LateStageGenderBinary is a thing, so of course they argue about what's real communism and shit like that

123  2019-02-18 by rhyme-ocerus


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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Real comminism is trapping a monkey and convincing it through sign language to have sex with an elephant. thats why its not been done before, its pretty hard

i had sex with an elephant once

you're mom lol

No I am mom

gib milkies

ew, gussy

You're doing it wrong.

Oddly enough degenerate Soviet Russia tried to make a Humanzee back in the 1930’s.

God damned commies... 🤮

Didn't Stalin realize how fucking dumb that was and yanked the plug? There were a bunch of Nazi-style science quackery that got pulled up because it demonstrated Soviet superiority. Unsurprisingly, it was tosh.

the trump-russia connection goes deeper than i thought

all communists, except slavoj zizek, are larpers

This but unironically

uugu ga ga

Based and Bordigapilled.

Ew why are defending that literal fascist

This guys sniffs.

The most hated subreddit there is r/traabutnocommies

what the fuck is wrong with leftists


this is WAY better than the other one

agreed, they're actually quite unique that despite their anti-commie stance they're still mostly just trans memes

shitting on tankies is good enough for me

I love them platonically

love ya too babe

Oooh, cameo. Keep up the fight I guess?


/u/2poop2babiez runs a tight ship

i run a tight trussy baby

Is there a "commiesbutnotrannies" sub?

*sips* I'll tell you what, Quake 3 now THAT was real communism.

All communists have to rocket jump irl before being allowed to post online.


All communists have to rocket helo jump irl before being allowed to post online.

Huh, come to think of it, how did we even get up to the second floor of a building before rocket jumping?

I know, right? The worst part is that's where the bed is.

yeah i used to have a t1 line installed just to play quake man, and i was addicted, but you can get addicted to anything, like even hambugers, well maybe not weed. You ever done dmt? Crazy stuff. You gotta try it some time, man. You'll come out and see a gorilla, and like those things, but bam, 400lbs of muscle, they'll rip you apart!

real communism was Lego Star Wars 2

How do you figure?

That meme format is so pretentious. Can we all stop pretending we're intellectuals.

The alt-right should just recruit a few communists to massacre other communists (whose deaths would be justified in their eyes due to disagreements on the specifics of communism) on their behalf.

According to the thread that's already happening. Stalin didn't kill communists, it was the evil capitalists; Mao didn't kill communists, it was the evil capitalists; etc.

Cursed subreddit

This place is a fucking goldmine. If only these trannies would read a history book about what their beloved communism has done to people like them. Seriously I dont get why Trannies love communism so much.

When you've constantly made bad choices and end up a loser, a reset on society looks pretty appealing.

Fun fact, the first treatment (As in, helpful) of transgender people was done in Germany, including during Hitler's time as chancellor.

Obviously it kinda went downhill from there, but still, it's a funny tidbit of history.

What kind of treatment was that?

IIRC it was really just allowing them to cross-dress and using the right pronouns. Which might seem like it's not much, but considering crossdressing was actually a crime at that time, it did take some legal paperwork and all.

80% of trannies have a personality disorder and 57% are narcissists, i also heard about a strong correlation between autism, single parents and mtfs but i cant find it

70 nips kill themselves every day because nobody loves you

its actually below 60 sweatie

hopefully 45% of them are trannies

as long as more of you are dying that can't be a bad thing

Trannies are Japanese like Irish are white

that makes no sense and is retarded

i dont consider them japanese and would be happy about them offing themselves

being a true japanese person is to shitpost about how bad trannies are on reddit

do you think white nationalists give a shit when a white tranny kills themselves?

no because white nationalists are autistic virgins who hate all women and minorities as a whole

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Source on thet, daddy?

they all think they'll be party elite rather than nameless corpses in a ditch

Broke: workers of the world unite

Woke: sexual deviants of the world unite

Commies think their ideas are actually complex or difficult to understand, when really it's just bitching about low points of capitalism that everyone already knows about and so basic as to not be interesting or worth discussing.

I think the proper definition of a communist is "a liberal who is too stupid to come up with proper solutions to problems, so he just wants to fuck shit up"

Commies think their ideas are actually complex or difficult to understand

I'm honestly not sure what ideas Communists actually have (other than desperately wanting to kill people against walls). They never get around to expounding those ideas because every commie conversation immediately gets derailed with an argument about what is or is not True CommunismR .

Like I have literally never heard an actual, detailed policy proposal (other than "kill the rich") from a reddit commie.

They want to end the practice of extracting value from capital. The most basic explanation is that there are some negatives associated with a society contrived to reward the acquisition of capital. Commies envision a society where capital cannot beget more capital, this imagining has a whole fuckton of caviots because capital markets actually do a lot of unseen lifting in society.

Communism is a reactionary movement born out of the original industrial revolution. As people began losing their jobs to machines (called capital outlay for a reason) they noticed that society itself was gradually beginning to resemble the factories they worked at.

Notice how conservatives worship the "self made man" and "self-reliance", and communists bleat about "workers owning the means of production". Literally a next door neighbor of a thought. Conservatives hate handouts for the same damn reason that communists hate wage slavery - there's an implicit understanding that such system create an implicit power imbalance.

Communists in the era of Marx himself were also essentially the Ray Kurzweil's of the time, and generally understood the gravitational force dollar bills seem to have on each other. Well ... allowing all the dolla dollas to collapse into a singularity ... is literally indistinguishable from the creation of a new aristocratic overclass.

So they thought .... hey maybe we should prevent people from accumulating too much wealth. Because wealth is a form of power, enough to buy other forms of direct power. So let's do something.

Problem is .... this requires actively maintaining some sort of power structure that was specifically designed to prevent anyone from becoming any sort of King (a la Louis the ... lmfao he's dead but still, shit was fucked with those creeps). And once you create a machine even remotely capable of doing just that .... you entire into another painful plane of existing with mathy bullshit where it's literally like programming a fucking factory. And when you turn the State itself into those factories you dream about at night, the failure modes are incredible. Starvation. War. Genocide.

So yeah ... talking to communists is like talking to people praying that Elon Musk's worst AI nightmare will totally save us.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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.... pu. 2/3s of a pun.

Or literally anyone talking to a Trotskyist cause you know, Trotsky was incompetent.

The dumbest criticism on can make of Trotsky. That dude basically won the October Revolution by himself, just by knowing how to actually fuck up Tsarist infrastructures.

Oh man this place looks like a fucking goldmine. There's a sticky telling everyone to go to /r/contrapoints2 and the header has Chelsea Manning's retarded #WeGotThis😎🌈💕 shit lmao.

Check out r/TraaButNoCommies to see the best documentation of shenanigans from this subreddit

Wake up in nonbinarycommune, check to see if I'm on the guillotine list. Not today. Someone ate my dog, need to form community action group to find guilty party and guillotine them. First I have duties on a community action group rounding up a group of teens who misgendered Sheryl and guillotining them. But first I am rostered on to the guillotine sharpening crew. but before that I have to vote on the roster oversight committee but first I have to vote on the deliberation of committee diversity enforcement council but first I have to report for guillotining for failing to report for jury duty while I was ratifying a mission statement for Sheryl's worker rights volunteer group at the guillotine factory.