Retards in /r/lawschooladmissions destroying their lives schooled by armchair fedoramaster

154  2019-02-25 by predatoryschools

/u/lobbedinthebin is a law school applicant on /r/lawschooladmissions with a chip on their shoulder about law school debt destroying people's lives, giving boomer advice straight out of top-law-schools (the Web 2.0 version of said subreddit). This harsh style does not mesh with the local millennials, who wildly downvote and criticize them at the slightest hint that a financial decision literally worse than heroin isn't for them.

Downvoted for advising a 22-year-old flaming homo who thinks adulting is too hecking hard not to go into $160,000 of debt to avoid it

Derided for trying to talk sense into a literal retard who wants to put himself into $250,000 of debt because he wants to atone for missing a deadline

Struck down for a mild hint that maybe taking on $350,000 in debt for a 50% chance at paying it back in 15 years is a bad idea


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. /u/lobbedinthebin -,,*

  3. /r/lawschooladmissions -,,*

  4. literally worse than heroin -,,

  5. Downvoted for advising a 22-year-ol... -,,

  6. Derided for trying to talk sense in... -,,

  7. Struck down for a mild hint that ma... -,,

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  1. literally worse than heroin - Outline

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Holy shit student debt sucks but those morons deserve to be indebted for the rest of their lives

For as much as this entire website wants college to be free, you'd think they'd stop gleefully encouraging people to ruin their lives with debt

I think they are all banking on that debt somehow being someone else's problem down the line. Either Papa Bernie will pay for it, or bankruptcy rules will change, or something.

What a reasonable strategy

Just take initiative, take responsibility for your own actions and throw a Molotov into a bank

If chapos actually did that I'd be all in favor


It'd get rid of the chapos, and kill those insufferable bank clerks. Its a win win

Plus imagine a the sweet, sweet drama that would come out of the whole thing. Some idiots saying the state is tyrannical for putting the arsonist in jail and other morons talking about how banks are actually great, plus all the sperging out about the far left doing terrorism

Someone should get on convincing the chapos to do it.

The left used to blow shit up all the time in the 70’s. We’re talking hundreds of lefty bombings. Of course we never learn about this in school for some reason...

Banks are hard to get in to so they usually just settle for the next best big neolib establishment; Mr & Mrs Lawrence's Family Bakery.

they probably have a business loan or two too, so they get the cocktail too

Be polite, be professional, always have a plan to fake your own death before taking on 150k of undischargeable debt

Yeah I can’t wait to foot the bill for all these retards and the bloated administrations they paid for as a taxpayer.

commie mommy says thank you.

You don't think the government paying for extremist political indoctrination and post-modern theology for all citizens is a path to success?

we get it, you got bullied in English 101

Since we are talking law school a not insignificant percentage of these people think they will certainly be one of the 5% that gets a big law job paying $160,000 plus out of the gate or, on the off chance they don't, they will at least get a job paying $80k-100k. So no problem paying of those loans right? They know they are really smart and did so well in college! what could go wrong!?

What they don't realize is (1) if they don't get that big law job (which they won't) they will get a job paying $35k-50k or, more likely, be unemployed (2) on the off chance they get a big law job 99% of them won't be able to hack it for more than a year or two before they quit and take one of those $50k a year jobs and (3) those that do stay in big law get to live a hellish existence for 15+ years.

Website that revolves around upvoting people you agree with and downvoting people you don't quickly descends into people upvoting the reality they wish existed and downvoting reality as it is, creating as sad, deranged echo chamber. More updates as the story develops!

I think I understood your point, I like the way you think, so I am downvoting you.

The hive mind is strong.

Guys, law school should be free for everyone, even if you go to the number 853 ranked law school. Also, a seven year PhD in Venezuelan Art History should be paid for by the government

Debt is no issue. I had 400k in debt and was making 50k a year (still am).

I defaulted for a few months but then I just stopped paying. The collections guy called me and I talked his ear off for 2 hours. I told him I had back to lem’s and had gotten laid off (not true). I also said that there was no way I could sustain myself if I paid the default. He asked me what I could pay. I told him $50 a month. He said he’d have to call me back but I unplugged the phone so he couldn’t.

