It's over for pedocells

128  2019-02-17 by Bentoki


How's the factory coming? We almost online?
Not exactly, sir... It's gone.
What do you mean? Did that dipshit mayor renege on our deal?
No, he made every effort, including having the factory repainted.
Okay. So what's the problem?
Well, apparently, the painters left some oily rags in a garbage can.
But because of cuts to the sanitation service, the trash was not collected and the rags smoldered and caught fire.
And because of cuts to the fire department, the blaze spread.
A number of concerned citizens volunteered to help fight the fire, but because the water was cut off, they could not.
Okay, so what happened?
Well, the vast majority of our expensive, rare earth materials survived the fire.
Well, that's something.
Until the flames abated, when because of mass layoffs of police, the locals that were there to fight the fire decided instead to loot the burned-out factory. The National Guard attempted to reach the factory to help stop this, but—
The roads.
The roads, sir, yes.
Okay. So, we lost it all? Everything?
Yes. Also, the IRS called. Somehow, they found out about Bermuda.

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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UN? More like FUCKU N

this would include a lot of novels btw, not even the explicitly erotic kind

It’s all degenerate garbage. I say ban it all

banning classic novels to own the weebs

Worth it.

It will not do that.

Yeah it totally wont ban the classic novel that the term loli literally comes from.

That is factually wrong. This proposal only bans hentai with kids.

I predict some really spicy witch-hunt drama when an inevitably white "intellectual" celebrity goes on twitter to argue against this in defence of the importance of explicit child sexuality in literature. My money is on Stephen Fry

Game of Thrones has depictions of minors engaging in sex acts.

If you watched Game of Thrones or read the books, you are now a pedophile, please report to the nearest authority for life imprisonment.

Can I have strawman for $500?

You could get the scarecrow of your dreams for that price I think

Holy hell that cracked me up watching a pedo try to compare it to GoT then try to interchange between talking about the show and the book series to make his point work.

I think the best was trying to compare people saying Lyanna Mormont's actress is amazing(she stole every scene she was in) to them commenting on loli's appearances. They really tried to say people were lewding here like they do to any 12 yr old unlucky enough to find it's way to their reach

I also get called a pedophile for saying that characters like Nowi from Fire Emblem Awakenings isn't a true loli because she's not underaged, she's thousands of years old.

lmao no way

This all scans as totally transparent transference to me. These obviously closeted pedos are too pussy to pick the patrician choice: keep themselves safe go to dark web sites and just beat off to the real thing.

Holy fuck.

Most significantly, they found that the number of reported cases of child sex abuse dropped markedly immediately after the ban on sexually explicit materials was lifted in 1989. In both Denmark and Japan, the situation is similar: Child sex abuse was much lower than it was when availability of child pornography was restricted.

Their argument is they are kiddie diddlers, and the only thing preventing them is the ability to watch other men diddle kids. 🤢🤮

What the actual fuck! 🤬🤬🤬

So in your mind “this ban would increase crime” is the same as “I would be the one committing those crimes if it gets banned”.

It’s not. It’s a victimless crime and it gives the government more power to censor fiction and artistic expression.

Every argument in favor of banning Loki has a mirror argument in favor of banning violent video games.

Yamete on suicide watch.


The absolute state of KIAcels in 2019

Globalists are alright guys if this is their master plan.

It’s about ethics in globalism

Wtf, I too love globalists now.

I mean, they're clearly right in this case.

Yes, the globalist definitely have the right of this one.

And that's a good thing

Why has the crusade on lolis started all of a sudden anyway?

To be pushed just before the Olympics in Japan in 2020. This way, they have the leverage to do it

Ding ding ding we have a winner. I think accepting the Olympics was one of japan's worst choices in modern history and will lead to cultural imperialism the likes they've never experienced before. They gave the west an in, and it's going to be fully exploited.


Taking away lolis is literally worse than war crimes against sushi-cels.

Lolis are proof two big uns ain't enough

Wait I thought diddling kids is inshallah-cel culture.

Imagine thinking loli is the pinnacle of Japanese culture

In some respects they're right.

Smoking has been heavily restricted here as of late, many signs are being adapted for several languages, more foreigners are showing up, they way pornography is distributed is changing, loli is under fire, these things aren't classic Japanese culture in the slightest, but they are all changes that have been made to facilitate non-Japanese. It's a bit unfortunate tbh.

