Expectation vs Reality

373  2019-02-24 by MasterLawlz


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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Why are you taking up both stickies with this stupid bullshit. Nobody cares

I care

about you

I have a lighthearted chuckle at your stickies.

PSA for you: If she looks radically different now than a year ago that means she's gotten fat. Retreat carefully. Or maybe you're into that?

You’re on fire this week, tbh.


swipes right.

doesn't seem that far off tbh

What? This is a real photo

Why did I click this

deepfakes have gone too far.

This is a bad post. I actually enjoy some of your posts but this is just bad. You should feel bad

Well, I do feel bad now. Are you happy?

How bad exactly? Have you considered suicide yet?

Well of course but not because of your silly comment

Your parents don't like you.

You can't know that. I'm sure if they ever met me, they would love me

Are you adopted?

Heavens no, I never had enough success at the lineups in the orphanage

You're good at banters. I like that about you. I just wish you did that shimakaze cosplay for me. But oh well.

Ruining your chances to have a relationship to own more karma.

this is just some girl I went to high school with lol

Don't minimize your failures. Own them

hahahaha holy shit, don't tell me that both were not fake 😂

only the first one was




now only post a selfie sticking your dick in an anthill and you're officially my favourite drama mod

Holy shit you actually sent the second to someone in real life? Lawlz bb, this has to stay on the internet.

But then I couldn’t get upvotes

Don't lie to me now lawlz, are you gallowboob's alt?

No thankfully I’m not that bad

You’re the heart and soul of r/drama <3

Listen man, not to be an asshole or anything but doing shit like that messafe for the "lulz" isn't healthy. That's how people end up in r9k complaining about getting rejected and oblivious about their own autism.

You never know she might tell people and then everyone thinks you are a sperg irl, believe me you don't want that. It stops being very quickly.

my sense of humor and the reactions to it in real life are pretty much the same as it is on /r/drama lol, it's just sorta who I am

I get being a sperg online but being a sperg IRL too? that's a yikes from me sweaty 💅

a sperg IRL too?

he's a mod on reddit what did you expect



It's how we know that one day someone is gonna win the betting pool on you losing your shit in a self destructively violent way

shut the fuck up and stop being reasonable in my house of dramatic bullshit

  • the libs

Will some other mod tell this fag to stop stickying his unfunny bullshit

Why would they do that?

Because you're another lonely faggot and we're not your personal validation army.

I don't think that's going to happen, you might as well just go yell at a nearby lamppost.

I already did

How did it go?

He found the idea of bitching about Lawlz in a Lawlz post was a better idea

Gotta be honest Lawlz, im surprised you even know any women to send that to.

Probably his mom and sister

School group projects

Solid follow up

U gawt game bro


How old are you?


So young and yet already so unknown.

How sozzed did you get on your birthday when you realized you'd be spending it alone?

Actually a bunch of coworkers made me go to a strip club

My stripper was hot but didn’t speak English, 6/10 would probably not go again

Aw, that's both quite sweet and at the same time about what I'd expect quality wise to happen to you. Sorry...

Have you considered optioning your life to turn it into a sitcom? Or maybe you could do a slice-of-life type thing. Or a harem anime! "My Little Forum Moderator Can't be This Cute!"

unironically I think I could make a decent standup comedian but amateur standup seems like hell on earth, you go on stage after 30 other people and the crowd is drunk and it’s like 1 AM

I might still try it but joking around online is just easier

Just tell them you mod r/drama, that'll get them laughing

I unironically like you, Lawlz. I mean, I probably wouldn't fuck you, but you're alright in my book.

Hahaha, I knew what it was before opening the link. But yeah, I suppose, if you're into dudes and stuff.

Wait for two years - then you listen to blink alone on your birthday and realize how shitty your life is.

The Chad iPhone Caitlyn vs the Virgin Android Stacy

You forgot to mark in NSFW you mong.

As your punishment you must look at this photo until you cry

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

but I already do that every morning in the mirror

That's a punishment worse than death tbh



Is that a dog? Why does no one ever talk about the dog?

you're right, it's never been mentioned once before, ever

No, it's some kind of sloth holding a retarded dog. I can see why it's confusing.

You should've given your Bumble and Hinge accounts to /u/AnnoystheGoys

I’m probably gonna do that one day. Not cause I want someone to play matchmaker for me but because I can’t imagine it not being at least somewhat funny in how it plays out.

You have nothing to lose but your dignity.

Oh wait you're a mod. Yeah, to for it.

It has come to my attention that the above may be of no relevance for those who moderate Reddit.

He never had dignity.

This is a good bad post.

Well it failed b/c you haven't spoke to then in 2 or more years

On one hand, you being shit on like that was fantastic and your reaction to it made me smile. Especially the "Well I know that now" part. Grade A autism, my dude

On the other hand, holy fuck. Lawlz, you gotta stop doing this to yourself, man. Seriously, if you need help (which I honestly think you do) you should get it, dude. All bullshit autistic jokes aside, you're better than this. Get off Reddit and get your shit together. Your mental health is not doing well

I was making jokes likes this long before reddit lol

Just now I can’t get detention for them

That doesn't detract from the point presented. Hell, it kinda drives it home that you need help


I wish I had the self-esteem to fake this for a self-deprecating meme.

Imagine insterestingconttentfromthemostinterestingmoderatorposting

I do it every day

Birds fly, fish swim, masterlawlz interestingcontentfromthemostinterrstingmoderatorposts

Post more blonde ladies with big boobies when you get a sec

You still haven't posted the source you dumb faggot



You definitely made good progress here.

I'd say 75% chance she'd rim you if you asked nicely.