How the fuck did everyone just gloss over the fact that this was the death threat that Jussie Smollett got?

1146  2019-02-22 by ImDumbLmao


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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It's yet another layer of stupidity. Like making it look like a 5 year old wrote it was going to make it more believable.

I think the idea is that you cant have your handwriting traced if you write in baby writing. More likely though, he started cutting out letters and got bored so he gave up and used a marker

more like "cum of my music" lmao

showing the soles of his shoes

He deserves to be in prison just for that, Inshallah

What's wrong with that? Genuinely curious.

It's an insult in Arab cultures.

Oh I see.

You also can't have your handwriting traced if you just print something out would've made more sense to me and probably be taken more seriously. But jussie smollett probably isn't the brightest guy.

Most modern printers actually print tiny markings on the paper that can be used to identify what printer the document came from. Printing it is not the best idea.

The man gets 65k an episode. He could buy a printer for 40 bucks, print the letter and address on the envelope and then drive to the other side of town to dump it in a random trash can. But then again, judging from how he orchestrated the hate crime hoax, he probably couldn't come up with that train of thought.

If there's security cameras in the place of purchase it could be tracked there too if the police aren't retards.

So you drive to San Jose, make a weekend out of it. Or pay some homeless guy to buy it.

Or you just, like, cut out pieces of a magazine or something to make words. That's a lot simpler.

I don't think they let Jussie have scissors, he might run with them.

No, sorry: not autistic enough

Every scissor has a unique identifier to it. Police could identify the scissor by the types of cuts, then trace it back to him.


Uh, no?

You would have to buy the magazines too, so how is that any better?

Lot harder to trace a magazine than it is a printer.

The homeless guy is the big IQ play, bonus points if he's blind so he can't ID you. Unassailable plan.

See how dumb that Smollet guy is? I'm a retard and even I can come up with a better plan. Well, maybe not a better plan, but marginally less retarded.

Should have paid blind homeless to beat him up too tbh, then put them on a 10 hour bus ride.

I'll bet he would've paid for the bus ticket with his credit card. Or he would've just put him in a local bus and told him to ride it for 10 hours.

If you really want to make someone disappear just send John McAfee a fake death threat in their name, nobody survives the crypto darknet assassins

Lol the homeless guy probably just walks away with your money.

That's why you hire another blind homeless guy to kill him if he does

I like the way you think. So, I'm putting together a crew. Are you in?

Or pay a couple Nigerian bros to do your hate crime procurement.

Buy a second hand shitbox printer you fucking retard

Do you think he knew that?

Just find an antique typewriter somewhere

He could just print in black and white. Microdots are yellow. Basically, all he'd have to do is remove the color ink cartridges.

A quick google search shows this would probably work.

Or he could have used the public library.

Public Library Computers are linked with your Library card and also have security cameras.

It's not like it would be hard to borrow a library card. Maybe it's not a good idea. Go to a busy Office Depot. Sandwich the page with the address in the middle of a large document, maybe a couple of his scripts. Get it printed in black and white. Pay somebody to do it for him and here's the kicker, pay for the printing in cash.

But this is all really elaborate and assumes the idiot knows about microdots (he probably doesn't) and, knowing about microdots, didn't decide the best move was to just print the damn thing in black and white.

oh sure there's tons of stuff retarded about this, paying them with a check lamo

i'm almost certain the Brothers were part of some sting operation or knew this was going to go south so kept all this evidence as proof he was the mastermind

What kind of retard pays his fake hate crime attackers with a check? He forget his wallet?

What kind of retard hires fake hate crimes that are blacker than he is? What, were no white guys available?

I can ask my 8 year old nephew and I'm sure he would come up with a better plan than this guy.

Did he mean “print” like handwritten block letters? Where I’m from we call the two handwriting styles cursive or printing.

are the cops really just going to trace down every single printer in the city to find out who those maga country kids are

I think the idea is that you cant have your handwriting traced if you write in baby writing

200 IQ 3D chess move right there

He was going for the cute but creepy vibe.

