Light drama as AOCs new preposal gets lit up by economics

1  2019-02-08 by LoudBoat


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Magical Money Theory gonna make everyone a billionaire, you'll wipe your ass with a billion cause it'll be cheaper than TP.

"Everyone in Zimbabwe is a millionare. Once we impeach trump we'll do that here too!" cheers from crowd

"People in Zimbabwe have so much money they have to carry it round in a wheelbarrow!"

*furious jazz hands*

All printers have code built into their firmware to thwart attempts at counterfeiting. In fact, many copiers will return an error or put "watermarks" on copies of paper currency.

And automation will automagically relieve any need for anyone to do any real work

I unironically hope for this, but I'm too pessimistic to believe it will happen.

It won't happen because it can't happen. Sorry, bruv.

I know. I just wish. I want to be a lazy NEET with a comfortable lifestyle but I'm not a shitty enough person to exploit the welfare system to do it.

Aren't we all, brother. Aren't we all

I can see chapos advocating this as it would collapse the economy forcing the government to buy up all private industry to prop up society.

My tin foil hat theory.

It's not quite that afaik, but accelerationism is an actual thing

Throw a global thermonuclear war in and we have a deal!

Posadism is peak wokeness.

I'm p sure this song is about Posadism. It's the little details like "our global quest for harmony" etc. But then this means that "not all problems can be solved with a gunshot" is the opposite of the centrist statement you might think it is LMAO

I've actually seen the more technically inclined leftists use this as their argument. In the sense that once they've destroyed the economy they'll be no choice but to dismantle capitalism.

And they think they'll be the ones to rebuild it instead of being killed during the revolution.

Implying a bunch of skinny zoomers from the burbs can fight off a roving militia and take control of the USA

oh no super intelligent mommy, don't listen to the meanie alt righters on /r/economics!

/r/economics is still hilariously a shithole of peak redditry. /r/badeconomics is far better and has its own share of lolcows on both the right and left.

Isn't the fact that Commie Mami has a degree in economics a wholesale indictment of the American education system?

So does daddy, tbh I used to absolutely fetishize economics to the point if I ever met an econ grad Jewish girl I'd propose right on the spot but now idk.

*sigh*, once again...

if the us goes 100% renewable (with no nuclear) your average utility bill would be like 18 grand a month lol

That's ok, she guaranteed a safety net so the government can pay for it for us 🙂

You also can refuse to work under this plan and she’ll pay for you.

The NEETbux dream is finally real. Quitting my job tomorrow. Thanks Commie Mommy!

brawndo has electrolytes


My ex got mad at me when I told her the average person is an idiot. And yet she hated gonalt glumpft. Disturbing how how she couldn't connect the dots.

Thank God she’s your ex.

nah she broke my heart and has made the past few months a living hell as i get over it



A good chuck of us have been there. Pretend that she never existed/fuck her best friend.

Chin up man.

wish i woulda never met her at all tbh

Keep wishing that instead of missing her

Wow, it’s like I’m really in r/the_donald

This simulation is flawless.

this wasnt complimentary toward trump

Government will provide each citizen with a money printing machine.

Renewable is feasible in some places. Midamerican Energy is at 50% wind right now.

Still, we need other sources to supply large population centers.

Burn the rich.

Eat the rich 🦖. Hell dinosaurs 🦖 will eat the poor as well


The rich produce greenhouse gasses when they burn, and if we’re redistributing wealth they’re not exactly renewable either.

Just burn fat people.

How ecologically friendly are those batteries going to be considered in 50 years?

Nuclear is the fucking way to go. It's safe as hell and generates more energy than current wind and solar

Wind is okay to good, photovoltaic solar is fucking trash though, mirrors and reactors all the way.

How much srs posting are you going to do in one thread? Commi mami is queen and her rise to presidency is inevitable.

holy fuck that proposal is distilled retardation:

guaranteeing economic security for those unwilling to work

banning nuclear power

updating every building in the us to be green in 10 years

is only scratching the surface

it looks like she literally copy and pasted a bunch of highly upvoted reddit comments and made it her climate change policy, ive known she was retarded, but the fact that policies this retarded have widespread support among people my age is actually scary.

You forgot where she wants to ban meat because of cow farts.