I pay $50/ month for the next year. Then I call them and say I just got fired but was given a big severance package. I say I can pay 10k right now and after that I’ll be done working. They took the offer and I’m now off the hook.

(X) Doubt

They took the offer and I’m now off the hook.

lol fake

that or you have a big tax bill coming for your forgiven debt

Things that happened:


Here’s the deal with law school. Everyone who goes is legitimately mentally ill to some degree. It varies between people, but 100% of law students are fucked up in some way. Then they are pitted against each other with ranked grades, debt ridden, and forced to interact all day, for 3 years. Some notable occurrences from my time:

  • dude gets in shouting match with state Chief Justice about how he could do coke through school and get away with it (he killed himself 2 years in)

  • quiet guy who was generally likeable killed himself because he got a D grade in one class

  • good writer gets paid to write other students’ essays, subsequently publishes all the transactions and emails about it; dozens of class grades are rescinded

  • woman falsifies a sexual assault claim against fellow student (an ex), ex then sends video of interaction to entire student body to combat accusation

  • younger law student gets banned from bar/club for fucking in the bathroom too often

  • thirsty 3L tries to shoot 1L girl in the head at house party because she brought some rando she was going to bang later

  • house of 3 law students gets raided by the fbi because they’re distributing coke and weed

  • more DUIs and possession charges than I care to remember; sometimes they planted drugs in each other’s cars and would call it in

Lovely time, 10/10, would recommend to anyone.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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And does this stuff get you kicked out?

I'd assume it's good training for dealing with the ~Jewish tricks~ law.


Your reply appears to have shape shifted

A couple of the above were, but the usual “punishment” was to disclose it, put it on record, then just let a state bar make a decision on the violation. Easier to get kicked out via grades, honestly.

Those were great. More salacious stories please.

Only other one I can think of is when the Law School Democrats club hosted an election night party that was “open for everyone.” Free keg beer was present, so the majority were drinking in celebration of our new madam president. The timeline went:

1st hour: people showing up, all the Dem folks are eagerly waiting

2nd hour: the few MAGA hat people show up in one crowd, still a 10th of the total number of people

3rd hour: most MAGA people left because they can’t handle the banter, only a couple still there; hilldogs raising their glasses

4th hour: F... florida?

5th hour: hilldogs holding strong, two MAGA people looking around increasingly nervously in the corner

6th hour: all professionalism gone. People yelling at the TV, one guy puts a hole in a wall, two idiots in the corner now taunting an increasingly violent crowd. Some are soaking in silent tears. A cacophony of anger only cut through by two “we told you so” shrill, drunk trump supporters.

Next day: keyed cars on both sides, half of student body missing from class the next morning. The law library is scattered with law review articles on impeachment. Therapy dogs, coloring books and play-doh were provided 3 days later. For people who are now attorneys.


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I graduated one year before the election. It would almost have been worth it to spend one more year at that dump to see everybody literally shaking.

Just imagine an entire crowd being collectively force injected through a Stages of Grief diagram at 200 mph.

Nice. I came into Crim Pro the next day and my prof started class by reading us a sad poem.

Wait, when did this start? Election seemed pretty clearly Trump or Hillary wins by two votes by 9-9:30ish

Upon CNN, the last news org to hold off announcing Trump's victory, announcing the results of the election, we had one 1L start screaming while holding her rosary beads in the air that "THIS IS WHAT WE GET FOR NOT FOLLOWING THE WORDS OF GOD" while tons of others were crying hysterically lmao. And of course, the coloring books, the crying in the days to come, the endless grandstanding of facebook statuses inevitably followed by some absolutely glorious facebook slapfights, and tons of people skipping classes for days at the schools allowance for "mental health". Law school was a trip.

That sounds like the greatest party ever.

You're paying them like 30,000 a year. They wouldn't kick you out if you were Hitler.

Well I know medical schools will kick you right out and then laugh at you

Lol no. Maybe the Caribbean, and mayyybe the absolute dogshit-tier DO schools, but that's it.

I know multiple retards who got kicked out of reputable schools for minor shit

They have your money and literally thousands of others waiting in line to BE you. They own you, the medical student IS the schools bitch.

