Welfare-American of r/antiwork hates life and of course working, gets reasonable suggestions on how to improve his life, but instead rants incoherently.

357  2019-02-16 by 2402a7b7f239666e4079


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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We truly do live in a society šŸ˜”

We built this city

On all your dough

I don't think pure "laziness" explains this. I mean, if we're to believe that the world has reasonable opportunity, then why so many disgruntled, upset, insecure, angry people?

Wow, extra chromosome-tier take there. "if things are so great, why doesn't the world force an engineering degree and a nice house on people who sit in their rooms all day?"

This is why Republicans cut welfare.

Eh, kinda feel sorry about the guy. That sounds a lot like the way I would rationalize ending my life when I was depressed many years ago.

It's truly a pity you didn't go through with it


Ding ding ding.


The escape from life's misery is always with you. Simply look a the wrists and you have found the exit.

I have done this kind of soul searching. My conclusion wasn't that I was at fault

real deep thinker here

Shame he didn't go searching down the barrel of a loaded gun

I've done some soul searching and it turns out I'm 100% right. It was a really rough process I tell ya, learning how righteous your beliefs are.

Either the greatest satirist of our times or life imitating art. Topkek either way

What kind of upbringing do you need in order to not think someone like that should be homeless.

Very few of them exist, but this is literally the kind of person that deserves to be homeless

He deserves to be looked down upon by even thta junkie guy who fucked that duck

Get your srs posting out of here Mayo.

He framed it as if he were some key to unlocking our consciousness. #šŸ¤”

Omg.hahahaha you made my day by linking that here. Thank you for calling my suggestions reasonable.

Doing the lord's work.

Someone from drama complimenting you is not a good thing sweaty

I won't get over it ever. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

There is only one solution to this dilemma.

No one cares

Don't listen to him. He's obviously coping from failing to understand society on your level.

But since you have some free time on your hands I recommend you challenge his beliefs enthusiastically.

Sure thing. This is my first day here, I'll take all your advices

Post bussy

This is my first day here, I'll take all your advices

You're a natural born radical centrist :')

Dam'n. With all the efforts I did I thought I had become one, and now you're telling me it's from birth?

I'm so worthless.


Good efforts. I canā€™t believe how much this guy seems to ā€œvalue his timeā€ which he does absolutely nothing with. He doesnā€™t allude to having any passions or pursuits that he is filling his time with. I feel like heā€™s spending it all jerking off and feeling sorry for himself.

You wanna value your fucking time? Have less of it. When I had kids, I went from having a few hours a day of free time to almost none at all most days. It made me aware at a deep level about the oceans of free time I used to have, and in turn how much more productive I could be now; and I tell you thereā€™s seldom any free moment that doesnā€™t have some productive use for me any more, whether itā€™s working out or hiking or fixing things or improving my home. The time is better spent now that it has more value to me.

I submit that his time is worthless because itā€™s all he has and he does nothing of consequence with it.

Someone need a dad with a belt in their life.

Or a commie mommie with the neetbux cheque

Even that won't make him happy. Idleness without a goal or overriding purpose(s) is a recipe for depression, alcohol and drugs.

so, the good stuff

Well if you like cirrhosis and suicide. The only drug I'm high on is love. Love for my son and daughters. Yes, a little L-S-D is all I need.

yes, I happen to like suicide as a phenomenon

also, ur gay

Wow suicide ruins so many lives. Look at Robin Williams, he took the beltway express and now we have Will Smith as the Genie. I hope you're happy.

wow, that IS a good counterargument.

Fuck you got me.

Why is this website so attached to that saccharine clown?

Wow just because he's black you want to call him a clown? Not cool dude

Robin wasn't black himself, but he did have a "black guy" voice in his stand-up.

Wow just because will Smith is black you assume he's "robbin'." Wow

>talking shit about the fresh prince in current willennium

lmao, mods ban this nigga

Robin Williams, he took the beltway express


>now we have Will Smith as the Genie


That's incestuous and pedophilic.

Bullshit, I work my ass off and I've got all that stuff. Communism now!


Communism can't work without communal ownership of the means of reproduction.

Why do you think you need a career to have goals? Shit most peoples work takes away their ability to have goals because it's something they hate doing but do 8-10 hours a day.

Hey buddy, you're pushing at an open door with me. I work 6 months and spend the other 6 traveling out of a van or a backpack. All I can say from meeting hundreds of people who do similar is that the people who quit their career/job and hit the road vs the 22 year old drifter crusties is that the former seem to be infinitely better at pursuing meaningful goals and hobbies and avoiding chemical excess than the latter.

Yee but the sample is biased right? As it is right now you kind of have to work, normal people understand this. People who never work are usually mentally ill since you're selecting from the small group that doesn't understand that. Maybe there'd be a smaller percentage of depressed junkies on the road if the government took care of the bill.

There are a lot of mental health services, but one of the problems of being mentally ill is that they don't seek them out and they don't carry through with a treatment plan. The government takes care of the bill but we're no longer willing to forcibly lock people up if they aren't an immediate threat to others.

You misunderstand, I meant pay for NEET travel expenses so that normies are more willing to pursue there non-career related goals. As it stands normies know they are expected to work so most people who who don't work are not normies. If normies were not expected to work, there'd be more normies who don't.

And yeah I know this is retarded economically, I'm just challenging the idea that if someone doesn't flip burgers at McDonald's for 8 hours a day they can't make goals or have purpose.

My sample includes mostly able-bodied 20 somethings who learned how to get on disability and get their vagrant lives subsidized by the government. Almost all of them are on food stamps or medicaid at a minimum. Free government money doesn't magically change your outlook on life.

People who are willing to identify meaning, plunge headfirst into goals, delay gratification and embrace the temporary suckitudes of life will do fine, ubi or not.

People who want to sit around all day, play half-assed guitar, hitchhike and get loaded will do that, ubi or not.

learned how to get on disability and get their vagrant lives subsidized by the government. Almost all of them are on food stamps or medicaid at a minimum.

Normal people don't do this shit dude, you'd have to be low IQ or mentally ill to think this is viable path to happiness. Which is where the selection bias comes into play. Disability on average pays like 14K per year. Offer a living wage and see how many normies working at McDonald's start to spend their time pursuing other stuff

I live in a van 6 months out of the year. I'm at probably the largest squatters camp in America as we speak. I don't think you have any idea the amount of people (even from middle class backgrounds) who would (and do) take 14k free a year and live an idle existence in second or third world conditions. I see these people every day on the road. Some are my friends. If you're telling me these people would stop drinking and getting dreadlocks and join a trash pickup crew if you gave them 24k instead of 14k, I've got party parrots to sell you

I wouldn't tell you that, but I want to buy some party parrots.

first two are free for you.

Thank you daddy šŸ˜²šŸ˜­šŸ¤­

I'm at probably the largest squatters camp in America as we speak.

Downtown LA?

No sir. Slab City, a few hours southeast.

What's it like over there? Did it get ruined by all of the exposure its gotten?

