It’s OVER for fake indiancels

1  2019-02-06 by flotus_scrotus


Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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Bussy absolutely scalped Warren with this fuck

Jesus Bussybot why not throw a smallpox blanket on her while you’re at it

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Let's unpack this...



Why the fuck would you take a DNA test get laughable results and then release it to the public

To own 'Drumpf you Nazi

Dumb bitch misheard/misunderstood the results or something only to be corrected after she made a smug tweet ECKS DEE

Mayo nonsense

She literally should have just said she was mistaken about her heritage and was told incorrectly by her parents, it would have looked better than doubling down

No one would have blamed her for that. But, ego, so, double down it is.

She should just have trafficked the results, it's not like anyone would have cared.

dems actually are that retarded

serious-posters OUT

tbf republicans are retarded too, but not idpol retarded

Taking just one would indeed be foolish, which means the saddest part is that was most probably the best of the bunch.

It's worse than that. The first articles literally stated that the test "proved" she's Native American

... heap big fucked

Best guess is she had the test done, didn't like the results, and realized she'd be ruined if the results ever leaked, so she dumped the news a few weeks before she announced her candidacy for president in 2020 and tried her best to spin it as a win.

imagine PAYING money to read Bezos' mouthpiece

Prime Daddy already lost half his money, don't be mean 😢

The only source of legitimate news source is the economist ad they're woke enough to identify as radical centrist.

trump is an absolutely retarded politician but he is some kind of savant at making all of his political enemies say/do shit just as retarded as he is. I'm impressed this shit is STILL happening 4 years later. A part of me is nervous that this means the Rs wont be able to primary him, but a part of me is ready for the drama that another trump general election will bring.

He brings them down to his level. If the left had someone who could do the same thing it would be great.

They do. They have AOC but she's too much of a freshman right now to really be a threat.

no she just says retarded shit like trump does on social media, she doesn't (or hasn't yet) really mud wrestled like trump. if bernie or some other far left tard runs in the primaries next year, and aoc becomes their bulldog, then ill call her the dems trump.

Like I said she's too freshman right now

I don't think she had it in her to wrestle with the pigs like that. She's a lot more thin skinned than he is

She’s a snowflake

Having heard her voice honestly yeah.

Honestly if Sanders had been more of a shit talker he might have had a shot

I’m not saying he had to be vile but there were definitely times where he should have criticized his opponents more than he did

Naw, she can't get down in the mud. She'd screech racism/sexism long before she'd actually spit out a fun insult.

he'd bait her to play those cards as often as physically possible too

The problem is the left can't meme this generation

Trump is weaponized autism at the federal level. His tactic is shock and awe where the never apologizes for anything and escalates any issue to the next level.

Trump: Mexicans are rapists

Twitter brigade - got em! Racist omg #resist

Trump - grab em by the pussy

Media - hey don't ignore us?!? Apologize

Trump - also fuck Muslims, Shithole countries, China, NATO, CNN and Hilary

With normal politicians the outrage mob can just pile on till they get shamed and forced to apologize. At that point its over for them, but not Trump.


shock and autism

Hmm almost like he isn’t a retard

he's not a retard overall, but he is a boomer on twitter and he is completely inept at political maneuvers that aren't destroying his opponents (ie pushing actual policies)

Yeah, his policies have been a total failure, only delivering a booming economy with magic wand job growth in sectors that they said would never recover like manufacturing and tax cuts for all.

tax cuts for all

lmao not people making high 6 figures who used deductions that were taken away


No I didn’t mean the rich states!!!

Srsly tho I’m Calicel I’ll probably be paying an extra $5k but my salary went up a lot so whatev.

It's been two years which he enherited an economy on rampant growth already. G. W. had a similar situation and enacted a similar tax policy.

If Trump manages to get reelected and keeps the economy afloat, I'll eat my words and vote for his Republican replacement.

The economy was growing when he came in, his trade policies have made the markets less stable recently, his tax cuts and deregulation will help grow the economy but the debt is growing even faster than gdp and we're going to have to pay for this long term, also he's talking about firing Jeremy Powell which would be financially disastrous.

The economy has little to do with him and what he has done has more negatives than positives.

If the economy was absolutely tanking, would it also have 'little to do with him'?

Depends on whether or not he was able to turn it around.

That would depend on why.

Is it because of him starting a trade war? If so than yes.

Is it because Italys incompetent government causes a Eurozone crisis and triggers a global recession? If so than no.

I’m really hoping for a Eurosong crisis now!


unironic DDF being upvoted

Mage /r/drama private again

Imagine being so retarded that you think the presidency and not normal business cycles and wasteful congressional spending are what drive stock prices.

On some level, I want to believe even he knows the policies that got him elected are bullshit, so he's half-passing some attempts to get them implemented to appease his base, but intentionally failing at actually doing anything.

Try reading Trump's Twitter and telling me he isn't retarded. He can't even spell half the time.

You can tell that he tweets his own thoughts instead of having a handler type them out. That's less Boomer behavior than most politicians who couldn't log into twitter on their own.

fixing typos is beta

You think you’re real clever huh

It's smart to write at the level of your audience. Twitter users are imbeciles who read at a kindergarten level, so writing like a college professor is actually bad.

Are you suggesting all the typos are... On purpose?

Moreover, are you suggesting that the President says "hamberders", "council" instead of "counsel", "Unpresidented", "Hear by" (which he then corrected to Hearby - also wrong), and "Smocking", among many others... because it appeals to the communication level of his base?

Daddy Defense Force are my favorite people on reddit lmao.

Being legitimately upset over typos 🤣🤣🤣

Okay council/counsel is no where near the level of those other ones

Better than me I just add lmao to the end of all my posts lmao

Yes. Intentionally dumbing yourself down for the masses has been part of the Republican playbook since at least Bush Jr.

That's how he sends secret messages to Q. Ignore the 'typos' and #trusttheplan.


His skillset is entirely in being retarded. It works so well because the world is filled with ultratards like you

I've said that if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her.

Trump isn’t going to get primaried sorry to burst your prostate.

“I’m sorry for saying I’m Native American.”

Continues to run on a platform of her being a Native American.

I don't think an apology would do you any good, especially so you are doing this just to put your name in the ticket.

A single day of trump and the republicans dwarfs this to the pits of hell.

I see someone was butthurt that WaPo is not bashing Trump enough.

She’s still on the campaign trail of tears.

“I can’t go back,” Warren said in an interview with The Washington Post. “But I am sorry for furthering confusion on tribal sovereignty and tribal citizenship and harm that resulted.”

That's not the same thing as saying "I'm lied about being Native American, I'm sorry"

Did she even lie? I think she genuinely believes she's an Indian princess.

Is this more sad or is her attempt to look cool by drinking beer on Instagram Live more sad?

I can’t wait for 2020

Planned that news to go out on state of the union day.. clever girl

I see the retards over at /r/politics are jamming forks in their eyes and yelling obscenities to rally around the next boomer failing miserably to use identity politics against the boomer in chief. Worked well last time let’s see how this goes.