What sort of minor shit are we talking about? If you’re referring to the UVA micraggressions incident, that kid was an idiot who brought it all on himself. Notice that he wasn’t even in trouble for failing a course, but for being a spaz and insulting the faculty.

What do you think is the lowest of the low, shittest, most retarded DO school.

It’s a tough call. I’d say either Lincoln Memorial U (newish, has a rep for accepting weak students and taking their tuitionbux before flunking them out), Liberty University (Young Earth creationism lol), Touro Harlem (just has a terrible reputation), Rocky Vista (for profit, stay far the fuck away).

Also, I’d say that California Northstate, even though it’s MD, is just as bad for being for-profit. Stay away from that one too.

I would agree with the rest but RVU has a solid match list and board scores for a DO school, even if it is for profit. Their tuition is also lower than a lot of not for profit DO schools. I just would not go there because Denver is overpriced.

Maybe replace it with Lake Erie then? From what I’ve heard they sound anal-retentive enough to actually kick students out for trivial shit.

Also Michigan State has a good rep for DO, but their dean was the quintessential dirty old man who apparently blackmailed female students into sending him n00dz.

I know I guy who got an acceptance revoked for a DUI at an MD school. MSU's out of state tuition is god awful expensive for out of state. It is like 90k.

I actually am sorta okay with that. Fuck people who drive drunk.

And yeah, between the price gouging and the creepy dean and the pedo, MSU sounds toxic on so many levels.

I interviewed there because it was the first invite I had gotten and was not at the point I could turn one down. I was not impressed by the school at all. It was old, dingy, and just had an odd vibe to it. Students there tried to hard to talk the place up.

Yo, I saw your post about identity politics in med school, that is some bull shit right there....

Lol, thanks. My school isn’t all bad, and I’ve definitely heard worse stories, but yeah. It gets tiresome.

Worse stories like what? Are those from schools in super liberal areas?

Just time-wasting mandatory sessions, knee-jerk sensitivity from classmates, and a stifling environment. I don’t think geography plays a huge role, my school is in a very liberal city and as I said, I don’t think it’s as bad as some of the others.

Med schools go the suspension route where if you kiss enough ass and act apologetic enough they will let you back in. They really don't want to be out the money they put into each student so you have to be a real fuckup to be kicked out permanently.

30,000 a year.

LOL try 30k a semester

younger law student gets banned from bar/club for fucking in the bathroom too often


Is this pasta?


good writer gets paid to write other students’ essays, subsequently publishes all the transactions and emails about it; dozens of class grades are rescinded

This doesn't sound ill to me. This sounds like a proper law-abiding citizen who we should all look up to

Getting paid to write term papers then turning over those that used your services to the honor code committee is definitely the centrist option.

Not if they were a competing law student.

A pretty Cardassian move tbh.

Sounds like a lawyer alright.

That's what you get for planning to sue us, motherfucker.

Love, the guy with a guaranteed job.

In my lawyer school there was a blind guy. First year after finals his roommate was hammered and lost his keys so he broke in. Blind guy, quite reasonably, took out his gun and shot him.

Then there was the recent graduate turning tricks.

Why uh, why would a blind guy have a gun?

The tree of liberty is watered with the blood of tyrants.

Miracle Grow actually sells a blood of tyrants substitute now.

That's beautiful, mang.

Damn good aim for a blind man

Their hearing makes up for it.

Where was this?

good writer gets paid to write other students’ essays, subsequently publishes all the transactions and emails about it; dozens of class grades are rescinded

Absolute Chad move.

so its like fighting-dog breeding or however you call it in the land of the free.

Where the fuck did you go? Slip-n-Fall University?

Prob U of Hawaii lmao

(X) doubt

I say nothing even remotely this crazy. What tier school?

The make believe tier

What?! Lies and exaggerations, on my /r/Drama ? Surely not!

Yeah, my law school was mostly just a bunch of low-drama weeaboos with autism.

I’ll just say it’s a lower tier and only regionally viable. Keep in mind this was over 3 years and was a larger program than most. Frankly, I believe it was mostly my class that was particularly egregious.

What does “full ride” mean? And all the other terms used in these threads? Please explain to a europoor who is still leaching his socialist government for free university access.

