Teenager spergs out

145  2019-02-24 by AdminsRmorons


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Snappy knows a gamer when they see one

Did you just 'they' pronoun Snappy, sweaty?

What a drama queen, none of this time matters now.

Wow what a faggot. I hope my kids are nothing like that faggot.

Hi, SchizoDramaTard!

I am here to wish you well, and hope this year is your best one yet!


omg tysm šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


This bot is fucking gay go sue of aids homo bot

dude bots lmao

Bad bot

wtf thats not your line


You're a retarded fucking niggerfaggot


Is that where /r/menlibs spend their life as teens? I can't imagine normal teens, even mayo ones, making that post or the "Incels" ones.

If you can't imagine the average teenage boy ranting about how evil and unfair his parents are you're probably a boomer without kids lmao

Nigga is kinda emo but iā€™m sure heā€™ll grow out of it

nigga what? that rant sounds like every melodramatic teenager ever

Lmao normal teens get these fucking rants every so often, it's an everyday sight.

Just wipe your phone and put a custom ROM on it. Use apps that are harder to track.

These people act helpless and cry about it but they do nothing to actually fight back about circumstances they are displeased with.

What if the Cyber Police backtrace it?

Then hire the Navy Seal copypasta guy. He's behind 7 proxies.

Implying this entitled zoomer isn't using the latest iPhone his parents purchased for him.

Yeah I love that shit. He keeps saying "my" as though he purchased the phone, pays for the plan or is any way financially responsible for the device.

whiny fag, shit like this is why it's either going to be a daughter or an abortion

Holy shit, have you interacted with teenage females?

every day except on weekends

I hope youā€™re a teacher or a student

If only

Youā€™re worrying me

don't worry about it

Darqwolff alt detected

they're just highschool girls looking to make a few bucks on the side

Can someone post that ultimate cuck pasta, please. Too lazy.

Is having sons the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a son. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a boy for at least 18 years solely so he can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little boy - reading him stories at bedtime, making him go to sports practice, making sure he had a healthy diet, educating him, playing with him. All of it has one simple result: his body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck him in every hole.

Raised the perfect boy? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who marries him. He gets to fuck his tight bussy every night. He gets the benefits of his kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised him.

As a man who has a son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a boy for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

That's... not the right one

It's the only right one.

HOT šŸ˜

This is the big monologue from the new Steve Carrell movie Beautiful Boy.


Got halfway through and I still donā€™t know what the fuck this kid is mad at? His dad obviously, but like what does he want exactly? If he wants a phone that isnā€™t monitored by his dad then heā€™ll need to work to get money to pay for it himself

His dad caught him whacking it to trannies

That would make me respect my kid so much more, learning he is a man of culture as well

Catching your kid whacking it to traps >>>>> catching your kid writing the world's gayest blogpost on r/teenagers.

One gets a congratulatory cigar, the other jumper cablea

RIP jumper cables guy :(

So Alex Jones is an /r/teenagers poster?

First of all, my dad isn't Jewish, my mom and I are. I have received more racist comments in my life than he ever has. He is a middle aged white man. Also, my dad is in no place to lecture me about jokes in poor taste- his first email address was hguderian, and when asked his name by someone, he would respond Heinrich Himmler. I am absolutely not joking, and the hypocrisy of his lectures are why this is so angering.

At least Dad sounds pretty based.

You shouldn't have to have your every action on your phone monitored by your parents just so you can have one. What kinda bullshit is that?

how else can dad get in on that highschool sexting action?

What a pussy. Work around the nanny proxy with your basic zoomer tech skills or just learn to be shameless about your browsing habits.

Zoomers are too stupid to get around net nannies. They've grown up with computers/phones that have been dumbed down for the average person.


This non ironically.

Have you ever watched a zoomer try to troubleshoot anything that goes wrong. "Let me use your phone I need to Apple Maps the nearest genius bar"

My brothers are 8 years younger than me. They have a chronic inability to diagnose and resolve there own tech issues despite having grown up with more tech than I did. I have had this same conversation with them and my boomer mother:

"I think the computer is broken"

"Did you check the batteries in your wireless mouse?"


