😭😭 Daddy's old campaign manager might spend the rest of his life in prison because of a few White lies 😭😭

1  2019-02-14 by WistopherWalken


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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The most hilarious thing for me is that something like 8 years is probably gonna be a life sentence considering his skin looks like it's already to slough off.

I think that's just what happens when the reptilians don't replenish their outer casing.

Dumb goombas are usually killed off by this point in life

At least he'll make plenty of new friends to introduce his wife to.

Couldn't even become someone's princess.

How cucked can a man be?

Naw he'll find someone and then make 8 other inmates have their way so he can relive his glory days.

Jk he'll be in solitary.

The ultimate punishment for a cuck: can't meet men to rail your wife, nor could you sell your bussy inside.

The cuck thing is the most bizzare seeing as DDF made it one of their fav insults yet this is the only cuckold i can actually think of.

Also Roger Stone. Don't forget him.

i didnt hear about that but im not surprised.

His wife did have some good tits.

Is this real?

Yeah. It came out in 1996 when he was working for the Dole campaign. He's a real OG, who was being a cuck back before it was cool.


Where has Dick Morris gone? Him and Rog (pbuh) would be dynamite on tv/podcasts

That's a good question. This is the golden age of political lolcows and he's silent. Maybe he's got health problems or something.

Dick Morris has a very modern website: http://www.dickmorris.com/

Jesus Christ those were the days, literally the wild wild west before every part of your private life became subject to furious investigation. I'm pretty sure everybody here has some mildly racist post on they wrote in middle school that permanently disqualifies them from public service.


Lol, normies.

This is why I plan on running for office on the platform of mayocide.

Take my vote

It's even weirder because he forced his wife to get fucked by other men. That's like cuck+.

Manafort the alpha cuck. Feel real sad for his wife though, used to it being the other way around with the sad tales you dramanauts find.

She allowed herself to get cucked, she chose it and has lost all honor as a woman

Says the watermark the most honorable man

The Chad Cuck vs. The Incel Open Relationship

Is there an app for this?

Wasn't one of the guys that donk contest organizer who lost all of his investors money in bitconnect?

This is a weird timeline we're in


Never forget that Roger Stone paid money to put out print cuck ads in the 90s

yet this is the only cuckold i can actually think of.

Don't forget Roger Stone.

Stone is too

Roger Stone is too.

What do they think mean by "you will not replace us"? It's their greatest fear which is also why it is their biggest fetish.

only cuckold i can actually think of

Marla Maples says "lol".

He stopped cooperating because Trump will pardon him

He stopped because he’s hoping for a pardon. I think trump will screw him.

I think trump will pardon him and one of the Molesta bros or Imran Awan to get the true story out before 2020


Wasn't he literally cucqueening his wife? His daughters talked about how much of a sex maniac the dude was, which probably puts that shit about the piss tape in a new light.

why is everyone saying this dude is a cuck?


just cause he looks like one?

holy sh!t!!!




BTFO god damn


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Imagine actually believing Trump isn't gonna pardon all his lackeys before he leaves office. 🤣😂🤣

Can Daddy pardon himself? 🤔🤔🤔

My admittedly rather limited understanding is that it's very debatable. And by debatable, I mean yes the president probably can but nobody has had the balls to actually try it and settle the debate once and for all.

Personally I'm hoping he goes for it because holy fuck would that be some tasty drama.

The trouble is that since the constitution was written with the intent of providing as many freedoms as possible, America has had to rely on the concept of “Just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should.” And that concept means nothing to a man who doesn’t care about anything other than himself.

Well lucky it's Trump in charge then.

Looks like we're gonna find out, lmao


Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt, while avoiding liability. It won't absolve Daddy of any responsibility for Manafort's crimes 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

And open up a ton of other legal issues

Especially since Daddy can only pardon someone for federal crimes.

A lot of this took place in New York and New Jersey. The Watergate scandal took place in DC so a federal pardon was uniquely effective.

MFW all those Mar a Lago trips might be why Daddy goes to prison 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Do they use ton or tonne in Russia Russia Russia?

A tonne, like Britbongs

Does it matter? He'd be admitting guilt and being a bigger laughing stock.

Well if they get convicted after he's out,

Probably why they have only been charged with “process crimes” so far

“process crimes” so far

And even that is fake news. Manafort has been convicted of tax and bank fraud in the state of Virginia, charges Trump can't pardon him for.