There's been a major push against smoking in all of Asia and that's a good thing and if there is going to be a similar push to root out child porn and white slavery then that's a good thing too

All I’m saying is there’s never a bad time to buy dramacoin futures

Pedophile Gamers club and unironic /r/GamersRiseUp

I doubt anything will come of this. Sure UN will urge it's members but they never get anything done anyway. Doubt any country would consider changing their legal code based on this. It's not like this is a new topic either for the national legislatives.

What i dont understand is that it explicitly says that cartoons can fuel pedophilia but that has been proven false by the legalization of lolis in japan. It lowered their child exploitation rate.

You know what else lowers child exploitation rates? A pedo, a length of rope and a stool.

based and also very, very redpilled


This but ichironicaifu

Don’t cut yourself on that edge.

Citation needed.

Also big 'ol LOL at believing Nippon's crime stats.

About as real as China’s GDP figures.

Shiesty fucks

So, you’re just going to ignore all the facts that prove you wrong?

Just did a quick peruse of your profile. Seek Help.

For what? You’ll need to be more specific.

For what? You’ll need to be more specific.

Kind of a tell, isn't it?

What does that mean?

It means if you reread what you wrote and see no issue you should seek help.

”Seek help” how? Are you expecting to go to my local ”Help center” and say ”Good day, I need some help” and then the people there know exactly what they need to do? Where might such a place be located?

Actually yeah

You are a pedo seek help

I don't speak pedo.

nice cope

Says the pedo. Don't jerk it to child rape cartoons.

keep coping

keep pedoing.

loli porn decreases child sexual abuse source? source REEE PEDO

only pedos look at child rape cartoons




i never said that and you didnt actually post a source to back up your claim

Same source as yours. If it proves that child abuse goes down with legalized child rape cartoons, then it also means that people that consume child rape cartoons are pedos.

it means that some people who do, not all

That's a pedo cope.

Are you denying you're a pedo lol

The real cope is rationalizing how looking at child porn doesn't make you a pedophile 🗿🗿🗿

literally never said anything about that

So you accept you're a pedo

i never said i looked at this stuff

But you do. All anime is pedophillia


Sorry that you had to find out your illness like this

big yikes

There are many treatments for your attraction to kids

Why would I cry about not being attracted to children. Is it a bad thing?

Na but crying about other people jacking off to cartoons is pretty sad tbh

Sadder than being attracted to children? There's no way around it, pedophiles are bottom of the totem pole.

It never even began

Imagine so buttblasted about internet weebs. I think you belong more on /r/SubredditDrama friend.

Pedo cope is the sweetest 🤗🤗🤗

says the coper

"heh this dude isn't even attracted to children he must be so angry" -Pedophile

based retard

I know it sucks to be a pedo but you can fix it friend, don't let anyone tell you different

Imagine caring so much about your own opinions that you get this buttblasted on r/Drama 😂😂😂😂

"heh this guy found out I'm a pedophile he must be so angry xD totally owned" -Pedophile

Using the same comeback twice? Cmon man you can do better than that. Or have you already run out?

What else can you do to a pedophile besides expose them? What could I say to make you look worse?

You're attracted to kids and that's pretty much as bad as it gets lol

You could at least come up with some original lines. It was fun seeing you try to cope but if you're just going to repeat the same replies over and over again then I may as well not waste my time.

Maybe give me a call when you leave highschool?

I'm not sure why you think this is an argument lol. You're a pedo and mad that I brought it up. There's no argument here.

And it's weird that you'd want to call me once I get home from highschool 🤔🤔🤔 the cope always slips in the end

This isn't an arguement, this is you sperging out over the internet and me watching

once I get home from highschool

oh man so you are just a little kid 😂😂😂😂 I suspected it by just how unfunny you were but I never thought it would be true.

So why are you wanting a high school kid to call you? 🤔 Definitely not a pedo btw

I was just thinking once you get out of highschool and grow up a bit you might be a bit more interesting. I'm not sure if even age can fix your retardation though so maybe just ignore that.

I may be retarded but at least I'm not attracted to children

What you don't have any classmates that you have a fancy for? I'm sure I could give you some advice on love if you need it kid. Don't worry I understand if you're a little awkward around girls at your age.

I'm sure you could give me advice on how to get with underaged girls

They'd be around the same age for you though wouldn't they? Since you're like, what, 12?

So you know a lot about seducing 12 year olds?

What can I say? I was quite the chad when I was your age so I might be able to help you out if you're having trouble with the ladies.

