Tucker 'If you're not Far-Right, you're a sucker' Carlson calls a receding hairline guest a 'tiny-brain' in unaired interview. Confirmed as a Drama mod.

170  2019-02-21 by FunnyBoysenberry8


I need people to stop banning my lolis. That's all I need! Just let me be with my drawings. Let me enjoy cute happy anime lolis that are so full of love and affection. That let me forget about this horrible world and the shitty people in it. Is that so hard to ask for? Why are people so fucking hell bent on banning lolis? What do they or society gain? I don't like scary slasher movies about people murdering people(illegal BTW). But I don't call for them to be banned nor insult those that enjoy them. One of the few things in life that makes me happy. Little glimmers of joy in my shit life and they fucking ban it because they want to make an extra buck fron ad investors.

Maybe there's a reason why people want these pure, perfect maidens? Could it be that the real world is filled with darwinistic people? Filled with murder, drugs, deasise, genocide, virtue signalling, inequality, false politicians, false ronance, bullies, ect. Where everyone is out to push eachother down to get on top? Yea, no wonder people are so eager to want something better.

Is it really difficult for people to mind their own business? If you don't harm anyone, why ban it?

You know. What about GTA that glorifies crime and actually hurts people in the real world with predatory microtransactions? What about rape fantasies? What about guro? What about furry porn? What if she's canonlly legal age? What about girls that look mature but are underage(Ikkitousen, HSoTD)? What about all that incest porn on pornhub? That's illegal IRL but no one is harping to ban that. What about r/trees? A sub dedicated to glorifying marijuana but one problem...weed has been and still is illegal and classified as a class1 drug in the US. Or the sub that literally shows real kids being killed. Or all those propaganda and ad shilling? But no one bans that!




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Why can we all just lolicon

norwoodcels BTFO

If Tucker were a mod he's be CirqueDuFuder

If Tucker is* a mod

The subjunctive mood: learn it, smoothbrain.

Brainlet-tier debate: Should we use "was" or "were" when addressing hypotheticals?

Galaxybrain debate: Should use use "were" or "is"

big words scare me

Accurate af



im not mad

Cirque doesn't flip out on a dime and go on rants. More likely darqwolf

Circo is a registered Democrat and super liberal šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”

Is he? I thought he was center right/moderately conservative. Whoops

He has a Pepe avatar. That means he's alt-right

Thata not it, I bet he secretly says the n word a lot or something like that

He writes it on pieces of notebook paper then folds it up and eats them

All of the top government agencies confirmed Pepe is a symbol of white nationalism like 3 years ago.

It's like the first thing you get when you get your Basket of Deplorables

Oof thatā€™s cringe and certainly irredeemable!

Thatā€™s what he says, I tend to agree with you

I am pretty all over the map position wise and you are pretty accurate on saying I resembled Tucker. I am lifelong registered Democrat though but when you live in a one party town there is no reason to change.

you are ready for some good ol' political awakening grift, start an anti-sjw youtube channel, say you didn't leave dems but dems left you and shill for Trump as hard as humanly possible

if you are a basic bitch mayo you get low six figures, the rates are get only better from there if you have the right identity checkboxes

I imagine most YouTubers make literally nothing though to be fair.

they don't shill hard enough or are too dumb even for youtube

but if you consider how many millions of views even some of the most basic bitch low effort anti-sjw complication get, i am saying that there is a lot of untapped potential for people like you, you just need to

  1. go to colleges and debate the dumbest people

  2. generate some bullshit free speech drama

  3. repeat

I am pretty all over the map position wise

That's unironically healthy and is usually a sign someone doesn't watch much news and bases their ideaology on personal experience.

unironically healthy and is usually a sign someone doesn't watch much news and bases their ideaology on personal experience.

i know /r/drama will bury me for this but watching or reading about what's happening in the world and knowing the context well is unironically more important than just going with your gut

I agree but televised news is worthless. If I'm interested in understanding an event or situation I'll read at least 3 articles before I make my mind up. Usually 1 from each opposing side then 1 that at least pretends to be unbiased. And even after that I'll consider new developments as they arise and change my opinion. Too many people toe the line of whatever political party they subscribe to without actually understanding the conversation and those people mostly get their news from 1 source or a few sources that are politically aligned. I go with my gut after I've researched something and if I haven't I try not to form any strong opinions unless its straight forward

can't cuck the tuck

Well he sure did here. The whole interview was him being roasted and not having any rebuttal at all besides tantruming.

You're replying to a 10h old cope alt lol. These newfags will flood this place since r/subofpeace has been banned too.

