/r/politics continues to fellate commie mommy, but some users refuse to succ

1  2019-02-08 by kesselarc


/r/politics is low-hanging fruit tbh, but couldn't help myself. With commie mommy releasing her green manifesto so recently, the DDF now has actual ammunition to fling against her, and the shitshow is beautiful.

Bonus: With the post being so new, there's potential for even more slapfights. Keep your eyes peeled, because commie mommy is the best thing to have happened to dramacoin since Trump. Drama is always best when both sides are retarded.

Basically you're saying that Commie Mami brings the drammy

4 hours ago, 36k total score.. wtf how/!??

Unironically a Shareblue sub fam

sorry sweaty, shareblue was for centrists only

oh bless your heart. hol up while i drop this knowledge

I have never seen a more over the top and unsubtle example of political astroturfing than what happened to /r/politics.

Unfortunately for rational and balanced discourse, /r/politics has been taken over by a Super PAC and is now complete and total pro-Hillary propaganda to an absurd degree , a user did an analysis of the first 15 pages of /r/politics (375 posts) and found 87% of them were anti-Trump and ZERO were pro-Trump or anti-Hillary.

Take a look at the following on any day:


This shows the most downvoted posts on Reddit. /r/politics dominates, and downvotes everything that goes against the pro-Hillary/anti-Trump narrative. Everything. It is the most downvoted new section by a country mile. It's absolutely shock full of new accounts doing this and there is no way that this is organic, especially when the Hillary Clinton sub is a ghost town. Anyone saying anything positive about 3rd party candidates is quickly shut down.

For the unaware that sub has become a part of the Correct the Record Super PAC that aims to control the narrative in specific social media channels in order to convince people to vote Hillary. In fact they're very open about targeting Reddit:

more than tripling of its digital operation to engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms like Reddit


At this point it's not even remotely subtle, they replaced their entire modding team within the last year, including adding /r/EnoughTrumpSpam mods. Take a look at the post history of the mods of /r/politics like Qu1nlan to realize just how openly biased they are, they post anti-Trump garbage on /r/EnoughTrumpSpam.

The mods actively censor and delete pro-Trump posts, and they ban you if you mention Correct the Record. In fact they will straight up delete a thread with nearly 8k upvotes and 7k comments simply because the people in it are calling them out on their censorship.

This isn't even anything rare, go to /r/undelete and you will find hundreds of censored /r/politics threads in the last month alone or the long stream of people complaining in /r/subredditcancer about their comments and submissions being deleted

CTR is very well funded and organized, last quarter they spend $6 million in just 3 months. We don't know yet what they spent this quarter but once it's announced expect it to run into tens of millions. Their strategy on Reddit seems to have been to first use /r/EnoughTrumpSpam, a subreddit which suddenly saw virtually all of its subscribers join in two days,

incidently at exactly the same time that CTR announced their increase in funding! Then after Bernie endorsed Hillary, they saw an opportunity to apply their forum sliding tactics to /r/politics and dominate the discourse there.

They now even have HillaryClinton.com links as their #1 thread and shower it thousands of upvotes, while links from other candidates sites are instantly removed. But then again they also don't even allow Wikileaks and delete anything that goes against the narrative. Which at this point they don't need to do anymore as anything that goes against the pro-Hillary or anti-Trump narrative is instantly brigaded by the flurry of new accounts that camp on /r/new.

Their expenses are actually public record, you can see thousands of disbursements:


The shills they hire are all part of public record and can be looked up by anyone:


Why do the admins allow the biggest political subreddit that is meant to be a place of discussion and intellectual diversity to devolve into a propaganda piece for one candidate? Well even Alexis Ohanian, the executive chairman of Reddit denounced Trump openly in a letter.

The sad thing about all of this is that it's killing the sub. It had less pageviews and active users in October than the Trump subreddit. This is a horrible state of affairs for political discussion on Reddit when we need open conversation more than ever.

On a related note, would you like to know more about how estrogenic chemicals in the water supply are turning frogs gay?