That’s mainly about tuition cost. “Sticker price” means the tuition cost as listed by the school website or their recruiter, while “full ride” means that the total cost to the student is paid via scholarships. “Resident tuition” means a lower cost versus “nonresident” of that state. For example, a California student gets a lower sticker than a non-California student at California schools.

Anyone who pays sticker price for US law school really should not be there in the first place, if only for the fact that the loan needed to go outweighs the potential income. I ended up using savings, scholarship, tuition reduction and working part time, and it was still fairly costly.

Other terms are HYS (Harvard, Yale, Stanford), T14 (top 14 ranked in the US), TT (second tier), TTT (third tier), LSAT (law school admissions test).

Interesting.... where i live, only people who are too stupid to pass the med entrance exam go to private schools. All other schools only have a fee of 19€ per semester.

You studied law?

God I wish that was the case in the states. Med school admission policies seem better, but that’s just a personal perspective.

Yeah, studied law (JD), engineering undergrad. Makes for an interesting overlap in what I do.

The LSAT determines options for full rides as it’s the only standardized way we can measure aptitude for law school applicants. Whether it’s accurate, eh... I dunno. A high score doesn’t necessarily mean someone will do well in school, but a low score does indicate that they’ll struggle. The other reason for it is that a 3.5 GPA in philosophy is not as impressive as a 3.5 in computer science, and schools know this; the LSAT helps even the statistical measurement of a student.

Interesting insight... does that mean, you can do an engineering undergrad and continue with a law degree? Here, law is one subject that you do directly after our equivalent of high school

Off topic: what are your thoughts on /r/LegalAdvice ?

Yes to your first question. You can do any kind of undergraduate program, and then after that you may attend law school. It’s a “Juris doctorate” that is separate from one’s bachelor degree; that’s also why foreign students will obtain an LLM degree (1 year program) from a US law school, after they finish their law program, if they want to take a US state bar exam.

Legaladvice is weird. One on hand, nonlawyers giving legal advice is absolutely the unlicensed practice of law, which is a criminal act in some US states. The actual lawyers who post there are forming attorney-client relationships when they provide advice based on typical rules regarding that matter. They are most likely committing a sanctionable ethical violation by not properly digging into the client’s issue. The fact that it’s free advice really has no bearing on these issues, as some would suggest.

On the other hand, I support the idea that sometimes people only need a minimal amount of legal advice, and retaining attorneys for small matters just isn’t viable for a lot of people. That results in a useless justice system for those that can’t throw down $5k at the drop of a hat. I think state bars should take the reigns of this style of service so as to make the need for the sub useless, but that’s a pipe dream.

I won’t participate in it, but I don’t see it as an inherent wrong. It’s just a bad interaction between existing rules, and the needs of the public to access justice. End rant haha.

That degree finally paying off

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W o k e

Wait, someone can become a lawyer in the states after 1 year of studying?...... i mean, there’s the bar exam what I’ve heard but can you really know the full scope of the US laws after one year?... or is that bar exam that hard that you have to study for it for ages?

I just know from my best friend who studied law here (and now hates law btw lmao) that they have countless lecturers about the different laws (public law, criminal law and what not) plus exercise classes where they have to case studies. Takes at least 4 years here.

Essentially, if you have a non-US law school diploma, get an LLM, then you can take certain US state bar exams! The bar is going to suck in any case. Each state has their own rules for what they will accept for the non-US education+LLM, so talking in generalities probably doesn’t give the clearest picture.


Idk 80 percent of law schools are scams but so are 80 percent of colleges, it’s a weird world now where you can legitmately question the majority of people enrolling in a colleges and graduate schools especially since the ROR on tuition at the average non elite collge is really low

LSU’s in state tuition is like 3000 dollars and while it’s not an ivy, it’s a flagship state university with multiple top tier programs. I didn’t even get one of those top tier degrees LSU offers and I still got a job that “only goes to top 20 schools”, (I think my grad program is ranked like top 50 in the country) I just had to aggressively pursue it and network outside of the schools alumni network. I don’t have any debt because I got a ton of scholarships, but even if I didn’t I worked 20-40 hours a week in college and grad school and still probably would’ve come out ahead, just not as far as I did or with like 10k in student debt. College is what you make of it, both educationally and financially, and some of the easiest ones to get into and ones that offer you the biggest alumni networks are also pretty cheap public universities.