I'm going to chalk it up as a win for Millennials if our legacy ends up being defined by our moderate computer literacy. All things considered that's probably one of the better things that my generation can be remembered for.

It's sad that we had an entire generation pre-trained for computer use. At the very least basically everyone could type at a moderate speed. Universities are already considering re-introducing keyboarding classes, especially for majors like Computer Science.

Imagine choosing a major about computers and thinking it's all apps and video games and you won't need to use an actual goddamned desktop to, you know, actually get work done. Technology got better and we collectively turned it into toys instead of productivity devices.

Because that's what people throw their money at

re-introducing keyboarding classes, especially for majors like Computer Science.

I got keyboarding in high school. What the hell happened?

16-18 year old zoomers aren't that dumb though. It's the younger ones that grew up with smart phones and tablets from a very young age that you need to watch out for. Keep in mind that the zoomer generation goes all the way to 1995.

just watch gay daddy porn 5 hours a day, your dad will either leave you alone or get a whole lot more loving šŸ˜

Too lazy to go through their post history and confirm but someone commenting said the OP is a 14 year old who hasnā€™t left the house in 60+ days and has posted rants about how they have to share their video games with their siblings after theyā€™ve been playing for 6 hours straight.

Holy shit. It seems that OP's parents should be taking more active measures to parent their kid than installing a spying app. Doesn't Gen X force their kids to do extracurricular and such?

forcing kids to do thing they don't want is retarded, and leads to a set people too retarded to figure out how god-forsakingly retarded they are.

like literally everyone in this thread.

fuck this retarded species deserves the extinction that'd coming.

can't even treat their kids with respect.


what even is this mentally deficient word salad that you've vomited up onto this sub

frustration at living among retards.

[https://www.reddit.com/r/UniversalConsensus/comments/au2huw/i_live_on_a_planet_run_by_lunatic_murderous/](lmao you calling anyone a retard is irony at its highest)

i don't know why, but recognizing how self-censored humanity is about the sexual needs of humans, makes me feel that rape hysteria is a wholly ignorant world view. so i'm just... deflated when reading this post, and don't feel much hysteria about the issue.

what the fuck even is this pseudo-intellectual shit? do less drugs and get the fuck off of reddit you burnout. how old even are you, 16?

you have said literally nothing but insult with your words, so let me give a suitable reply to a sheeple like you:

what the fuck even is this pseudo-intellectual shit? do less drugs and get the fuck off of reddit you burnout. how old even are you, 16?



oh sorry i didn't realize you are a very good troll, kudos to you my man, you got me.

i really did believe you were...whatever nutbar you're pretending to be.

still not replying with any content

fuck off and die like a mortal


rofl do you not see the irony in crying about living in a psychopathic world while also saying edgelord teenshit like "fuck off and die"?

that's why i called you an idiot.

no. i do not see the irony of wishing to see the psychopaths die off like mortals.

for that is the point of death in conscious beings: such that the failed evolutionary branches don't progress to a point of being able to create an indefinite hell of others. which people like you would surely would do, inadvertently if only, if you ever developed, for example, the sought after indefinite lifespan.

rips bong

yeah dude, that's super deep.

do you mistake sarcasm for relevant critique?


because you're just the cutest little thing and i wanna pinch your cheeks.

how old are you? like, really?

happy cake day


Thank #god somebody is finally talking sense on this sub, I hope you stick around so we finally can have a voice of reason here.


Praise be unto you!

no now you're pushing it

pls forgive me oh enlightened one

you're gunna have to take that one up with someone else representing #god.

i personally dont forgive sarcasm.

can you explain the #god thing

trying to hijack the concept of god for the people

anyone is free to quote themselves as god ...

we are all god


Dude bussy lmao #God

forcing kids to do thing they don't want is retarded

We don't need no education.

honestly, proper grammar is one of the stupidest things people care about. language is a fluid construct.