That degree finally paying off

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and the last one :^)

Yeah I didn't read it.

who would tbh

I ain't reading all that vomit

I'm not going to read but I assume you just owned some libtards 😎😎😎

with FACTS and LOGIC 💯 💯 💯

They banned shareblue lol

I mean it's not like they can't just rebrand, and create or buy new accounts to shill with. Seriously fam, did you not prepare for the cyberpunk future where mercenary PR firms are going to reinvent themselves like Blackwater every time they appear in the public eye.

Reddit just keeps getting larger as the normans pour in from deadbook

Even the boomers are starting to learn about it.

When was the Great Norman Invasion, specifically? I think it started in like ‘14.

Yes 4 years ago reddit was the 20th best site now its number 4 or 5 but the ones above us are like... google, facebook, youtube and twitter in that order iirc. So basically this is normieville.

Wtf Twitter?! Don’t they have a relatively tiny amount of active users compared to pretty much all other major social media?

people are in there arguing that "unwilling to work" isnt in the bill verbatim, so that means it doesnt exist. Except that the FAQ that SHE POSTED explains that it infact it does. The levels of COPE in there are off the charts.

You can always tell when a Redditor is on the ropes because they start getting really concerned about semantics and technicalities.

I can honestly hardly believe it. All either party has to do at this point to come out on top is not act literally retarded, but neither can pull it off.

Coffeeman 2020!

At this point, I'm hoping that an NFL mascot or a food logo is allowed to run.

He's got my vote. Let's get a write-in campaign going.

Lol like DDF ever gave a shit about policy. Both of them are meme politicians who are completly out of their element and talk out their ass. She is the perfect yin to daddy's yang

It's almost artistic. A brown millennial woman with retarded leftie policies to take on Daddy on twatter.

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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Her fanboys are a bunch of gamers who wish to live off welfare and far left EXTREMISTS

Is AOC the gamergate candidate that games journalists and famous UN speakers have warned us about ?

Cant wait for her to run for president, lose the dem nomination and start a new party with an alligator for a mascot.


Made of poo.

A croc of shit if you will.



I think she's more the GamerGhazi candidate than the GamerGate candidate. She's too old for GGers nowadays.

I dont live in America, who is this person, and why do people like or dislike her?

Neither do I but you gotta know a bit about your drama magnets.

People like her because she's hot by politician standards and she ticks a bunch of oppression boxes so they get to be good people for praising her. She sort of mimics first-election Obama's "hip young rebel underdog" image. I think her position is relatively hard left?

People dislike her for a buncha reasons but right now it's because she accidentally published her high school "how to save the world" project as a policy proposal.

American hard left or an actual hard leftist?

American hard left. She'd probably be considered mildly left of center by European standards.

Free market with taxes that fund a social safety net?

Fuckin commies.

She's an admitted socialist, but she doesn't know or care where the money comes from.

She's a succdem at best.

You act like there's a difference here. She's be bought and paid for in a few years.

But hey, at least I get some pretty juicy drama meanwhile.

no she wouldn't, you burgers need to stop with this 'all US progressives would be center in Europe' meme because that's not true, she is a kook and her proposals would be recognized as such in here

You're retarded. I've seen Americanoids unironically call the EU/Merkel/Sweden/Norway/UK "socialist" and/or "communist".
The most left-leaning shit they have is Bernard and Ocasio, which are at best demsucc. For so many burgers the faintest sign of a social security net automatically registers as USSR.
If they would've been extreme left, like anarchists, anarcho-commies or left-libertarians, they would've been championing the destruction of the state and by extension the eradication of the political and capitalist class.
I mean, for fuck's sake, from many points of view Merkel, FUCKING MERKEL of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union, is more leftist than AOC.

take your daily dose of soy and chill the fuck down

Merkel is from many points of view more leftist than AOC

HOW, show me one point of view that suggests that

what she is proposing is not just somewhat larger marginal tax rate for wealthy or merely expanding current welfare system, she is basically proposing replacing existing industrial infrastructure and using the central bank to just print money for it, along with banning nuclear and having universal welfare system for people who don't work, ensuring quality living

there is not one european country whose leadership is proposing this, left or right

just because republicans don't waste an opportunity to call dems communists doesn't mean AOC and her proposals are way beyond being social dwmocrat

Don’t forget free housing and medical care so literally all the lazy neets would have to pay for would be food and steam subscriptions

there is just too much going on i can't keep up

all the lazy neets would have to pay for would be food


The GND promises the government will provide “healthy food” to every American.