Even if you are an average student you can go get a 4 year degree and be guaranteed a 50-80k accounting job right out of school.

I attended a shitty state school, paid 1/3rd of in state tuition which ended up being like $3k a year and started a $100k/year job (not the bay area or NY) during my last term of college. Listening to people on reddit talk about college is fucking painful. My program was strong but not prestigious (like I think they did a good job of preparing us but it's not remotely renown). There're only a handful of prestigious schools that are worth it in my opinion. If you're not going to an ivy league or top 10 engineering school you need to strongly consider how much debt you're taking on because spending $60k/y to attend a low tier UC school because your high school adviser told you its worth it is bad math.

I feel personally attacked by this seriouspost

Public universities have grown more expensive since the 60s by a fair bit, but the debt load is still manageable. What the Berniebots are really complaining about is the debt from the private colleges/grad schools they attended, even though he's only talking about state schools.

Even if you are an average student you can go get a 4 year degree and be guaranteed a 50-80k accounting job right out of school.

Sure, but look at any thread on the site with people complaining about the cost of school and their debt and they'll tell you with no sense of shame that they went to a top or mid-tier school far from home, got charged full tuition because of that, and then they got a degree that doesn't really provide any useful skills nor exclusive benefits and ultimately does not have many well-paying jobs.

They seem oblivious to alternative options. If they really want to have a degree in that field, there's probably a school out there that will be either cheaper or offer more incentives and financial aid for attending. If they just want low debt and high income, there are degrees or even trades that will provide that. Ask these people what degree they got and laugh when they tell you they expected a high-paying job for their sociology degree. They don't consider options like "just attend a local school with maximum financial aid and become a CPA". Literally anyone attending a top school right now that the school being better rarely has anything to do with quality of education; you're fine going to the budget school as long as it's legitimate and accredited. Sometimes the "worse" schools actually has its act together more.

Imagine living in a society where people often told you how much debt they had to take on to buy a car, but "I got told it was a necessary to commute to work, and now I have to pay to maintain it", and then you find out they spent $100,000 on a used Honda Civic because they didn't do any research or attempt to lower the price in any way. People would call you a retard if you did that. But when it comes to degrees, they call themselves "victims".

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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Imagine going into mortgage worth of debt and losing your 20s so you can work 80 hours a week for less than 100,000$ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Of the 4 people I know personally who went to law school to fight the good fight, three ended up slaving away in a back office on the corporate side and thoroughly hating life.

The fourth guy isn't practicing law anymore because he was working as a public defender and got caught drunk on the job twice. Might've gotten disbarred, I don't know. But last I heard he's selling alarm systems door-to-door now.

Moral of the story: if you want to go into law, save yourself the trouble and just rope yourself straight out of undergrad.

I think it’s younger kids who don’t real how much fucking money a $100,000+ debt is, or how long 15 years feels when you work.

My unironic take is that nobody should go to college until their early 20s after they’ve worked and have a better idea of the cost/benefit trade off.

My drama take is fuck ‘em, more future whiny CTH commenters.

There's this and the fact that most of these kids are high-achievers who've consistently been successful and don't understand that they may not stand out when placed in a situation where they're competing with others exactly like them. It's not surprising that they think they can make it when they don't have any experience with something as cutthroat as law school. Plus if somebody really wants to be a lawyer, has healthy self-esteem, and gets into a good law school, then they're going to be under the impression that they have a good chance of making it. The risk isn't tangible, and most people leaving undergrad for competitive careers believe that they have what it takes to get their foot in the door until they experience the job market for themselves. This just happens to law students after a few more years and tens of thousands of debt later.

Also, this

nobody should go to college until their early 20s after they’ve worked and have a better idea of the cost/benefit trade off.

isn't necessarily a good idea unless the kid has a 'lol fuck money i'll pursue my passion' mentality. It'd just teach them what life is like in a shitty min-wage retail job.

The last part is two-fold:

To teach how long it takes to pay things back and make them more cautious about taking out mega-loans. You’re a lot less flippant about your ability to pay back a loan after getting dick punched by taxes and living expenses a little bit.