Shut up ed or youā€™ll be dead buttered toast

Chatsworth Osborne Jr. brought this guy on precisely because he's been one of the few right-leaning pundits addressing wealth inequality and he liked that this guy flipped the bird to the fake greenery of billionaires on private jets having a fun weekend. Instead of taking the opportunity Orville Redenbacher's illegitimate son gave him to reach a new audience (Fox News right-wingers) and do something constructive, he decided to take a piss on Tucker, his show, and his network and be a huge dick. That's great for dramacoin but pretty bad for advancing your agenda.

Tucker wanted him to make the case for higher taxes on the super-wealthy and making them pay for their green pipe dreams. Considering what this guy did at Davos, you'd think he'd jump at the opportunity. Instead, he has to do the typical performative "look how woke I am sticking it to the man" bit.

Carlson's a bitch for losing his temper and canning the interview, but Dutch Douche Guy wasted a valuable opportunity and came off looking like your typical smug lefty.

you think the far right is for whatever reason going to begin being understanding and considerate of what a Dutch guy is saying just because he was on a show? Tucker Carlson only had him on his show because he roasted liberal billionaires and not conservative billionaires like Murdoch.

Not a tuck fan, but itā€™s not like heā€™s sucking up to conservative billionaires in his show either. He is legitimately the most economic populist right wing personality, to a fault imo.

This historian dude is a retard who canā€™t see the forest from the trees and unwittingly plays into the hands of billionaires like all leftists.

Tuckerā€™s producer wanted them to talk about tax avoidance and how the billionaires were hypocrites for flying on their private jets while complaining about global warming. Dutch guy knew what the script was and refused to play his part. And more people are going to see this clip than if he would have played along with tucker.

He could have used the opportunity to help radicalize the white working class proletariat, but instead he decided to be a smarmy fuck because it would make him seem cool to the retards on left Twitter which is ultimately what modern leftism is about.

Imagine thinking the mayo working class is actually capable of stumbling out of their fent haze for long enough to form any movement for positive change that doesn't end up a random lynch mob. Maoist-Third Worldists are unironically correct, despite being the biggest retards on the internet.

Donā€™t have to change them all into leftiesjust soften em up so they can ram in some pro labor/welfare bills.

Also, are you implying that a random lynch mob is a positive change? šŸ˜

he decided to take a piss on Tucker, his show, and his network and be a huge dick.

same thing I would've done tbh

I am cracking up tho that you think that despite the fact that we as a society have known for generations that billionairs and the turbo-elite are scumbag leeches, the yokels who watch cucker tarlson are going to somehow just figure it out when they hear it from some dutch twink

I didnā€™t even watch it why r u srs posting

Did you even watch that trainwreck? Tucker got got.

Mod him. NOW.

he spent like 5 minutes getting roasted and cucked on his own platform while mumbling the word "moron"

so pretty much just like the mods here šŸ¤­


-Tucker Carlson

We mods don't get cucked, we cuck the lowly plebs here. Have you seen our modmail? It's 90% people being mad about getting tempbans

I hope you've seen my Elon Muskrat taxidermy drawing and enjoyed it.

u should post it for all too see

ur wish is my command trap goddess


No but take some screenshots and show us please šŸ˜

I might, I'm thinking after the purgeā„¢ ill make a megathread detailing how cucked all the banned users are.

Can't even wait! <3

more like cucker tarlson

You can't cuck the tuck.

can't cuck the tuck

gets cucked on TV


Why donā€™t you go fuck yourself, you tiny brain. Youā€™re a moron. I tried to give you a hearing but you were too fucking annoying.

lololol snappy quote NOW!

/u/DistortedLines /u/ComedicSans /u/AnnoysTheGoys

Oh hell yea. I wish I knew how to add snapping quotes.

/u/justcool393 is snappys father i think


thats mother for u

JC is a gril

This but absolutely, 100% not memeing, unironically


Quit messing around

Wow, that is actually a direct quote from (((news))) personality

Go off King!

Calling the kettle black huh, Mr. Tucker "stare at the interviewee like I'm undergoing a stroke" Carlson?

Bregman & Jon Stewart are now eskimo bros

The funniest part of the whole thing was the guy who was the keynote speaker at Davos accusing anyone else of being in the pocket of billionaires. Davos is just a fancy party weekend where rich people fly their private jets in to lecture poor people about their carbon footprint. At least Carlson doesn't wear that faggy bow tie any more.

Yeah, Jon Stewart made damn sure TC would never wear a bow tie again

Meanwhile Jon Stewart canā€™t get a new show off the ground despite trying at HBO and Tucker has the top rated news show on the planet in 2019. If anything Tucker has the last laugh.



Only boomers watch the flashy box

The Daily Show is responsible for the epidemic of 30 yo boomers CMV

And that's a good thing

Boomercide when?

If anything Jon Stewart is more famous than Tucker Carlson will ever dream to be. Tucker is another one of those same generic right wing Fox analyst.