That's pretty gay

It's a FABulous idea

This looks like he wrote and drew with his non dominant hand, so writing sampling would be that much harder

So you're saying he gave himself a stranger so it'd look like a stranger wrote it?

I'm right-handed and it looks exactly like that when I try to write with my left hand. Back in fifth grade or so I thought it was clever writing "bad stuff" that way because nobody would know it was me because they couldnt compare samples.

That’s his normal handwriting

This needs more upvotes!

Given all the stupidity involved in this, that might just be his actual handwriting.

He didn't even try to hide his handwriting

5 year old, or Nigerian? Was Jussie Smollett an inside job by Jussie Smollett pretending to be Nigerian himself?

It legitimately looks like something me and my friends would’ve made in middle school just to fuck people.

Jesus Fucking Christ, Nigerians have such terrible penmanship.


No wonder the scam fell apart. Goddamn this level of shit is practically par for the course.

That's racist. Fuck, this all just got M E T A R A C I S T.

Is this for real? No wonder the cops found it skeptical.

Please be real.

It is real. Link to news article above.

It's real. That is seriously the letter that made him butthurt because noone took it seriously.

I could have come up with a better hoax than this in my sleep.

I came up with a really spooky movie in my sleep last night.

Last night I tried to shoo off the white foreigners who were using my backyard view towards the sea.

Build a wall.

I don’t actually have that backyard irl lol

Take someone else's backyard, and then build a wall.

Wanna give us the script?

Something about being part of a psuedo military group on an island, felt like the group was more command/science group than combatants. The military group arrived recently and there are mysteriously no locals despite a having relatively well developed town that seems to have been inhabited until recently. A week or so passes and strange things start happening, suspicious but not really alarming things like a couple people acting completely out if character, giving a sense that something is wrong but with nothing unexplainable by people being weird happening.

These happenings escalate steadily until several people, including 2 or 3 women, start behaving outright hostile and go missing on the island. [This is the first time the dream was in first person] the protagonist is a member of a search party or maybe the whole search party is a group of protagonists and they explore parts of the town that have been mostly ignored by the military group until now. They find signs of strange activity, mutilated animals, things destroyed for no apparent reason.

Eventually they come across the missing personnel in a dark underground complex. The missing people are gleefully abusing and torturing one another and themselves, a mutilated woman with ragged and bloody hair looks up at the group of protagonists with an evil smile that shows off her clearly mangled teeth. The search party quickly gets the fuck out of there and back to basecamp.

Once at basecamp they report to the highest command there who decides to put together most of the camp into a larger party to go back to the compound and figure out what the fuck is going on but it's night now and they'll do it in the morning. During lights out the woman that looked up at them from the underground sneaks into the bedroom(because the town was abandoned the military guys actually have bedrooms to themselves) of the main person from the search party and the least sensual sex scene occurs, the search party leader seems to be under some kind of super natural power and can't move or speak but his eyes betray absolute terror. She moves unnaturally and her eyes are predatory and her pupils are all fucked up.

She leaves and he drifts off to sleep until the morning. The next day is rainy as the large group, armed, heads towards the entrance to the complex. The original search party are the first inside and they find the place they begin to explore they come across a room that has clearly been the center of activity as there are smears of blood going every direction out of it. The room is dimly lit with one wall being a huge mirror that has numbers printed on it in a circle like a clock but in a seemingly random order. The mirror looks fine at first glance but if you look closely you get the unsettling impression that something is wrong, it doesn't seem to reflect exactly what is in the room. Especially the people, who all seem to have haunted, malicious or distorted facial expressions except the main protagonist who doesn't appear in the mirror at all. The main protagonist and one other man are the first to leave and the other man attempts to close the door behind him(leaving 2 people still inside). The protagonist stops him and asks him what the fuck he thinks he's doing and the man looks back at him with the evil expression that his facsimile in the mirror room had and says something like "why not leave them in there".

