Polish "people" get butthurt over factual statement by Israel's foreign minister

24  2019-02-18 by ImDumbLmao


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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Has there ever been a nation more cucked than Poland? First they annihilated by the Nazis. Then Stalin takes them. And now there neo-Nazis popping up there. I would feel bad for them, but they keep doing this to themselves

Poles were the sacrificial lambs of the last century, but they stopped the ottomans from taking Vienna in 1683 and saved Western Europe from falling to Islam. Centuries later western Europe is welcoming in Muslims by the boatload while Poland stays Polish so I guess the real cucks are western Europe?

The (((chosen ones))) cry victim as they insult you.

Polish people have been doing that since the last world war, I say let the two dick it out. Ain't much fun if we've got two ethnic groups with the exact same shtick

Some of us suckled a 15% ABV paint-thinner / dairy blend.
It's either really hard or really easy to hate anyone at that level of jolly.

Slavicide when?

Bullshit, some of us had to learn it. Ableism, yikes.

o kurwa

Let’s be clear. No matter how much the poles try to rewrite history, no matter what legislation they draft to make it go away, they have a hand in the holocaust. Whether it’s a dipshit Israeli stating facts with zero tact doesn’t make them false. Period. Accept your history and learn from it. Don’t deny it and get defensive when called out.

God damnit, I got baited hard there m8

Yeah sure. Whatever you have to tell yourself to make it better. You polish seem to be good at that.

This from a greasy americunt, lol. Medice, cura te ipsum

Yeah mang the Government in Exile was hella complicit in it all the way from London

And those civilians under occupation should have gladly thrown themselves with bare hands at the SS doing roundups. The sheer gall of them not risking their lives and that of their families and neighbors. What's the worth of some Slav trash anyway, right?

I end up sincerely wishing that stupidity were excruciatingly painful when i meet people like you. And for a kicker, i wholeheartedly wish you are someday placed in a position where you have to choose between someone else's life and your own.