The subreddit for audiobook listeners, r/books, notices a book that has no wizards, cries itself into a coma.

173  2019-02-22 by opi


ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

What you're telling me there's genuinely evil people out there?!

TBH I thought that life was like a Natty comic and everyone just acknowledges when they’re doing something problematic the moment that they do it.

I deserve this and worse!

Are you that autistic ?

He means what's upset him is the women enjoying it.

Are you that autistic ?

Wtf kind of question even is this. Where do you think you are?

people are weird.

One time this guy was screaming at his girlfriend and throwing her belongings onto the streets at 3am. I intervene and the guy beats my soy physique and scurries away. At least I saved the girl, right? No, she scurries along with him.

Don't let him read Lolita, it has hebephilia.

Also not Gravity's Rainbow, it had coprophilia.

Also not The Recognitions, it had incestual core.

Wow, literature is really quite degenerate.

Imagine if he read The Crimes of Love

de Sade is cheating

I found that book in a free bin a few years ago before I knew who Sade was. A close female friend of mine asked me if I had a spare book she could borrow and I gave her that because I didnt know what it was about, I assumed it was like a classic romance novel or something. That made things awkward the next time i saw her.

If I was a bugman I'd say YIKES now.

That guy really knew how to party

To be fair, imagine actually reading Gravity's Rainbow.

Pynchon stans should be shot. If you're going to read purposefully dense and rather boring novels, they at least ought to be metatextual.

This post was made by the David Wallace Gang.

lmao dfw > is even more pleb than pynchon


The more boring and obtuse the more smarterer

I liked all the banana recipes at the beginning of GR but stopped reading when I realized he was just masterbating-out a novel.

If it doesn't involve some ham-fisted "dystopia" or mAgICaL WoRld bUiLDiNg, or if it's written for an audience old enough to vote, than /r/books won't understand it.

Maybe I'm a straight up autist, but I unironically love magical world building. I love Brandon Sanderson's complex magic systems and I love sci-fi government structures like in Starship Troopers or Dune.

Maybe I'm a straight up autist

tbh if you have to ask... 🤷‍♂️

I probably have the tism.

Dude check out Christopher G Nuttal. He has some great Sci-fi series that have great world building.

Shut the fuck up.

Well that wasn't very nice.


Nah this kind of stuff is for normies now. You're probably only about 85% autist

The most for normies now thing is capeshit.

what the fuck is this sentence

The most(adverb) for-normies-now(adjective) thing(noun) is capeshit(shit).

it makes sense if you re-arrange the words.

Maybe I'm a straight up autist

I don't think there's a "maybe" here.

I bet you wanna marry Sanderson, don't you? Don't we all?

What is your opinion on choo choo trains?

I don't think I've ever though about them long enough to have an opinion on them. The first word that comes to mind is useful though. So I would say my opinion on them is that they are useful.

Loving it isn't bad. Loving only it means you have a lot more to explore!

Worry not, little one. You are permitted to have shit taste.

I have the best taste.

Don’t forget strong female protagonist

One of many genders and races

*person of gender

Wow, art and media represent both the good and bad parts of life. Endorsement is the problem, you fucks.

lmao at the girl saying "I like YA novels" and then shitting on Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

the girl saying "I like YA novels"

this is basically the entirety of /r/books

worthless place

they don't always read YA novels though

sometimes they read comic books

Sometimes they read Stephen King too, but it takes them like 6 months to finish one of his books and then they write 5 paragraphs how it changed their life.

Wow, just wow

[sticky] Monthly Harry Potter Appreciation Megathread!

That's such a good way to be with books. One of my friends was doing the same thing and I was like, "why would you even bother finishing it if you hate it? Just move on to something enjoyable." I really like YA fiction. I find them enjoyable, and any day of the week I'm going to pick one up to read over some classic just because some old white dude things it's outstanding.

I'll admit though, I have a thing against anything considered a classic, because most of the time, they're not even that good. They were just significant when they came out. There are a few that I like, but overall I've never been particularly impressed with classics, especially one's written by men.

Woman tries to grandstand her short attention span and inability to read thing above a 3rd grade level.