It's nice. It's a desert oasis filled with hippies, normal republican retirees, emotionally damaged women, etc. Unfortunately it has gotten pretty popular, which equals more tourists which equals the people living here commodifying it. There is a hostel and a couple air bnbs here.

Luckily a lot of the coverage of it portrays it as a violent and dangerous anarchy, which it isn't, but that keeps people away.

If you're telling me these people would stop drinking and getting dreadlocks and join a trash pickup crew if you gave them 24k instead of 14k, I've got party parrots to sell you

I'm not telling you that. I'm telling you that at 14k the only people who would pursue other goals like travel are the people you've been seeing. As you increase the amount of free money, the amount of normies inceases, but the amount of mentally ill retards stays the same. Its basic NEETconomics.

Good idea genius, let the mentally ill who work for Walmart and McDonalds get behind the wheel of an RV and stink up my forests.

The more you pay the less mentally ill they become. It's why communism doesn't work, if you pay 50K to do nothing, no one's gunna work for 45K. It scales up. People who work to give there lives purpose will gladly find ways to make give their lives purpose while not working provided they are compensated to do so. You got your cause and effect mixed up.

Some normal people who find zero meaning in work just go along and do it because they think they're supposed to, even if they are middle or upper class.

Other normal people who find zero meaning in work check out, get on government benefits, do lots of drugs, still find zero meaning.

The inability to find meaning in the first place is the cause. It is class blind. It is not fixed by the application of money.

Some normal people who find zero meaning in work just go along and do it because they think they're supposed to, even if they are middle or upper class.

You think if you paid these people to do what ever they want to do they would continue to work? Most people don't work to find purpose in life they do it to earn $$$ which helps them get their other goals (family, kids, travel).

I feel like I'm talking to a 21 year old who grew up in a rich Connecticut suburb who has had no contact with the working class in his life.

Poor or rich, employed or unemployed, there are millions of people out there without meaning, goals and/or drive in their lives. Some significant portion of them will never develop these things. You appear to believe that every single person has some deep hidden meaning that only a few weeks off and a new car will coax out of them.

Sending those people into idleness by the application of money will not improve their lot and in many cases will make it worse.

Nah re-reading everything I think we've just been talking past eachother. I thought your original point was that you needed a career to have goals/purpose. What you actually said was that people who have no meaning won't magically get one if they didn't need to have a career.

If you agree to post your asshole, I'll do the same and we can call this whole thing square.

I live in a van 6 months out of the year. I'm at probably the largest squatters camp in America as we speak.

Well now I'm just curious

Slab City, California. Old military area, now winter desert paradise for about 1,000 people, almost all of whom leave during the summer because it's hot as fudge. No services, no electricity, most people have rvs or trailers. Cheap af, I spend about 500 bucks a month. I usually stay 60-90 days when it's cold back home.

More the living in a van for half the year part

I work a normal office job for 6-12 months and save like a Jew (just a figure of speech buddy, nothing malicious) and then travel for 6-12 months. I have a soccer mom van with a solar panel on the top and a full futon in the back. It's nice, I got friends all over the place, and I live in Greater America (ie west of the Mississippi) so there are bajillions of acres of public forests and deserts to explore.

That's pretty awesome tbh

I agree. I'd come visit you if I didn't think you'd dox me and post pictures of me like pizzashill and masterlawlz

Same same. I got doxxed once. Not fun.

Yeah that's for the best. I don't want people finding out my hippie parents named me Coco, not Jared

Isn't that where they used to do burning man?

Nah. Burning man is camping in a perfect circle for upper class people to do drugs and pretend they are primitive Bohemians.

Well yeah, but I thought they did it at slab city.

No way, they do it out in Nevada. The hipsters that come to slab city generally gawk at the residents like zoo animals and camp near the entrance together. Jesus save me from the machinations of millennial mayo hipsters.

Idleness without a goal

To be fair, the goal was thrown away together with "the good old times". When you understand that no matter what, you are expendable, and your whole existance revolves around "what can you do for your boss/gf/anyone else", it can fuck with your head, at least until you stop giving a fuck.

Unfortunately the main lesson of adulthood is that we're all alone in a godless universe, meaning is illusory, and the only thing you have control over is when to put the gun in your mouth.

Just kidding, heavy metal and the woods are worth living for, don't be a pussy.

You've just described the Chapo subreddit.

this, but unironically

it was already unironic

Not beating children was a mistake.

Antinatalists are the worst. I bet he's an incel too

25, no job, never had a girlfriend, no friends, has never gone out.


Literal leech on society

People who channel their depression into delusional ideologies are what makes people hate the mentally ill.

Unemployment is fucking miserable and this fucker is too up his own ass to ever know that it'smaking his depression worse.

Yea I'd probably just off myself if i say around all day doing nothing. My man needs some structure in his life.

but if you try to tell anyone that their idleness might be making them feel worse...


im convinced that many of these people want to stay sad.

As someone who has battled depression most of their life I hate that fucking subreddit.

There's this kind of depressed elitism I've noticed in the online depression community. This attitude of how could anyone possibly understand. And I get it, it comes with the territory. Its an oppressively lonely state of mind.

But here's the thing... that's not an attitude that should be reinforced. Internet depression is fucking insufferable because the general consensus is that everyone is fragile and must be placated. So it becomes this feedback loop that does nothing more than bolster bad behaviors.

These communities are the opposite of therapy. But that sub is particularly snarky and therefore a big angsty shithole where nobody accepts any constructive advice act like a big impudent asshole any time somebody suggests self improvement (which is a requirement for overcoming depression btw)

No I've never had a job

Because I've never wanted one

He should just study forever and get some degrees or become a nihilist and chill in his parents pool on an inflatable chair

I've seen you smile but really heard you laugh. So who is rich and who is poor? Oh I cannot say.

So follow me here for a sec. I don't think this people are actually anti work, i think they are anti work in our current society with all the everyday pressures. Yeah when you were a simple farmer a century ago life was harder but it was also way more simple.

Way more simple? As in being lucky to survive through childhood only to work literally from dawn till dusk just to not starve?

At least imo its simpler to work some job where i don't have to worry about my personal well-being and not having to care how i feed myself through winter etc.
I mean especially in the U.S. you have so much less bureaucracy than in most of europe, one could literally live in his car working at a random fastfood restaurant and don't worry about anything.

lol do you really think someone working in a fast food restaurant and living out of his car wouldn't have to worry about anything?

Well, what would one have to worry about? You got your shelter and enough money to have something left after living costs. Surely you won't dine in fancy restaurants and eating fast food and a few beer everyday might cause less money to spare, but don't forget, we're comparing that to the life of a farmer in the middle ages.

Shelter till a cop arrests you for homelessness, and you lose your car and job and if you ever get sick youā€™re not going to make it to 50. Youā€™re worse off than 40 years ago when workers rights were a thing and wages were higher for the majority of people in the US.