Jon Stewart's Daily Show changed the way late night comedy was done.

If anything Stewart will be always be remembered for his contribution. & Tucker will just be another footnote among the right-wing show hosts.

You can trace a line directly from Jon Stewart to SRD-style smugposting and I hate him for that alone (former big fan of his until I grew up).

(former big fan of his

Im so sorry

Jon Stewart's Daily Show changed the way late night comedy was done.

You say this as if it were a good thing.

Unironically defender Cucker. Retards of a feather?

Tucker is the only prominent right winger that unironically attacks capitalism. Heā€™s a true radical centrist t b h even if I donā€™t share his views.

Bergman didn't fly there privately, he's a historian so poor by default. And the only reason he came there was to shit on tax evading billionaires.

He was invited so he came there to tell them to his face lol

where rich people fly their private jets in to lecture poor people about their carbon footprint.

Wow I wonder where you got that talking point

He was invited so he came there to tell them to his face lol

And good for him, but maybe he should question why a bunch of billionaires are giving him an invite to come shill for their pet project.

Wow I wonder where you got that talking point

It's not a talking point. It's an accurate description of what happens at Davos.

Limousine liberals and their smugness, fills my cup.

Tucker looks legit retarded

squints at u profusely

tucker fans online all decided a while ago that his retard face he does anytime he's trying to listen to someone talk is epic and owns the libs

unironically being ableist.

The exit's this way bucko points as window

really makes you think

If you shop a neckbeard on him he looks suspiciously like darq

Daily reminder that cucker tarlson is a cuckold for the capitalist class and so are his fans

This but as it is šŸ‘

Please don't criticize nazbol gang so wantonly.

Nazbol isn't as pathetic as normal fascism, the latter emphasizing class "cooperation", which is literal cuckoldry

Strasserites did nuffin wrong.

that makes absolutely no sense

What, fascism?

so you either cuck to the capitalist or the blacks. ffs

Say what you will about NAZBOL GANG but it's a pretty coherent ideology

This but unironically

Wow, East Coaster. That's going to be a massive YIKES from me. You've officially been reported to the MODERATION TEAM for excessive oofs with that one.

i like tucker and ALSO want corporatitoncide

does that make me based?

So it's just a bowtie fetish for you then?


i don't understand the words in your post but i've got a feeling your a dirty commie


cucker tarlson is a cuckold for the capitalist class

No, he's just part of it.

so are his fans

That's true. There's nothing more pathetic than a poor right-winger.

No, he's just part of it.

Correct, what i had meant to say was that he cucks for billionaires, people richer than he is.

Tucker ā€œbetter Far Right than Far Wrongā€ Carlson

Tucker "if it ain't white then it ain't alright" Carlson

Tuck "The Cuck" Carlson

He was trying to do the thing where he pretends to be a populist then turns it against immigrants and pretends as if there can be no middle class without 'industrial jobs' (hows china's middle class doing?) Just a massive dodge routine. Guest wouldn't give him what he wanted any he sperged out.

"I hate the global elite!"

"I agree, billionaires have too much pow.."

"No, no, no, like liberal college students and jews and stuff!"

College professors rule the planet

If an adjunct making $25,000 a year is not part of the elite then why do some of them teach at elite universities?

God is a sociology professor from UCLA


He who shapes the mind of the next generation controls the future.

Ben Shapiro is Lord of Time

Boomers and Zoomers are going to be like High Elves compared to the generation of Orcs being unleashed on this Earth.


I mean, dude bussy lmao.

"They're talking about global warming while flying private jets!"

"That's right, everyone needs to do their part and fly less when it's no-"

"No, no, no, they should stop talking about global warming, we've got oil to sell"

how's China's middle class

Pretty fucking good. They're the ones you see crowding tourist spots.

Now This News fills my Facebook feed with useless "viral" videos and I hate them.

That said, this is so funny.

Tucker Carlson OWNED with facts and logic

Cucker Tarlson, king of the squint

Any time Tucker opens up his mouth , people should ask him " How is the Jon Stewart doing ? Is he still burning from that interview? "

& calls a professor who he himself invited a moron.

Tucker Carlson freaks out like an ape when he's unable to respond to good rhetoric. He could have just asked whether billionaire elites support mass immigration, free trade, and foreign wars more than immigration reduction and isolationism. Tucker doesn't shill for the former anymore.

It's always good to see when a glorious west-European put the burgerman in it's place šŸ˜Ž

Tucker Carlson is unironically the only entertaining person in all of MSM. Whether you agree with him or not, he brings on the other side and mocks them, or at least talks shit.

Damn, Tucker just got cucked by a simpleton historian. Tucker hasn't been cucked that bad since his debate with John Stewart also a simpleton.