Even better, that frees up some money for them to spend on sex robots and waifu pillows. Is commie mommy truly the queen of gamergate?

Just a year ago, Merkel was claiming that all nuclear power plants in Germany should be closed within 6 years. Merkel also wanted workers of all big companies to get half of all the seats, the owners getting the other half. Social welfare for poor citizens for unlimited time. Government to pay for houses, health insurance and for a 5+ family 1.5k euro for their expenses. No upper limit to the number of refugees from Syria. Green energy subsidized by the gov. Germany to be carbon neutral by 2050. Free Uni. Health insurance for everyone, poors get it free.

none of these things are more radical than what AOC is already proposing

The woman who has successfully welcomed hundreds of thousands of refugees and has implemented the kind of social security net that American commies barely dream of and you come here claiming that AOC is more leftward just because she riled up some retards with a list of high-aiming objectives in the hopes of at least achieving half of that.
Yeah right, bitch. If anyone like Merkel would surface in American politics, she'd be straight-up branded either the devil or the female version of Stalin.

Yes because banning all cars and airplanes is a centrist viewpoint.

ACKSHUALLY commie mommy would be considered fascist in EU because EU is that enlightened of a place.

lmfao nope, maybe in Sweden but rest of EU would consider her insane

American hard retard.

Her plan is literally "ban all airplanes and calls" and "rebuild literally every single building in the country in 10 years to be environmentally friendly."

i mean she aligned herself with Jeremy corbyn so she's making a run at actual hard leftist/retard

New US congresswomen and DSA succ who is either literally Stalin or the person who is single handedly going to stop climate change. In reality she's just a moderately stupid social democrat.

moderately stupid

That’s an understatement, she’s basically Bernie on roids

"Dsa succ" Thanks for explaining it for overseas people.

Right, EU social democrats dont write shit like that

She’s a socialist who thinks we should just print more money to fund government projects.

She wants to shrink the government, by making it larger.

"Let's replace unemployment offices, with employment offices" "Let's bring all the troops home" "Let's get rid of all environmentally unfriendly modes of transportation and fuel"

This would put millions out of work immediately.

Like, where are all these troops going to work if she wants the government to be a "last resort" employer? You can't force private businesses to hire the people you want, because unlike the government, they don't give veterans preference for these jobs.

So, this would effectively create massive unemployment, but we would still have the money to rebuild every building in America by 2030 because a British thinktank said we could.


This would put millions out of work immediately.

Real talk the environment is more important than any amount of human lives

Funny how it's never important enough to build nuclear power plants or hydroelectric plants.

You're barking up the wrong tree here m8

Millions out of work is like the last thing you should worry about with those policiesm

She's a young Dem who promises she will give everyone a unicorn and have everyone in America living in a house with a white picket fence for not working while saving the world from climate change. That answers both your questions.

/r/politics-cels don't deserve to fellate commie mommy

r/politics doesnt wanna hear that bro... the regulars there are crazy and pieces of shit

She's the left wing version of trump. A person stupid enough to make your average 90 IQ redditor finally feel represented in a government usually filled with at least somewhat capable or realistic thinkers.

Im posting this comment over there

So brave

This is some nice copypasta right here. I am stealing it. Thank you

usually filled with at least somewhat capable or realistic thinkers


It's an exclusive-or statement

She wants to rebuild every building in America in 10 years.

It’s literally in her Retard Manifesto.

