Boiled Egg Bezos chooses not to build Amazon campus in NYC. /r/NYC becomes the Big REEEEEEple

1  2019-02-14 by TheButtholeOfBravery


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I'm totally happy with this.

of course you are. you live in the bronx and want everyone to be poor like you and the entire city to be poor like the bronx

It goes on...

Good find op.

As someone who lives in Seattle, I'm baffled why anyone would WANT Amazon's HQ2. Yeah of course it's great for anyone who works directly for them I guess, but for everyone else it's just shit flowing down hill.

So is the big city seriously so fucked up that you people don't even prefer having jobs to not having jobs?

They don't understand that they might have to leave their foodie mecca and move to more affordable areas upstate with... them.

The rurals? đŸ€ź

Those gross pop. 100,000 rural towns ewww


The issue is that when you have that amount of wealth come into any place the people who already lived there but don't work for that source of wealth are essentially having every aspect of their life worsened.

I can definitely see how it would be different for NY though, they already had that. A place like Seattle has just changed so much in the past few decades, maybe for people who are new to the region that isn't so apparent.

It also doesn't help that the people employed by Amazon tend to be possessed of an ideology that prevents doing anything about the homelessness crisis they themselves caused, because it would be "mean". I'd be willing to overlook everything else if Seattle wasn't turning into a rivers of shit and needles nightmare out of the worst San Francisco memes.

They aren't homeless because Amazon workers are driving up housing prices. They're homeless because they're mentally ill drug addicts who are so poorly functioning that if the government gives them housing for free (which it does) they will still be homeless.

You can repeat this 1 million times and some liberal idiot will still parrot "BUT THEY HAVE RIGHTS AND DESERVE HOMES"

You must've gone to a different part of Seattle than me. I visited a friend a few months ago and I didn't see legions of homeless and the streets were clean and I felt pretty safe.

I didn't "go" anywhere. I live there.

I’m from the area. Seattle’s economy is booming because of amazon. Employment isn’t hard to find and the whole area in and around Seattle is getting wealthier.

The only reason why it seems shit is because of all the homeless. Housing is extremely expensive everywhere now which left a lotta poor people drug addicts without a home. Combine that with the Seattle not letting their cops do anything insensitive such as arresting people shooting up on the streets, and not giving them the resources they need to go after homeless for property/package’s not a pretty sight. Housing has started to be built though but they have to make up for the years of nimbyism that happened before and during the Amazon boom, so it’s gonna be quite a while before the market becomes affordable again.

Seattle (before Amazon came on the scene) and NYC aren't exactly dying cities with not enough jobs.

We're doing fine. The tax incentives were so huge that they overwhelmed the economic benefit of paying fentanyl-Americans to move to NYC. It was literally not worth it.

The problem is that the company was moving into one of the working-class areas and making it unaffordable while getting massive tax breaks and creating jobs that are generally shitty and short-lasting. The problems outweighed the benefits. There isn't an unemployment crisis in NYC so it won't be missed

Why is it desirable to keep an area affordable to the working class? Maybe they can move out, and Queens can become a playground for the rich like Manhattan.

Well normally when tens of thousands of jobs come to town, that's a good thing. Sure they use more infrastructure but they pay for it right? Unless of course the government gave the money they were going to use to pay for the infrastructure upgrades directly back to the company to lure them there. Then your taxes are going to fund this company that doesn't give anything back. Plus they're setting up in the Bronx. It's not exactly Silicon Valley which means they're going to importing tech people, which means more people, upwards pressure on real estate, more infrastructure usage.

It was an HQ, wouldn’t they just relocate other people? Like that doesn’t seem like most NYers in that area would qualify for most of the jobs

They think that the six figure coding jobs won’t all go to Asian and White dudes.

South Lake Union was a cluster of useless car repair places and bad traffic. Amazon made it a cluster of useless overpriced restaurants and worse traffic.

There's a huge work culture communication disconnect between the east and the west coast, and people on the east coast genuinely have no idea how shitty AMZN is in terms of its corporate culture and what the side effects are of having an AMZN HQ. In general there's not a lot of knowledge about the workings of large tech companies on the East Coast.

There's not much that NYC could get out of having the HQ, but it'd be great for a struggling East Coast city without any other redeeming qualities but a lot of nearby talent.

Yeah, I was thinking that. "Maybe they just don't know what Amazon is like." As someone who worked with the business side a bit I came to viscerally loathe them, but if your only interaction with them is as a consumer maybe someone has a high view of them and thinks working for them is like that.




Reddit sure hates the poors.

Really makes you wonder how they plan to start their commie revolution.

Amazon hates the poors

Amazon has weaponizable drones and spy devices, Reddit commies don’t.

Amazon has long hours and low pay.. it didn’t bring anything good

For the code monkeys? Pay is pretty good if you're fine sleeping under your desk.

Birthplace of Donald Trump-cels are seriously the easiest bussies to blast.

You can’t just move to NEW YORK and call yourself a NEW YORKER. đŸ€©đŸ€Ș🍎 It’s hard to say what makes us NEW YORKERS, but you know it when you see it!

You literally can. It’s easier than in any other city basically.


Jealous much?

Blasted Bussy:


You can’t just move to NEW YORK and call yourself a NEW YORKER. đŸ€©đŸ€Ș🍎 It’s hard to say what makes us NEW YORKERS, but you know it when you see it!

