Zoe Quinn has twitter meltdown over anti-Gamergate article not being anti-Gamergate enough

1  2019-02-06 by HadakaApron


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sounds toasty

Man I wish this gamer gate bullshit would just die.

The fact that an untalented dumb lumpy white girl slut has this much power over people is honestly fascinating.

The whole thing is weird. It took an argument about video games and them moved the goalposts so it became this weird culture war bullshit.

I had a girl asking me whether I'm a "gamergator" because I said the latest Star Wars was trash.

I can't stand the new Star Wars movie or the Ghost Busters reboot because they are shit movies. Star Wars Last Jedi would have been an okay/mediocre film if Force Awakens never happened but as a sequel it came off more as a "fuck you" to the fans and to JJ Abrams.

Any grown adult should be embarrassed to have opinions this strong about sci-fi schlock for children.

I will never stop taking the Blade Trilogy extremely seriously.

Imagine having any opinions at all lol

Imagine imangining


All the people

Walking their own path.

it came off more as a "fuck you" to the fans and to JJ Abrams

That's the best part though.

True. It makes for funny arguments.

but as a sequel it came off more as a "fuck you" to... JJ Abrams

Thats what makes it great. It raises its rating 5 points in my opinion

Fuck JJ Abrams

The fans deserve a lifetime of disappointment because they're the reaaon that the SW franchise is the way it is.

Well, was she right?

I told her "I see you have acquired some predisposed feelings on the matter, m'lady", after which I invited her to my loli presentation at WEEBcon 2018 to cleanse her mind of MSM brainwashing. She never showed up...

Welcome to the pit, fellow g*mer 😉

This is why I feel that open handed slaps shouldn’t be considered abuse

And people still tell me white women aren't the most privileged group of people on earth lol.

It would except the people gamergate attacked wouldn't just walk away. Plus it keeps people like Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian in somewhat of a spotlight, which is good for business. Most of her detractors walked away from the movement out of boredom years ago.

Why should Zoe Quinn walk away because some people attacked her? Tbh she's the one winning here since their perpetual rage keeps her way more relevant than any of her actual work.

Who cares if she got attacked? Hundreds of people get attacked on the Internet every day, it is honestly irritating that this washed up thot gets this much attention.

Yeah and those people don't just log off forever. This dumb bitch has found a way to generate fame off the impotent rage of people on the internet and instead of just ignoring her so she goes away they keep sperging out every time she says anything. GG should have been her 15 seconds of fame but here we are talking about Zoe Quinn in current year +4.

this tbh. Eron should have just manned up enough for a murder-suicide but alas he had already been cucked from the soygen in the water during puberty

We can only hope some sperg finally snaps and puts her out of the spotlight.

Gamergate is irrelevant and basically always has been. The people they attacked have a much bigger footprint and social media prescience than ANY of gamergate "outlet". It's the equivalent of Walmart complaining when a small chain of burrito joints makes a rude suggestion about them. Nobody has ever taken gamergate seriously except the people that benefit from it seeming like a huge menace, when it's just a few nerds. Some people just desperately want to be the victim and Zoe, even more so than Anita or that other lady I forget, that they'll do anything in their power to remind people about when their lives were slightly inconvenienced.

Nobody would have even cared about her if GG fags didn't give her a chance to gain fame off their spergout. That's literally the only reason any of us even know her name. Just don't share her stupid tweets every time she cries about GG and she'll disappear back into obscurity.

That was my argument, and you're right. But she spergs out like this when she's ignored for too long and it's good for dramacoin.

Lmao. Nobody who is paying this chick's patreon so she can eat whole boxes of twinkies is reading some rando hate posting her tweets on drama or kia or wherever.

But then what would you whine about all day? GG lives in your head obviously.

Lol I avoided GG like the plague. I couldn't care less about vidya.

Forcing other people to apologize while your fanbois assault people at boardgame conventions it's like Harvey Weinstein talking about how important feminism is.

Most of her detractors walked away from the movement out of boredom years ago.

Less boredom, and more the less spergy parts achieved their goals. Many websites updated ethical clauses, left the most egregious websites in shambles, and it shined a spotlight on "games journalism" as the festering pile of shit it is and always will be.