This is when I woke up.

All those words won't bring daddy back.

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Honestly I can see this being a movie. Something in the style of mother! where it’s not explicitly scary but dreadfully suspenseful with an ending that asks more questions than it answers.

Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, my nightmares normally are more strange and spooky than jump scare type affairs. I don't really know how you'd open or close the movie though, the start works on dream logic where you don't question why you have a military expedition in a an island town and I think my subconciousness woke me up when. It realized it had written itself into a corner.

No, it's because the demon sucessfully posessed you so the dream was no longer needed. See an exorcist.

This is what Adderall abuse looks like

He’s an actor not a writer. He’s used to others telling him what to say.

Omg it's real

Well yes, but actually no.

i hate how this woman talks

Thing is they were taking it seriously, he was just impatient. The Postal Inspectors had been working on this when he got impatient and staged the attack.

Holy shit I thought this post was a joke

Jussie started a conversation. And no matter how you want to spin it, it is evidence of what life is like in Trump's America. He felt like he had to "lash" out like this in order to bring the news to discuss hate crimes. Hate crimes that are statistically far up since Trump was elected. Whether you like it or not, Jussie is the hero we don't deserve. Hundreds of potential hate crimes will now be solved, or aborted because people know the police are now taking them seriously. If they have to take them seriously because they think they are mostly fake (they aren't) then so be it. If only one victim is saved, then to me, Jussie Smollett is a hero.










I’m happy to blame trump for a lot of things, but this is not trumps fault, it’s Jessie’s. Ppl have to take responsibility for their actions. And this will have the opposite effect of what you say, empowering ppl who claim hate crimes are fake.

You realize that not blaming Trump for everything bad is fascism, right?


Normiecels #OUT!




Point and laugh, children.

What are you, new?



Why make it too obvious?

Had to read it a few times, Im not good at detecting bait. Till I saw the username

Internet probably isn't for you then.

it's exactly for him

Both statements are correct. Hello bobbygfresh, I am a prince in Nigeria and I need to send you my fortune.

That's delusional, you cannot be serious?

By design and functionality, only serious things can be posted to r/drama .

I know

Get out

Fucking normiecels on my board!


I know this is a shitpost, but I’ve seen plenty of people post things very similar with complete seriousness.

It’s quite sad. The boy who cried hate.

The best part is Chapos were saying almost this exact thing without a smidgen of irony. Good shit.

They think Drag Queens should be reading to preschoolers

I can't stop watching them send help

If you click them individually they restart.

Oh my god.


You my friend have a bright future in PR

i saw something like this in r/politics yesterday. not verbatim, but close.

Yeah I agree, false flag operations are totally worth the safety you totalitarian prick

This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. Racism is dying and its evident in the fact that this dumbass had to pay two black dudes to do this to him. He is the opposite of a hero because the people who lose the most out of this are genuine assault victims because they will be afraid to go fo the police in fear they will think he/she is lying.

Is this copy pasta or original?


I also need to say this (and I know it’s a non sequitur). Our kids and grandkids will judge us on one issue above all others. That issue is climate change. I hope the response to it becomes the collective, non-partisan, urgent effort that science clearly says is required. I hope that happens soon.

I know this is a (good) troll, but You do know that the hare crimes statistic the media keeps repeating is hate crimes reported to the FBI. Not proven, charged, convicted. And very likely the difference is that more are reported, not more happening.

Like how autism seems to be on the rise simply because it is diagnosed more, now.

Is this a new copypasta?

Holy shit my friend sent me this days ago and I thought it was just a 4chan meme

It’s actually the letter lmao

I didnt understand it was real until I read your comment

I didn’t even get that it was fake until I read your comment 🤔

Remember, people who believed this story vote.

Good thing I’m voting for Jeb

People only believed this story because trump is so evil and racist that stuff like this is believable!!