Ironic that these are the same people who would lose their minds if someone said

You can’t just move to AMERICA and call yourself an AMERICAN. đŸ€©đŸ€Ș🍔 It’s hard to say what makes us AMERICANS, but you know it when you see it!

hahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha holy shit ocasio cortez actually did something and its something as massive as helping push out hq2 from her city. repsect to her, i didnt think she would actually have any impact, let alone such a huge impact so fast. so many naive millenials in that thread.

Dicklet Boiled Egg Bezos has NO CHANCE against the likes of 😍😍😍COMMIE MOMMY😍😍😍

bezos just got taken to the house by his wife for 70 billion, commie mommy only shook him for 3 billion, still very respectable though.

3 billion in tax subsidies so it’s not exactly like he lost the money. Plus amazon is just gonna continue growing in the area just at a somewhat slower rate. I wish I could be a serf for Dark Lord Bezos !! đŸ˜©

One person claims it may not have they big of an impact. I think the previous plans benefits were overstated tbh

im not an expert on the topic ive just done cursory reading of articles but at the end of the day no amazon hq<amazon hq

i mean it was going to be a corporate headquarters for the 4th largest company in the world, probably not game changing for a place like nyc, but definitely game changing for a place like queens and the message it sends isnt good either. 5k jobs that were already going to go to nyc vs 25k additional jobs and all the support jobs that go along with that kind of economic load is definitely a lot. its all relative, baton rouge freaked out when amazon thought about building a fucking fulfillment center here lol. at the end of the day young professionals move where the jobs are, its why im leaving louisiana and see myself long term in places like houston or atlanta rather than louisiana where i grew up because im ambitious and I want to advance my career (while still being close to home). getting these big headquarters attracts yuppies like me (although probably significantly less retarded ones) who come there and make and spend a lot of money while putting down roots.

I understand where you are getting at but a lot of what you said is already happening. Young professionals from the country are already flocking here and rich hipsters are already making queens the new Brooklyn. Basically the only part that isn't gentrified is the Bronx at this point, so maybe Amazon moving there would be huge in that regard.

Not an expert either but I feel a lot of snap judgments making fun of people for being against it have a lot of misconceptions about NYC

yes those things are already happening because its nyc, but i dont think you can discredit the steroid shot that fucking amazons headquarters would give any local economy, even nycs, i feel like a lot of people in that thread are underestimating the long term effects that amazon wouldve had on that economy, but also the long term effects of a large companys hq being derailed by the local DSA chapter.

idk maybe amazon was never really comitted to the nyc build, from a strategy standpoint, an east coast hq makes much more sense in NOVA than NYC.

I see what you're saying there and don't have too many counterarguments off the top of my head. I'm more arguing against people who act like Amazon coming in is going to have a drastic change to the local economy as if it's going to save local businesses when in reality some other place will occupy it at some point, and there are so many other upper middle class types walking around that spend their money rather than obtaining any sort of fiscal responsibility that if you have a decent bar/restaurant or whatever you will be more than fine regardless.

there was a foodtruck owner melting the fuck down in the nyc thread, but yeah theyll probably be fine, but at the end of the day, more jobs and money being spent and tax revenue collected is better than amazon hq just not coming at all.

the steroid shot that fucking amazons headquarters would give any local economy, even nycs

Underestimating the absolute size of the NYC economy.

The people living there now won't benefit from a new amazon hq, their rent is just going to quadruple. It's not like they can learn2code at an AMZN level just because it's down the street lol.

Riverdale is nice. I thought about buying there, but bought in Morningside instead.

Coonass you can join me in Atlanta as I watch my beloved Auburn continue to confound logic and find ever more creative ways of sucking. I was at the LSU-Auburn game last year and 'keep playing aggressive man coverage even though LSU has one drive left and are just chucking the ball hoping for DPIs' was a new one.

But yeah fuck being a millennial in anywhere that's not a big city.



Ahh, Mr. Coonass. I see you too are a connoisseur of other SEC teams misery, as you should be.

Delight yourself then by imagining me and like 15 people I graduated Auburn Aero with (we all work on Eglin) watching 2017's SEC championship, as we continually trot out Kerryon despite everyone in the fucking stadium (even the brain-dead brutes of Georgia) knowing he can't play. Imagine my anguish when we FUCKING PUNT down 2 TD's in 4th quarter. Imagine that the next day you wake up and discover the committee put fucking Bama in the playoff at the measly cost of one Nick Saban-authentic dildo already pre-slobbered per member. Then imagine seeing fucking Gus Malzahn get 49 MILLION DOLLARS, GUARANTEED for beating Bama twice in 5 years. Fucking pathetic.

Also for your entertainment, imagine me being at a weird fucking hippy wedding on a mountain in New Mexico during the weekend of the Auburn-LSU game from the same season. Imagine my fiance and I driving up the mountain and finding the game on LSU radio, and hey we're up 17 early! Looking good. Now IMAGINE us getting out of the hippy wedding at hopping in the car, and immediately we get this fucking indecipherable Cajun raving about a LSU punt-return TD to take the lead. Ugh.

Fucking Gus man.

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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i know a pilot who went to auburn and got stationed at eglin lol.

Hope to god the T has found our way out of the ass fields. Weve been in the shitter right there with you man.