Move to any of multiple left wing metropolitan homeless havens and you won't get arrested for homelessness. Live in a blue state and enjoy your county subsidized medicaid and primary care.

I think you severely underestimate most of Americaā€™s healthcare, and cops. Maybe there are a few places where cops are more afraid of bad PR than getting rid of the homeless, but those are the exceptions rather than the rule

You just haven't traveled enough

Shelter till a cop arrests you for homelessness

Where is this a thing? I'm obviously not from the U.S. but have heard of far too many accounts on people living this way and never was something like that mentioned as a possible problem. I remember even watching a video featuring a guy living in his van and he wasn't mentally able to dodge police or anything.

When it comes to healthcare: surely thats a risk, but unlike the "simple farmer" at least one wouldn't need to worry to die of a random infection and if your parents/you aren't total retards, you would be immune to many deadly diseases a farmer would've had to worry about. And if one worries about the time after 50+ and isn't weilling to do a "Hunter S. Thompson", theres always the possibility to invest spare money in S&P 500 (and other) ETF's.

Doesnā€™t happen a lot, but iirc a while back the homeless in San Diego got rounded up and sent to San Francisco or maybe the other way around. Might just be misremembering something from when I was a kid though.

This guy is full of shit. You can sleep in your car in a fuck ton of places legally.

lolwut, you don't get arrested for homelessness.

Jesus what are you 13 years old?

Obviously old enough to have a basic understanding of punctuation and grammar and to provide posts with at least a minimum amount of substance.
And no, I don't want to know how old you are, I can already guess.

pointing out grammar and punctuation

you really are like a front page tier redditor

Mods need to declare a national emergency, we need the wall back.

Well, what would one have to worry about? You got your shelter and enough money to have something left after living costs

I dunno, dealing with the general depression of the fact you work at Wendy's and live in a car?

But would a farmer who works all the time hes not sleeping simply to survive the next winter be less depressive?

You tell me. I wouldn't think so. Look at how fucking depressed and lifeless these drones are in r/antiwork. Look at the same in LSC or r/collapse. These people are fucking miserable to the point of completely giving up.

Now go look at r/farming. Tell me there's not a clear difference in the tone and lightheartedness in the comments. Just off surface appearance, those people sure seem a lot less miserable than the unwashed masses of the Marxist redditsphere.

Not surprising at all. Being a leech on society while trying to battle it from your comfy chair should be quite depressing. On the other side people are driving in their harvesters, listening to Korn and having a jolly good time.

listening to Korn

The imagery of a farmer harvesting corn while listening to Korn is not lost on me in this moment.

I work at a sugar beet harvest once a year for a month and live out of my van. It's awesome don't be a pussy.

Way more simple? As in being lucky to survive through childhood only to work literally from dawn till dusk just to not starve?

Why don't people who make dumb arguments like this not understand that what he's saying is "man it would be nice to have those simpler standards in today's time", not "Man I hope I survive this scarlet fever and make it to 6 years old!"

"man it would be nice to have those simpler standards in today's time"

But what simpler standards actually? It seems like many think that people back then could just live a jolly (short) life as a hard working farmer, while instead they had just as much to worry about as we have today, just connected with much higher stakes. "Damn, those bills are killing me" vs "damn, my landlord is going to literally kill me if i don't provide what he demands"; "I wonder if this is a good neighborhood to raise a family" vs "I hope my landlord doesn't insist on his droit du seigneur and we won't be murdered by bandits the next time traveling to the market" etc.

Maybe I'm not getting your point, but us having "1st world" problems instead of existencial ones, doesn't mean the alternative would be a simpler lifestyle in any way.

That's exactly what I'm saying though? You literally did exactly what I said. Exactly.

I looked that shit up and find

"Droit du seigneur, also known as jus primae noctis, refers to a supposed legal right in medieval Europe, allowing feudal lords to have sexual relations with subordinate women, in particular, on their wedding nights. Some scholars believe the "right" might have existed in medieval Europe."

So you ignored anything about a simpler less fast paced life, and jumped right to "THEY GON RAPE OUR WOMEN". Well done. You proved the point of my comment.

Also I assumed we were talking like, pre-Dust Bowl, not 600 years ago.

I'm from europe, we had farmers for quite some time, though their lifes were quite miserable most of the past.

How about you just provide a statement why exactly the past farmers life would be simpler instead of building strawmen (which surely is important for a farmer, fuck those birds!).

Because you're still talking about a hundreds of years span while I'm talking like... 100 years. 110 tops. Is it not obvious that the pace and way of life has changed? I'm incredibly confused where you're so lost, honestly.

Even if we only consider a shorter timespan, a faster pace in information most times means more convenience. Just because information took longer to be delivered in the past, does that really made things simpler? Surely there are arguments in favour of your point, like (bad) employers expecting one to be always aviable but there are also many things which are much simpler due to fast paced information: I experienced the times where the internet and mobile phones weren't ubiquitous and things we now take for granted were a pain in the ass to achieve comparitively.

Now I am able to apply to dozens of jobs while also buying stuff for my new appartement (/or looking for a new one) while also looking for ways to invest my spare money on the same day in just a few hours. Its just so fucking simple to do so many things in such a short amount of time out of the comfort of your living room, I won't exchange that convenience for a "slower pace" any time.

Why would someone want to have the living conditions of a fuckin' medieval slave instead of the life of some rich dude in the past? Not everyone lived like shit in the past.

What an increbly dumb take lmao, even for this sub.

What's the dumb take? You can want good things from an era and not the bad things that went along with it? That sounds like fucking common sense if you ask me.

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. It's unfulfilling. The amount of things gained easily and our desires for the unattainable have increased spectacularly while the number of things in the middle, that can be achieved but only with a good amount of effort has decreased leaving most unfulfilled.

This sounds like a textbook example of 1st world problems: we are rich enough to worry about so many things because we don't have to worry about basic needs anymore like many people still do in poorer parts of the planet.

Doesn't mean any of it is wrong >:(

Educate yourself with papa Teddy's manifesto

Educate yourself with papa Teddy's manifesto

This, but inironically.

From what I remember there is actually some sort of named observation where people who struggle a bit to survive are happier than those who don't, and rates of certain mental illnesses are exponentially higher in the West and East Asia compared to the poorer parts of the world. There is definitely some sort of cultural problem that makes people in industrialized countries unhappy. Probs more than one problem, actually.

Spoken just like somebody who's never lived in a third or even second world country.

Today's India has nothing to do with life in ancient times.

No, but he still wouldn't be whining about things being gained easily if he saw the living conditions there.

At least imo its simpler to work some job where i don't have to worry about my personal well-being and not having to care how i feed myself through winter etc.

I can't tell if you're talking about modern day US or old time farmers.

Certainly not old time farmers. Even the bum this thread is based about has spare time to complain in the internet, so even his situation can't be to dire even though he doesn't move his ass at all to make sure he can survive. But maybe he wants another screen to simultaniously watch some antifa marches while flaming society for not giving him more nice stuff for free.