Want to fly from New York to London? 7 hours

Train from New York to London? Oh just take the train from New York to San Francisco 4 days, then train to Vladivostok another 2 days, then train to Moscow only 6 days, then Moscow to London just two more days.

2 weeks on a train how awesome.

Ngl, the thought of all those suits spending the majority of their lives on a train in Siberia makes me wish this comes true.

Oh don't worry they'd still fly first just the plebs would have to spend 13 days on a train.

I can't wait for someone to come by and go

"But commie mommie will make the trains go fast"

Time for space daddy to trade up

Commie mommy will give us a hyperloop

Only grandpa Mussolini can make the trains run on time and he did it despite being a living cartoon character.

more like the rest of their lives if you gas what I'm saying

How does a train get from San Francisco to Vladivostok in just two days? That looks crazy far. So I guess there's trains that go over the Bering Straight btw? And how do you know so much about train schedules?

Currently no trains however China is discussing it. 2 days by speed trail isn't unreasonable especially if you had few stops

What if we do more trains but have them run on [beautiful clean] coal again?

Centrism wins again 😎

But she's not old! She's not from old money! She's from the Bronx!

Also wants to eliminate air travel. We’ll all just willingly give up our cars and planes and ride the super-awesome choo choo train.

Literally a South Park episode, whose message is "It's more fun to get gang banged by 4 dudes than it is to take a plane somewhere"

Germany got pretty close to that after WWII. You just need to decimate every major city first.

And not pay people and have America pay tons of money.

That's a funny way of saying the RAF and Arthur "Send the Huns to the sun" Harris.

While dressed like Elizabeth Banks in hunger games. Unironically

BuzzFeed title for a BuzzFeed politician

BuzzFeed Title For A BuzzFeed Politician.

Just let them live their pathetic life and die a miserable person. Meanwhile the rest of civilized society will be pushing forward with progressive environmental policies, universal basic income, and subsidized education programs. You ever watch superhero movies? They save the planet, help the needy, and make sure children are empowered learners. That make progressives superheros.

In those same movies, you know who wants inequality, an inhabitable polluted planet, and an enfeebled populace? The Republican Villains.

what even is r/politics?

I refuse to believe that isn't trolling. There is no way anyone believes they're actually living in one of their capeshit movies.

Even the most retarded of capeshitposters acknowledge it's fantasy with no basis in reality. That's part of the appeal, after all

Nah go over to a comic book subreddit most of them think its deep commentary about modern politics.

They’re right though because comic books are written and drawn by the kind of drooling regards who post in r/politics

The X-men are literal social justice warrior my dudes it’s not new

There's a difference between killing Nazi's with a fucking Paperclip for building a GenocideRobot and watching Darkseid get #MeToo'd

OK but how does anyone come to the conclusion that these movies depict liberals as the good guys? Tony Stark is basically Ron Paul with an engineering background. Captain America is a boomer veteran. Thor is a monarchist. Black Panther is a racist monarchist. The only major character with a recognizably liberal worldview is Thanos, with his concern over resource depletion caused by overpopulation.

Plus perfect intersectionality.

The entire point of black panther was that he wasn't racist unlike his parents and killmonger

Still a monarchist.

👨‍🎤🇺🇲 🦅

Anyone who supports an ethno state protected by an impassable wall with zero immigration seems a teensy bit on the right of the spectrum in my book.

T'Challa changed his mind after browsing /r/politics tho

I thought he just started up an "outreach center" in Compton.

Well yeah their country is tiny they aren't going to let in millions. The point of the movie was that T'Challa learned that being a hermit kingdom when you have the capability of helping improve the world is bad.

More like not tying up loose ends after executing dissidents is bad. Every problem in the movie was caused by T'challa's dad being stupid.

You didn't see the movie

I fucking wish, boi

Thanos was a space tankie, he forcefully redistributed resources evenly through indiscriminate annihilation.

is thanos a posadist?

Hes an accelerationist

space tankie


Tony Stark isn't a racist fuckwit like Ron Paul Black Panther isn't racist tho

Tony Stark didn't even put a parachute in the flying armor he gave to a black guy. Tell me that's not a racial issue. It's not like he didn't think about parachutes, either; Spiderman (white) got a parachute, and he can't even fly.