It's over for drumpfcels

It continues to be retarded for trumpcels

More tarded is more gooder

Would it have been that bad if they were African-American lies instead?

That'll be Stone and Manafort. All that's missing is Charles Black and we'll have the whole set.

/r/drama shuns you.

that's gay lol

They had the guy on like 7 counts of wire fraud and tax evasion before Mueller even started.



How do you manage to cooperate with the investigation and only manage to get your sentence extended?

Usually trying to take the judge for a chump. Judges love those kinds of cheeky games.

Sprinkle in some lies with the truth. Get caught in those lies.

It's called being dumb as fuck

Lying in testimony is a pretty quick way to do it.

Manafort is Chad af #22

Page 7 #22 is my personal fave

is this how theyre downplaying the senate not finding anything lmao

Imagine coping this hard

lmao why do staunch leftists in here always project

crine u mad as shit 😂

the investigation is finished though lmao why would i be mad at being right this whole time

if anything im going to lord it over nerds in here

crine u mad as shit 😂

Any bad news is a false flag, coverup, or media lies

Tasty DDF cope

you guys been desperate to try and claim other people are coping again huh lol

its not fake its just irrelevant and a distraction for resistards

Wooo It's your 1st Cakeday AlveolarPressure! hug


Hmmmmmm haha hot take

how do you mean

the investigation is finishing and they admit they have nothing

rbg is dead

so now they just jump on this irrelevant guy again lmao

ill put up with reddit leftists pretending to make fun of me now because theyre going to utterly melt down when the reports come out


practically everyone involved in the campaign is a felon and the president is literally an unindicted conspirator in felony campaign finance violation and you're expecting what, they're zeroing in on comet ping-pong? lol

lmao oogy boogy watch out for mueller

pizzagate is unironically more realistic than russian hacking conspiracies you nerd stop reading political subreddits

imagine coping so hard you still support president senile biff in 2019

skate fast eat my ass

did you know theres a difference between supporting someone and laughing at dumb american conspiracy theories about russian hackers

what do you even think i like about trump you fag

oh i love his pro israel stance and the way he gives in to pushovers almost every time, it gets me rock hard

Lefty nu drama brigaded u bro

unironically jump in traffic

Fucking weak sauce.

My toaster comes up with better burns than that

your toaster doesn't make your mom feel like a real woman so let's call it even

More weak sauce.

Quick somebody make this seriousposter a mod.

side note: your mom loves her puss full of warm sticky cum

How would you know that?

Unless you're a necrophile?

hey, let's just be grateful she didn't live to see you turn into a fashisti suka


If you're going to try and insult someone in a language you don't speak, you may want to get an accurate translation, instead of cobbling something together that you think you might have heard.....

I believe the term you're looking for is: fashistskaya suka

Some babies are dropped early on. Obviously you were thrown at a wall.

You're about as smart as your oversized shoes and rubber nose say you are, Bozo.

Now go back to your corner and continue chewing on your toenails.

sorry for my misconjugation, I've been pulling 14 hour shifts for 2 weeks straight and that's one of the first things to go

second, go slurp up a piping hot mug of hog cum

Again with the grade school attempted burns.

I'd tell you to grow up, but your probably afraid of heights.

A secret pedophile ring ran in broad daylight in the basement of a pizza shop is more realistic than a foreign power using nerds at computers to do what they already do.

Imagine having such an irradiated brain from such dangerous levels of cope.

lmao pizzagate is just "hollywood and dc are pretty much all pedos"

the only people that wrote articles stating otherwise were also pedos

its actually pretty simple

Pizzagate is more than just "There are pedos in hollywood and DC" and claiming otherwise is you being a disingenuous retard as usual.

everyone already knows how faggy they all are and how they go to eyes wide shut parties and suck harvey weinsteins dick and all that its hardly worth mentioning

but pizzagate is that also theyre all pedos, which tbh isnt too hard to believe when you actually look at them

the only thing it ever had to do with that store was that the owner was being really obvious about it on his instagram

and the guy who runs media matters/shareblue/whatever they call themselves now was his boyfriend

It's hard to keep up the larp charade if you blantaly care so much...all the time

lmao nigga how come you didnt post when dems wanted to kill babies and aoc put out her dumb paper

i care as much as i can make fun of you for it because im obviously correct

Life in prison is better than a short sip of polonium tea.

Seem to anyone else like they’re trying to make it too scary for anyone to help Trump campaign next time?