You must have had practice in seducing 12 year olds over the years if you think your methods are still relevant.

Maybe you could tell me what you find most attractive in a child?

There's some things that never change kiddo. You'll learn when you're older.

Anyway enough about me, how are you doing champ? Keeping up with your studdies?

No I have some weirdo trying to teach me how to groom 12 year olds. Probably watches anime, hence the attraction to children

That's disappointing, you know I want you to grow up to be a strapping lad like your father so try to keep up with your schoolwork.

Ah anime, now that something I haven't watched in a long time. Now Cowboy Bebop, that was a good anime.


Sounds like you want to live vicariously through me while hitting on prepubescent girls

No no I just want to see you do well in life. You can't spend all your years coping now can you?

Now clean your room before your mom gets mad at you. Isn't that what that John Peterson man that you always listen to tells you to do?

Imagine typing out your entire grooming process after trying to deny being a pedophile after admitting to being a pedophile.

I do like to keep myself well groomed. All you need a good razor and some hot water. I'll teach you when you start growing facial hair.

I'll teach you how to shave yourself once you start growing hair down there

gonna be a hot yikearoonie. Grooming in every way

No, you weren't. You were just as much of a weirdo as you are now. This isn't even a unique lie, I've seen like 10 people on this sub say this lie and it's incredibly pathetic each time.

what's the problem was I not being obviously sarcastic enough for you buddy? Do you need me to put a /s at the end of all my posts just your your brainlet mind can understand when i'm making an obvious joke?

Jokes are supposed to be funny

hey don't blame me if you're too much of an unga bunga to understand my high IQ humour.

also /s in case you need it for that one retard.

Tfw you "pretend" to be a pedophile to troll people epic style 😎😎😎

Tfw you can't read 😎😎😎

I may not be able to ready but at least I'm not attracted to children

based brainlet

Angry pedo cope >>>>>>


"this dude is so mad that he's not attracted to children like I am" -Pedophile

3 strikes, you're out.

Pedo defeated


I'm genuinely scared to know what a pedophile would cringe at

I like to think that all people in the world can agree that you're the bees knees of cringe.

It means a lot that a pedophile is calling me cringe lmao

what can all your replies amount to if not the perfect definition of "cringe"?

I would classify my comments as "not made by a pedo", which I couldn't do for yours.

call me what you want but at least i'm not a seethe machine like you who can only fall back on calling me a pedo to cope with getting BTFO

You watch anime lmao, how are you not a pedophile

You're right, the true cringe here is not being attracted to children like you are.

You watch anime lmao, how are you not a pedophile

I dunno m8 you're the one who made the claim you explain it to me

I'm glad you've finally stopped coping and accepted your place, always nice to see that a good BTFO can set someone's head straight.

Pedophiles are not attracted to high school-aged people. You just admitted that you don’t even know what ”pedophile” means, so that makes everything that you say in this thread irrelevant.

Okay heebie jeebie

Okay, you’re a cultural Marxist SJW.

Here's the thing. You said a "Ephebophile is a Pedophile." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a Ephebophile, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls Ephebophiles Pedophiles. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "Pedophile Family" you're referring to the fetish of Pedophaila, which includes things from Pedophiles to Ephebophiles to Hebephilies. So your reasoning for calling a Ephebophile a Pedophile is because random people "call the ones who like kids Pedophiles?" Let's get Lolicons and Shotacons in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a BDSM Lover or an Fetisher? It's not one or the other, that's not how fetishes work. They're both. A Ephebophile is a Ephebophile and a member of the Pedophile family. But that's not what you said. You said a Ephebophile is a Pedophile, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the Pedophile family Pedophiles, which means you'd call Hebephiles, Lolicons, and other Fetishers Pedophiles, too. Which you said you don't.

The real cope is thinking that just because your opposition is degenerate it means anything they say is wrong

My opponents are pedophiles so not only are they wrong, but they must be physically removed

TBH, I'm all for physical removal, but only if everything and everyone is removed until only Pizzashill, Ed, and MasterLawlz are left to roam this world

Yeah I support that

It lowered their child exploitation rate.

Did japan say this or someone else who isn’t a dirty liar?

Pedo apologists OUT

Loli is degeneracy

Who call things degeneracy other than “ban this sick filth” Puritan shmucks who can’t just mind their own business?