Of fucking course. NPCs man, poorly written NPCs. Fucking Skyrim guards were harder to predict than these retards.

because trump is so evil and racist


The entire thing seems like a 4chan meme, down to the picture of the Nigerian brothers being used in the news. How do we know all this actually happened

4chan controls everything. Everything since 2016 has been done by them as one giant meme.

Trump is a performance artist.

Imagine being this gay.

I thought the noose was supposed to be a gold chain at first and I was like "That's kinda racist."

Haha, almost did a racism. Thank god it was a noose.


i thought the gun was a dick

What kindergarten did he hire to make this though?

What a faggot.

I didn't know he owned a BMW. That definitely makes him look more guilty.

Evidently the cops found magazines in the brothers' house with words cut out. Seriously dumb folks.

No way, it's like a comedy of errors.

This whole story reads like a script for new Coen Brothers' movie.

Turns out the 'anthrax powder' he sent himself was crushed up Tylenol, someone really needs to make a movie out of this.

If it had been an illegal substance and he got a bunch of drug charges this story would be perfect.

crushed up Tylenol

Why wouldn't you just use baby powder or flour or some shit???


Nigerian dancing powder


Thank God they already have an actor to play Jussie.

Hahaha it's just retardation all the way down.

found magazines in the brothers' house

Those guys can read?

How can you be adult, look at this, and think: "Ye, I think I did a good job, looks threatening and authentic". Do he thinks gay hating people write with crayons? If anything their penmenship is probably very good seeing they are 85 yo right now and grow up with dip pens and inkwells.

To be real, an actual death threat could be written with the non-dominant hand to make it that much harder to trace.

Not sure how many people would go to the effort but it wouldn't surprise me if someone did

To be real, an actual death threat could be written with the non-dominant hand to make it that much harder to trace.

Even if you write with your non-dominant hand you'll have trouble doing those scribbles, it's like blind tard with tremors wrote that. Or use typewriter if you're paranoid.

They can just check his home for typewriter then.

You can bin it. Thanks to hipster hype there's a lot of typewriters one can get on cheap. Or, even better solution, don't send treats. Especially to yourself, lol.

I like treats

…those are for kids, silly rabbit.

Thrift shop > $10 typewriter > type like caveman > trace with gloves > destroy typewriter > off yourself because you are gay

I wish they still had typewriters at thrift shops.

You can actually match something to the exact typewriter it was typed on. Much more so than with a printer.

Do he thinks?

Seeing how that entire think unfolded you have to be skeptical about that.


Why would you shoot a man before hanging him with a noose?

"He didn't hang so well"

You're a big guy


I bet he licked the stamps.


Why is he being hanged from a giant ejaculating phallus?

cuz he gay as hell

Unless the suspect was a 7-year old, no one with a brain should have believed this could have been remotely legitimate

Non 7-year old 4chan users draw shit like this all the time. If Jussie could do it anyone else could have too, just highly unlikely.

This is the greatest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

The media didn't show this much because of how obviously fake it is.

I don't know who he is, but he should be in the jail after this stunt IMO

He might have gotten away with it if he had actually been competent.

Btw the Nigerian dudes had a bunch of stamps in their possession.

Jussie's mom: Black Panther party operative

Jussie's dad: immigrant from Russia


When you grow up drama, drama is all you know. You become and actor because, drama.

Jussie: that kid in the mighty ducks who called people cake eater


Jussie is on the left.

I knew this was fake from day one. Almost lost a friend over it.

What did your friend do?

They flipped their shit as if my position on this meant I was a card carrying kkk member. Shit. I'm realposting in drama

And how have they acted now that it's a known hoax?

Never mention it but they’ve remained friendly so whatever

Jussie, we gotta leave! The 6yr old knee-cap smashimg gang is coming!

Wait what?? I thought that picture was fake and was just spread to mock him?? Jesus Christ this story just keeps on giving

It's possible that someone could have bad handwriting, but who the fuck makes one L correctly then makes a backwards L literally right next to it.