The ones left are the turbo spergs and actual retards that think death threats are arguments and who gets their panties in a twist when a video game features a woman with more clothes on than your average beach goer.

I have no idea what it is, and I don't think I'm dumb enough to understand it

Soyboy self-flagellation protocols activate!

This is what happens when white guys try to control the conversation about hate machines targeted mostly at marginalized internet voices. You run out of meaningful shit to say, make an ass out of yourself, and then have to scrape together weak apologies. This is wack ass fuck.


This nigga is straight up retarded, lol

She has more followers and more defenders than the average Instagram hoe and she's not even attractive and she wants ti consider herself marginalized? SHE SPOKE THE THE FUCKING U.N.

Women’s UN, IE nowhere

Her ability to somehow stay in the conversation is impressive, if nothing else

Whores gonna whore.

If it's your only thread of relevancy you better cling onto that with all your life.

In a world where victimhood is social currency, you have to start counterfeiting when you run out

She did? I thought that was Anita? I get my scam artists confused.

They both were there.

which one sourced their own C drive in their essay to the UN?

No way 😂😂😂

I wonder what talks preceded and proceeded hers.

10:30 - sex slavery in Sierra Leone and longterm trauma

12:00 - lunch

12:45 - internet harassment and GamerGate

13:00 - female genital mutilation in Egypt

I cant tell, is she trans?

No just a standard ugly girl. You're thinking of Wu.

actually crying about "hate machines" lmao, we stay livin in 2008

[van explodes]

Buy a dog and curtains.

Something about "hate machine" sounds steampunk as fuck

4chan is an internet hate machine

Tfw /r/Drama is too crypto-hate to be considered an internet hate machine

It’s a corruption of lol

The machines running the matrix subsist on human hatred, not electricity!

They never get tired of abusing terms like "marginalized" to add a false weight to their persuasion. Assume for a second that this group of people were actually marginalized. Why would the content of their arguments need to be assessed differently?

ok who banged her this time?

What's the plural of who?


who all

That Patreon money been good for her wallet but bad for her waistline. She probably had to be rolled in soyflour to find the wet spot.

thanks for putting that image in my head

Like a big blue and green topped biscuit.

Jesus fucking christ.

Jesus, I'm going to puke my lungs out.

This comment turned me gassy Gay

Implying you weren't before? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

Literally who?

Oh you precious child please just turn back and pretend you never saw this thread. My heart warms knowing there is some human who’s been immune to this level of retardation.

it's a meme pro-GG people started using because they totally weren't obsessed with everything this chick did for 24 months.

Cool, I’ll just shift this good vibes onto myself for not being up to date on GG lingo

but now you are. show some Ethnics in Good Vibe ownership.

Nah they started posting that because the r games mods nuked the thread linked to TB's (may he rest in peace) video just because comment's mentioned her by name were "harassment."

She reported the thread to a mod on r games she personally knew.

I was there, dude. The Literally Who title was entirely because the pro-GG people didn't want to fuel the victimization narrative of Quinn, Sarkeesian and Wu. That's why they exclusively were dubbed LW1, LW2 and LW3.

Zoe who? Did I miss something?

What a pussy. White male liberals were a mistake.

Leave out "male" and "liberals" and I agree.

Why. Why is Gamergate still around in 2019? At this point it'll end up in history books.

you're a bit late for that, gamergate elected trump after all

>implying it isn't already

i will host a book burning for any history textbook with the word "gamergate" in it.

At this point it'll end up in history books.

It already did. Gamergate got Trump elected.

All in a days work for the shadowy organization dedicated to world domination and raping and murdering women!

Right Wing purists and bad-faith actors are targeting vulnerable young men to believe that progressiveness (especially feminism) is exposing them to false claims of rape.


Scares people into fighting against progressive policis

Makes them feel that they are part of a group that will protect them. AKA "they make false accusations, but WE are working to stop that."

The reality is this: Yes it's happened, but is exceedingly rare. Be a good person and surround yourself with good people. Live your life.

Don't be an incel.

Seriousposting 🤢🤮

This has got to be a pasta

It is

Note the uname. Not srs in this instance.

Holy shit I can’t tell if you are serious or not.

Now that's what I call pasta!

