies. He’s worth 8,000,000.23

These retards are fucking embarrassing. Common core is killing 'murica.

dude ICE lmao

Wait a sec what?

Fucking timeline

How many years did he overstay his Visa?


I thought it was 12

got my first schripe (nigga).

A lot

This is going to go over everyone's head

It took over an hour for someone to respond properly


21 21 21

Literally who

Famous rapper

*Famous UK rapper

It still reads Atlanta in there.

Origin: London, United Kingdom

not anymore.

Looks like they changed it back lol

I sense a Wikipedia Edit war on the horizon.

There’s a link on the main page lol.

“No reason to believe it since the info comes from ICE”- Wiki Editor

Birth name Sha Yaa Bin Abraham-Joseph


I didn't know they had internet at the senior center gramps

hog out or log out chud

Of course that place is infested with chapotards

HHH once polled its users and they’re like 80% white kids aged 14-16

Basically 80% of reddit tbh

i dont have a link to the image, but in this kids defense, he posted a pic a couple years later featuring a double cup of lean in one hand and a thick black girls ass in his other hand. long live whodatmiami


Imagine thinking cough syrup is cool, the next 10 years will be the craze of smelling glue and you'll see many variations of lil glue and sniffgod.

I'm amazed they aren't huffing diesel yet.

I think he also got in trouble for selling drugs at his school

Peak masculine physique, many men die trying to attain this level of big dick energy, yet he seamlessly pulls it off.

The Pedigree is a quality finishing move tho.

What does hog mean? I see them post it all the time. I assume it means penis, but is that retardation from the podcast?

penis, i dont think it has anything to do with the podcast

bourgeois = porky = hog i guess

Cops = pigs = hogs maybe?

I thought it was from some dude talking about how he was "squeezing his hog" in a /r/LiveStreamFails thing

Considering this is their userbase, it's not surprising.

They're like bed bugs; can infest multiple subs and are hard to get rid of

log out = shit pics

Knowing that you're breaking the law -> talk a lot of shit about the people enforcing said law -> get arrested -> must be a conspiracy. I personally don't see any flaws in this logic.

It's almost like publicly criticizing a federal agency as a public figure will get their attention. Who would of thought?

But fuck ice, they broke up the families of asylum seekers and made a point not to keep records. Not to mention the abuse of the children.

serious post

Keep Yourself Safe

Post beef.

Try marching your kids to canada and see if DFS is any better.

Fascinating the way the white people pretend to talk over there


Listening to hiphop gives you a hood pass

Of course its fake, do you think a record producer would sign a real criminal?

Look what happened to 69 and even he is mostly fake too, thats why capitalists sign kids from the suburbs. Rap is the WWE of music industry everyone knows that except their fans.

69 is going to spend the rest of his life in prison on gang charges tho

No he's getting pardoned by Kanye 2024

Just go with this for a second: President Trump pardons 69 and issuses an EO decriminalizing cannabis, progressive suddenly becomes pro-prohibition (because fuck drumpf). He wins 2020 relections and we get years of crying about race traitors and brogressives dooming us all

I think he went the route of Tupac: Suburban kid who starts hanging out with gangsters for the image AFTER he gets famous

He literally has a felony.

...21 savage has a felony drug charge from 2014.

Nah 21 savage has a felony drug charge from 2014.

Fun fact about 6ix9ine: the minimum sentence for his charges is 47 years, so he'd be 69 by the time he leaves jail.

Good to know the prosecution has a sense of humor.

Rick Ross (William Leonard Roberts II) was a CO for 18 months. He stole his act from the real cocaine dealer Freeway Rick Ross who has an amazing backstory.

They always sign real criminals. Mozzy is signed and was a real gangster, YG is signed and was a real gangster, etc..

There are literally artists running around with active warrants signed to major labels. You're an idiot, drown.

Damn! I'm shocked af.

My boi is rolling with them red coats. Had us thinking that he was with them bloods instead.

ICE became suspicious when he used a “u” in “color.”

LMAO. Totally. He liked tea a little too much.

Genuinely funny. Well done



It’s over for ICEcels

pull up on a nigga wit da flintlock

redcoat on wit dat fuckin red dot

Savage, why you got a 12 car garage, you got a loicense for that?




Deport all males!

Fuckin Brits aren't sending their best

We never did.

8 million is seven figures, retard.

Nigga joined the Iggy Azalea crew of fake Atlantans

she was at least honest that she wasn't actually a part of that crowd, merely an imitator.

I honestly have no idea how you can somehow fake your own roots to fit in to a scene for so long. This is crazy.

Unlike what the internet portrays, in real life there usually aren't enough autists in any given scene to weaponize.

As someone who lived in Georgia for 15 years why the hell would you want people to think you were from Atlanta. It's the asshole of Georgia.

It could be worse; you could be a rural.

A certain race of people are proud to come from shitholes



lol, found the OTPer.

Do i wanna ask what that means?

Sherman should've salted the earth after he burned Atlanta to the ground.

I really don’t understand why you’d do that to yourself, even with a giant dick, dudes only gonna get the tip in unless you get real awkward during sex.


lmao small dick mofo virgin. you do realize cheeks spread and they do not get in the way right? lmao

I’m not small, I’m downright tiny, and my choices concerning sex are none of your business and nothing to laugh at. You know how I know you’ve never fucked a girl with a giant ass before? Asses don’t hinge like doors dude. Only way an average guy is getting all the way in there is to push her legs behind her ears, which gets akward if you do it for long.

Her face turned out worse

As good as the real Atlanta rappers

Another illegal immigrant taking American jobs

So what you're saying is that Atlanta isn't his city like he's been saying all this time. Instead England is his city

Uh excuse me you mean the city of Great Britain

21 and nick crompton are the same person?

Imagine being ICE and not knowing a mainstream rapper was from UK illegally when he caught a felony

Did the city keep in contact with ICE during that time (would been obama administration)?

Given how quickly they got him after he criticised them, I suspect they were aware.

An entire genre music based around making excuses for black people

No it's a genre of music where they snitch on their selves

diss tracks are a gift for law enforcement

lmao wtf

He been getting that Jewish money it ain’t kosher to avoid taxes

why do those white guys talk like black people


Is that like 23 skiddoo?