I have some bad news for ya bud, if you move to houston and get a job, you're probably not gonna' be able to sit around and shitpost all day

the work ethic that's required in houston, ATL, or Dallas is going to blow your mind. lazy people there get fuckin' fire, here they become mayors and governors

you mean it takes hard work to advance a career?!?!?

holy shit i never knew that!

obviously I can't speak to your work ethic but one thing I can tell ya: with your penchant for kissing corporate boot (in this thread as well as the chevron/baton rouge thread), you'll love houston or dallas.

they'll just slowly cut your benefits and pension every single year you live there, while slowly increasing your hours and workload, because they know the absolute LAST thing you'd ever try to do is literally anything about it

imagine thinking that this is kissing corporate boot lol. also imagine thinking any corporate job will give pensions beyond retirement contributions after pension obligations have taken down so many companies. if you want a pension in the current year you work for the government, fund your own, or work for exxon (ive talked with exxon recruiters and it seems like they keep it around as a differentiator to attract talent). also how is thinking the DSA is retarded for forcing out amazon means that i would just lie down and take dick from my employers rather than just jumping to another job, at least in my line of work benefits and salary are very standardized and good across the industry and if i feel im not moving up fast enough i can just jump to another company easily.

if i feel im not moving up fast enough i can just jump to another company easily.

that's good that you realize this early on, because you'll most likely have to do this A LOT. like, every 3-5 years, as most millennials are doing now.

no shit, this is common knowledge in today's corporate environment that loyalty isn't rewarded. the only thing that would keep me in a company long term would be being given my own P&L, and im like 10-20 years away from that at minimum lol.

MĂ©re and pĂ©re are fighting 😭😭😭

What does P&L mean? And earlier in this discussion you used NOVA as some sort of place acronym, what does that mean? Ty

nova is northern virginia, aka the seat of all the megacorps that suck off the federal teat and lots of 3 letter agencies

P&L is profit and loss, essentially it means you are put in charge of a silo'd operational area in the company and you are given final budgetary responsibility so you have to answer for any profits/losses that area incurs.

Thank you!

that suck off the federal teat

You mean they are close to Washington DC but are actually in Virgina as a sort of suburb? Sorry, filthy Euro here

lol p&l is an industry term, and im not near the point where any employer would talk to me about a respectable one, its a far off career goal.

the work ethic that's required in houston, ATL, or Dallas is going to blow your mind

man people are so fucking stupid. you think amazon really needed an hq2? no.

hq2 was all about leverage aganist seattle because seattle actually wanted one of the top 5 most valuable companies in the world to pay their fair share.

now that amazon has been pushed out of new york, they've lost a ton of leverage over seattle and any other locations they build. their pr team is spinning it out the wazoo, but this was a big loss for them.

the 25000 jobs is a false equivalency. the choice isn't between 25000 jobs and no jobs. the choice is 25000 amazon jobs and some number of by other businesses. new york is already top 5 most attractive cities in the world. they don't need help attracting other businesses.

im pretty sure they are still gonna build hq2 because they want an operational hub on the east coast, but its just gonna be in nova now. i know nothing about seattle local politics but i did read about some ridiculous head tax they tried to pass recently which was aimed at amazon. of course nyc is gonna attract jobs, but to act like losing out the hq of the 4th largest company in the world is no big deal (economically) is fucking retarded.

>muh fair share

one of the most retarded memes on reddit and there are a lot of fucking retarded memes on this website.

but its just gonna be in nova now

lmao. nova was always going to have an "hq2" because they need that sweet federal money.

of course nyc is gonna attract jobs, but to act like losing out the hq of the 4th largest company in the world is no big deal (economically) is fucking retarded.

you realize most of the biggest companies in the world already have offices in new york right? you can go down the fortune 500 list if you want.

secondly they're still hiring in new york you fucking idiot lmao. all the 25000 jobs was going to drive up costs in one of the few affordable neighborhoods within a few stops of manhatten.

literally they were buying up waterfront property for pennies on the dollar because they were going "bring out 25000 jobs"

and what happens when the economy goes down? then the taxpayers have already subsidized development while amazon quietly turns that 25000 into 500

i cant believe people are actually this fucking stupid lmao

yeah they will have 5k jobs in a manhattan office instead of their fucking headquarters in queens, you are so dense lmao.

hey you fucking moron. the choice isn't 25000 jobs or no jobs you ignorant ass mother fucker. the choice is 25000 jobs from amazon and a number of jobs from other businesses. and what happens when the economy goes down? suddenly those 25000 jobs turns in 5000 jobs at which point it doesn't fucking matter anyway.

i know its hard for stupid people but try to think like farther ahead than the next 5 minutes.

Yeah framing Amazon's issues with Seattle as "wanted one of the top 5 most valuable companies in the world to pay their fair share" is massively oversimplifying it. Our city council has more funds than they've ever had and is throwing all of it into the black hole that is the homelessness crisis, so rather than try and spend the money more wisely they've kept using Amazon as a scapegoat for all the city's ills. One council member actually went so far as to refer to Bezos as "the enemy" in a public meeting.

Eventually our politicians are going to chase Amazon out of the city just like they did with every other local startup that makes it big. There's a reason Boeing corporate is in Chicago now.

Our city council has more funds than they've ever had and is throwing all of it into the black hole that is the homelessness crisis

seattle's got roughly 1 billion dollars in tax revenue

Overall City funding to address homelessness has increased by 60% over the past 4 years, from $39M/yr. to $63M/yr

yea they're really throwing away all that money by increasing homelessness services from .03 to .06 of total revenue

what a shitty auditor lmao

If you live in an expensive metro and your spending on homelessness isnt to ship them to a cheaper one and house them you may as well just be burning it.

