One brave user has had enough of /r/mcj's war on capeshit's nazi fandom

89  2019-02-18 by cochnbahls


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

ok buddy


Taking the chabanais approach, sport

I'm not French

Cmon... yes you are

I work near Quebec but I'd never be French

Everyone involved is dumb.

My mention of /r/mcj should have implied that.

how that place grew in spegrness so fasr>

who the fuck cares about maturity this is reddit lmao

One of us.


This is the biggest tell. You just know that they're fucking furious beyond their screen.

lmao cope

I'm not angry. I'm dead inside



women are verifiably not a minority

"ok buddy"


Why do they always do this? Get shown up and do the super totally quirky dismissive one liner to act like they dont care.

Sure thing, sweet cheeks.

ok sweaty

women aren't minorities

comic books have been historically consumed more by men, that's why there's more male comic superheros

These 2 opinions are enough to piss off the capeshitters. That's probably proof enough that watching those movies turns your brain into retarded, feelgood mush. What kind of low iq does it take to watch Iron man fly around in a suit and fart into his instruments during the climax and he looks dead at the camera with a mischievous smile and all the boomers in the audience laugh while a Jefferson Starship song blasts.

Studios showing marvel movies should be converted into gas chambers

capeshittercide pls

Reminder that mayo women are the world’s most oppressed-upon minority.

Behind gamers and MTG players.

It's over for tribal ape-cels

Personally, I can't wait until W is rightfully added to LGBT.


I think u misspelled white male Christian gamers

lol how dense do you have to be to think edgelord redditors are mostly Christian

what part of minority do u not understand

You’re in this same thread comparing women and black people, you’re a fucking retard I can’t lie. It’s not even just women you’re saying are a minority, it’s a WHITE woman in this instance, probably the most entitled set of people in America.

Looks like we've got a confirmed Nice Guy on our hands, here.

White gussy is the most oppressed minority in the world.

lol u misspelled white Christian male gamer

I'd rather find the rope then ride the train of dead r/gamingcirclejerk Memes.

Don't do it, you will hurt your loved ones more than you can understand.

implying drama users have anyone that cares about them

This is a support forum Sweaty, Why do you think we are here?

People are still sucking Black Panthers dick.

that is the real movie circle jerk they don't want you to know about

Do you expect white people to not suck a strong black dick

White women are truly the most opressed people on the planet.

Get woke, go broke, coming to a Marvel movie near you.

I doubt they go full TLJ though.

this is pretty stupid comparison, since PG is huge, and gillette is one brand among many.


You're aware that Gillette is well under 10 percent of P&G right? Not that Gillette doing well after that ad wouldn't be hilarious, but their stock price has little to do with it for a multitude of reasons.


cope cope cope

cope cope cope

cope cope cope copecope

cope cope cope cope cope cope

cope cope cope


cope cope

cope cope cope

cope cope

cope cope cope

cope cope

cope cope

cope cope cope

cope cope

cope cope

This but unironically.

Sh-shut up

It worked! Ads are king for manufactured drama.


The Long Jerk.

Can someone please think of the opressed rich white women minorities

Please post indexed list of oppression levels in order

All other minorities>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> white woman

looks like the sub has gotten worse and I had no idea that was even possible