Last time I checked it, the desktop screen of this sub had hardcore gay porn as one of the banners. Trying to use weebs' famed degeneracy as an argument for getting them out of the sub is glass house stone throwing at its finest.

Gay porn isn't degeneracy. Bussy is the purest form of love.

Go into a baptist church, a mosque, or a synagogue and try saying this shit. I'm sure it'll go over juuuust fine...

Religion is peak degeneracy, along with atheism.

Because banning loli gives us more to charge them with when caught.

Good. Loli possession should be a capital offense

Don't act so high and mighty there, Steve.

One day, we will find your loli vore stash.

I'm not a disgusting degenerate so you will not

Deny it all you want, but we will find it.

Find my nuts on your eyeballs and my dick on your nose, pedo. Gonna give you a Squidward that you'll never forget

We will find it

You're not a natural born Hunter, sweaty 🤗🤗🤗 I have my pussy instincts and reflexes

Oh, but I will find it. Both the dick and balls on my face and the loli USB you have shoved up your butt.

Momma didn't raise no quitter.

Only one of those exists. Also imagine storing anything on a personal drive lmfao I post all my documents on Facebook so I can't lose them

That makes my work much easier. Thank you.

My name is Mark Zuckerberg in case you want to check my documents

Always knew you'd be him...


won't somebody think of the children

i think predditors do enough of that already

Copycat crimes are a thing. Even if it doesn't create pedophiles, at the very least it can give people ideas of how to execute it.

For example one or two years ago there was a case of some guy who pretended to have to check for radiation and sexually assaulted a dozen or so kids. That guy literally used some pedo manga as an instructional manual.

I'd also be interested in some hard stats on your claim. Prefererably not by pedo advocacy groups.

Copycat crimes are when people see the attention a criminal/terrorist sparks in the media and tries to have a shot at doing what they did to get some time in the limelight too, dipshit.

I know, /r/drama isn't exactly the place for VaLuAbLe DiScUsSiOn, but at least put some effort in your posts, goddamnit.

That's just the main reason for copycat crimes. Feel free to look up the definition of copycat crimes if you don't trust me.

Also, good job on ignoring the actual point and instead spazzing out about semantics. Yeah, I'm definitely the one who should put more effort in my posts, lmao.

Why are pedos always such dishonest tards?

Also, good job on ignoring the actual point and instead spazzing out about semantics.


"What you're describing there is a person who would have been a liability to society with or without access to loli hentai, and I am baffled that even with all the NSA and tech giant espionage that's going on, we weren't able to detect that he was fucked in the head before he had a chance to put his plan in action."

That whole "he was a liability anyway" just seems like a total copout. Take copycat suicides. Obviously these people aren't in the right place, but the if they hadn't come in contact with the triggering suicide, they may not necessarily have offed themselves.

Sure, maybe the radiation pedo would have went on to commit a similar crime anyway, but he could also just have seeked help instead, been too cowardly to do it or not know how, etc.

Also, I think the issue with regards to surveillance is that you can't just lock someone up because they're fucked in the head. Unless you want to introduce literal thought crime I think it's going to be pretty hard to catch all perpetrators before they do anything.

You're ignoring what I said about how it's baffling that "even with all the NSA and tech giant espionage that's going on, we weren't able to detect that he was fucked in the head before he had a chance to put his plan in action."

If I was doing a cop-out, I wouldn't have said that. I would have said "he was going to commit a crime anyway, so why bother trying to stop him or avoid that could come into contact with something that could help him." Instead, I very clearly suggested an alternative to combat child molestation that doesn't catch in the crossfire a bunch of weeb degenerates who ultimately aren't harming anyone but themselves.

I wasn't ignoring that. The issue is literally that it's known that these people are dangerous but they haven't actually commited any crimes yet so you can't do anything. You can't put someone under probation for being fucked in the head when they haven't actually done anything that you can actually prove. Well, you could, but that's pretty authoritarian

Look up the reports on the terrorists in europe. The perpetrators are almost always known to be dangerous individuals, but still couldn't stopped (and I'm assuming that's not just the fault of incompetent intelligence agencies).

Also, how is "would have been a liability to society with or without access to loli hentai" not a copout? It's essentially refusing to admit that it can have a negative effect, while indirectly admitting that you can't really say anything against that. If you think there are better ways to deal with pedos, alright, whatever, but that doesn't change the existence of potential negative effects.