No Boomers fought in WW2, genius. Boomers were the result of pent up sexual tension due to WW2.

My mistake. Captain America is a member of The Greatest Generation, a group famously known for its wokeness.

Even worse lol, Boomers were the Millenials of their triad, the GI generation were the ones tutting at their drugged out children whining about having to do a tour in Vietnam while they fondly remembered blowing Japs out of the sky.

In comics Captain America is an anti-Nixonian/anti-warhawk vet in the comics. (A lot of comic writers in that era loved to self-insert.) He was very much anti-segregation and is generally anti-war unless its against enemies that can't be fought any other way (like the Third Reich was.)

Thanos was just fighting the real enemy, climate change. The avengers were the bad guys in the movie.

Oh absolutely. I had someone try to argue with me about how deep marvel movies were and how amazing the anti-war message in the newest star wars movie is, all because I dared to imply that being the most popular movie doesn't make you right.

Don't you know that CGI capeshit is peak filmmaking

The most realistic portrayal of Republicans was Captain Planet villains

This but entirety unironically

But in my capeshit Superman would be a Democrat! Checkmate cons!

Young people like AOC are giving this 54yo hope again that this country might get back on track.

Ahhh part of the appeal of AOC is to boomers trying being hip with the kidz. Makes sense.

It ain't getting back on track with that bill

Probably suburban middle-upper class teenagers who don't know how the world works other than "daddy will take care of everything."

An offering for snappy


What's incredibly puzzling to me is that they are sucking AOC right now, while hailing Bezos, the richest guy in the world, the owner of that company that has squashed multiple attempts at unionizing, because he has an anti-Trump hot take right now.

they aren't the smartest bunch.

They hated Bezos literally only a few weeks ago.

Im surprised they didnt throw in a harry potter reference

It's called Potterverse Political Theory.

You do not merely reference it, you live it.

You fucking moron. You absolute trumptard muggle.

Yeah remember how progressive Batman was with his progressive prison reforms?

It's all so tiresome

This is amazing.

Woo those SPS brigades are top notch!

First time hearing her speak. She sounds uh...how to put this very Reddit.

There is a reason you only ever see pictures of her. She sounds like some basic bitch mayo girl, which she basically is.

But muh admixture.


Her voice... was.... JUST.... ehhhh I don't have a problem with what she's saying (basically it's old hat meh whatever) but like the pitch tone and frequency of her voice hit me in a place i'd never been hit before

Even the way she began her speech was very reminiscent of "So...umm...Let's unpack this".

just fucking grating god dam- that was the first time i've ever heard her. i'm glad i managed to limit it


This implies that commie mami has a big ol' chorizo.

I'm on board with that.

Since I know most of you are too lazy to sift through the /r/politics cesspool, here are the highlights and hottest takes that haven't been posted yet

DDF uses the opportunity to shill for ICE, complete with sob story https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/aofry1/comment/eg0ofan

Upper middle class redditors discuss the benefits of welfare https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/aofry1/comment/eg0r19a

Unfortunately, majority of the posts in controversial are just talking about her lack of sound economic policy, which is boring and already extensively discussed the in other thread, so let's change the channel to the main circlejerk.

/r/politics pretends the idea of politicians being corrupt is new and innovative https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/aofry1/comment/eg0gztm

/r/politics sends their thoughts and prayers https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/aofry1/comment/eg0i0xv

retard is surprised he understands someone agrees with https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/aofry1/comment/eg0h2th

alternative viewpoints=bad guys https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/aofry1/comment/eg0n160

It's amazing that depending on how you sort that thread, it's either full of daddy supporters mocking her GND even though I bet they didn't read it (it's terrible, but they have 0 points except "lmao AOC is stupid), or it's full of people with their tongues deep in her asshole who think she's the second coming of Christ Prophet Muhammad.