Jussie has a gussy. That's the problem.

I would bet $ he wrote it with his non dominant hand.

Oh come on. This can’t be real. He didn’t really pass this off as real did he?

Technically, no, he didn't

Til you don't have to have any inteligence to be an actor

Two things. This letter is something straight out of a B movie. Secondly, Jussie seems to be a bit of a drama queen and I guarantee you fellow cast and crew assumed he sent that “stereotypical, B movie” death threat to himself.

How it was made it looks like its a joke

(Im gonna get downvoted to hell aint i)

So it did come from a /r/drama user

Mods you need to lock the post I found it on r/all

And he kept the magazines he cut the letters out of!

That's the one that's sending him to federal prison.
Postal cops don't play...

Of all the things in the world to fuck with. You don't fuck with the mail or the irs.
You won't be happy.

It’s real. Not fake

Tfw your 4 year old cousin is a badass

The MAGA in the return address spot does it for me lmao

They didn't. It's the main reason everyone was calling bullshit.

James Watson lost some fancy titles for this.

Elementary MAGA kids out here committing hate crimes! What a shame.

As laughable as this is I'll bet money he'll be on the View or Colbert before year's end talking about how me "made mistakes" but "felt he had no choice" but to "expose the racial injustice". There is no level of bullshittery too severe so long as you're doing it to attack Trump and his followers.

On the next episode: Jussie attempts suicide. Hopes someone stops him.

The sender is MAGA rolf imagine being the mailman delivering this

I'm honestly embarrassed for him.

The return address just says “MAGA”


That's the one that's going to get him the most jail time. It had a white powder in it as well that turned out to be a crushed ibuprofen pill.

Is this for real? This is like something they do in the movies with the cut out of the letters.. but they don’t attach that to a drawing by a 5 year old lmao

Isn't Black Fag Henry Rollins' band?

why would you write one L the right way but the other one the wrong way

Not the sharpest faggot in the woodpile eh?

I'd like to thank Lord Of The Rings for teaching me the use of the noun faggot.


Good night.

literally anyone who ever believed this faggot for a second is gullible and retarded lmao

hate crimes arent real its going to be great being able to deny this shit ever happens

He is so thick he probably had his own return address on the back.

He didn't even try to hide his handwriting

This is why being a good actor doesen't automatically make you a good writer.

Because it was ignored. It was then escalated to the subway incident.


Because it's actually incredibly realistic. That MAGA return address is what every alt-right terrorist uses. They share a PO Box. That crude stick drawing is the real cincher though. Only the most hardcore alt-right terrorists would make a stick drawing THAT threatening. All of you doubting Jussie based on this realistic letter smh

That he sent to himself.

Want more drama?

In 2007, Jussie was arrested for DUI. Instead of giving the police his own name, he gave them his brother’s name.

Like, what is that going to do but make you look like an asshole and possibly get another charge?

I have autism from looking at this.

Is that supposed to be a gun or a penis shooting some jizz?

All those God damn 7 year old racist empire fans.

Maybe whoever made this just genuinely writes and draws like this xD

Its not even a tree....Its a fucking palm ridiculously L.A.

Is this actually real? This can't possibly be real, how could anyone take this serious...

Trees sure have changed

Looks like he made it LMAO

PoOr jUsSie, pWeAse d-DOn'T "de" .


I read scenarios where people do this, and some how they get caught-like every fucking time. Jussie may have pulled this stunt under pressure-and it wouldn't surprise me, nor does it make him any less of a cunt. Honestly with the way things are its best to tune out the media, political, and religious discussions, and recline to some good music or hobby. The circle jerk discussions around all this mess just leaves me wondering is I made a mistake not investing in KY Jelly^TM. I mean seriously everyone has a hard on for something that will upset them and give them the feeling that thy have something to say.


What Non-profits/politicians/religious organizations will do for money/exposure will make you sick. They apply the most morally reprehensible tactics in order to achieve their aim.