The reality is this: Yes it's happened, but is exceedingly rare.

And even in those rare cases it's well deserved!

Prior to gamergate, the average gamer literally couldn't have cared less about politics and had no meaningful group identity other than being dweebs bullied in high school. Yet for some reason, these idiots decided to go after this demographic for literally no reason and now we have Trump.

Trump is what happens when you go after our beloved titty games that we boy with out good boy points.

and had no meaningful group identity other than being dweebs who were bullied in high school.

I think this is what pissed a lot people off. The thinking was something like, "Okay I got bullied in school, but now I'm an adult and I can just be left alone and do what I like", and then the gaming press decided to take a dump on them and they realized, "Oh, the bullies are NEVER going to stop. I guess we have to shove their shit in."

Take a dump on them

Imagine defending these neets

Imagine taking the side of media whores

Imagine taking any side in this nonsense and not just laughing at everyone who is still invested in gamergate in TYOOL 2019

Gamers are truly the most marginalized demographic

Voting for Trump because of SJWs in the gaming industry is like using a flamethrower to take out a wasp nest. In a wooden shed. In the middle of a gas station.

Sweet release. Finally.

its called BURN THEM ALL. Aerys style.

Nuke the whole thing honestly

[Insert self-destructive thing here] to own the libs epic style 😎

It's so weird to me that people unironically think this. Steve Bannon built a career off of fake news and most liberals wouldn't believe him if he told them that water was wet. But the second he mentioned that GG was his "trial run" for the 2016 election, after Breitbart did jack shit until anything relevant about it was 99% over, all of a sudden he's a truthful guy.

Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.

The new story is that Gamergate and perhaps even Gaming itself was invented by Steve Bannon to control rootless white guys.

Except by "rootless" they mean "normally adjusted and with steady income to support a basic hobby as adults" and by "white guys" they mean everyone who didn't attempt to build a career out of pretending to be oppressed while attending expensive colleges.

Because they won't let it die. To profitable.

The Escapist had links to mine and my families dox up, and sites that had my nude photos on them, for a long ass time.

The time nudes remain online is henceforth measured in ass time.

You fault for putting nudes online.

Who's the trans lady

Hey, I didn't know you could both be fat and have no curves at all. Do people have fetishes for melted butter sculptures or something?

It's called fridge-frame. Skinny girls with curves may turn into fridges if they eat enough.

I guess butter body is a thing

Oh my god, it's like she's just a skin bag full of mini speedbumps.

I looked at that pic and instinctively thought about sucking a dick. I'm not sure if it's because seeing her naked is so repulsive it can make someone gay or if I'm just getting second hand whore urges through my monitor.


She was literally selling porn and is whining that people held on to those images

Aside from the unnerving fact that people would actually pay to see her naked, it really gets that noggin working. If a woman decides to publish naked pictures of herself, and then gets mad at the internet for looking at those pictures, does that mean she has retroactively revoked consent? 🤔

I still don't know what gamergate is, but thanks to that tweet I've seen 150+ nude images of her.

Not sure if that was her intention.


a survivor of trauma

This is beyond absurd. Being called names on the internet is not absurd.

She is referring to the damage the 5 guys caused her body......

You mean how all those birgers made her obese?

Being drilled by 5 cocks seems to be an absurdly fattening experience.

So much trauma that she's been rendered unable to live a normal, fulfilling life!

Oh wait she just got a comic book project published by DC

Seeing the logo gets me a minor ptsd tingle in the back of my head.

I wonder if her "PTSD tingles" are as bad as those of guys in the Iraqi army who survived fighting for 100 days in Mosul.

No way worse 😕

Don't belittle her tingle, bro.

Obviously you've never had a vagina if you think war is the worst thing that can happen to someone 😒

What? War inside the vagina? Like mustard gas flowing out your snatch while little sperms in pointy helmets raid your ovaries?

☝️ This one has seen a vagina 🤢 🤮 🤧

Women have always been the primary victims of war.

go away Hillary, you lost.

tbh I'd rather be getting shot at than deal with these cunts.

White women are the primary victims of war.

They are true victims, I mean they have to settle with cheating on the hubby while he is at war. Armando's cock is much larger but he lacks the emotional support she needs as she suffers from the guilt.