How exactly is what I said just me "refusing to admit loli hentai is bad while indirectly saying it's impossible to prove it isn't bad"? You brought up an example of how loli hentai can lead to child molestation, and I called it out for being a bullshit example, since it didn't really display a case of an individual who otherwise had little to no motivation to commit real world sexual violence being corrupted into doing so by drawings, of all things. As it stands, your example wasn't an argument that strengthened your position, it weakened it by showing that, to believe in it, you had to deliberately misunderstand how much each of the contributing factors of the problem you're analyzing actually contribute to the problem in question. If you thought I was saying anything but that, then I am sorry. Also:

The issue is literally that it's known that these people are dangerous but they haven't actually commited any crimes yet so you can't do anything.

You literally just made the best possible counterargument against your position. In the form of a an actual cop-out, no less.

Don't bother arguing with /r/drama about loli, as they're very feelings over fact over the issue. They're the same kind of people who would have thought pornography causes degeneracy 50 years ago.

We're not usually like this, you know. It's just that the flood of MDEfugees made us forget our true call as radical centrists. Also:

that vocabulary

that lack of irony

referring to r/Drama in 3rd person






porn doesnt cause degeneracy

porn IS degeneracy

If porn is wrong then I don't wanna be right

> mass cultural acceptance of porn

> woah where did all these cucks come from?

Yeah, but at the same time I don't see people lining up to ban all depictions of violence. Okay, they do exist, but we mostly try to stop these people and make fun of them.

I dunno, it seems like to me the "underaged characters in fiction are exactly the same as actual underage people IRL being abused for pedo porn" idea is just one step away from thought crime.

Equivocating fiction with the real deal is obviously stupid. However I think there is a general consensus that showing violence or suicide can have negative effects. Society just has decided that not banning stuff like Werther is obviously the lesser evil and that it's not necessarily the responsibility of the author to make sure the readers don't do dumb shit.

I personally dislike censorship, but I wish people were honest about the fact that there is very likely at least some negative effect. Even if you're genuinely just concerned about freedom, acting like there absolutely can't be any negative effects just makes you look like a pedo in denial.

idea is just one step away from thought crime

I mean, it's about the distribution of such material. There already are some "outlawed ideas" in that regard. For example it's illegal to distribute information about making bombs.

My biggest concern with these sorts of initiatives is they are always vague. If they established some very strict legal definition that only targeted porn I'd be fine with it, but it always verges into also targeting basic works of fiction that just have the normal amount of sexualization inherent in all entertainment.

In this case it's just doubly unjust since it is targetting an artform inherent to another people.

Not that it matters, UN is UN and toothless, but the fact that there are so many people who support this argument in the population at large is what scares me.

Nah, i'm just a furry who fears they'll go after my porn next.

I swear you have women posting on facebook how they fuck their dogs and nobody gives a shit but i jack it to human animals and they want me in jail.

Kinda hoping for an apocalypse.

swear you have women posting on facebook how they fuck their dogs and nobody gives a shit but i jack it to human animals and they want me in jail.

This ain't possible

It's possible

I've seen it

Humanity needs to be cancelled

Like that kid who died after being buried in sand after he watched Naruto.

So does not registering child exploitation cases.

Lolis were never illegal in Japan. Also Japanese tend to hide and not report abuse cases

all pornography was illegal under meiji restoration, still is technically its just given more leeway with loopholes like a black bar over the genitals or mosaic blur

>opinion amp piece of a literal fake story as a source


more leeway with loopholes like a black bar over the genitals or mosaic blur

So you could still make it as long as you put pixels. It wasn't illegal then.

opinion amp piece of a literal fake story as a source

I'm going to assume you've never been to Japan. Never heard cases of women and girl children getting groped in trains and they don't say anything. Never heard that they had to get women only trains cause of this. I could give you more sources but you've already refuted one of mine so why bother...

So you could still make it as long as you put pixels. It wasn't illegal then.

Yeah because in the 19th century we had mosaic blurs right?

I'm going to assume you've never been to Japan.


opinion piece with no evidence

shitty obscure book


South China post from some white guy who writes about japan 24/7 with no sources/cites/evidence

Yeah I refuted your shitty opinion piece that used a literal fake story to back it up

Pedophilia=/= child exploitation

The Japanese developed an absolutely brilliant method of lowering their sex crimes rate. They don't prosecute about 90% of them and just tell the slut to shut her whore mouth. So they don't show up in the states.

hey i read a bullshit bbc article that used a literal fake testimony and formed my opinion on it too

P-please dont say bad things about based Japan!

if you have actual criticisms sure go ahead and say them

youre just repeating propaganda without actually verifying anything for yourself

No I just lived in Japan for most of a decade and consumed news reporting on this objective fact from local media. Nice man of straw though pedo.


for a ton of reasons there’s no way the child abuse rate in Japan hasn’t gone way way down over the past 30 years

The UN just out here trying to oppress Japanese Culture.

