Spongebob fans are not happy.

1  2019-02-04 by ImJustaBagofHammers


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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Snappy is predicting all the arguments the serious posters will be getting into here

Maroon 5 blue balled them hard lmao

not really

they never said they would sing Sweet Victory. Like, imagine telling a band "Hey so we think you shouldn't sing any of your own songs but rather one from an episode of a cartoon almost 20 years ago". Plus general audiences would have been confused as fuck if Spongebob was the crux of the halftime show.

like yeah it would have been cool and all but it wasn't gonna happen. Fans are just ungrateful, they could have easily done nothing.

Yeah they teased and advertised for millions of fans so they could help announce Travis Scott? Plus the halftime show was reportedly difficult to fill, so Maroon 5 couldn't have played a cool rallying song about winning? Ask any fan and they will say that they wanted Sweet Victory and it wasn't difficult to misinterpret given that petitions were signed to have that song played. It's not about being ungrateful. This is about being completely and utterly misled.

wasn't that tease literally like a single frame of Spongebob?

also just because petitions were signed doesn't mean they had to do it. People are overreacting. Like I said, they could have literally just done nothing. Something like 100 million people watch the superbowl, the fans who wanted it would have barely made a difference one way or the other and I think it was still cool of them to do any tribute at all because they didn't have to

How far in advance was the planning done before that guy died? Them inserting the clip seemed awkward, it makes me think they crammed it in there last minute.

The petition is a couple months old but I can't find online how far out these halftime shows are planned and rehearsed

They probably had enough time to do it, but they thought it would be too much of a financial risk.

Atleast understand why people feel this way. Yeah they didn't have to do it but this was the chance for the NFL to connect with a new audience but they couldn't do that right either. Why would they tease it if all they were gonna do was announce somebody else? We didn't start the hype for a mere cameo and they knew that.

Yes, but see, the small amount of happiness that an actual performance of Sweet Victory would have brought me is far outweighed by the pleasure I get from laughing at people who are strongly upset about what CBS did.

Who fucking cares? Maroon 5 sucks. The Super Bowl sucks. Half Time shows suck. Spongebob is cool, but WTF does he have to do with anything?

Like, I get the creator died and whatnot...but like...was he into football or something? Did he have any connection to the NFL? It seems totally out of left field.

new audience

bruh the NFL isn't desperate for ratings for the Superbowl. Do you realize how huge an audience of 100 million is? That's literally a third of the population of the United States. I doubt anyone who was only going to watch the game for a halftime show related to Spongebob would continue to be an NFL fan later.

Spongebob is popular and all but it's nowhere near popular enough to get them to restructure the halftime show at their biggest event around it. It's legitimately surprising they acknowledged it at all instead of just telling fans to piss off.

I would have rather them not do it at all if they were only going to give people a fraction of what they wanted.

that's just petty and childish

Well then I'll join my other 58,000 childish and petty users who have already disliked this thing.

ooh you’re bussy blasted

My army of dirt shall rule the galaxy!

Can you tell them to grow up for me? They apparently don't understand that no one gives a fuck about dumbasses butthurt over a fucking children's cartoon


100 Million people watch the Superbowl.

"They should bow to the demands of the 58,000 of us."

Imagine being upset over a song from a kids cartoon not being played at the halftime show. lol.

That's me : )

You should consider what went wrong in your life.

I was born. Tell me something I don't know.

Acknowledging it is the first step

the next step is to do something about it

Shut the fuck up

I'm sure they knew what they were implying. They just wanted views.

nobody but you fucking dorks wants to sit through two and a half minutes of Opera rock as written by a children's cartoon. "cool rallying song" what the fuck?

It's not about being ungrateful. This is about being completely and utterly misled.

Buddy, you are serious posting about sponge bob. You really need to reflect on your life at this point.

petitions don't mean anything you absolute smoothbrain lol

of course you have a serious opinion about this.

You mean my opinion that people are overreacting?

based cbs

They're spongebob fans, I wouldn't be too worried.

SpongeBAWWW REEEEpants

good fuck all the spongebob subreddits. i am happy they showed 2 seconds as a fuck you.



I can barely fathom why some adults would be disappointed that they didn't participate along in their antics(instead of giving a small nod) but are the looneys there actually thinking that playing sweet victory would make superbowl "memorable"?

Spongebob had 5 million viewers on its best day, superbowl lost twice that much in between 2017-2018, without much impact. How do you delude yourself to think playing something you care about will make the event, which every third American watches, memorable?

I mean if the super bowl wanted to entertain us why did they trot out 3 artists ranging from has-beens to literally who for the half time show

Free labour. Superbowl performers are paid in exposure.

You say that as though this wasn't one of the most boring super bowls in history

Does anyone actually like Maroon 5?

Most controvertial comment in the entire thread:

Alright, you guys got a shout out for your children's cartoon show on the biggest sporting event of the year. What the hell do you want?? The whole fucking broadcast to stop so an honestly terrible song related to a hyperactive sea sponge can annoy millions so you feel some sort of validation. This is precisely why people complain about the younger generation and nobody takes any of your bullshit seriously.

Parents need to start beating their kids again.