The reason they don't have to worry today is because they live in mom's basement. If you don't have parents willing to let you leech off life isn't easy.

If life in the U.S. isn't very different from the life in middle europe (which it shouldn't be) then its not hard at all. Sure, one needs at least basic levels of responsibility, but unless you expect the world while providing jack shit, its not that hard. If I have no skill its reasonable to don't live as well as those folks who worked their ass off for a career.

As in being lucky to survive through childhood only to work literally from dawn till dusk just to not starve?

This anti-work stuff is bullshit, but peasants actually had a ton of downtime.

I don't think anyone cares about being a contributing part of society anymore and there is no real sense of value or reward that comes from work anymore. Plus people aren't having kids as young so they don't have that responsibility and the government will pay for your kids anyway.

So why work? I've been working since 11 and I hate it. I only keep doing it because I have expensive tastes but if you were happy shitposting and smoking weed why bother?

Its true. Gen Z doesn't even want to be alive, let alone try to raise a family as dysfunctional as the one they perceived as having, or contributing to a society they see as working against them.

Lol gen z owned epic style

Boomers dabbing on their progeny

I wasnt even trying to own Gen Z there actually. I am Gen Z. I wad just recounting my and my peer's own thoughts as we ventured into young adulthood over the past half decade or so

Zoomers are so overdramatic. To be expected from teenagers, but still.

I mean can you honestly blame them? Like with Millenials, No other generation before had the same sort of impending certainty of the futulity of their future success. The job market is just as shit for them as it is for millenials, where success in even high education does nothing to guarantee a good career, the higher costs of living mean its unlikely for a ton of them to realistically become home owners in the forseeable future, and of course the impending threat of global warming only means that things are expected to get more difficult as they grow older.

And while Millenials all got out into the job market with rose-tinted glasses and promises of the same opportunities Boomers and X got only to later have their dreams crushed, Z has grown up with the horror stories that millenials have been telling them since they reached high school. They are already aware of the futility before they even get to the point where they will personally experience it, so a lot of then just kind of shut down and preemptively give up because they see no real point to it all.

But isn't this kind of viewpoint showing how spoiled we are?
My grandparents lived through a time where they actually had to fight for their lifes in WW2 and make a living in a devastated country ruled by soviets. Through skill, hard work and determination they managed to build a famaliy and live a comparatively comfortable life. And we worthless pieces of shit are complaining about not "seeing a goal to achieve" while my ancestors had to fear for their lifes if they'd even expressed such thoughts.

We are spoiled as hell and we like to bath in self-pity, but objectively we have it so much better than the generations before us. Because they'd care about actually important stuff to be sure.

You do have a fair point, one I can't rebuke, but I'd like to put forth my own point here with regards to the different levels of hopefullness for the future.

In those generations you had to work much harder than you do now to get by and survive, no doubt about that, but with that harder work came the promise and likelihood of better reward coming from it, as you said being able to build a better life for themlseves, but with the new generations that positive outlook is much harder to come by due to the impending nature of some of the things that are to come.

As you say, the world wars absolutley demolished a lot of the world and made it near impossible to get by. Of course having managed to get through that there is an outlook of being having hit rock bottom, and only being able to go up from there. But had those generations known prior to it happening, i.e. from the day they were born, that an event of such destruction was oncoming and likely to destroy much of what they cared for and make things near unbearable, do you think they would have been so motivated to keep going and try to achieve something greater than just getting by, knowing all of it would be for naught? I have serious doubts.

The main difference between wars or natural disasters, and the oncoming Global Warming Crisis, is that one is sudden and (mostly) unexpected, where the other is an impending, looming threat that you know well in advance is coming but still can't be stopped. With the previous generations they didn't know when unbearable hardships were just around the corner, so they up until the point those things came they continued on as normal, as the future still looked bright and came about with a hope of continued betterment. For the new generations, they know the future holds nothing good in store with things as they are, so whats even the point?

still unemployed then?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

The big question is what to do if you don't work. If your work was getting in the way of your relationships, hobbies and goals, then yeah. But how happy could you be eating pizza and playing video games after month 3?

Do I have to play videogames? Because if I can read or watch tv instead while eating pizza I could do that forever. I legit love pizza.

And work interferes with all of my relationships and hobbies. It admittedly doesn't interfere with my goals, but the assholes I'm paying taxes to do their best to do that. And I have a good job in a line of work normies consider exciting or prestigious.

I should have been a NEET.

Sell your house, quit your job. For the months of January through March, I have zero obligations. I watch horror movies, shoot guns, play music, masturbate furiously, drive to visit my friends, camp, masutrbate sadly, etc.

You could still be a farmer, there are plenty of people who "homestead" on a few acres, but life is much harder when you work all day and your crops/animals can die from any number of things out of your control.

You are living in the safest, most prosperous time in human history with all of the knowledge in the world available at your side at the click of a button and you think working hard labor 16 hours a day was better even though a drought or war could leave you dead, raped, or enslaved at any point?

People didn't work 16 hours a day.

Even if you are right, which i am not sure you are, the world canā€™t support 8 billion farmers living the 17th century farming lifestyle. Ultimately our existence is only allowed because of modern industrial scale economies so we should try to make the most of it and improve things in the current framework. The only way out is up here, thereā€™s no way to sidestep things and return to a simpler pre-industrial life without billions of deaths.

Fentanyl is a good start.

šŸŽ¶Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thymešŸŽ¶

Wrong S&G song, this is the one you want

Ve believe in nothing Lebowski

He should just study forever and get some degrees

There are unironically a lot of people who do this to avoid the working world. Something tells me that he's wayyyy too soft for even community college, let alone a graduate program where his worth is determined by solely by a person who has a 69% chance of possessing some sort of personality disorder

Haha thats the sex number!


There are unironically a lot of people who do this to avoid the working world.

I know this because I do. It's pretty good, just go to lectures occasionally (rarely), take the exams at the end of the semester, spend the rest of the time watching films, reading and doing sports, and I get to use their gym which saves a few hundred Euro each semester. Now in 2 years or so I just need to find myself some rich Sugarmomma.

Career academics are some of the most insufferable people alive

Dafaq is antiwork?

Commie neets

Tards that won't even flip burgers for $15/hr

I feel like anyone who says ā€œflip burgersā€ as if itā€™s some easy menial job has never worked fast food. Retail is cushy, the most you have to deal with is a (may Allah bless me) wh*te woman who complains too much. But fast food is hell. Would unironically rather work in sub zero temperatures again than go back to Taco Bell.

Flipping burgers is a process that can be automated and retail positions are also unnecessary due to the rise of online shopping. My question is what busywork are they going to manage to find for all the world's restaurant employees, cashiers, truck drivers, taxi drivers, and "gig economists" when the automated vehicle and drone rollout completes? Expecting there to be enough meaningful work for >7 billion people that warrants snatching away half their waking hours is the height of foolishness. Our goal as a species should be to advance to a point where all the bullshit jobs are eliminated, most are not required to work, and those who are are employed doing something meaningful for our species that a robot cannot. You only get one life and there is no afterlife. Expecting people to have to spend half their limited time in existence as a conacious being flipping burgers is needlessly cruel.