They can't understand that while you should never read stuff you don't enjoy, you should enjoy reading literature. Like, shit, maybe you don't like Mr. Dead White Dude for whatever reason. Read Chinese fairy tales! Read Aztec mythology! Read Rumi, if you think Persians aren't white! There's a bunch of shit in there, and not all of it's a western European's ruminations on the nature of modernity as he imagines a girl masturbating while yelling "brekkek! brekkek! brekkek!".

Literature's mostly a nonsense term. All it really means is "good books".

Someone should ask her what she thinks of Alexandre Dumas and watch her brain explode. I also love how she blames old white men for her shit tier taste. Imagine thinking Tolkien, Shakespeare, Dickens, Kafka, C.S. Lewis, Hemingway etc. aren't popular because they are good writers but instead because old white men trick people into thinking they are. How is it possible to be that stupid?

Marquez is trash though, unlike the real chads, Borges and Bolano.

Marquez is legitimately an overrated author, though. Midnight's Children is a strictly superior version of One Hundred Years of Solitude. CMV.

N.K. Jemisin is the best author of all time and the only reason people don't know this is because of white men and the patriarchy.

That got a chuckle out of me.

r/books is straight up trash and full of millennial idiots who think reading a Kafka book makes them an intellectual. But what's wrong with audiobooks? I read a lot but I also listen to audiobooks as well. I probably doubled the books I read last year because of audiobooks. Sometimes it's nice to just listen while you clean or run errands. I'm usually reading 3 books at a time. 1 nonfiction, 1 fiction, and 1 audiobook.

It seems like r/books is the type of people who tell others they read but actually listen to audiobooks because they can't focus for more than 5 minutes.

Is this a copypasta or am I experiencing deja vu because I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact same post before somewhere? Anyways, I never bothered with audiobooks, but I imagine I'd find them a hassle because listening to someone reading the book out loud is much slower than reading the book yourself. If I'm reading something, I want to focus solely on reading it. If I had to listen to someone read a book my millennial lack of attention span would kick in and I'd get bored and go do something else while listening in the background and barely paying attention to it. I guess that's fine when you have some podcast or some shitty genre fiction as background noise, but if it's an actual book worth reading it feels like a waste. Also, I never understood how people can concurrently read several books at once. If I'm reading something, I'm generally enjoying it and want to read it. Why would I stop halfway to read a different book? Are you forcing yourself to read stuff to fill up your goodreads quota or something? And finally, fuck you long post bot I know I'm going to trigger you again with this post fuck off I hate you leave me alone you asshole.

It's actually not pasta. I listen to audio books on 1.5 so it forces me to concentrate. I read a lot of books because I love reading both fiction and non-fiction and I just love learning. I take classes at the local junior college for fun. Basically I'm just a huge nerd.

Usually I read my non-fiction book during my lunch break and I read fiction before I go to bed. I listen to my audio books when it's slow at work or I'm at the gym or driving. I probably read 2-3 hours per day if you include audio books. I used to be a huge gaymer and I wanted to fill my time with something more productive so I started reading and it has basically become an obsession. When books come out that I have been waiting for like the 5th GoT, I read the 1,500 page book in 2 days. Honestly, it's probably not healthy but you could have worse vices I guess.

Your Pulitzer is in the mail.


Is this a copypasta or am I experiencing deja vu because I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact same post before somewhere?

your post too mate

Don't you DARE talk against long post bot SMH



Audiobooks are great. My commute is much better with them.

I had to read One Hundred Years of Solitude by the same author for my thesis reading list/critical afterword for the thesis. It made me physically ill, and I ended up just doing a Sparknotes version of it because I didn't want to trigger my PTSD.

Remember, these are the people who claim they'll be leading the revolution.

Sparknotes for a thesis😂😂😂😂

One of the few political quirks that legitimately gets me riled up is people claiming PTSD when they want a stronger word for “offended” or “grossed out”. PTSD has been so devalued as a phrase that it has become a blow off laughing stock word, and I hate it.

