What in the holy fuck

1  2019-02-11 by MasterLawlz


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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I want to rub Genie's lamp, if you know what I mean.

This is the best Disney can come up with to save themselves from the clusterfuck of the star wars trilogy. Also you are now aware he looks like Tobias Funkë.

Ikr why the fuck does Will Smith look like David Cross

That would've actually been watchable. This? I've got to pour bleach into my eyes now because of this. Will shoulda ended his career sometime in the mid 2000s, you can't convince me otherwise

Disney is doing just fine, you aren't seriousposting about Star Wars are you?

No, Rey is based and redpilled

Das rite

their film profits are down 63% from last year and I assume that’s the only Disney product anyone in /r/drama consumes

Disney is an enormous company, and they're doing really well.

But if you really want to make a point about Star Wars go ahead nerd

film profits, not Star Wars

Mary Poopins

I can understand about this. Scat porn is a limited market

no wonder Masterlawlz is talking about this, dude uses women as toilets

I will serious post about space capeshit as much as I want mOM YOU NEVER UNDERSTAND MEEEE REEEEEEEE

Aren’t the two movies they put out literally some of the highest grossing films ever?

Look what they did to my boy.


what the fuck happened to the disney of my childhood?

not to sound like a boomer or curmedgeon, but i grew up with lion king, aladdin, beauty and the beast, mulan, etc...

this shit looks like a low budget porn parody

what the fuck happened to the disney of my childhood?

You grew up, nerd. Shut up and stop watching kids' movies.

Kinda sad that the quality of their work seems to be decreasing as their control over the industry. I guess it's to expected, though. Why give a shit when you lack major competitors because you've bought them all? What else are the capeshitters/manbabies/children going to watch?

I bet it's only going to get worse. Sad that any kid born recently hasn't seen a real classic original property (and yeah I know plenty of disney is ripped, but off of folk/fairy tales, not old movies that proved they could sell tickets).

Like no wonder they globbed on to Frozen. That (and Moana, although it wasn't as popular) was all they've gotten. Maybe Inside Out, as well? But I really don't see them as on the same level they used to be over the last decade. Maybe it's pure nostalgia talking

Did you know The Secret Life Of Pets made almost a billion dollars and was one of the most successful movies of 2016?

Somebody is going to come along out of nowhere with 2D or 3D animation and BTFO of Disney. Disney used to have a handle on that with their boy Pixar, but what has Pixar given us lately? An Incredibles movie where all the voice actors sound 80 years old and the plot is the first movie’s plot but stupider? Nah fam. Some autistic kid with Blender bout to make billions.

Goes from children's animation to low budget porn

On the contrary, it seems like they've got the millennial market covered.


my sides are in the andromeda galaxy

Looks like a cheap porn remake

Lmao this looks like a horrible shop. Is this from an actual clip?

Robin Williams died for this.

Well, I like it. Genies aren't supposed to look friendly. They're supposed to like unnatural beings. Smith's head is far to small to be the genie in real life.

To be fair, even Robin William's mug super imposed over that body would look absolutely terrible. Which is great. A blue wish granting genie pretending to be your friend should look creepy.

That’s not the point it just looks like low budget porn dogshit

The best Will Smith since Shark Tale

For some reason it actually looks racist

Holy shit he went full blueface, what a racist.

his acting career is over





Is Disney the most creatively bankrupt studio in America?


Except that one studio that makes knockoff movies hoping you’ll think it’s the popular one

I guess the occasional Pixar original is a saving grace for this studio but even then the last really good Pixar movie was Inside out.

Though I do find it impressive that Disney doesn't receive as much flak as other creatively bankrupt big corps online.

No Hao friends! Just came to say that Aladdin is a Chinese story that was appropriated by muslims! We currently teach them appropriation is wrong in communal camps where they’re served all their beer and (pork)hotdogs they can eat! It like baseball for Americans and they have lots of fun!

Anyways I need to get back to work! Zàijiàn! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ/)

fucking hell it's even worse than I imagined.

That's gonna be a big yikes


I'm anticipating the white 'problematic and oppressive' wokers will have something to say about the implications of a blue figure with ethnic features.

Looks like a Na'vi reject.