Swamp goblins like you deserve what you wished upon weebs

this, but unironically

If you area ambitious, capitalization and grammar may help in not being perceived like an abortion baby.

this is reddit

New York city is too big to be majorly impacted by one company not moving in. Still is a loss of a lot of tax revenue.

Still is a loss of a lot of tax revenue.

no it isn't you fucking moron. use your brain and stop buying into the false equivalency. the choice isn't between 25000 jobs and no jobs. the choice is 25000 amazon jobs and some number of jobs by other businesses. new york is already top 5 most attractive cities in the world. they don't need help attracting other businesses(or workers).

how are people actually this fucking stupid.

til having the hq of the 4th largest company in the world move there has a net zero impact on that city.

lmao you realize that at hq1 where they employ more than 25000, amazon paid roughly 250 million in tax to state and local governments in 2017? dumbasses ready to give them billions of dollars in subsidies for literal chump change tax revenue xd

imagine not knowing the difference between subsidies and tax breaks. i think the only subsidy they were getting was to clean up the property they were gonna buy which was less than the actual cost of cleaning the property that falls back on to the city.

motherfuckers buying waterfront property one stop away from manhattan for pennies on the dollar and you're patting them on the back.

well few other companies have been interested in that area for the past 20 years, maybe thats why its so cheap, also im not patting them on the back, im saying they got tax breaks instead of subsidies, there is a difference. and if you read the article you linked me you will see that amazons tax was comparable with boeings (the state's largest employer) tax, and that washington and seattle has no corporate income tax or personal income tax (so they get no income tax from amazon's 45k employees there), which is not true of of new york state or city.

that washington and seattle has no corporate income tax or personal income tax

yea and when seattle tried to raise their taxes and started the hq2 search

well few other companies have been interested in that area for the past 20 years,

also this is straight up false. there was a redevelopment plan for that area that was steamrolled for amazon "hq2"

Today you learn that amazon was supposed to add 25 K jobs over 10 years. NYC has added 700,000 jobs over the last eight years.

This isn't Toledo Ohio lol.

I 100% agree it’ll have little impact on nyc. My comment was referring tot he lost opportunity cost, which is large and undeniable.

what fucking oppurtunity cost? they'll just go back to doing their development plan and cuomo will get fucked in the ass even harder by the city the next time elections roll around

wait the biggest city in the country added more jobs than a private company? no way

what evidence is there that AOC bullied Bezos out of this project?

i mean AOC has been bullying billionaires. one retarded tweet and now all billionaires can talk about is "oh no please sir commie mommie no taxerino my cappcuino"

I guess Bezos is AOC's bitch now?

okay, whatever

it turns out "lets tax rich people" is a pretty popular idea

its popular with me thats for sure

Hey faggot, this isn't chapotraphouse.

they want people to pay taxes they must be from cth

this is what mdefugees think

also lol at creating an alt for this

redditor for 2 hours

Yes dumb ideas are usually quite popular.

taxing rich people so sick and old people can get healthcare is dumb

agreed fuck the boomers and kids with cancer.

Post hog, chud bussy, faggot.

sure my asshole looks pretty nasty though

Policy that helps person A and hurts person B is usually pretty popular with person A, lol

yea im sure it will hurt billionaires a lot when they take home $300,000,000 instead of $700,000,000 every year

Yes it will hurt them by a measurable amount, you retard. it doesn’t mean they’re no longer living better than 99.9% of people in the country.

im so sad that they can't buy a third yacht. i know how much that must hurt them.

God, you’re fucking retarded. I’m not even saying it’s necessarily a bad thing to raise taxes on them but that the person benefitting from it will almost always be in favor of it. Jesus Christ you’re dense.

thanks captain obvious for stating what everyone with half a brain already figured out.

That’s literally all I said in the original comment you smooth brain, then you launched into a chapocel spergout about how they’re still rich even if they’re taxed more.

Sorry for thinking your opinion had even a modicum of thought behind it. I won’t make that mistake again!

thinking your own had any thought behind it either


retarded emoji

damn ive been zooted

MABA 2020 Make Alexandria a Bartender Again

Capital improvement grants. To help clean up the old plastic plant that’s on the land and protect the water front from erosion and storms. They basically agreed to build the campus in a terrible part of LIC and in return, the city gave them grant money.

Now, we’ll just get to keep the run down plant and hope the waterfront doesn’t wash away since actually fixing that area will cost a lot more then the grant was worth.

LMAO. this mother fucking actually wants people to think that waterfront property one stop away from manhatten is some real shitstain that no one wanted.

and people actually believed him XD

People actually believe those positions aren't already filled and Amazon would have gone searching for employees who have long been NYC residents. Just an incredible level of retardation that exemplifies why things are going to shit. Imagine giving away billions of dollars away just so you can say "Home of Amazon! Oh they don't contribute anything to the city, in fact they pushed all the culture out and replaced with with Melissa's Cupcakes on every corner but hey, AMAZON!"


The tax revenue from the new jobs, regardless of who fills them, would have brought the city massively more tax revenue than they would have spent just in income tax. This is before you consider the thousands of jobs created from building the campus and from these tech bros spending their money at local businesses. This is objectively, undeniably a huge loss for NYC.

and from these tech bros spending their money at local businesses.

Lol those are already there. And there is always construction happening in NYC.

How does that change anything I said at all?

Just because I already have 100 dollars doesn’t meant I don’t want 100 more.

Meaning your point on the local businesses is moot. Those are either going to succeed or they won't.

No it isn’t moot. They now will have 25,000 fewer salaries averaging 150k cycling their money through the local economy.