Also, banning planes in favor of high-speed rail. What is it with lefties and high-speed rail? Is this some sort of fetish thing? Did Karl Marx lose his virginity on a train, making it the sexiest thing a lefty can possibly imagine?

they think the us is the same size, with the same demographic makeup, lifestyles, and culture as very specific parts of europe (not the whole) for some reason.

The rail system in the US sucks. Go anywhere else in the world and you don’t need a plane for intranational travel. Amtrak is terrible.

Go anywhere else in the world to japan or western Europe and you don’t need a plane for intranational travel.

China is pretty good too. As long as you stay on the coast between Beijing and Shanghai.

The world is any country with $50,000+ in GDP per capita that’s not Muslim

So...we want the US to be like those destitute, goat-raping countries?

I think the user was refuting the "anywhere else in the world" as hyperbole.

It's just such a boomer defense to smugly point out that America has similar infrastructure to third world shit-holes like it's a good thing.

That's not what was said, someone said everywhere else in the world, which is just straight up wrong.

The argument was about whether the US, a first world country, should have a rail system or not. So pointing out that only other first world countries have them, while most third world countries don't, is kind of a Pyrrhic victory.

It's not any kind of specific tactic to point out when someone is spewing bullshit.

Do Canada or Australia have rail systems comparable to Western Europe or Japan? Because every other first world country is a lot smaller and more densely populated (aside from the northern parts of the Nordic Countries where nobody lives) than the US is.

There's only like five countries that follow those conditions, each with much smaller landmass than America and greater population density

every single time reddit uses the phrase "the rest of the world" they are referring to Canada, Scandinavia and the UK

Eastern yurop too. US is uniquely retarded here.

its almost like the US is multiple times bigger than western europe

Woah, enough side tracking about dick size. This topic is about rail roads or something

The US and Russia are 2 biggest countries right?

O Caaaanadaaaa

Just googled to find this. Nice pictures

Canada is 90% moose country. Ain't shit in the Yukon unless you're looking to get lost and be eaten by a bear.

Thousands of square miles of barren tundra doesn't really count.

I think its Russia, Canada, US, China, Brazil. I cant be arsed to google right now.

That's good you know it just like that. I not too expert on international information

Hmmm could it be that most places with good rail systems have major population centers closer together than the US does? 🤔🤔🤔

you mean like the boston to dc corridor?

The freight system is the best in the world. Passenger trains do suck though.

lol canadian passanger rail is actually worse though

the rail system in america is actually one of the best in the world, for anything that's not people. US freight rail in unbelievably good. Ironically, in Europe they use trucks to move shit way more often and for longer distances, causing a hell of a lot of pollution

Europe does it, ignoring the fact Europeans still fly a lot (it's simply cheaper).

Europe (Western Europe, at least) is also significantly more dense, population-wise, than the US.

Overall, yes, but Boston to DC is on par with Europe's density but still has shitty rail service.

I lived in Boston two years (from Italy) and I did not find the trains worse than the ones in Germany.

Way worse than ours though.

Why are your trains so much better than Germany's, btw? Even though the rest of the infrastructure is worse?

mussolini trains on time something

Can't miss the appointement in Ausschwitz

Thats in modern day poland idiot

No idea why. It‘s funny, also because it should be easier in Germany, given how flat the land is, compared to Italy.

I also found Autostrade to be much better maintained than Autobahn, but that makes sense, since the latter are free.

Boston’s rail system is great. Anyone shitting on it is almost always a transplant trying to parrot some meme to fit in.

Granted it could always be improved. I was very impressed with the Swiss rail system but a culture change would be in order to achieve what makes that system work

Honestly, I find NYC's subway to be amazing as well. I mean, it looks and sometimes smells like shit, but you can go anywhere in NYC on it. I mean, 30-40km in an hour (say, Manhattan to Coney Island)? That's a fucking dream in my country.

Pretty much every 19th-century Yuropoor lost his virginity on a train. Then, in novels at least, they got killed by trains.

I tried to reenact it all when I got a Eurorail pass after graduating from highschool. The sex was bad and rushed, and I didn't die.

Eurorail pass

That shit aint worth it

Much more expensive than plebair

Not in 1998 tho. Ryan air came around when I was in college.