His name is Jody.


Who cares. They both do it voluntarily

Military service is for poorcels willing to kill children for money

Hey give done credit to the troops who kill children for fun

just keep asking her where the $50,000 dollars went for the Tingle game kickstarter

Return of My Queen 😻😻😻

Sounds like someone needs to learn to code

She still gets $1500 of patreon welfare every month for doing absolutely nothing.

She's doing a public service by making woketards poorer tbh

This but unironically. She's using that money to live in SF too, so it's basically welfare but for wage-slavecells.

Not hard when they spend their money on stupid shit and oil for their beards.

She lives in San Francisco so that's about $150 in normal places where people don't pay $30 for a bottle of unfiltered water.

if ur paying 30 for a bottle of unfiltered water you should probably get help

thank you I don't think anyone here knew that

Like not making a chuck tingle game.

Didn't she basically just walk off with the kickstarter/donation money and not produce anything?

This is, by my counting, the third time she's managed to do this. I don't have much hope left for the "woketard" crowd, but at some point you'd think they'd wise up to being taken for a ride.

Gamergate is the only thing that made her (in)famous and she knows it. She would fade off into the darkness if she did not bring up the ghost of GG to try and recapture her (un)glory days when she was the top professional victim.

She actually had some press pretty gamergate thanks to her shitty twine game about depression

But there's of course a difference between a few circlejerking kotaku articles and getting to speak at the UN

She actually had some press pre gamergate thanks to her shitty twine game about depression

Unironically, this is the only reason why she is a "target" in the first place.

Basically the entire game blogosphere is one incestuous circle jerk of people fucking and fucking each other over. In this particular case, Nathan Grayson (Kotaku) kept writing articles about her because she was riding his dick in Las Vegas.

Frankly, I don't find this as eyerollingly inappropriate as some other things that went on, like for instance, Patricia Hernandez writing article after article with amazon "buy it now" links for her roomate and girlfriend's shitty games, but this is really the only reason why anyone knows/cares.

Most of the press pre-gamergate wasn't about her game and was instead more of the "I'm being harassed on the internet!" variety. Stuff like her being bullied by wizardchan and a pepsi guy saying something mean to her at a game jam.

Gamergate is the only thing that made her (in)famous

Retards like this thread sperging the fuck out over ever tweet she farts out is what made (and keeps) her "famous".

Oh no! she says the game industry doesn't deserve her!

What are we going to do? Who is going to make insensitive games about suicide now?

This bitch is bonkers.

Imagine thinking anyone deserves anything

Right? What a dummy.

Phil Fish was right

the absolute state of this gussy

hurry up and CUT

Haven't heard Christina's name in a while. Must be time for her to stir shit for charity again.

Pro tip:... I’m done being nice...y’all. this shit is fucking gross..Seeing the logo gets me a minor ptsd tingle in the back of my head. But whatever man.


i do love how cause she is about PTSD, juat whatever man

why is this even upvoted who gives a fuck about fat virgin neckbeards

 L I T E R A L Y W H O

The gamergate girl that fucked gross game critics for good reviews for her terrible games. If you were to look at her, you'd think she was either a pornstar known for interracial or shoving huge objects up her ass, or a really shitty tattoo artist. She's essentially the Emma Gonzalez (bald chick who was in the same school that a shooting happened, which automatically made her an expert on guns) of the gaming community.


Look at that guys face, lmao

I still have no clue what the fuck gamer gate even is

Someone needs to make a twitter bot that thanks her for getting Trump elected every time she posts.

GamerGate started in 2014.

Other things that happened in 2014 - the release of Destiny, Shadow of Mordor, Alien: Isolation, and Hearthstone. You could buy a Ouya. GTAV was console only. And Crimea was part of Ukraine.

You’re right to call me on it.

what happened to journalists with any form of balls seriously. i know it's not journalism because it's some male feminist writing about video games, but still wtf. write a piece and stand by it

The US needs a military draft and a long, bloody ground war to thin out the herd.

Adults who care about video games are developmentally impaired. That is all.

WTF is gamergate

rtards bukkaking multiple attention whores with mean words.

At least I'm not Anthony Burch.