Do not serious post @ me without any type of post ironic commentary spread throughout


Our goal as a species should be to advance to a point where all the bullshit jobspeople are eliminated

Problem solved.

My question is what busywork are they going to manage to find for all the world's restaurant employees, cashiers, truck drivers, taxi drivers, and "gig economists" when the automated vehicle and drone rollout completes?

They'll receive an all expenses paid trip to the new fully automated death camps.

It is an easy, menial job when you're easily replaceable by a bum off the street or an automated kiosk

Day of the Automated Accountant Machine when?

Retail is cushy

Lol, god I wish this were true. It's not the worst of fields but it most definitely fucking sucks

Compared to fast food it's heaven. We're talking bottom bitch jobs here though. Assembly line vs cashier

Eh, true. I hated working at McDicks

The "people" even chapocels can look down on

You think these two populations of retards aren't completely overlapping? These are Chapotards.

Sane people who realize the scam that is our capitalist society who don't want to go out and do some bullshit job for peanuts so that Mr. Shekelberg can make 10,000x as much money as they do off of their backs and the backs of thousands of others like them.

Not realizing that in the past or socialist countries Mr Shekelberg would just be Sir Shekelberg or Commissar Shekelberg and he'll be just as rich, but in power, not money. Youll still be earning peanuts.

Sounds like you're making excuses to distract yourself from the fact that you've never learned any skills that can be used in a meaningful job.

ITT: coping american wagecucks


we would but we're just so damn comfy

we would but we're just so damn comfy fat

Go play your Vidya games, Tanner. And don't get so worked up, the pizza is almost out of the oven

i want to kill myself

but i need my free time to browse reddit

I was unemployed for a bit so I felt that way a little. Sometimes you need a kick in your ass to produce something and stifle depression.

"just snap out of depression!"

You're right, step one is to retort snarkily on Reddit. Definitely don't attempt to do Anything Meaningful At All.

Uh, I'm not depressed lmao. It's just an idiotic platitude. Don't say it because you may as well have said nothing at all.

They are wasting their 5 days of paid leave.

I just wish we have pinging.


He's here in this very thead

UBI pushers are the incels of the work place

I think mathematical illiteracy and complete lack of awareness of any economic theory is responsible for people believing in UBI. Itā€™s like they really think you can just summon goods and services into existence with no cost; that you can leech off of the backs of those who do work indefinitely and just keep taking and the well will never run dry.

Look at the smarmy fucks in the comments there talking about how they have a ā€œsane view of material realityā€ or whatever. Sure you do, punk, sure you do - and your view is that I as a working person who has a home and a car and a family are somehow taking from YOU, or not giving YOU enough of the fruits of my labour; that I donā€™t deserve this, but they do, because theyā€™re not suckers who work.

Truly despicable. Iā€™m all for programs to help people like this get a leg up and get integrated into the work force, but not when their attitude is ā€œI kinda tried working once and didnā€™t like it.ā€ You think the rest of us like it, idiot? We just do it because fundamentally it needs to be done or everything will goddamned fall apart. Food doesnā€™t farm itself, roads donā€™t fix themselves, power doesnā€™t generate itself, packets donā€™t route themselves, capital doesnā€™t distribute and finance by itself. Every important step of the way involves humans who have to contribute labour in order to create wealth.

It could be a bit more fair from time to time, but in the end the people it needs to be fairer to are the working class, not the antiworking classless.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys šŸ˜·šŸ˜·šŸ˜·

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Sleep well, u/dratamard2

Is he really dead?

Most probably, yeah. Look at his last post; he was pretty active before and just went dark after making that. Probably OD'd

The was one of the good ones šŸ˜­

He lurks in r/Deuxrama

UBI is one of dozens of proposed solutions for a very real problem years, maybe even decades in the future.

The only reason it found its way into the cesspool that is smalltalk and social media is because "free moneyz" is simple enough for an actual parrot to spread.

I work in automation, and I have way lower hopes for it than people outside the field. The expense and effort to deliver things that are surprisingly fragile is staggering. There are plenty of jobs for which automation has very little hope of being profitable for a very long time to come, at least until we have general purpose, Asimov-grade robots and AI.

Ironically itā€™s white collar professions like accounting, finance, sales, etc. that are more likely to get automated out of existence. If you deal with paperwork / form workflow and such all day and arenā€™t actively doing something creative, youā€™re a candidate for automation.

Your grandfather was a stunner. Ponyets was up and pushed his chair back on two legs.

laughs in automating salespeople jobs with machine learning

Suckers don't know what's coming.

The most Reddit of comments

You can't be certain my post wasn't what an AI thinks a smug redditor would say.

Sales will persist for a while yet at the top levels, but just as Amazon is cutting out the middleman of brick and mortar retail, so too will a lot more middlemen be obviated away.

That said, it opens up new avenues for the creative.

aka, unironically, "Learn programming"

I work in automation, and I have way lower hopes for it than people outside the field.

just because you work in a tin can lid factory doesn't mean you're 'in automation'.

Lol if you even fucking knew, champ. If you even knew.

Lmao @ accounting being automated out. Youā€™re the type of stemlord that looks at TurboTax and thinks ā€œwhy do people still need cpas?ā€

Lol itā€™s an accounting fag. How does it feel to work a job where you never accomplish anything meaningful? Worried about that month end, fam? Looking forward to yet another certification or designation to study for while your industry still persists in being deeply corrupted at the top level?

Turbo tax? You gotta be fucking kidding me. We need automation that makes that unnecessary. Here in Canada with payroll, bank, and tax agency integration, itā€™s mostly just clicking next a bunch of times anyway for most people. H&R Block employees on suicide watch.

Thereā€™s almost nothing you do that canā€™t be rolled up into a a piece of code, except for the managerial level decisions that they donā€™t need a lackey on your level to help with.

Learn to code, bucko

Go fuck yourself faggot. Go back to playing with your funko pops and video games that you call ā€œworkingā€

Sorry you failed accounting classes because you seem to know nothing about the subject

It's all over for CPAcels.

Accounting still is a target for automation as well. It doesn't mean everything will be automated, but there will be much less need for accountants. It depends if it can do it cheaper than outsourcing.

Thereā€™s too much of a human element to decision making and audit that youā€™re asking the impossible. Automatards are out of touch with anything not having to do with computers and especially out of touch with humans

True, but that doesn't mean automation won't affect the number of accountants needed. It's especially true if we make the system simpler and more automated as well.

It's not the auditors that are being phased out, it's the lower level workers.

Programmers are actually some of the first people who are going to get automated out of a job. As the tools get better and better, it makes more sense to have a domain expert use a program with an interface to design new products and systems directly.

Just think about how much the demand for programmers would be slashed if there were better tools for creating websites from scratch?