8k comments are a lot but I doubt there are many that are not completely retarded.

Holy fuck those ppl comparing her to MLK is nauseating

I think the most smooth brained infuriating take ever on reddit are people replying with logical fallacy callouts and nothing else.

"This is fucking dumb"

"Ad hominem. REFUTED!"

It fucking sets me off for some reason.

Oh, I see you’ve made an assertion that was mostly informal and expressing an opinion that I disagree with. I guess I’ll just have to reply with...


very upset he cant source his seriousposts


Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

Don't forget...

Oh you formulated an opinion based on your own personal experiences and situation? ANECDOTE! ANECDOTE! YOU ARE COMPLETELY UNJUSTIFIED IN HOLDING THOSE BELIEFS! Who cares if basketball americans have broken into your house in the last 5 years! You don't need a gun! ANECDOTE!


This is fucking dumb

Ad hominem. REFUTED!

If you think that is bad, you should have seen what it was like ten years ago when /r/atheism was a default sub

never forget when reddits retardation seems overwhelming, that the default userbase is succinctly represented by faces of atheism

All those college degrees in that sub and not a one fucking math class attended.

Sociology and gender studies are legit degrees you bigot! 😅

Reminder that it's totally the Republicans that are obsessed with commie mommy.

Are libs trying to overshadow that joke of a bill?

This dumb bitch is unironically the best thing to happen for drama. She has and will continue to do and say the absolute stupidest shit imaginable for as long as she is in office. She is the far left's answer to Trump and it's glorious.

You want to see horseshoe theory in action? Well here it is. She's exactly like Trump just from a far left perspective. No subtlety just push an impossible agenda as much as possible every time she opens her mouth with no regard for how the real world works. People deep in the kool-aid on the far left will eat that shit up just like people deep on the far right eat up Trump's rhetoric.

This is now American politics. Do and say the dumbest shit you can because no one has been listening to moderates for years.


She's a populist for the left. I don't see why people like her so much when they accused the right of liking Trump for being the same type.

policies dont matter, just if you are popular or not

Go on TD and say she is the left version of trump and you will get downvoted. If you go on politics the same thing happens

Go on TD

nah i'm good thanks.

If both sides disagree youre doing something right amirite

I couldn’t make it through 2 minutes of that video without my ears bleeding. Her voice is absolutely infuriating.

You can’t just say “it’s clearly going to destroy the economy”, that’s just as unnuanced and intellectually lazy as otherwise.

Rebuild. EVERY. Building. Jesus if that didn't scream to you this is beyond implausible, nothing will for this fentanyl American. I want things to change and even im not this fucking retarded to believe that this is a plan that wasn't made during a weekend of binging everclear and huffing spraypaint.

There was not a single neutral let alone liberal related video recommended after watching that. Recommendations were 25% irrelevant clickbait brain rot, 25% Ben Shapiro/Peterson and 50% "liberal Congressperson gets owned by ICE head/doctor/other Trump supporter". We are so screwed and the YouTube algorithm is partially to blame.

These idiots still believe Youtube algorithm is rigged. This is what the recommendations look like in an incognito window without logging in. My personal recommendations are full of tech videos and music.

Just because you're a faggot who constantly watches divisive political videos doesn't mean algorithm is rigged, it means right wingers are better at the clickbait youtube grift.

Ah just got home from a work, what a day, finally it's time to put my feet up and watch political videos on the youtube

People who post on /r/politics work?

Are you against what she said?

~ Soviet Russia, Civilian Agitator Handbook - 1919

Is this sub becoming circlejerk?

Commy mommy distribute milkers

/r/politics is full of Hillbots. Hillbots hate her.

Since Bush it's a war between left and right to whom can elect the biggest moron and I can't get enough of it. Feed me with drama Ameritards. Make her Prezprez.


FDR, JFK, and AOC Wow this is the dumbest post I've seen

JFK was a war criminal who almost started a nuclear war.

FDR was a similar bourgeois who put thousands of US citizens behind bars.

Dont lump them in with AOC.

Never mind