This is exactly why I masturbate in the backseat of each Uber I ride.

Hey it put Brockway, North Haverbrook, and Ogdenville on the map!

You forgot where she wants to ban meat because of cow farts.

People seriously underestimate the amount of methane produced by cattle, so there's some logic behind this, unlike the rest of the proposal.

that's like saying eating piss has more merit than eating shit

Maybe we should just make less chinks and negroids

China's birth rate makes Germany look like Nigeria, they'll be below 1 billion by the 22nd century, basically all population growth is in Africa.

Lmao implying we'll make it that far

We have just 12 years.

We have just 12 years.

Removing one cumskin would have the same impact as removing 500 niggers on global co2 emissions so I think taking the path of least resistance would be wiser

It has massive environmental impact overall but I think going "lol no meat anymore" is complete political suicide.

It's [about 10% of GHG emissions] (all agriculture is 15%), not negligible but absolutely exaggerated by people trying to push an ideology (usually veganism).

When I was in highschool I had to debate against global warming. Used the cow farts as proof it wasn't man made and therefore wasn't caused by deforestation. Blew those hippie conscripts out of the water.

thats retarded, who did they think was responsible for clearing land for and growing all those cows?

Wow its like youre putting a deliberate effort to be as retarded as possible.

"Its not man made because the cows did it!"

You should be euthanized for environmental purposes.

LMAO imagine being too retarded to not know how debates work.

Just cause its a debate doesnt mean its not retarded or has any merit. There are plenty of other points you could have made about the earth naturally warming but you had to go with the smoothbraib take.

Debates aren't based on the merit of your argument, you're literally assigned a topic and a stance to take, you're given points on how persuasive you present it. Most points win after a set of rounds.

Cow methane is a legit concern.

Srsposting wastes much energy too though sooo

Give me full authority and I'll wipe out a few billion sources of constant CO2 output

Futurism is God-tier, say what you want but Mussolini had taste.

Hitler may have failed in many aspects (couldnt even finish eliminating a single race) but at least he did Germany right with the autobahn. Speed limits are for cucks.

high-speed rail anyhow

Non american here so don't flame.

But was there not a thing recently that reckoned High Speed rail coast to coast would be quicker or something ? Think they compared it to China where their high speed rail covered a similar distance and offered more services a day.


There's no way in hell it would be faster, at least not today. Airliners usually cruise at 700-800 km/h, whereas the absolute record for high speed rail is around 600km/h, which itself is nearly double compared to regular service.

but when you take in check-in at the airport baggage etc???

Yeah 40 mins to check in and go through TSA = 16 hours on a train

Math checks out

Plus if Rail becomes as popular as Air, TSA will be similar for trains vs planes.

That would make sense at the regional level but not coast to coast.

One terrorist attack and that goes out the window

It would probably be cheaper tho. And hyperloop might be faster

Don’t want to defend her, but it only says to develop high-speed rail enough that air is unattractive compared

They hate rural/working class people ergo they think a country should be a few metropoles with trains between them and mega city one-style slums surrounding them

Well the Germans did ship the ultimate virus to Russia on a train...

NEETcels rejoice

Mommy gib state-enforces tendies

When do I get my state sanctioned bussy?

Don’t forget she has a degree in economics. But it’s not important how we’re going to pay for all this shit because we’re all going to enjoy the prosperity it creates.

Fucking commie mommy and all her supporters should neck themselves.

IIRC she was going to tax the income of people with $10million+ increased to 70%

Even if you taxed all of their income at 100%, that’d be enough to cover us for maybe 6 months with everything in this bill.

A tax of 700% should do the trick. Why do you hate prosperity, fascist?

Since when does the American government care about paying for what it buys?

Look at the linked thread, people there already made the math and that tax doesn't cover even a third of what she proposes.

No one that hot should neck themselves 😍

implying schools teach anything

They’re just a business, an expensive drinking and indoctrination camp

Oh and you missed the part about guaranteeing economic stability for those unwilling to work.

Watch everyone quit their jobs to collect the neetbux.

Long Tendies and GBP

She had typos in her paper as well

banning nuclear

Biggest sign that someone is a retard who just operates off of feelings and first impressions

What feelings does nuclear power hurt??