Furthermore, automatic programming of things is a way better idea than leaving it up to "cs" grads who don't understand how computers actually work and just copy paste from stackoverflow all day. Instead of shitty, buggy code, automated code can be 100% covered, and use set theory to prove that functions will behave as expected across all possible inputs.

automated code can be 100% covered

The people who thought similarly now feed the "industrial archaeologists" the moment their hardware kicks the bucket, because nobody fucking has any idea how that hardware works.

No one said the technology was, at this moment, without flaws or drawbacks, just that the inevitable trend is going to be more and more abstraction requiring fewer and fewer programmers, especially the useless fucks who have neither domain knowledge, nor a hardcore understand of elecrical engineering.

the inevitable trend is going to be more and more abstraction requiring fewer and fewer programmers

What inevitable trend? Programming has witnessed three decades of increasing abstraction and yet demand for programmers has only skyrocketed.

I'm glad you buy daddy bezos' lines. The demand for programmers increasing is more a result in pattern in business investment than a trend in the number of programmers required to do a job. Actual demand increase for tech workers has slowed dramatically, and most of the jobs the economy has added lately are low-tier service jobs.

The demand for programmers increasing is more a result in pattern in business investment

Yes, this is how market demand works.

a trend in the number of programmers required to do a job

Define "a job". When the business needs to take an existing ERP system and integrate newly released capabilities, is that the same job? At no point did I say that I think we'll need to stick mor developers on the same piece of code. That's stupid. What happens is that these new systems create new jobs while the existing developers just absorb it into their workflow while increasing the scope of their own work (for instance, integrating multithreading capabilities into the code their maintaining using .NET managed threading).

Actual demand increase for tech workers has slowed dramatically

According to whom? Literally just spent less than a minute Googling and found this:


Far be it from me to gainsay the galaxy brains at appliancedesign.com but:


To save you time reading a paper you won't understand, they're pointing out that automation does not automatically add jobs to the economy, and that as of late, it seems that automation has displaced more jobs than it has added, which goes against your point:

What happens is that these new systems create new jobs

This article is also a decent read: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/04/business/economy/productivity-inequality-wages.html

The point I'm making is, interpersonal skills are way more important to keeping your job in the robot future than programming (paraphrasing recent remarks from the CEO of linkedin). And given that this is the case, you should be worried.

As the tools get better and better

The tools don't get better and better. They just make new tools that create even more programmers.

Just think about how much the demand for programmers would be slashed if there were better tools for creating websites from scratch?

You seem to believe there is such a thing as a "better tool" when the reality is that every tool just exists on a continuum of abstraction. Make the tool easier for non-developers to use and you necessarily have to abstract away the granularity that leads to efficient development. The industry has been chasing that unicorn for decades, usually in the form of visual programming, and it's lead nowhere.

I literally had to deal with the fallout of this mentality on my current project. They took one of these tools you're thinking of and stuck a non-developer on the PoC. Four months later (two months after ) and they had little to show. It took me a week and a half ago to get the process into production from scratch.

automatic programming of things

This does not exist. What you think is "automatic programming" is just layered abstractions of the very same programming you spend the rest of your sentence impugning.

use set theory to prove that functions will behave as expected across all possible inputs.


That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

The tools don't get better and better. They just make new tools that create even more programmers.

That's the standard hillary for america line, yes. But that hasn't shown itself to be at all true as of late.

The industry has been chasing that unicorn for decades, usually in the form of visual programming, and it's lead nowhere.

Yes, things that haven't been invented yet will never be invented. Lets stop working on cancer therapies because we've been chasing that unicorn for decades.

I literally had to deal with the fallout of this mentality on my current project.

The incompetence of you and your workplace is not an argument.

This does not exist. What you think is "automatic programming" is just layered abstractions of the very same programming you spend the rest of your sentence impugning.

You're really working hard on that ego defense bud. In safety-critical industries this is already becoming the norm, particularly for creating the control systems for airplanes.

Let's face it, no one, and I mean no one sees programmer wages increasing in the long term. American programmers in particularly are grossly overpaid, and easily replaced with more productive foreign workers.

Good job bobby, here's a star

I am a bot. Contact for questions

But that hasn't shown itself to be at all true as of late.

What has shown this?

Yes, things that haven't been invented yet will never be invented. Lets stop working on cancer therapies because we've been chasing that unicorn for decades.

You can keep trying, sure. I'm pointing out that people have made the same claims you are making for thirty years with very little progress. At this point you're little more than talk.

Furthermore, the issues that prevent these kinds of tools from being effective are not caused by hardware deficiencies. As I stated before, they are unavoidable trade-offs in terms of tool usability and abstraction of complexity.

The incompetence of you and your workplace is not an argument.

The glaring deficiencies of one of these tools (BluePrism) intended to replace developers was the cause of the issue. That is pretty damn relevant. I have an idea, how about you tell me about a tool like this that's a success story.

You're really working hard on that ego defense bud. In safety-critical industries this is already becoming the norm, particularly for creating the control systems for airplanes.

"Already becoming the norm"? No, this has the norm for years for systems closer to the metal because it's possible to capture all states when not dealing with a remotely complex microprocessor. better minds than you have been attempting to translate this kind of testing into higher levels of abstraction with limited success (related material)[https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://rbcs-us.com/documents/Why-Most-Unit-Testing-is-Waste.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj7lILMxsPgAhUKFzQIHRqTASkQFjAAegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw3vWuuZsXmE_g0wgI7QGJZY] That is why I laugh at this statement and your next statement.

All of this reads like something an EE undergrad who has hardly ever worked with C would say.

Let's face it, no one, and I mean no one sees programmer wages increasing in the long term.

Who is predicting that demand for programmers will decrease in the long term?

easily replaced with more productive foreign workers


look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys šŸ˜·šŸ˜·šŸ˜·

I am a bot. Contact for questions

(related material)[https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://rbcs-us.com/documents/Why-Most-Unit-Testing-is-Waste.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj7lILMxsPgAhUKFzQIHRqTASkQFjAAegQIBBAB&

You seriouspost about computers and you can't even format a link right. Shame. It's ok grampa, there will still be plenty of php jobs 5 years from now.

Not a very grateful bow-out on your part, but I will accept. Also, not personally interested in PHP but that shit is a cockroach. If you hope there won't be plenty of PHP left in five years then you will be sorely disappointed.

Not a very graceful bow-out on your part, but I will accept

What? Oh right, autistic people have real trouble navigating social situations. My bad, but no sorry, you mis-sperg-terpreted me.

Have you never heard the term "bowing out" before?

My bad, but no sorry, you mis-sperg-terpreted me.

Anyone who stans for electrical engineering is already a sperg.

Anyone who stans for electrical engineering is already a sperg

Sounds like a beta CS boy who get sexually bullied by the EE chads.

Anyone in CS, SE, EE, CE, etc is a sperg. It's a job requirement.

