Enlightened centrism

1  2019-02-07 by Starship_Litterbox_C


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r/enlightenedcentrism is commie fags and some shitlibs

Retards thinking centrists want literally half of everything.

Non-Solomon centrists OUT!

oh so u think trannies should be free to do whatever they want with their bodies as adults but u don't think 7 year olds should be put on HRT? do u also think only 3 million jews should have been killed, idoit? 😏

We should kill 3 million people yearly (not jews specifically) just to help with population control (and several other side benefits)... maybe more.

support your local planned parenthood

but planned parenthood doesn't trigger the libs!

But it does trigger re_tards and that has to count for something.

The New York bill proposal and it being mentioned in the State of the Union has the lifers foaming at the fucking mouth all over social media. So basically it's only slightly worse than the average Thursday for them.

Free abortions on demand. Imagine the butthurt.

It does when you point out you support it because it's disproportionately used by black women πŸ€—

I support that as long as we start with the Jews and end it when we run out of (((them)))

Oh sweaty

Oh sweat summer child

oh so u think trannies should be free to do whatever they want with their bodies as adults but u don't think 7 year olds should be put on HRT?

This literally never happens you kulak

They think compromise with the moderate right is the same as compromise with fascists. They always post memes about, "DUUH LETS ONLY KILL SOME OF THE JEWS" as a compromise. It's so intellectually dishonest and the type of world view that can only grow in close group if like minded morons. To be fair most subs with a serious tone end up retarded to some extent.

They will not rest until literally every sub is only inhabited by insufferable smugposters.

We don't give that sub nearly enough shit here

r/radicalcemtrism gang

/r/dirtbagcentrism is the better one

I thought r/dirtbagcenter was a parody of r/enlightenedcentrism

Yeah it kinda is. But its also centrists making fun of themselves too.

dirtbagcenter mods are mostly neolib regulars

r/dirtbagcenter is a meme sub, like r/radicalcentrism

Ironic given that socialist and communist types love firearms.

[They literally have a post right now comparing Communism to Nazism, and the majority of the comments unironically agree with the sentiment.

What the hell. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/ag33qw/reminder_this_is_a_leftleaning_subreddit/eewih41/)

Enlightened centrism has nothing to do with being an actual centrist though

Lmao chapos are so retarded they dont even realize this is a tongue in cheek way to refer to dipshits

chapo fag house

shoves u into locker

Didnt PCMR have that happen some time ago? Like some tards legit thought it was about Nazis and stuff?

So ancient, you can even see people asking about SRS not getting banned like now it's T_D mostly.

having opinions is tribalism

That being said coming here to r/drama with opinions and serious posting is the ultimate faggotry


This is what wingcucks actually believe

Why does centrism trigger so many people?


"If you're not with me, you're against me" tribalism autism that has stemmed from years of shitty sports culture and console wars.

After spending time with leftoids and rightoids, my firm stance is both sides are fucking retarded. I'm just here to laugh at everyone else

oh boy, what did you say you cheeky bastard? i'm issuing you with the


Two-party system too, at least in burgerland

Treating the parties as sports teams doesn't help either

Way to be a fence sitting pussy with no convictions. A true radical centrist understands the pros and cons of each side, evaluates them, and discards all reasonable qualities in order to embrace the concentration of autism each offers.

You talking shit about my Sega Genesis?

years of shitty sports culture and console wars.

dude, humans have been doing this shit since before they grabbed that first stick lmao

Because they base their whole identities around their retarded extremist opinions and it breaks their reality to see someone happy and content to be pragmatic and non partisan.

Because they want to shame you into joining their retarded crusades.

Umm sweaty, Martin Lincoln Einsten said "If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything" get Woke™ please thank you

Uhhh read letter from Birmingham Jail because MLK's pissed off hate letter he wrote in prison is the DEFINITIVE MANIFESTO of the civil rights movement

Also the white moderates of the civil rights era who might not have agreed with Civil Rights are exactly the same as white moderates today who don't agree with killing police and overthrowing the government because they make you mad when they pull you over too much.

Exactly it's always the same white moderates ruining everything. Now gotta burn some cars while the oven is running.

I'll go in a crusade against retards without even being shamed into it!

Is it worth it if you're doing it on behalf of other retards?

It's the extremists' endgame, where anyone not solidly on one side gets pushed all the way one way or the other, hoping they land on their side, otherwise it just fuels their persecution complex if they land on the other side.

Yup. They push people away and then say, "See?? They were really closeted bigots/commies the whole time! Centrists are just left/rightwingers who wont admit it because they think they're too smart. Lol lol lol. Look how stupid they are for not thinking trump supporters/haters should be violently killed."

Burgers love their tribalism

Because "centrism" and "bipartisanship" in American politics generally means retarded garbage nobody at all wants, like austerity or more foreign wars.

Because they can't argue effectively against it.

If you're far enough to either side, then it's safe to say that you're a retard who believes what you do regardless of reality, so it's easy to criticize the other people just like you, but in a different colored hat.

If someone has thought things through and decided that they don't agree with either offered narrative for whatever reasons they feel like not agreeing with them for, then the retards need to actually think to argue against them, and they don't like doing so.

It's amazing to see how Reddit is more angry about Howard Schultz than anything else.

Because my side is correct 100% of the time 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

Because it's totally dependent on what you're centering yourself in. A centrist in America is a conservative to the rest of the democratic world. A centrist in the GOP is going to fuck you over with a little bit of economic conservatism and a bit of alt right MAGA social conservatism.

"Centrism" isn't an ideology. It's a desire to be seen as reasonable and able to compromise.

It's not an ideology but it's a political affiliation. Just like liberalism and socialism aren't the same in Europe, Asia or America.

Liberalism and socialism are political ideologies though. Those ideologies might have played out in different ways across the world but for the most part they provide a certain view of the world and how to improve it. Centrism however just means you'll compromise your beliefs with whatever political groups and ideologies are dominant.

Centrism is when you choose to live in the center of the earth's crust instead of at the poles on the surface.

Good things and bad things are literally the same

This but unironically. Good and bad are illusory concepts.

The stick arms on the commie was a nice artistic touch

There’s no MAGA people in enlightened centrism only tankies

That's because MAGA people are content to congregate in 2 or 3 subs instead of making a subreddit for every single tankie talking point.

Patriotism may exist without it, but that which Erle called loyalty in politics was simply devotion to the side which a man conceives to be his side, and which he cannot leave without danger to himself.

/u/the_marx can you R☭Dpill us on why centrism is just cryptohate?

r/enlightenedcentrism is 100% leftoids

sorry, I mean 50% ____ and 50% _____! This is still totally funny!!!

I don't know, pretty much only leftists are salty about centrists. The Donald takes anyone they can get.

The _Donald also bans anyone who steps out of line and gives a dissenting opinion.

if youre not a dogmatist youre literally worthless

fishhook theory is real

These fucking idiots equate centrism to fence sitting - not even close to the same thing. Having strong opinions that don't allign with a popular ideology is normal if you aren't brainwashed.

implying centrists are any less susceptible to tribalism and ideology

Empirically it's true. In my country's government, it's way easier to make coalitions with the centrists than with the extremists.