Everyone's favourite wehraboo game subreddit ponders the Trap Question, gets overrun with chapos

1  2019-02-13 by CMDR-FusionCor3


womp womp


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OP can you link the contrapoints video which presumably explains why it's problematic? I'm travelling and I can't get to the video, I need a good ear dicking and a laugh while I drive for the next 6 hours.


From the length and viewing the first 3 seconds I can tell it's gonna be... interesting at least

Good lord, don't do it. "She" even has a segment at the end where "she" describes how every ""straight"" guy "she's" been with has loved her feminine penis.

I want to learn the chapo brain. I need to study it. It is my duty to fully understand this drama

Take a regular brain and substract reason and add lots of smuggys

Metareddit is at least 7 or 8 circles too deep for me at this point.

Your meme isn't about the videogame. The other meme was about a name in the game. Being offended by a joke is, while more often than not, pointless, often jokes determine the way we think about things and if a meme cultivates the idea that traps(and for many people this extends to trans people as well) are not girls which affects the way we think about trans people. The "traps are/n't gay" meme, while seemingly harmless does have an effect on us and is slightly transphobic. Also, most of the comments from "leftists" under that post are just explaining why it's transphobic in a non hostile way(or link to the comtra points video, which explains it better than I could, her being trans and all) only to be greeted by dumbasses saying omg leftist retards, how dumb are they and that sort of bullshit. It's not forcing politics it's trying to explain why something can be harmful. Also none of them answered serious remarks with anything along the lines of what you put in the bottom frame. Only the dumb trolls.

I feel like the viewer in Eyes Wide Shut

>Getting mad at words on the internet It never even started for trapcels.

Inthink you mean trannies.

often jokes determine the way we think about things



What's a wehraboo and how did you make this title?

It seems that they’re misunderstanding the question. It’s not “is it gay to be a trap?”, but rather “is it gay to be attracted to traps?”

yes and yes

that OP is the worst poster KRCJ has by far. He uses the sub in the way that agendaposters use this sub.

but the people unironically getting mad at the original KR post were pretty bad too. One of the more harmless memes that sub usually has, but it gets them all really mad. I get the point of that contra video and all, but like one really harmless meme is not going to be the end of the world.

Hell yeah I use the sub in the way agendaposters use this sub.

thats gay lol

You won't have to worry about it, I'm getting to the point where I'm tired of coming onto Reddit by now. Not much to really see or do anymore.

aw :(

well in that case, wherever you end up best of luck to you!

Aren't trap and trans different things?

Yes, but for those who watched the ContraPoints video that keeps springing up in the comments, no.

Youtube's algorithm is controlling society

Literally appropriating gay culture. Contrapoints is problematic and canceled


traps = crossdressers

trans = mutilated basket cases

Traps pass better than trannies

And aren't gay.

Well most reddit trannies are straight, they just call themselves lesbians.

Now that is where you are wrong

2 people agree with me sooo

You got me there

watch contrapoints video on the topic.


Why not lol

I haven't seen it yet

She's great, puts a lot of time into her videos, both in costume and set design as well as writing and research and it shows.


Obvious Chapo is obvious.

t. Tranny Shill

Wtf thats me

contra, like the rest of so-called 'breadtube,' is a real difficult watch.

Firstly, their videos are waayyy too damn long. They're the community that were responsible for popularizing the 'video essay' that now plagues YouTube. And the vast, vast majority of it is just fluff, too; needless 'comedy' skits like the one that begins the video you linked; tons upon tons of background information that all in all doesn't really serve all that much of a purpose to their actual point, merely gives off an illusion of intelligence; and/or points which are either overly explained or basically just repeats of points they've already made.

Secondly, the videos are usually really pander-y. They're basically the socialist version of a Sargon of Akkadd or ArmoredSkeptic video, where they do media/cultural reviews while simultaneously OWNING the neocons with FACTS and LOGIC. If you don't agree with the politics it can be a real slog when they get into a tirade (which of course, are always long, because that's just the nature of video essays.)

how can anyone justify watching people say a bunch of shit when they could have just read it on a page way faster and got on with their goddamn day? the only possible explanation is that they have actual brain damage but i guess nobody likes to admit that about themselves. fuck this shit.

You can't read while doing mundane work that needs your hands though. When I was doing landscaping, I had nothing to do but be with my thoughts when I was mowing. Audiobooks saved me from immense boredom.

i mean people who actually prefer to listen to a book instead of reading it themselves, as if they were children at bedtime. i have heard this opinion expressed, believe it or not.

Personally now that I've tried them I do see the merits of audiobooks (i actually find myself being less distracted while listening than I do reading, suprisingly enough) but yeah I'll probably take reading a text over listening to one because it allows for better analysis.

i got bad news for you son.


Socialists = neets mean they way too much fucking time in a day to watch this type of shit.

It's a technique to ~~win in internet arguments~~ own the libs. You just say so much useless stuff that you drown the other in words.

They have to be well-produced, because otherwise you'll see his mannish facial structure

p 😴😴😴 take there not even gonna lie.

You're usually funnier than this

That wasn't a joke, just look at pics of him outside YT


decent (maybe even better than average) analysis videos from an academic perspective, but they are way overly long for no good reason, and also have an obvious and obnoxious political slant.

100% pure autism, but of the woke variety.

gross non passing tranny with a ton of makeup to try and compensate

45 minute video man

I hope that one socialist larping tranny in the thread knows xer will be among the first into the oven if their revolution comes.


kaiserboo, surely


The only good kraut is a dead kraut.

playing HOI4 instead of HOI3 BICE

The real cringe here.

Finally someone to agree with

We aren't wrhraboos! We are Kaiserboos

Like there's any difference

There is. One are fascists while we are just authoritarian monarch supporting.

So this is a circlejerk subreddit about a meme subreddit about a mod in an obscure game which has its own separate subreddit. And they're yelling at each other about traps...

how many layers of niche lmaos are you on fam

if not as much as them you need to try harder

Look I'm not taking cock up the ass and sucking dick to be called straight just because you look too cute to be male

I know, I was just trying to make a joke.