Lol think what you want

You're a dumb bitch for believing that 25k jobs would immutably be created despite the history of corporations never meeting their own job forecasts. You're a dumb bitch for believing that every last one of those workers would be living in NYC. You're a dumb bitch for believing the headquarters won't push even more people out due to rising rent costs, thus losing even more tax revenue. You're a dumb bitch for believing Amazon workers would support small businesses instead of buying Soylent and other bullshit online or from national chains like these husks already do. You're a dumb bitch for believing the amount of money a city makes is the most important thing in the first place.

You're a dumb bitch. Stop posting.

he really is lmao

T. Fired-coal-minercel

This is money small business would love to sell their products to.

I'm pretty sure that part of working at Amazon is you have to buy everything from Amazon.

When I worked there I was seen in a local cupcake bakery, then at my Monday morning meeting Jeff Bezos was there, he punched me in the head and said I wasn't a team player.

They then forced me to eat packaging peanuts until I quit four and a half years later.

Imagine giving away billions of dollars away just so you can say "Home of Amazon!

Amazon was getting tax incentives, not free money. So if those tax incentives resulted in Amazon paying $0 in taxes it would be exactly the same as if they didn't go there at all.

You don't understand the mind set. Me taking less money from you means I'm giving money to you.

it would be exactly the same as if they didn't go there at all.

Minus the 25,000 high paying jobs that would pay taxes.

What do you mean by culture? Corner stores that sell loosies?

Porno shops, shankings and rapes.

Individually wrapped circus peanuts.

Lmao what fucking culture would be threatened.

Oh man I love Bezos. This is good for drama coin.

/u/JumbledFun on suicide watch when he realizes that he won't be able to get a job just down the street from the methadone clinic.

Aww I have a fan

talk about it

New York is a shithole, who would willingly live there?

people who want to work for amazon for giant salaries lol

Not anymore, now they can work somewhere nicer(I can say that with almost certainty) for those massivr salaries.

that somewhere is nova, idk if thats an improvement, both seem like awful places to live.

I have no idea where or what Nova is.

northern virginia, the expensive as fuck business center for all the leeches that suck up federal money.

giant salaries and models

other than that no real reason, the whole city smells like shit

Lol enjoy flyover country

Money, amazing restaurants and nightlife, beautiful women everywhere. It only sucks if you're poor and bring nothing to the table


>beautiful women


Lol you've never been to NYC. The French aren't handing out Michelin stars for no reason

>he didn't deny Amerimutt w*men are ugly

>he relies on a tyre company to tell him what to eat

It's over for burgercels.

I'm guessing you are too poor to go to restaurants that have stars?

America doesn’t have amazing restaurants, nightlife or beautiful women, sorry.

You have no clue what you're talking about. We have the best food scene outside of France. You don't honestly think somewhere like the UK or Germany has a better one do you? Cause that would be hilarious

crine u mad as shit 😂

you’re right though I’m not overweight so probably not interested in any American cuisine. I’m pretty wealthy but you’re lame as fuck for caring

"I'm pretty wealthy but I have 0 clue about the NYC food scene, means I've probably never been there." Wealthy people tend to be less ignorant. Chavscum taking in tons of benefits due to 10 kids?

The amount of people pretending this just "saved their city" is comical. The anti-amazon argument is literally just because people don't like Daddy bezos having money and nothing to do with it's actual impact on the economy.

Wait until someone tells them that the land is probably zoned for commercial use still anyways and it'll get filled by anything else soon enough.

I fought to keep bozos out of Boston. It’s already too expensive here and there’s already too many tech bros invading. Keeping Amazon out was a huge deal for making sure this city stays for Bostonians

No one actually from Boston enjoys living there, I can't blame Amazon

Transplant cucks maybe but not us real Bostonians

Yay Boston!

Transplant cuck detected.

Fuck you I love my city go back to Ohio

my city

You're a suburban hipster if you "love" Boston and live there.

It’s not some shithole like seascatle

I don't live in Seattle.

Stop appropriating our name then đŸ˜€

No u

What is there to love about Boston? Your layout is all fucked and the weather sucks.

The cold is good and it’s the only place I’ve ever lived and am fine with it. Don’t want or need foreigners telling me my home is bad when every other city is generic shit

Lol Boston is a town not a city

real Bostonians

So the extra lumpy Irish castoffs?

> making sure this city stays for Bostonians

That sounds racists. It's like keeping America for Americans.

Politicians don't favour multinational corporations because of their personal sensibilities. They are organically incentivized to favour the rich because of its "actual impact on the economy"; our entire society is structured such that the rich are in an advantageous position and given every opportunity to grow their wealth exponentially. This the SNC-Lavalin scandal in Canada

And things like these are never as simple as mere statistical measures. What will be the impacts of the people actually living in the community? Will the community become 'richer' on paper but at the cost of hurting poor or vulnerable residents? What are the implications of helping a corporation which exploits its employees, even to a greater extent than others, and forcefully blocks any attempts at unionization?

Yes, having wealth facilitates gaining more wealth through time preference. Stop being a moron and trying to justify doing stuff that makes things worse for everyone as a petulant tantrum against the unfair world.

Not an argument.

General human emancipation presupposes the emancipation of the working-class from capitalist society. A revolution would never make things worse for the working-class because they already live in a state of general exploitation; the working-class has nothing to lose.

Implying things cannot get worse for the working class displays a staggering ignorance of human history.