Second is to give time away from pressuring parents and shitty high school advisors, and actually thinking about what they want to do, taking a more focused and (hopefully) pragmatic approach. In my time coming out of high school all the adults in life pressured everybody to jump into college as fast as possible, and if you were unsure about what you wanted you were pressured to jump now and sort it out later. That’s how people end up changing tracks multiple times and racking up thousands of $$$ dollhairs in unnecessary debt.

Working a year in retail is the motivation to not fuck up in school.

So is growing up in India and finally escaping. You'd do anything not to go back, even shitting in the toilet

They also have no comprehension of what a 80+ hour week at a law firm, let alone a big law firm, actually looks like.

Like an 80 hour week in big law doesn't mean you work 8am to 8pm all week including the weekend. It means you worked 8am Monday to 11:00pm Tuesday, show up at the office at 8 am Wednesday with nothing to work on (gotta be present!) sit around all day until 6 pm when someone gives you something "urgent" you work on that overnight until 8 am Thursday, now you just have to wait for review and comments on the thing you worked on overnight, but its 8am on a Thursday so you have to be at the office...etc.

Friendly advice: Here you get graded on helpfulness and tone. Tone improves the user quality experience on reddit generally and in the community specifically. Your suggestions and advice aren’t necessarily bad - but the snark and attitude is.

This was in response to the guy too stubborn (lazy?) to fill out a form to retake the LSAT.

Why aren't you using nice words to make me feel good about myself!

  • An actual lawyer-to-be


Bold of you to assume that they'll make it as a lawyer

Hey look, I get that you're trying to prevent people from ruining their lives, but you're being a bit of a meanypants and that's a problem.

Here's a brain activity spike for you

Whats “lsat with testing accommodations”?

Law School Admissions Test with special benefits to compensate for being disabled.

I like the deep cuts, no top 40 hits here.

We can ping in self posts now?

Insurance defense + r drama postin


lol youre one to talk about someone having a chip on their shoulder, op

I mean, 90% chance OP is also the guy whose posts he’s linking to.

It's hilarious when redditors get pulled down to reality. I get similar backlash over at /r/college for telling people failing their first semester at university to drop out. If anyone wants to be blackpilled on education check out The Case Against Education.

are those IQ scores next to peoples names on their?

LSAT scores.

Buddy of mine went to Columbia for his JD. Dual citizen with Germany but didn’t get the award for students from them. Smart but not smart enough for much assistance.

Finished with $280,000+ debt. Dipped back to Germany. Doesn’t even use the degree for law, it’s all just prestige.

This story gets me rock hard.

Holy shit i came

The culture of /r/lawschooladmissions varies from year to year. This year they’re pretty big on the safe space hugbox thing. There were plenty of delusional optimists last year too, but there was also a healthy contingent of people red pilled on the enormous financial risk that going to law school entails.

The mod who runs it does a decent job of letting the most determined lemmings leap to their deaths if they so choose, but he/she does step in every once in a while to inject some realism. And if you check out the sidebar it’s got some no-bullshit advice/guidance.

Used to be that every once in a while there’d be an affirmative action flame war, but the mod got sick of it and laid down some ground rules. Users are still permitted to acknowledge that race plays a significant factor in admissions, but the mod comes down hard and fast if people seem to be acting in bad faith and just trying to stir the pot. That content is some tasty drama if anyone cares to go dig it up.

Oh, and if you want some superb cringe content, check out the fucking dating subreddit that the (incoming) class of 2022 set up:

Imagine not having a scholarship. How do they afford to drink between classes?


The guy who got into University of Hawaii (lol) law school and became upset when told that it's a garbage school with terrible job prospects said this regarding Hawaii:

YESSSSSS XD I've actually been going for family vacation every year for the last 16 years so now if I go my parents and I see it as an excuse to go more often or get a timeshare

This fucking retard is going to wind up with a UH law degree and a timeshare. Unbelievable.

a financial decision literally worse than heroin isn't for them.

Til that I can support a cocaine addiction with some left to spare. Thanks op.

Ah this harkens back to the hilaroursly unemployed lawyer who ran the Third Tier Reality blog. Highly recommend reading