CS is the dumping ground for anyone who can't hack real STEM. There's a great parallel between modern coders and telegraph operators. It used to be telegraph operators were very highly in demand employees that were paid very well. Of course once phones became ubiquitous they were all obsolete.

Writing software is to innovation what using a word processor is to literature; a simple skill that people are just expected to pick up. The real work is creating processors and low level systems engineering type stuff. That's what moves tech forward.

Don't you feel better now that you've gotten that out of your system? I haven't encountered STEM elitism like this before. What year undergrad are you?

Don't you feel better now that you've gotten that out of your system?

You're the one giving me essays in defense of the fair lady cs.

I haven't encountered STEM elitism like this before

Mostly the other disciplines keep quiet so as not to provoke an autistic meltdown from the cses.

What year undergrad are you?

Sorry buddy, working professional.

You're the one giving me essays in defense of the fair lady cs.

Wait, when did this become about "defending computer science"? I disagreed with your claims about tooling rendering programmers obsolete and then you started going off about how programming isn't real STEM. Look, until you produce an effective example of such a tool, your claims have about as much merit as the successful implementation of communism.

Sorry buddy, working professional.

I guess there are hacks at all levels of development. Anyone who entirely disregards the upper/lower end of of the technology stack is typically mediocre, especially if they have such a visceral reaction like that.

Wait, when did this become about "defending computer science"?

since you started screeching and seriousposting at me about how python is a totally valid language to use.

about how python is a totally valid language to use

I don't think I ever mentioned Python. I didn't mention PHP until you did. I think you've got your comment threads mixed up.

I think you've got your comment threads mixed up.

XD just like a program written in one of the shitty languages you idolize

Ironically itā€™s white collar professions like accounting, finance, sales, etc. that are more likely to get automated out of existence. If you deal with paperwork / form workflow and such all day and arenā€™t actively doing something creative, youā€™re a candidate for automation.

Allah is truly just.

Automation has been a meme since the dawn of time.

"Literally all the work will be automated away and everyone will be unemployed" has been around literally since the beginning of the industrial revolution you fucking luddite.

I mean like, 70+ % of all US manufacturing jobs in the last 50 years were lost not due to overseas manufacturing but automation, so now we have to strike against McDonaldā€™s instead of the radio factory

Yes exactly that's my point. Just because a new loom puts all the weavers out of a job doesnt mean overall joblessness increases.

It means overall wealth increases while the people who work are poorer, thus an argument for taxing the owners for a UBI for their now poorer workers

You could literally make the same arguement in the last 200 years.

What problem are you taling about? Automation?

Itā€™s like they really think you can just summon goods and services into existence with no cost

It's called MMT

And it's impossible. Giving a name to something ridiculous and calling it real is like saying unicorns are real because "it's called a unicorn".

Working great in Zimbabwe

I think mathematical illiteracy and complete lack of awareness of any economic theory is responsible for people believing in UBI.

Milton Friedman was in favor of a NIT (an extremely more elegant form of a UBI). But then, he also wanted to couple with a complete slashing of every other form of government assistance, which is something that, I believe, the average UBI supporter would not agree with.

Yeah Iā€™m not a huge fan of Friedman, Iā€™m more of an Austrian school believer

You cannot be a believer in the Austrian School and at the same time berate people for "mathematical illiteracy and complete lack of awareness of any economic theory".

The Austrian School has about the same reputation and validity, in orthodox academic economics, as MMT and Marxists.

I thought UBI supporters wanted UBI to replace welfare programs?

In Italy at least people in favor of UBI (or the equivalent) want to keep pensions, free healthcare, etc etc as it currently is.

Healthcare isnā€™t welfare last I checked so of course it would stick around, and Iā€™m pretty sure pensions are definitely not welfare considering they have to be paid into in some way

Iā€™m pretty sure pensions are definitely not welfare considering they have to be paid into in some way

Pensions who are not fully funded by contribution (such as the situation in Italy) are de facto welfare. More than 15% of government expenditures (again, in Italy) cover the "hole" left by pensions who did not have enough contributions. I could go more in depth but I do not believe r/drama is the ideal platform

In my original comment I also wrote "every other form of government assistance". I would consider free health care government assistance, but I do realize I might have spoken improperly.

Left wing governments love that. My state is in deep shit because of that.

You know well that it would be illegal to retroactively close that hole by slashing those pensions.

Healthcare isnā€™t welfare last I checked

If you aren't paying for it, its health care.

Until we can find a way to cheaply fire people into the sun investing in the healthcare is one of those things that pays for itself several times over.

People are just morons that prefer broken systems that appeal to their sense of fairness rather than ones that actually work.

cheaply fire people into the sun

Dude, you really overestimate the needed methods and increase costs way over what they would be. You must be on the left.

Until we can find a way to cheaply fire people into the sun investing in the healthcare is one of those things that pays for itself several times over.

All you need is backhoe and Kalishnikov, Comrad.

UBI could act both as a partial coat of living stipend as well as consolidating all cash benefit programs like food stamps into a single streamlined payment rather a bunch of means tested bureaucratic programs.

I thought UBI was supposed to replace all other forms of welfare as well.

Which is the main reason I think it's completely idiotic. It'll mean less money to the people who really need the most help.

It was supposed to be everyone gets enough to survive and gets an equal share whether rich or poor. This gets everyone to buy into it.


It also assumes that enough will want to remain productive and provide goods and services for others and that enough won't want to live a minimal life and work and consume those services. It doesn't expect people (or at least the required people) to be lazy. It's flawed at best.

I support it simply because it cuts down the retarded overhead, like drug testing, which is both expensive and slows down mayocide.

The issue with NIT is that it requires a lot more accounting in order to calculate the tax credits, especially if you want to make it pay out monthly the same way the average UBI plan does. Mathematically, UBI and NIT are basically the same amount of income redistribution, just one is simpler to implement.

Yo, who let the CringeAnarchy poster serious post his bullshit again?

this post was so boring i killed myself, thanks.

Ban all the neets brigading. You know they wonā€™t stop because they have nothing vetted to do with their lives

i already banned the person i responded to

post bussy or ur next mistah šŸ˜‡

The issue is that for every job that needs a human to do it and actually provides a tangible benefit to civilization, there's a dozen bullshit jobs that only exist as busywork to keep the underclass's time occupied. Why do we need to employ so many people to push papers around an office all day or manufacture garbage for 99 cent stores? How is this helping to further our species? Automation is continuing to improve and we are approaching the point where the majority of jobs can be automated. How do you keep 7 billion people employed in a meaningful job when robotics eliminates the need for humans in most phases of food production, preparation, and delivery?

You need to bring humans back into the cycle and the problem will sort itself out


Just continue being punk until you find the taxi full of alien nuclear power to ride into space.

UBI will work when the inevitable robot revolution comes, however far off it may be. It's either UBI or millions of people just starve to death because there are no jobs for them.

You think the rest of us like it, idiot? We just do it because fundamentally it needs to be done or everything will goddamned fall apart.