The working-class is in a position in which they are utterly dependent on capital for their every need. They are completely subject to its whims and vagaries—everything that hurts capital, hurts them; everything that helps capital only increases its dominion.

So ... yes, things can get 'worse' in the sense that an asteroid could kill us all, or in the sense that a nuclear war could reduce us to the stone-age. But in the prevailing capitalist system, their privileges are only illusory.

One could make the argument that the working-class could see their conditions worsen in the sense that the state could turn to totalitarianism. That their rights could be taken away. But what are capitalist rights centered on except the ability to own property and, from this, to exploit others?

None of the so-called rights of man, therefore, go beyond egoistic man, beyond man as a member of civil society – that is, an individual withdrawn into himself, into the confines of his private interests and private caprice, and separated from the community. In the rights of man, he is far from being conceived as a species-being; on the contrary, species-life itself, society, appears as a framework external to the individuals, as a restriction of their original independence. The sole bond holding them together is natural necessity, need and private interest, the preservation of their property and their egoistic selves.

(On the Jewish Question — Karl Marx)

And even if political emancipation, the supposed rights of man are preferable to a slide into dictatorship, does capitalism give one the choice? Using historical precedent, communists have argued that dictatorship is a tendency which indispensable to capitalism, demarcating times when the state must step in times of crisis to enforce capital's hold over society.

Dictatorship is not a weapon of capital (as if capital could replace it with other, less brutal weapons): dictatorship is one of its tendencies, a tendency realised whenever it is deemed necessary. A “return” to parliamentary democracy, as it occurred in Germany after 1945, indicates that dictatorship is useless for integrating the masses into the state (at least until the next time). The problem is therefore not that democracy ensures a more pliant domination than dictatorship: anyone would prefer being exploited in the Swedish mode to being abducted by the henchmen of Pinochet. But does one have the choice? Even the gentle democracy of Scandinavia would be turned into a dictatorship if circumstances demanded it. The state can only have one function, which it fulfils democratically or dictatorially. The fact that the former is less harsh does not mean that it is possible to reorient the state to dispense with the latter. Capitalism’s forms depend no more on the preferences of wage workers than they do on the intentions of the bourgeoisie.

(When Insurrections Die — Gilles Dauve)

Communism is the realization of general human emancipation. It is the movement by which the working-class throws themselves off as atomized units whose only use is the production of surplus-value and the valorisation of capital. Things can get worse for them, but only in the same sense that things could be worse for a feudal peasant—that they have not yet reached the bottom of their miserable existence is not a sign that they have anything to lose; their position within society is still one of abject oppression and exploitation.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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That's a lot of tangential words meant to distract from the fact that you have no answer to the fact that a revolution almost certainly would hurt the working class more than it would help them. The people's revolution is only possible when the court supports it and always in the interest of the court and not the people. A revolution is the poor killing eachother until they are more miserable than they were.

A revolution, if successful, would eliminate the working-class in the sense that the term 'working-class' would lose all meaning—society would not be split between those who survive off of their ownership of capital and those who must sell their capacity to labour. Everyone, instead of being proletarians or bourgeoisie, would simply be individuals. This is the realization of general human emancipation.

A revolution would only make matters worse if it failed, as was the case in Russia; to this end, a worsening of their conditions can only be blamed on the system that compelled them to revolt in the first place.

You speak of likely impossible ideals as the reward for mortgages out current possible material inprovements. You promise salvation for sacrifice with a worse track record than the church.

It only seems impossible because the entirety of Marxism is impossible to convey within the span of one comment. Even if I tried no one would read it because it would be too long/difficult. Even the "leftists" on subreddits like /r/socialism or /r/CTH don't take the time to actually read Marx.

I've ready capital, he doesn't talk prescriptively because he simply believed the abolition of capital would lead to spontaneous organization, and incredibly naive belief.

What you just posted is utterly incomprehensible to me.

This is not surprising.

Because Marx was an unemployed retard who’s philosophy is such a meme that it’s lofty ideals ended up creating some of the most brutal totalitarian nations this world has ever seen.

Huh, which step does getting squished by tanks or visits to the Leninist room fit under?

The disenfranchisement and political repression of the bourgeois will be undertaken during the course of the revolution. This is the dictatorship-of-the-proletariat.

But those people do the shooting and direct the traffic, you know?

Zek nation rise, huh? Prob the best you can hope for, tbf..

But then the ex-bourgeois will now be the true proletariat so the old proletariat now have to disenfranchise and politically repress themselves until everyone is equal.

Any day now

That are unironically some good points that I have not thought about before, thank you for this.

A revolution would never make things worse for the working-class because they already live in a state of general exploitation; the working-class has nothing to lose.

What about toilet paper? At least in the US the working class has the access to toilet paper to lose.

I suggest that you try to wipe your ass with newspapers and the like for some time, this might change your cavalier attitude to economics, kiddo.

"At least slaves ate food". Having access to commodities which are in our society considered basic necessities does not negate the fact that the working-class is in an abjectly miserable situation.

"At least slaves ate food".

Yes, and Ukrainians did not. You can't ask them what they'd prefer because they are all dead, LMAO!

the fact that the working-class is in an abjectly miserable situation.

Nah, it's all relative and the working class is a miserable situation compared to capitalists but in a really great situation compared to what would happen if they seize the means of production.

Are you referring to the Ukrainians that died under the leadership of a capitalist state?

Not true capitalism!

When criticizing a position, one should take the time to understand that position. In short: capitalism is demarcated from other modes-of-production from the emergence of generalized commodity production.