The Japanese. They got nuked twice and then had their nuclear reacotr blow up in an earthquacke.

Hey we had three mile island too

An accident that devastated the ecosystem irreparably for centuries!!

Yes a very tragic event. We should go back to coal power

That's just God trying to undo anime at a quantum level


But nucular power is green tho

banning nuclear

Imagine falling for the NIMBY meme

Everyone keeps mentioning the "unwilling to work" but I can't find it searching the document or the article. Can you point out where it is?

Well, our president IS Trump. Like he described our Foreign policy as literally 'Go in and take their oil'

guaranteeing economic security for those unwilling to work

tfw when she unironically parots paradiser talking points

guaranteeing economic security for those unwilling to work

tfw when she unironically parots paradiser talking points

guaranteeing economic security for those unwilling to work

tfw when she unironically parots paradiser talking points

Vote for a meme candidate. Get meme policies.

If a politician gains the majority of their traction on Twitter they should automatically be disqualified imo

The USA would be a 3rd world country in record time maybe 1 to 2 years

She’s missing support for LFTR

I don’t understand the hatred towards nuclear power; it’s our best, most capable source of non-carbon energy.

but.. but.. the nuclear waste will give rise to mutated turtles and mutant humans then we'd have to create Sentinel services.

There no part of that I don't like.

Right, I wish we would stop hating on it. It's actually not that bad if you do it right

Not even hard to do it right, just keep the plant away from fault lines and retarded slavs.

Nuclear power has issues but using it to wean us off of coal in the short term is like a choice between cutting off your gangrenous finger versus just waiting for an infection to spread to your arm. Only hippies are too dumb to see this, they think any interest in nuclear power means renewables are canceled

Why the fuck is this srspost the top voted comment in here? The fuck drama I thought I could trust you.

banning nuclear power

Retarded enough

I think I know what it is. People dont consume the policies directly, in 2 days there will be an article that "explains" her policies but leave out all the crazy.

Or the language in the bill saying something along the lines of putting charging “everywhere”. They literally say everywhere. And that they’ll plant “lot of” trees. This seems like they have their staffers lsd and told them to bring them back something insane

Well, it did get roasted by the WSJ so there's that.

"How to set back actual progress for a social safety net for 400 Alex"

She is a fucking retarded millennial. What did you expect?

broke: gathering policy experts to save america from the great depression

woke: gathering reddit experts to save zoomers from having to work

The overview notes that the Green New Deal aims to provide "economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work."

How to crash the economy in one easy step


we have that already, it's called disability benefits


fuck off


I mean, if you prefer state tendie money over mommy tendie money, it not bad at all.

But will state made honey mussy taste the same???

I know someone that was prescribed a variety of medications for her bi-polar disorder and "depression". She gets fired from her job and isn't really working for about 9 months. She stops taking one of her medications on purpose, which is a mixture of amphetamines. She has one seizure from the withdrawal from the amphetamines. Doctors keep her in the hospital for 1 week to basically say nothing is wrong, but they put her on anti-seizure meds from one withdrawal seizure. She immediately applied for SSDI. She immediately has her doctors notify the DMV so her driver's license can be revoked and support her disability claim. She stupidly thinks you can be awarded disability in 8 weeks or less, by this point it has been almost 5 months.

Suddenly she realizes that her car is in danger of being repossessed for the third time in 4 months and her family is deeply in debt because of her not working. Decides she suddenly isn't disabled and gets a job, suddenly she wants her license back and no longer wants to wait for disability.

Disabililty is a scamming crock of shit.

Except for all the people who are legitimately unable to hold a regular job because of health issues

True, but the system is easily scammed that's my point

They give out handicapped parking like candy here in Cali.

I can believe it

This was easily solved back in the 30-40s.

AngryDM from circlebroke2, gamerghazi, etc. is like the posterchild for SSDI abuse. His "disability" is that shitposting on metareddit all day and all night gives him anxiety and insomnia. Your tax dollars at work.

You can be serious, what the fuck lol

Obama administration SSA loosened the rules for claiming disability (to make the official unemployment numbers look less terrible, the cynical among us might say) and now basement-dwelling NEETs qualify for government subsidies as long as they can hire a doctor to diagnose them with an amorphous mental disorder and a lawyer to annoy the SSA until they approve the application.