This is worse than when they oppressed British Culture by promoting decolonization and not allowing Brits to exploit Africans and Indians for profit. Next they'll try to stop the Slavics from being homophobic, too.

What is the world coming to? Is nothing sacred??


Not allowing

I can guarantee you the UN is not stopping Britain from doing anything. The EU has (had) way more power over Britain than the UN ever had. The only real purpose of the UN is for countries to come together and talk things out in a neutral setting, literary everything is almost for show.

Too true, we need to stop the Japanese from oppressing... checks notes fictional characters?

ok libertarian

I’d rather be a libertarian than a pearl clutching shmuck who wants people arrested over drawings.

Pedos truly are everywhere these days.

Don't you have some single mothers to date to groom their toddler daughter?

Don’t you have an art museum or a GameStop to picket?

People like anime characters in porn because they look better than real people, u mong.

I wouldn't know, since I don't watch cartoons.


But anyway, adult characters can be attractive. Like, 18+ and looking like they're 18+. And lolis don't look 18+ to me.


A canonicaly 15 year old can be look like 18+ if you give her the right curves.

Lolis are kind of different, I say that they are much different than real children since anime tends to look much appealing than normal people.

I don't like Lolis at all tbh, but the idea of banning them because it somehow correlates to actual child abuse seems stupid to me.

I'm not saying it correlates, but honestly, it is still kinda messed up.

A few times I encountered lolis on 4chan and other websites, it looked barely better than cp I saw on 4chan. Of course cp is worse, but you could see how fucked up/traumatized/seemingly indifferent kids in cp are, unlike 5 years old lolis gobbling on 30 centimeters cocks and looking like they enjoy it.

Anyway, I'm more conservative than I thought I was prior to seeing those things, I'm disgusted by both and I wouldn't have anything against banning it.

The thing is, does loli hentai make actual pedophiles crave more for actual children, or not? Has anyone with loli hentai been prosecuted for raping kids? Considering how heated this kind of matter is, if it indeed happen, such example would be thrown a lot during these debates, but I haven't even seen em in r/drama, so idk really.

Also, you are speaking more from emotion than reason, but I can give you that loli hentai does look cruder, maybe that's because I just don't like flat bodies or child-like personalities.

The "barely" better part isn't a good benchmark because taste is subjective.

Cp obvs has to be banned., actual children get their lives ruined because of that.

Also, you are speaking more from emotion than reason,

"Emotionality" doesn't invalidate the argument. You can "reasonably" argue that there are at least some kids that aren't hurt in cp and that some of them may even enjoy sex. But emotionally, morally, we know it's wrong.

The thing is, does loli hentai make actual pedophiles crave more for actual children, or not?

I doubt this can be answered without the same controversy that revolves around pornography. When there are several studies on the issue, we can maybe draw conclusions and say "yes/no, pedophiles crave/don't crave for kids because of lolis". But even then, the issue will remain controversial because of the moral side of it that I mentioned.



It's not just "morally" wrong, their minds, and bodies, aren't completely developed for handling adult stuff like sex.

The thing with the "does it make pedos/non-pedos crave real kids" is that it shouldd be looked at a raw fact, because if it's not true, it means that pedophiles have something to get off to. And the opposite reaction if it does.

Plus, if letting them wank to fictional stuff that doesn't require anything more than a skilled artist, that didn't do anything illegal to get such knowledge, curbs their sexual desires, I don't think it would be immoral to let them enjoy that.

The problem is, I doubt anyone would try to do such investigations because of their nature, and the huge backlash from the people that wouldn't like the true answer, be it positive or negative.

Why does your handler let you serious-post?

Why go to all the trouble of grooming when it's so simple to overpower and become a repressed memory?

I don't want them arrested...

I mean its a good thing not to push for arbitrary laws that will put people in jail. But its weebs we're talking about, not people.

Soon they'll try to stop muslims stoning women, blasphemers, homosexuals, apostates, being the wrong kind of muslim and women who are raped by their cousins. Fuck this timeline.

