Captain Marvel joins Mayocide ⚔️

1  2019-02-13 by HardIsLife


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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“Captain Marvel” opens in theaters March 8.

Just lazily puttting the release date at the end of the "article" like that ruins this ad for me.

More woke to release on Women's day

This is a tough one tbh. I love me some mayocide but utterly can not stand capeshit. 😖😖😖

Ikr? 😫

OP you used the sword emoji which is wonder woman related... Dont tarnish the marvel universe like that ever again.

Who cares about superhero shit?

You will from now on! Else I'm gonna report you to Samuel jackson and he gon call u a motherfucker

Hey can someone explain the mayocide meme to me? I really want to know where it comes from.

If we have to explain you are probably a mayo.

Mayos are a problem, but we've come up with a solution

The solution to end the need for further solutions, one could say.

We call it the Ultimate Answer.

It's sort of a Last Resolution

Whiteness is a disease.

User is active in /r/StoneToss , /r/KotakuInAction , /r/gaming, /r/HistoryMemes

The mayo is you

it’s literally in the sidebar. You need to lurk more

No I know what it means, I just can't tell if it's ironic or not.

you’re retarded. like I said; lurk more

Got it daddy

You'll be first against the wall when mayocide comes.

That’s why, for her recent Marie Claire UK cover story, she handpicked journalist (...) who (she) is also a woman of color and has cerebral palsy

There you go, black people.

If you want to know who's holding you down...


Very generous capeshit actress, bring her out of the fields into the house for serving

Holy hell I would feel so patronized if someone picked me for an interview just because I was disabled.

It wasn't just because she was disabled. Let's look at the privilege totem pole:

☐ Religious Minority
☑ Black
☐ Trans
☑ Disabled
☑ Female

At the most important part, she's female. Next, she's disabled, but I repeat myself. She misses points for not being trans, but she is black. Tallying it up, she gets 68 intersectionality points, which is an impressive showing.

You forgot journalist

journalists RISE UP

Truly the most oppressed peoples of our time.

I wish

syntax error;

code not learnt

☐ Religious Minority


☑ Black

☐ Trans

☑ Disabled

☑ Female

☑ Journalist


And with Brie along on the tour, they've completely filled out the bottom of the oppression heirarchy

☐ Religious Minority


☑ Black

☐ Trans

☑ Disabled

☑ Female

☑ Rich White Woman

Nah that bitch is too privileged, they should invite me, I'm:

☑ Religious Minority ☑ LGB ☑ Latina ☑ Trans ☑ Disabled ☑ Female

Latina? You gotta at least speak the language, amigx

Damn, sorry folx


What kind tho? If you’re from the carribbean you’re too privileged 😒


Colombianas 🤢🤢🤢🤢


If you're from the Caribbean you're too privileged"

What did they mean by this

Sorry, Latina is too white-passing these days, you need to be Afro-Latin.

Also being Catholic doesn't count as being an oppressed just because the priest touched you.

True. i am unironically white passing tho

Also I'm not Catholic, I'm a Muslim, insallah brother

With those qualifications, you are sure to attract the attention of a rich blond virtue signaling white woman for status as a pet

Who gives a shit as long as i get money

If you are willing to be a pet, I know of several people who would be happy to employ your services

Your disability is physical or mental? There is more money for physical, but the market for mental disability exists too

You could buy a lot of tendies and meth with that kind of money

privilege totem pole: ☐ Religious Minority ☐ LGB ☑ Black ☐ Trans ☑ Disabled ☑ Female

How did you perform this sorcery?



I wonder about what the reactions from the competent black women who got upstaged by a gloid are.

Jesus fucking Christ, the pretentiousness... Hollywood actresses are some of the dumbest people in the country and that's a pretty damn difficult standard to reach considering we're talking about the US here.

yaaaaaaaaaas queen

highly anticipated film

I’ve heard nothing about this. What powers does this gussy have aside from an acute sense of social justice?

I’ve heard nothing about this

Did you watch the super bowl?

Not really.

Yeah I’m not that thrilled tbh. Wonder Woman wasn’t perfect but it was still a legitimately good movie I thought. But there’s nothing about this one that looks that good.

that's because Captain Marvel is more bland than Superman

there's a reason the character has existed for like 40 years and yet has never been in the mainstream popularity-wise.

True. Making her the deus ex vagina of the Avengers series seems like a pretty risky choice. I’m not a capeshit expert though.

I can’t wait to see some newcomer drop into a story that’s 20 movies deep and fix everything.

Everytime I point this out, the faggot capeshit fans go apeshit on me or call me a misogynist.

Good times.

Hell for the longest time I thought Captain Marvel and Powergirl were the same person. I was severely disappointed there wasnt any boob window to be found

Implying Iron Man was a big name outside of comic nerds before the marvel movies

lawlz you're a connoisseur of childrens cartoons and also stupid movies no one cares about, but do you even play v*dya?