Unironic heroposting. Thank u 4 ur service, brave cubicle monkey.

tbh, i think UBI could be a good thing, but only if the following were cut in the process

  • all forms of pension
  • all forms of disability
  • all forms of unemployment benefits
  • all forms of government funded healthcare benefits
  • all forms of required employer retirement fund (i.e 401k/superanuration) contributions
  • minimum wage

also your UBI should be increased if you contribute to the strengthening of your nation (i.e join the reserves or something).

good luck with the economics though, someone get MSNBC on the line.

I think UBI woild work if we:

Removed all employment

Start UBI at 0.01cent

Increase as you get contracted by capital owners to perform a service or sell some goods

Increase as you do this more consistently and your expertise on the subject is enough to gerner you a consulted or senior contract

Stocks still exist

That sounds like a positively capital idea.

Yep. There's a way we could save money and stop all the hard left people from bitching since everyone is treated exactly the same. Wait, nevermind, those idiots would still find something to bitch about.

Yeah maybe disabled people should just join the national guard if they want healthcare.



Same thing my dude

So you think people without jobs should just be left to starve on the streets? They just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, right?

UBI is for morons to play video games and anime all day. Stop using this childish retort like itā€™s welfare for families or some shit. Every single advocate of UBI is just a workshy loser

That's a logical fallacy called a sweeping generalization.

Fuck off to SRD with your polysci dictionary, bitch

And that one is called ad hominem!! I hope you're learning something, today

Eat shit

Great boomerpost šŸ˜

Using cusswords doesn't make you sound cool, kiddo.

That's the fallacy fallacy. Checkmate, loser.


God damn this website

Yeah there is a complete subreddit for those fucking neets? Entitled fucks like those are the reason why I dislike socialism. If my taxes are going to pay for your piss bottles you can at least suck my dick

heh, go back to your cubicle wagie, my neetbux cheque was late this week.

It's your duty to the people to provide bussy.

Angry wageslave realizing that he doesn't like work

Truly in these trying times, we need to return to methods of simple sanity and clarity.

Such as a gas powered wood chipper

Solar-powered woodchipper plz. Whatā€™s the point of genociding the NEETs if our hardworking grandchildren inherit a doomed planet?

Imagine working for free modding a forum opposed to working for money.

I think I just found my favorite subreddit

They should tell those people about /r/counting

At least a handful would become more useful

So lazy he won't even make the effort and kill himself, wants euthanasia so others will do it for him

I'm antiwork by birth but I'm not antiwork by lifestyle.

Iā€™m pro welfare and sympathise that those with depression find it harder to work, but holy shit this kid is a whiny, selfish mopey cunt

Kill all NEETs. Day of subsidy cuts and job interviews soon inshallah

Day of the job interview lol

I don't know why I'm shocked that 16K people subscribe to a sub that thinks they should be allowed to be children and taken care of by others for their entire lives.

Reddit is a whimsical place full of wonder and magic.

And degeneracy

Another commie sub šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤

Until UBI is a thing I will continue to refuse to work.


Yeah good luck with that.

I can't believe how much they sound like incels. It's frustrating to see well-meaning people wander into shithole suicide-cult communities like that and give constructive advice like it's going to do something. Look at this response to someone telling him to get a job:

This is why I'm pro euthanasia. If you believe I'm scum that deserves to rot in the streets then allowing us a pain free method out shouldn't be a big deal at all.

This man is a fucking parasite who would literally rather die than make himself useful. Laziness is the only thing keeping him alive. Don't waste your good advice on him, he won't act on it and he sure as shit won't pass it on.

I guess I just value humans more than you do by default. They don't need to bring anything to my table for me to think they are extremely valuable. They are sentient lifeforms.

LMAO thinking humans are valuable. Drink a cup of bleach and get the fuck out of the way already. There are 8 billion more assholes out there ready to take your place.

This is why children need to be sent into the wilderness to survive before they're allowed to use the internet. They'll get to see how much the universe cares about their valuing of other human beings

You're a true disciple of Uncle Ted.

Supply and demand isn't a capitalist invention. It's a fairly universal social law.

40+ years 40 hours a week stalking shelves

those must be some sexy ass shelves

Can confirm, I've had the privilege of getting my hands on them and have even been lucky enough to fondle a door handle or two in my day

Someone get this poor soul some fentanyl already.

That sub looks like a goldmine for suckers customers to recruit to my new self help series The Four Hour Fixed Income Retire Early Tai Lopez Giveaway Workweek, on sale for $99.99 the knowledge contained in this self help book will transform your life forever, and my credentials for success is that I am a successful author who sold 1 million copies of a self help book called The Four Hour Fixed Income Retire Early Tai Lopez Giveaway Workweek.

I love how he said he would get a job if he got neetbux from the government and could afford an apartment and to go out and get a gf, like sure dude whatever you gotta tell yourself.

That sounds like a troll post, but considering the subreddit...

It is a troll, I just picked at him and there is no way he isn't... or else we need to nuke the place who shit this new breed of participation trophy mong.

"I would only work if the government gave me neetbux"

Yeah, makes sense.

Good lord this is hard to read. Does every generation come with this level of social parasite?

r/antiwork is what happens when a society stops beating children and starts giving out participation trophies.

I donā€™t wanna work

Marxist proceed to defend him saying that the workers produce everything

NEETs and bourgies pretending to be the working class proles has been the trend in communism since day one.

We need universal basic income to cover the necessities*

*necessities includes a 2 bedroom apartment in Santa Monica, a car, high speed internet, the newest games on Steam, and plenty of weed.

Is everyone on this sub a bootlicker? That OP is clearly misguided, but he isn't wrong in saying that working 40 hours a week stocking shelves for $7.25/hr is bullshit. Why the fuck are you all so heartless? He obviously needs therapy and to find a sense of direction.

Yeah and he's not doing anything to help it. He's asking for free money or a way to kill himself. Kinda hard to feel bad for someone not willing to make any steps forward.

I agree with my husband

Hes not doing shit though. Ill agree that that wag eis bullshit if you agree that sitting on your ass all day moping instead of doing literally anything else is also bullshit

Because that's not what he is saying.

Similar subreddits don't surprise me in the least.


Not seeing the connection with that one.

r/antiwork exists?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

That's a kid in need of a Short Sharp Shock.

I wonder what political party guys like this vote for.

People like this don't tend to vote

> Why would I work for a society that's willing to let me be homeless?


Uhh.... because you don't want to be homeless.

The amount of serious posters in this thread is fucking disgusting. Just a bunch of broken wagecuck old people and usless unemployed trash flinging shit.

pEaK eNtItLeMeNt


I like the "you should support higher taxes for UBI since youll get UBI." Bitch, you think taking some of my money in order to give me less back is a good deal for me? Or do you just think im retarded?

Or do you just think im retarded?

Well you are american wagie, so probably you are, might as well double down on that.

That's ironic coming from a European Grempie

He deleted the post and checking his history it seems he does this a lot.

I know the feelz.