Well...that's not surprising.


such a great show

It's alright, but it's no Family Man.

unwilling to work

Lol, it actually says that. I am without words.

She makes Bernie's crackpot shit look realistic.

Aww she took it down though. I'm guessing she'll cite harassment again soon and talk about how people who think her plan would never work are just incels who want to fuck her or some shit. What a retard, though, good for her for lowering the bar.

not before every single declared dem 2020 candidate except some guy id never heard of before supported it.

pelosi was against it and youd have to think biden was against it. god help us if biden doesnt get the democratic nomination next year, even beto and klobuchar supported it.

I doubt Creepy Uncle Joe will get the nomination.

creepy is right, the patriot act was his idea after all

I think he has a good chance. He's leading the polls by a huge margin, often getting 2-3x the percentage that Bernie gets despite similar levels of name recognition.

True, but they haven't started parading the videos of him being creepy with various young women in public especially in the #MeeToo era. He's as pervy as Bill Clinton with all the charm of Zuckerburg.

There's also the videos of the idiotic things he's said over the years.

The brand name Green New Deal was coined by King Neoliberal himself Thomas Friedman in 2007. Obama also called for it in 2008-9. In other words, the Dems are happy to support Commie Mami's slogan, but they're not necessarily going to support all the particulars or her "legislation."

Beto didn't support it. A spokesperson came out a while ago saying he was "open" to it before the details were revealed. I don't think he's said anything since.

Very few things Bernie pushed were "unrealistic."


It was funnier the first time but now you’re like that kid who won’t stop saying it after everyone laughed before.

What are you talking about,, Willis?

He was pushing for a chance to be president. I have a higher chance of fucking your mom than Bernie being the president.

I highly doubt fucking his mom is that hard

Clearly they were, because every proposal started with "when I'm president"

>speaking out against Commie Mommy


Id like to recreate the bathroom verse from blowjob betty with her tbqhwyg

Do it! Imagine how bad the Mayos will handle the collapse!

End 👏 Economic 👏 privilege 👏

I think I would thrive in the apocalypse so let’s do it

I'll just give a quick rundown because I knew people are too busy to read the report

  • no more burgers (cows have to be phased out because their burps/farts contribute too much to global warming)
  • no more airliners or airline travel, replaced by trains (too much carbon)
  • no more cars (cars with internal combustion engines will be outlawed, only electric cars will be the only ones allowed)
  • ban oil, coal and natural gas
  • eliminate nuclear energy
  • free collage
  • rebuild "every building in America" to be energy efficient
  • the US government will grantee every person in america a job paying a "family-sustaining wage, family and medical leave, vacations, and a pension"

Hahahah, is she actually retarded or just a Redditor?

Why did you type the same thing twice? 🤔

You forgot

“guaranteed economic security for all those unwilling to work”


a quick rundown

Yes but is AOC in contact with aliens?

the US government will guarantee every person in america a job

Wasn't this a major plot point in one of the House of Cards seasons?

The only problems I have with her proposal are banning cows and nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy is really the only serious alternative to oil that can actually provide enough energy. It needs to be completely state controlled.

Love the full on cope from lanyard neoliberal incels. AOC triggers neoliberals and DDF. I'd like to see her tax plan, healthcare, some environmental policies and abolishing ICE just to push the right into suicide mode.

t. Mad Mummy supporter

we need to stop climate change

but ban nuclear power

These retards...really don't care about saving the planet.

Banning nuclear.

Banning. Nuclear.


It actually unironically makes me butthurt, "environmentalists" choosing meme renewables over nuclear and hydro was the worst decision of the late 20th century.

seriously. was out with some people getting lunch between shifts and got onto the topic of renewable energy. one of the older guys (my site manager) there said he was big into protesting in the 70s for clean energy, so i started going off about new reactors and fusion, and how fossil fuels kill more people per day then every single nuclear accident and bomb put together.

turns out the old fogey was an anti nuclear protester in the 70s...

never got another shift with that company after tht one... people are weird.

This is the part that chaps my ass. I love Commie Mommy's anti-corruption moves but nuclear power is central to moving towards green energy.

i could ramble about this for hours but holy fuck nuclear energy is magic.

