Jussie Smollett attack: Smollett officially a suspect in criminal investigation for filing false police report, police say

168  2019-02-20 by Ghdust2


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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dude Jussie lmao

>4 "dude jussie lmao" comments on the first page of comments





frantically searching other ppl's post histories


>clicking literally one button and looking at literally one page


actually looking at other's ppl's histories because you don't have an argument


>implying that replying "dude jussie lmao" to literally every jussie thread needs a counterargument

You two need to just fuck already

this is my version of foreplay

haha u stupid i dont even need to argue with u!

he said, while writing the 3rd spergpost on a row.

honestly, ever since you got your OG account benned you've been pretty 😴😴😴



>a snoozeposter that isn't ed


dude Jussie lmao

4 "dude jussie lmao" comments on the first page of comments

Nice formatting dude

It's over for escapecels

> this



carry different connotations

I do that sometimes, ">" is a little different to just quoting.

I just kept reading the titles of posts and comments in /r/drama about this guy. I thought we were just calling him that because it was funny, not because it was actually his name.


What a dumbass. I notice they haven't touched the hate mail he sent himself. There was crushed up aspirin in it so the hazmat team had to come. After the anthrax scare, lord knows what federal laws are on the books about faking this stuff.

I notice they haven't touched the hate mail he sent himself.

Check the news for today, the tweets of relevant people (Rafer, Rob, CWB Chicago, etc). The FBI is all over that shit, they just aren't publicly broadcasting it. You can be it'll carry a potential sentence of longer than 3 years like filing a false report does, too.

Oh, yeah, when you've pissed the FBI off, that's a whole 'nother level of hurt you got coming.

Literally every story the media has come out with, these guys announced it earlier. I've been following this like a fucking hawk and I don't normally use Twitter, it's been really interesting to see how long it takes for news sites to catch up to local reporters.

It just came out they are charging him.

The federal charges are the ones I'm really looking forward to.

I don't know what I'm going to do to fill the void in my life when this story comes to an end. Seeing uppity liberals get knocked down a peg or two has become an addiction these last couple of months.

The video of Harris turning away and playing dumb about her tweet is just too hilarious. She was stumbling over her words left and right trying to act like she didn't cast judgement asap.

You happen to have a link? That sounds hilarious

Based and revenge pilled

You'll be okay. They'll have a new one next week. It seems so fitting that the entertainment business is chock full of democrats, since they've provided countless hours of entertainment for us.

The democratic party is a fucking sitcom.

most of the media is not touching how almost every dem running (i think every single one) defended Jussie with intial reports.

To seriouspost for a minute, I'm giving Dems the benefit of the doubt. All they did was say a few words about a hate crime that had happened featuring a local celebrity.

That it was totally over the top unbelievable isn't a problem, the CCTV and whatnot to totally debunk it only popped up afterwards, even though everyone's bullshit meter was probably over the top, IF IT HAD HAPPENED then looking like someone who shits on hate crime victims would sink their career.

But I still hope this turns Chicago red for the obvious drama of Jussie turning a lib paradise into MAGA COUNTY.

Another Daley is running for mayor....

Shit, not only the FBI but if he mailed it to himself that gets the USPS involved and with something like a 95% conviction rate the USPS doesnt fuck around.

That's correct, filing a false police report is a class 4 felony in Illinois, causing a false alarm for "a deadly biological or chemical contaminant" is a class 3 felony.

Oh, if they were to also try him federally he would face up to 5 years in prison and big fine. You have to wonder at what point Smollett becomes a waste of time though.


They are really making an example out of him.

Chicago police probably won't say much about the letter, because it's a federal crime.

I'm hoping that the feds will drop whether they are looking into it.

Bbbbut the bolice r racist they faked it

Ahut up I’m not coping you are

Free Jussie

Free my nigga Gay Tupac

We need some sort of twist. The drama was over after a few days because everyone knew he was full of shit. We need a Hail Mary to get the coin back up

see i think the drama at least for now is the retards who believed him and doubled down or the people who didnt actually believe him but did/still defend him because muh side, eventually we may see involvement of national politicians but right now its just a conspiracy theory, any sort of trial or guilty plea leading to multiple years in jail would also be very juicy.

Reddit at least is filled with the “I saw this coming” bs and “this will only fill the right to not believe real hate crimes”

Those are such cucky cope comments. I need real drama

I saw this on this sub like a week ago which kinda sorta counts as seeing it coming

”this will only fill the right to not believe real hate crimes”

I mean it’s true lol.

Yeah, I was one of the people to come out and say that theory. I acknowledge it's not the best and could be totally wrong though but the pieces are falling into place too perfectly, ya know? The head prosecutor recused herself from the trial and there's tweets of hers endorsing Kamala Harris for president and citing her as a good friend

gorilla-eater is still in the /r/news threads trying to debate what temperature it was and whether or not wind chill affects bleach.

The FBI is investigating that the sent the hate letter to himself with the crushed up white powder in it, which makes it a federal crime now.

Does that count as a hail mary?

We need some sort of twist

If Jussy Smellit ODs and dies in the house of a rich, white, gay democratic donor this story will be complete.

We need some sort of twist.

Smollett blames that politician with the redundant lynch law or the cops find some collusion and charge her for conspiracy.

All the drama twists people hoped for have come true so far, even the letters, so maybe this one will too.

Harris and Booker spearheaded the anti-lynching bill. This scheme was so retarded that it's unlikely either was involved to the point that Smollett can't be blamed for all of it, but it casts enough of a shadow on their campaigns that we might end up with Bernie just by process of elimination.

Isn't that person running for the Dem nomination? It'd be juicy if she got nominated THEN the FBI discovered she was complicit.

Jussie suicide bombs the White House.

Why aren't we celebrating that two black immigrants are Trump supporters?!?

fake and gay

Those 2 big black guys made my bussy wet.

Why aren't we celebrating this?

Baste magapedes tbh

They aren't immigrants, they were born in the US.

Is it really unrealistic for a bunch of black dudes to really fucking hate gays?

Smollett is due in court in Chicago at 1:30 p.m. Thursday. Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said CPD detectives will make contact with Smollett's legal team to "negotiate a reasonable surrender for his arrest."

Fuck him. Give him a Roger Stone type arrest tonight.

Even better would be to arrest him during filming but apparently he already got fired for this.

arrest him during filming

Sounds kinda epic for everyone involved

ok now this is epic

It's over for melanincels!

Can this bitch code?