My point exactly!

NWO when?

What is your argument? ”Some things should be stopped, therefore everything should be stopped”?


banning anything ever

Hallelujah! Faith in humanity has been restored 🙏🏻

this is the same organization that would like to take your violent vidya away if they could, they even publicly pleaded for it. Luckily most countries are smart enough to recognize that as long as no actual human beings are harmed both of these types of media are fine.

That's disgusting. They should take the nonviolent ones away too.

This seems like a legislation nightmare.

Doubt any country will bother spending resources to create a "fictional police". U.N tried a similar thing in 2016 with a proposal to ban hentai/eroge that "discriminated women", but that failed miserably in the end.

I mean, if it gives radical politicians who need a common enemy for society to fight against in order to justify their discourse, I'm sure they'll at least give it a shot.

I mean, the outrage is already there, and it's so strong it can make even us and SRD agree with something for once.

All UN General Assembly proposals are non-binding anyway. They could make a binding treaty but everyone would have to sign it and it would take about a century to negotiate. The security council has the power to make bindings resolutions... but there's only been a handful ever passed and they were all about attacking some nation that attacked another while not having any great power patron to back them up.

Your daily reminder that loli did nothing wrong****

My UNICEF donations finally paying off

I have to admit its kinda funny that when I was a kid it was the horrible right trying to censor porn. Now its the left trying to censor cartoon porn.

Wait so people could go to jail for drawing shit

I mean you can already be killed for drawing a long-dead sandlad.

yeah should we stoop further down to that level though?

Absolutely. Liking pedo weebshit should be a crime


on the one hand fuck pedophiles, on the other hand, why the fuck should we listen to the UN?

instead of banning loli lets just redo world war 2 and teach japan a lesson. same effect.

instead of banning loli lets just redo world war 2 and teach japan a lesson. same effect.

We need to start a petition for this

Why? After this they are going to commit seppuku


Nuking Japan caused this. How do we unnuke

double down

Send them back to the iron age. Samurais were cool

How's UN officials going to satisfy their pedophilia if they ban all of the pedo materials?

Implying they wouldn't consider themselves above the law

by going to third world countries and fucking kids, like they always do.

Getting STD to virtual signal

Really forward-thinking people.

Getting STD to virtual signal







Jefferey Epstein's "Lolita Express"

How the fuck are they going to enforce this? Is the UN going to make a loli police force? Cause that sounds funny and amazing.

That's how the UN has always worked outside of the Korean War.

They bitch and moan and hope someone actually does something when they listen.

So nothing is going to happen? Lolifags will still have their jack off matieral.

The truly radical centrist position is they still access but need to register and provide proof of chemical or other means castration

They're going to economically sanction 4chan

I honestly don't care if lolicon is legal or not, but I do find it strange just how fucking obsessive these people are about it, to the point where I think it should be banned for the sake of their mental health.

The geopolitics is going crazy and the environment is going crazy and this is what our legislator cares about.

Japan is going to shit a brick

When it comes to choosing between pedophiles and the government. I choose pedophiles.

Porque no los dos?

user reports:
1: Cool. Murder is also illegal, time to ban most Films, Comics, TV Shows, Art, etc...

whoever reported this, please respond to this message for your immediate promotion to modship.

I’m fairly certain r/darqwolff is a mod

moderator reports include the mods name

Not if theyl mod uses an alt

He's right though, there's not a single argument based on FACTS and LOGIC by that Loli art should be illegal.

your mod invite is in the mail!

Wait a second, I remember this scam...

That's the beauty of it: We don't need to make arguments based on FACTS and LOGIC, we just need to ban it on the grounds that it's drawn child porn and then put anyone who objects on a government watchlist.

Reveal yourself, pedophile

pls don't mod the u/darqwolff alt

Good. Fuck ALL pedos. Pedocide when?

First they came for the pedophiles

And I did nothing, because I was not a pedophile

First they came for the pedophiles

And I did nothing, because I was not a pedophile it's actually a really good thing and I want to help out

It never started for pedocels

weebcide is now

What's with the UN? It started with laws against taking creep shots, they sent out the NWO troops and literally forced us to respect females, and now they're sending out the jack booted thugs again to steal our naked drawings of little kids. When will this oppression end? This truly is the dystopia we've all been dreading.

Just claim it's art

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“They’re just drawings!” is the new shibboleth furnace passcode.