The fundamental operating principle of capitalist society, in other words, is the M-C-M' circuit—whereby money is exchanged for commodities such as the means of production and labour-power, in order to create a greater value of commodities to be sold for a greater amount of money than one initially had.

It is evidence to anyone with even a seminal knowledge of the Soviet economy that this system prevailed; Stalin, even, recognized that the law-of-value continued to govern production under his rule, and this recognition—if he had any intention of honestly interpreting Marx—should have immediately told him that he was presiding over a capitalist state.

Within the co-operative society based on common ownership of the means of production, the producers do not exchange their products; just as little does the labor employed on the products appear here as the value of these products, as a material quality possessed by them, since now, in contrast to capitalist society, individual labor no longer exists in an indirect fashion but directly as a component part of total labor.

(Critique of the Gotha Programme — Karl Marx)

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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The fundamental principle of capitalist society is that capitalists appropriate a portion of value created by labor. If it's not capitalists but the People's Party that represents the People, then it's not true capitalism.

the M-C-M' circuit

In the USSR there was only the C-C-C circuit, since the costs of items had nothing to do with salaries of the people producing them. Money played the role of reputation points for private persons, a mathematician was paid 200 roubles, an engineer, 300, a plumber, 350, and so could afford different amounts of commodities. But an engineer's salary was entirely independent of the output of the dildo factory he labored at, what the rubber cost (it didn't, the factory just requested a certain amount) and what the produced dildoes were eventually sold for. The more you know!

It doesn't matter if 'capitalists' are involved. The hell of the firm, as Bordiga notoriously said, is not the fact that it has a boss. And as many communists—including Marx and Engels—have explained, state or co-operative ownership of the means-of-production does not do away with their capitalist nature.

In the USSR there was only the C-C-C circuit

That really doesn't make any sense. One could argue that the M-C-M' circuit is the 'C-C-C circuit'—as money is a commodity, just one which is used as a general equivalent for all others. But yeah, as I said, even Stalin's recognized that the law-of-value persisted under his rule—that means that the value of commodities was still determined by the amount of abstract labour embodied within them, and the value of labour-power was still the value of the commodities requisite to its reproduction. Even if we take the idea that the M-C-M' circuit did not persist as truth, the only thing that we've proven is that the USSR is not a capitalist society—but, as communist society requires the elimination of value and of the exchange of commodities altogether, we have not sufficiently proven that it was a communist one.

One could argue that the M-C-M' circuit is the 'C-C-C circuit'—as money is a commodity, just one which is used as a general equivalent for all others.

Are you going after the fact that labor put into improving means of productions results in improved output, compounding on itself? Because I wouldn't want to live in a community that doesn't embrace that fact with fervor.

But yeah, as I said, even Stalin's recognized that the law-of-value persisted under his rule—that means that the value of commodities was still determined by the amount of abstract labour embodied within them, and the value of labour-power was still the value of the commodities requisite to its reproduction.

Citation needed. The salaries of the workers at a rubber boot kombinat and the amount of rubber allocated to it had absolutely nothing to do with the price of rubber boots for the populace or whether populace bought them. This is a fact.

Shaking my damn head at coddled western socialists who can't even begin to imagine how an actual socialist economy worked, like, in detail. What do you think "state capitalism" means, precisely?

Are you going after the fact that labor put into improving means of productions results in improved output, compounding on itself?

I never said anything like this.

The salaries of the workers at a rubber boot kombinat and the amount of rubber allocated to it had absolutely nothing to do with the price of rubber boots for the populace or whether populace bought them.

That's not what I said.

What do you think "state capitalism" means, precisely?

Essentially an oxymoron. Capitalism presupposes the existence of the state.

The salaries of the workers at a rubber boot kombinat and the amount of rubber allocated to it had absolutely nothing to do with the price of rubber boots for the populace or whether populace bought them.

That's not what I said.

Yeah, you said some retarded shit instead of my description of how it actually worked.

What do you think "state capitalism" means, precisely?

Essentially an oxymoron. Capitalism presupposes the existence of the state.

Did you mean "tautology", you moron? Even then that would be wrong.

Please up the level of your trolling, you're becoming boringly retarded and I will leave you if the quality continues to deteriorate.

An oxymoron is the opposite of what I was referring to, yes, but 'tautology' isn't exactly the right choice of words either. Or maybe it is? No need to get so upset about it.

you said some retarded shit instead of my description of how it actually worked.

Your 'description of how it actually worked' was weird, irrelevant, and unsubstantiated nonsense. I agree that you should leave because I'm not getting any enjoyment out of this lol.

as I said, even Stalin's recognized that the law-of-value persisted under his rule—that means that the value of commodities was still determined by the amount of abstract labour embodied within them

is either

  • outright wrong because the price of commodities for the people had nothing to do with labor embodied within them,

  • or completely retarded because it tried to yeet on the fact that yes labor creates value under its own definitions

  • or just some meaningless word salad or something that uses some astral concept of value that's disconnected from anything in the world

I agree that you should leave because I'm not getting any enjoyment out of this lol.

This gives me enjoyment.

I don't know what the use is in attempting to defend Marxism to someone who has made no attempt to understand it, as evidenced from the fact that you think that 'price' and 'value' are interchangeable.

as evidenced from the fact that you think that 'price' and 'value' are interchangeable.

That was one of the three ways to explain your deranged ideas. "No, it was not the first one" says the marx. Two more remain, continue?

