Bait level 9000: "AITA for cancelling a date with a feminist?"

1  2019-02-13 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. This Post -,,,

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Pick one:

>Outspoken Feminist

>Believing Men and Women should be treated equally

Let's debate this. Op is right, the modern day intersectional movement is *not in support of equality, and if you're willing to listen with an open mind, I can objectively prove it to you. I understand what your perspective is, but I think if you look at actual facts and examples, I can show you where OP is coming from. He is very, very night not to date a feminis; a feminist women is more likely IMO to be an abusive and selfish partner. The feminist attitude towards boys education, male victims of domestic violence, equitable divorce...all very, very fair reasons to avoid IMO.

It's objectively true that feminism does not want men and women to be treated equally. Pension ages, conscription, prison sentencing, etc. I can cite examples of feminists specifically protesting AGAINST equality, but the question is, can you open your mind enough to listen?

based and pastapilled

Yes, I opened my mind wide enough now fill it up!

Epic, Based, and Redpilled.

Epic, Based, and Redpilled Bussypilled.

Epic, Based, and Bussypilled BussyShilled

being under the bar for longpostbot

Do better

dude bussy lmao

what the fuck does conscription have to do with feminists lol

It's more of an total absence of any sort of any reaction that casts serious shade towards the oft told myth that feminism is geared towards equality of the sexes.

It's not, and it has been proven time and again that feminism is, at a generous assessment, about justice for women that have faced unfair consequences due to the virtue of them being female. This is fine and all imo, but they shouldn't claim that it's all about equality when it's specifically geared towards one sex.

It's more of an total absence of any sort of any reaction

How about “abolish the draft”?

Is it their fault the draft hasn’t been relevant since Vietnam?

I support women working in coalmines, construciton, sewage cleaning and being sent to the frontlines.

Im🅱️lying being sent to the frontlines is hard or dangerous

You risk more as a teach in bullethelltopia than as a soldier in goatfuckerland. Change my mind.

I can't, you are simply right

Pick one:

outspoken feminist

not insufferable to be around

the thing you claim to find unattractive is basic equality between men and women

Yea, it's a bait but only a well crafted bait can expose autists.

I’m totally sure that if a feminist turned down a date with an MRA then the same line would totally work. Wonder if someone will try running that social experiment within the next couple weeks.

I wonder if there is there a sub for this. Would be a great way to show how biased this place can be sometimes. R/relationship advice would be a gold mine of double standards

There have been a lot of /r/AITA posts recently that I feel are bait to be turned around in a couple of months just to show double standards.

I can't wait.

I wouldn't want to date an outspoken feminist either. I don't care whether someone is a feminist but at the point where it becomes an essential part of their existence it's a turn off

I bet you dont date gamers either you fucking bigot

I only date roblox boys.

what's that like Legos for adults probably?

It's like bionicle

what's that like Beyblades for adults probably?

You can't fit a square peg in a round hole.

gamers want only veronica

Unironically 100% never. If anyone on a date brings up videogames it's an immediate red flag.

Why? What is a subject worth bringing up on a date?

Yep. I've dated some feminists before. No big deal but some of their friends have been "kill men" feminists which is a true boner killer.

He could 180 that thread by telling them he found out she was a feminist by some of that anti-male propaganda on her Facebook page.

"kill men" feminists which is a true boner killer.

check out this pleb

"kill men" feminists which is a true boner killer.

Hatebanging best banging.

Plus, who wants to be falsely accused of rape?

I mean I could date one as long as they walk the walk.

Feminist foid that blogs for a living about the patriarchy and might as well be unemployed if not for Patreon? Yuck 🤢🤢🤢

Feminist STEM girl that’s really good and passionate about what she does and tries to get more women into STEM (because that’s an actual real issue)? I’ll call her daddy 😍😍

LOL they all took the bait hard

This is what autism looks like from the outside, Lawlz.

It's ok he's mostly on the other end

this is actually a shitty bait, I don't think anybody thought that was a real post

If it was good bait, I would have used 9001.

I don't think anybody thought that was a real post

it's like you didn't even read any of the comments.

If she has to say she's a feminist, she's probably not the feminist of the burn-your-bra era and more of the I-went-on-a-bad-date-with-Aziz-Ansari kind of feminist.

It sucks that it's all part of the feminism sphere and no one makes the distinction in current year. I don't hate what feminism has done for women, just 3rd waver bullshit. If you have feminist in your Tinder bio I'm gonna assume you'll be insufferable IRL. Writing less than 20 words about yourself and having one of them be feminist is pretty sad.

literally every wave of feminism is retarded. period.

Inshallah, brother  إن شاء الله‎ 🧕🏾🗡️😎

People forget first wave feminism brought us prohibition.

Bring back Carrie Nation thx

But prohibition brought us Al Capone and strengthening of crime syndicates so it's all good.

And women voting

Good point

All waves are made up of entitled retarded harpies, including first and second one.

You never saw first and second wave feminism campaign for more women in coalmines or mandatory military draft.

It's always been about wanting more privilidges without wanting more responsibilities.

Constription sounds like an incel generated policy.

I don't think a woman calling herself a feminist a bad sign but most of the ones that do already have other redflags like the shit coloured hair, the pronouns or just a blatant disdain for men.

Foids actually write things like, "I like my feminism like I like my roadways, intersectional" on their dating profiles. And then wonder why they wind up getting sexually assaulted by male feminists.

It's so weird how every male feminist who seems to be that weak effeminate type seem to be up to some nefarious shit or beats women.

That's definitely my favourite part of road, the parts where you have to stop a lot that are also more dangerous.

Yeah who the hell prefers an intersection to open road. Stopping st a red light versus cruising.

I'll bite. To be fair, yeah. He's kind of TA. One should have a fair bit of apprehension at the knowledge of a date being a feminist, yes, but to completely jump ship at its very mention is definitely retarded and kinda douchey as well. This is the irl version of "Oh, you post in The_Downie? I will now change my personal tastes so they don't align with yours" but even more stupid because there definitely are sensible feminists (once you get past the GenderCrit rad-bitches and 👏Intersectional👏 TrollXers that is)

Le feminists are unattractive as a rule

Memes don't translate well into real life, dudebro.

This and the weightpost from yesterday has led me to believe that the subreddit is filled with borderline obese feminists.

More like it's filled with lazy bait posts

por que no los dos?

These chucklefucks would call him a bigot for cancelling a date with someone he found out was trans.

And people claim Reddit is a far-right website...

Feminism is about men and women having equal rights much in the same way that Christianity is about ensuring everyone goes to heaven.

I’m a modern intersectional feminist. I have a son who is a product of an equitable divorce

i'm shocked

I went on a couple dates with some chick who I later found out was a feminist. She was really weird, got offended when I stated that I was better than a female friend at sport because I'm a guy (yep lol) then when we went for a walk one night kept constantly going on and on about how she could be easily be raped and assaulted being out where we were (this was weird as fuck and annoying)

I wouldn't even blame anyone for not wanting to go near one

Feminism helps men too.

No they don't, here's several examples of feminism hurting men.

Well you can't expect feminists to help men!! Do it yourself!

I wish we had pinging.

It's so annoying to see someone be wrong on the internet and not be allowed to call them a tard.