Yeah why

Because I never see you lawlz-post about v*dya. Last couple of days I was thinking about how good Halo Reach actually was, and I started thinking of you because over-thinking about old shit no one cares about is what you do.

Yeah halo Reach was my shit when I was in middle/high school

dude... not only is Halo Reach one of the worst ones, it's also super recent. You're making me feel old here, I don't like the idea of Halo 2 (which is the best one btw, don't even @ me) being a game for ancient millenials...

It’s the only Halo I played lol, I just loved the multiplayer

Halo Reach one of the worst ones

You're objectively wrong. The game's pretty decent by all standards without the armor abilities (though I did like armor lock a lot), and it has the best story for a single Halo game.

(though I did like armor lock a lot)

fuck you faggot

All of you dummies playing fps games on console are objectively wrong

but I admit Halo 2 was the best one probably. I think Halo Reach may be better as a stand-alone game, but when you take the entire series into account 2 is the most "halo" game.

Flying brick + pew pew lasers, might also absorb pew pew lasers depending on how they go with the continuity.

Energy Manipulation

Think of her kind of like a Supergirl/Powergirl analog. She has super strength, flight, near invulnerability. But instead of heat vision she has radiation blasts from her hands.

Offbrand supergirl

At least supergirl had that nude scene once

If it turns out to suck they'll blame sexism.

All movie publications must suck MCU girlcock, it is written.

Well, in a single article, she managed to promote her movie, made sure it only gets positive articles written about it by handpicking journalists, and also collected some WokeBux. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

i think this one is invincible which is why they made it a woman lol

they cant write women that arent because its offensive

It's basically superman but with literally no weakness. Super exciting capeshit tbh

So brave imagine if they put this kinda energy into something that matters

I hate capeshit. That is all.

$50 says she kills Thanos after some "I am no man" quip, thus tarnishing the entire MCU.



I like capeshit

Come the revolution you will occupy the lowest strata of society.

nothing will change after the revolution spooky



I thought that be the weebs?

They’re two sides of the same coin. Grown men obsessed with cartoon shit.


You think they will pull a Tolkien?

Um sweaty rules-lawyering to get past a monster's immunities is as old as Beowulf.

Whom did Beowulf rules-lawyer? He just won every fight by being an ultra-Chad.

Grendel can’t be hurt by bladed weapons so Beowulf just rips his arm off.


Thanos is absolutely murdering every single person in the original MCU


Tbf to Breezy over here, guaranteed the Disney machine wanted to make a political stance and this tabloid publisher amplified it. Breezy be probably doesn't care less who covers her as long as she gets covered.

white woman enslaves handicapped woman of color to be personal assistant and scribe.

Wtf I love carol danvers now.

Where's our resident foot pervert?

What is that big ring toe condition called? On a scale of 0 to -10 how attractive are those piggies? How many whiskies for you to suck them clean?

Cursed feet

How the hell did you find a 1 year post with 0 upvotes?



Larson, a fierce advocate for sexual assault survivors, told Brown in her interview for Marie Claire that she was sick of big press tours being “overwhelmingly white [and] male”

Yup, that’s an appropriate sentence written by someone with at least two functioning neurons to rub together.

More white women venerating themselves and incorporating narcissists into the pantheon of deities for poor POC to prostrate before.

What if women don't read comic books and watch action movies because they don't care? Because most don't.

😪😪😪 Capeshit 😪😪😪

Stunning and brave

This is so confusing. Why does the MayFoid think some token words will make more POX want to see 3 hour capeshit starring a MayFoid? Will wheelchair Gynoir command them professor Xavier style?

Wow! How progressive and egalitarian of her to do this thing which means sacrificing nothing at all while talking to other media about it. Now is she gonna give one of her big roles to a disabled POC? Nah but maybe she will hire a black butler or a trans boom muc assistant. I also go to the POC woman cashier at the grocery store. Am I a hero? No, but I just care about equality and I am a better person than you.

I dont have the numbers in front of me but I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of comic book fans are white guys.

Brie Larson is such a pretentious unlikeable person and the galaxy brains at Marvel thought it would be a good idea to cast this bland piece of white bread as Captain Marvel lmao

She used to be humble and down to earth. Don’t know what happened.

Deciding who describes your vapid life and work has turned from a dispotic tyrant behavior to a yt woke foid behavior.

What a surprise.

straight white men are footing the bill for your shitty movie but ok

Not this one. I'll be honoring the spirit of her request by avoiding the film.

whip-smart woman of colour

What did NYPost mean by this?

nobody wants to take a chance on a disabled journalist

Tbf aren't all journalists disabled?

picking someone just because of their race, gender, and disability is so fucking dehumanizing

are these people actually this lacking in self-awareness

How brave. Now would she give up a big role to a disabled female POC? Nah that is crazy talk, now a POC butler and mic boom operator is bit more reasonable. I only let the Angolan-born garbage man pick up my trash because I am a humanitarian.

this is the boring woman with no ass isnt it

Jesus Christ just fucking shoot me

Mayocide now!

I hate this talentless bitch so much