Fusion, if possible to do at a small scale for a reasonable price, is literally fucking alchemy.

Fuck yes it's magic. Aren't we almost at breakeven too?

I unironically support a serious green new deal cause otherwise we're all gonna be dead and shit, but this proposal needs to go back to the drawing board.

very very close. it's unfortunately not something that has anywhere near the funding it needs.

as the saying goes, fusion is always 20 years away.

there have been some recent breakthroughs up here in canuckistan in the past couple of years, but again it's never enough with the paltry funding it gets.

That's a fair assessment. But I'll argue that even fission is greener than burning coal for power. Banning nuclear power as part of a green new deal is stupid, IMO.


>anti corruption

implying Commie Mommy is actually communist.


Imagine trusting a commie for anti-corruption of all things.

Completely unrelated but I worked in a Turkish restaurant once and I have this joke I like to tell. It goes, "What do you call a black man flying an airplane? A pilot you racist."

So we get this new waitress from Turkey. She comes up to the line and of course I have to tell my joke. So I ask her, " What do you call a Turkish man flying an airplane?" Without missing a beat she goes, "A terrorist" and just walks away.

Oh man this is awesome.

We’re all gonna die fuck.

AOC really is the mirror image of Trump and this meme level "proposal" is proof, this is the most shallow and dumb understanding of environmental issues, in particular the anti-nuclear power, carbon tax or cap and trade portion. It's pandering to a base of idiots along the lines of "rapists are coming across the border" or go in and take the oil.

trump cut taxes and sperged out on twitter, aoc wants to crash the us economy lol.

Trump is destroying our institutions and crashing the economy. The reason why he hasn't done more damage is because he's an incompetent fuck.


"lets do all these different things that have nothing to do with climate change, and also, lets probably not implement the most effective measure against climate change"

Lol you’d probably get a C- if you submitted this as a high-school assignment.

I fucking hate reddit mods.

UsEr nAmE cHeCkS oUt

Commie mommy and her based NEET economics 😍.

Imagine supporting nuclear energy when South Carolina spent $9 billion to build a big hole in the ground which was meant to be a reactor but now they have to fill it in.

She took it down lmfao

Where is your Overton window now, burgers?

chick whose only political credentials is being young and kinda hot, has stupid ideas, i'm so shocked :)

Ok, this discussion has gone off the rails and I can't keep up with the volume of political content. I don't think we can be up all night moderating, so I'm going to lock it.

Why do these retards think they have to be there moderating every single discussion?

Pathetically sAd tbh

Locked ‘cause ya’ll can’t behave

As is tradition

Ok, this discussion has gone off the rails and I can't keep up with the volume of political content. I don't think we can be up all night moderating, so I'm going to lock it. We appreciate everyone who was able to keep comments to analysis and discussion of the economics.

Can't even do his on job. Internet janitor.

Commy mommy NOOO!!!

Reminder: its against subreddit rules to be rude to commie mommy.

Thank you for your service.

Modern monetary theory is really dumb. It just is

Jesus, it's "Commie Mami." Get with the program..

that'll catch on as much as "champagne papi" caught on with drake, despite all his desperate attempts.

and he's got like... hundreds of millions of fans.

A guaranteed job "with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations and retirement security" for every American;

Last politician that was deadly serious about this got assassinated. Hell, they had open meetings about wanting to kill him.

She wants to re-wire every building over the course of 10 years, so it's more like "every man an electrician".

Mmt is her "and the mexicans are going to pay for it"

except the difference is trump was lying about a policy that costs 5 billion and aoc is lying about a policy that costs 55 trillion.

Ans neither is ever going to be implemented.

idk every dem 2020 candidate came out and supported it yesterday, you are right that it would never be implemented, the us would collapse before we got close to implementing it if we tried.

If they started trying my crypto currency would skyrocket in value as everyone tried to get the fuck out of USD so I'll support it on self interest.

There is a chapo user defending the bill

Yeah but she's hot.

Forced deindustrialization for everyone!

I like the part about giving money to "those unwilling to work". It really has the potential to set up the /r9k/-hikkikomori Paradise some of us dreamed about.

Occasional Cortex.