Apple set up their campus and it was meant to be great for the locals. Turns out that they gave away so much tax revenue they had to cut infrastructure for everyone else in order to supply the campus with what they promised. Then it turns out that the vast majority of people just eat at the cafeteria instead of injecting money into the local economy. It's all self enclosed.

>caring about the poors


I'm not saying that there aren't legitimate reasons. I'm just saying that's not why the protesters do it

Damn Marx, you soundin kinda Strasserite rn 😍😍

I'm not a Strasserite ... I'm just a communist. I recognize that the emancipation of the working-class will only come into place after violent class civil-war and the establishment of the dictatorship-of-the-proletariat.

Marxdaddy, when will the classes get violent. I know that you say it's when they are educated enough to recognize their position, but it seems they forget every time they get their tax refund back.

I've never said that because it's dumb. Anyone who thinks that the majority of the working-class will ever become consciously 'communist' is lying to themselves; revolutions don't start because people adhere to particular ideologies or because they choose to start them for some great moral purpose, but because they are compelled to revolt against the real conditions of their existence. The class-party, consisting of the most resolute proletarians and the minority of people who have reached theoretical clarity, turns these disparate working-class struggles and expressions of discontent into the general struggle against capitalist exploitation.

Aka it's never going to happen as long as people eat the "be grateful" spook.

this will never happen but ok

Not an argument

The reality is that such a revolution will never take place because market economies are lifting people out of poverty at an unprecedented rate.

People in Indian slums who are finding themselves to be considerably richer than their parents on a generations-basis do not want to destroy their societies.

The reality in this world is that our societies are closely connected with the allocation of capital from financial institutions, even from other countries. You will not challenge it lol.

As another user has said,

Radical political groups are filled with neurotic individuals. Just think of real life, does anyone you consider to be normal, successful and well adjusted subscribe to any sort of extremist view?

sorry commie

Yes, living-conditions have improved with increasing globalization and technological advancement. The production and distribution of goods under communist society, however, would be consciously planned to provide benefit to humanity rather than in the interests of the valorisation of capital. Appeals to the contemporary conditions of the working-class do not refute the communist position, as we do not predict our arguments on how 'rich' the working-class is or by what the average person can purchase.

consciously planned

Yeah, that central planning works until some sort of disease hits any aspect of human consumption or life.

He's just angry because he works in fast food.

So, are you ready to live the rest of your life and die without seeing your dream come true?

The anti-amazon argument is literally just because people don't like Daddy bezos having money

even by the smooth-brained standards of this sub, that is a gross simplification of the issue

Lol no it isn't. Lefties start hating him for being the richest man in the world then work backward from there.

They were going to build over the old Plaxall site, which nobody will touch because the cleanup costs would be so enormous. It's unused, worthless land right now. This is the most incredible example of "cut off your nose to spite your face" I think I've ever seen. Everyone would've benefitted tremendously, but commie mommy can't see past "richest man". These morons already have rent control dissuading investors and improvements, it's like they want to live in squalor.

I'm glad

I live here

fuck this city

Gotta protect the integrity of wonderful NYC from big bad corporations... 🙄

Hang all the gentrifier fucks that wanted this.

Amazon should have gone to Detroit but of course Bozos doesn’t want to help a community, he just polls his soycuck stemcel employees which already expensive cities they want to invade and make more expensive

Detroit would’ve been cool actually. I think the city is recovering regardless but Amazon could’ve helped with name recognition

Detroit will never recover. The city is dead. We should just give it to the Canadians. The rampaging animals and wild dogs living there would finally bring about THE DAY OF THE RAKE.

So instead of gentrifying New York, he should just gentrify Detroit? 😂😂

LIC, Astoria, and Greenpoint are already gentrified as fuck. The people whining were mad about even richer gentrifier pushing them out.

Too many blacks to be helped

Awesome guys this vacant property will stay vacant and we will lose billions in the long term and deter future investment from big companies!

Remember that time when New York wasn't considered one of the economic and cultural centers of the US? I don't, because I was born after the Revolutionary War.

The fuck does this comment have to do with anything? Are you saying "NY has enough money, why make more?"

Honestly that deal was terrible for NYC, there was no way that was going to work out well for them.

lmfao New Yorkers are so fucking entitled

"I want cheap rent but I don't want them to build new buildings but I want cool artisanal gelato shops but also want to be able to get Seamless to deliver me a chop cheese (the bodegas north of 125th are scary) so I can seem authentic even though my Dad works for a hedge fund in Greenwich and I want people to have jobs but I don't want big bad mean companies to be here and I want to complain about how bad the subways are but also I don't want to pay more taxes."

It makes me sad that these people move to Florida when they start waiting to die.

lmfao flyover country residents are so fucking poor

the bodegas north of 125th are scary

Is current year 1986?

it is if you're a white transplant

Oh no, I've only lived in New York for 15 years. I'm not a real New Yorker or whatever.

Damn, I know Bezos just got divorced but there are quite a few people sucking his dick here ITT.

Didn't realize drama was filled with so many corporate boot lickers.

New York for New Yorkers

It's nice seeing left-wing progressives empathize with anti-immigration right-wingers. If only they made the small jump in abstraction to understand that both want the same thing...

no testicle massaging deals

well, for me that's a deal breaker.

Jesus, this sub is infested with curmudgeon unimaginative dinosaurs who hate progress, growth, and vibrancy and would prefer to make the whole of New York into a museum where nothing new can ever be built.

And amazon will bring all that? Ahahahahah

Yeah. I was raised in the hood what about it? Does that make me less important than you?

yes actually.