Dad rock is gay too

finally i agree with someone on something.

Ok but I was only making fun of you


You're right. That's what I should typed

I let my kids choose everything in their lives, including their own names, and I'll have you know that my son xX_sK8tR420_Xx is doing just fine.

forcing kids to do thing they don't want is retarded, and leads to a set people too retarded to figure out how god-forsakingly retarded they are.

No wonder you turned out the way you are.

/u/dart200m theyā€™re talking bad about you in this other thread, thought Iā€™d give you a heads up.


God bless. You're the good samaritan /r/drama deserves.

Doesn't Gen X force their kids to do extracurricular and such?

Yep. My boomer parents didn't give a shit about that sort of thing, but since our generation doesn't play outside we force them to be social.

Nah, that's not in his post history.
It's all boring except where he says that he sucks at everything in life except Overwatch and that he's depressed with suicidal thoughts, but that's pretty ordinary stuff. And apparently only one of his nipples can get hard at a time.

Can we make this kid a mod?

Do we really need another kid with daddy issues beside /u/masterlawlz?

Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure you just described 60% of the American population under 18 lol

I thought this was a girl until I saw "he".

Im a parent - what a well thought out and mature post. I imagine your father would feel very ashamed of his actions if he were to read this but also hugely proud of you for ā€œrantingā€ in such a constructive, logical and sensitive way. All parents could do with more insight into their childrenā€™s lives, unfortunately we can all get an inflated sense of self importance when we get to make the rules all the time. Thank you for reminding me to listen harder to my children - I wish you the best.

Pretty good example of why single mothers destroy childrens lives

Wait, that was inronicposting right?

Can we seriously please bans teenagers from the internet?

These cunts are making me feel old as shit.

Why do so easy on them? Ban teenagers from life.

Even death doesn't want teenagers tho

That sub looks like a directory for pedos.

Imagine being a 30 year old guy who specifically chooses to interact with whiny 14 year olds online and not being a pedo. I think I'd prefer them to be a pedo, it's less pathetic

Imagine upvoting a pedo reaching out to his marks.

Dad should just take away the smart phone and make him use some shitty flip phone. One that is still bugged of course.

"My dad kept me from becoming an angry incel school shooter by monitoring my internet use. What a prick."

Lol this faget

on this episode of "adults calling kids on reddit faggots" we get to know how pathetic these adults really are

The internet was better when it was primarily a place for grownups. You wouldn't behave like such an angsty faggot if pulling the kid card was still equivalent to pulling the underage b& card.

What a dramatic idiot. If he was my son I'd kill myself out of shame.

As much as spergy it is, this kid is kinda right.

Fucked up kids are from fucked up parents

Which is why Iā€™m never having kids

How do you fall for such a twox writing prompt

This is why we need zoomercide.

Im a parent - what a well thought out and mature post. I imagine your father would feel very ashamed of his actions if he were to read this but also hugely proud of you for ā€œrantingā€ in such a constructive, logical and sensitive way.

My grades suck and I have no friends because rather than listening to my nonsensical spergouts my dad simply prescribes the solution.

Study for what? College? So he can take out student loans with an absurd APR he will pay for the rest of his life? Also, study what? Things he has an interest and passion in or the preassigned, one-size-fits-all math and science curriculum that we inexplicably think makes us superior. It doesnā€™t. The kids needs to be heard from his parents and needs their guidance to find what his purpose here is. Just because he isnā€™t going to be a mathematician or scientist doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t be successful doing literally anything else.

Think before you say shit..

I'm so glad Reddit didn't exist when I was a teenager

He has told me that it doesn't matter that he didn't trust me because now I have proved to be untrustworthy. That now that he has broken my trust, he is glad he did because he has reason to have done so.

Someone was looking at Pornhub

That's good pasta.

Imagine raising a kid like that. Would just off myself tbh