Claiming PTSD is trendy for mayo gussy because it’s invisible and gives them some extra standing on the oppression ladder. Unironically disgusts me.

excuse me sweaty but twitter replies disgreeing with me and seeing children get blown up by IEDs are equally valid reasons to have PTSD

There's zero difference between an active warzone and browsing twitter in bed. You imbecile. You fucking moron.

"Sweetie". It's sweetie.

Out out out

You make me physically ill.

It's getting to 'ME' levels for made up femayo illnesses

Does she start screaming and shit before having a proper nervous breakdown? Because that's what my uncle who had PTSD from an actual war did.

Does who? I have encountered various femoids in real life claiming to be suffering from PTSD/trauma, and of course all the retards you see online.

The real life ones usually used it to shut down arguments they didn’t like or to make excuses for taking long breaks at work/doing a shitty job.

I once overheard two of them comparing their levels of mental trauma. It was a wonderful one-upping conversation between too girls that were clearly both reaching to remember as many things as possible from their tumblr self-diagnosis research.

The /r/books idiot. Having actually seen someone get triggered with PTSD, this shit really annoys me.

Gib link.

Probably meant OP

Unironically disgusts me.

You described gussy perfectly here, why use all them extra words?

Speaking of things that will gross you out and fuck you up, look up that news story of that russian girl that called her mom while bears were literally eating her alive.

I had to read that book in high school when I was fifteen. I can’t even imagine being as much of a giant tampon as this person.

tfw you can't read Harry Potter for your thesis

This person has a graduate degree from a real life University. What a joke.

TBF they didn't say they passed

Or a worthless online University.

Honestly these days if it was Harvard I wouldn’t be surprised

I'm getting a master's in multicultural diversity :)

PhD in making sure everywhere you go there is a billboard with a frizzy haired mullata within your line of sight

i mean so do i, its not hard

The revolution will be sparknotised

I just read the sparknotes instead

And yet these people clamor to be paid as much as a STEM degree.

Lmao theres someone there who used sparknotes on their thesis 😂😂😂




This ain't it chief.

Gonna be a firm y'all from me



This is evocative of the puerile reaction to a YA author who acquiesced and expunged slavery from her novel due to accusations of it being analogues to American slavery and let perpetuating racism. These people conflate a character condoning heinous acts/abhorrent beliefs with the author being a direct proponent.

I really do believe that they cannot distinguish fact from fiction anymore. Fictional oppression has become so entrenched in their lives that their real political sensibilities impede comprehension of reality and refuses to demarcate.

It's all histrionics and advocacy for censorship; if reading a novel with misogynistic aspects or whatever they find repugnant invokes emotional distress then what a way to illustrate your privileged life!

Verily, I concur with thy spontaneous musings, good gentlesir! As Pliny the Elder said: audentes Fortuna adiuvat.

is this pasta or are you just that autistic?

Pastas are too sophisticated for my palate and I'm on a diet; salads are my preference atm.

I agree but holy shit put the thesaurus down nerd.

i would love for these dumb sensitive children to read my favorite book)

there is no subreddit more against reading and good literature than r/books

DAE le sorting hat lmao

lol the op is a middle aged white housewife who doesn't do anything besides talk about her dogs and kids

The only people more delusional than millennial white girls are middle-age moms.

Something about having kids makes it impossible for her to understand anymore that whats happening in a book or movie isn't real, or that her personal opinions aren't actually moral imperatives

Wtf is wrong with these people?

Who knew members of the degenerate class (creatives) would be into writing about degeneracy. To the gulags with them

Just wait till he starts readin Journey to the end of the Night

Seems like OP understood why characters reacted the way they did after someone pointed out the theme of the book.

What you're not getting about the book is that love is treated as a disease. Like cholera. Get it? Just because Marquez uses the word love to describe something a character does does NOT mean it's a positive thing.

Thanks for pointing that out. You’re right-I didn’t get that.

I love that some of those takes were so hot that people had to break the glass on "So Brave" and start using it again.

A regular book reader who has no idea how to use a semicolon.

Read the comments. It's quite uplifting.

Excuse you sir, sometimes my books don't have wizards, but they do have wookies or Batman. Checkmate.

Can any of you fellas recommend a better reading subreddit?