"Hahaha weebcide when amirite?, Wait you didn't like that anime? then try this one which is way better" - what usually happens when r/drama users discuss anime.

269  2019-02-25 by FinalchangeX


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


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Weeabos should unironically be thrown in the gulag. Being self-deprecating doesn't make your shitty pedo cartoons any more acceptable.

does so

I agree, for every anime you watch you should be required to watch one Tarkovsky film. No rewatching though.

This is a solid take

No they should be required to watch a Serbian film for every anime episode they watch.

No itโ€™s literally called a Serbian film, iirc.

I was being silly and trying to trick you by making a bad pun.

Itโ€™s okay bb I still love you ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜


fucking weebs lol.. see I'm not a loser!

also weebs:

You should totally watch The Adventures of Toyota Yamaha Honda and his Subaru. I really like th....[wall of text longer than a lefty meme] It's the best tv show ever!!!!

All anime is trash. GITS is the only decent anime ever made and it's still corny trash.

Gas all weebs

Counter point: Me drilling your moms heavens.

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† an example of what I am talking about.

> ten gorrillion weebshits made > one is almost okay but still trash

Lol u weeb

The cut off for being a weeb is like deciding when life begins in a pregnancy.

Is it at conception? Is it after a few months? And similarly does watching one anime make you a weeb? What if it's just DBZ and pokemon? What if one never watches any anime at all but jerks off to hentai? No one really knows.

It's when you actually care about anime.

I don't actually watch alot of anime, I just look at drawings by artists that use the common anime art styles. Dunno if that's the same.

It's something very different. Share your top 3 favorites?

Why is DBZ acceptable? It's like the embodiment of anime trash for kids.

Imo DBZ is pretty much the gateway to weebdom and if someone is saying GITS they're only in denial.

Weeb cope

why did you delete the first post coward



my mistake, you didn't delete it but someone removed it. Very odd ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Mods looking out for me, apparently coonass got banned for the same thing lmao

I gotchu covered bby

weird way to spell GuP

What the fuck is GITS

Ghost in the Shell.

corny trash.


Bruh, get a better taste

> pretentious yet shallow undergrad r/ bad philosophy tier gobbledegook all over the place

> not corny


comparing those commie trannies from r/badphilosophy to the main man himself Masamune Shirow

Pure heresy

If the shoe fits / COPE


wtf thats actually how wikipedia romanizes his name

That's not half bad. Could be translated much worse to english from moon runes.

it is pretty bad

its shirou where does the w come into place

I think the u is half-voiced/silent.

no you voice the u, but differently to traditional english

What is GITS? Inuyasha?

fuck outta here

please no, your account is actually too valuable to get the bannerino like mine did

Whyd you get banned

i typed "gas all weebs" on a post about weebshit

mods are gay

yep. good to see you are back, us quality shitposters are needed around these parts

That's a weird way to spell Neon Genesis Evangelion

I only watch Dragon Ball Z, that doesn't count because it's cool.

No, it's not.

I agree it's bad, but I do think it maybe deserves a pass as not even anime.

If youโ€™re five and you think cliffhangers can replace narrative structure

I am and do, thanks

narrative structure


get off the internet kid, before its too late

wait, you'r on /r/drama

it's too late :'(

narrative structure


Comics called they want the 1980s back.

t. Central/South American

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is this era's DBZ.

Anime is a genre of cartoons featuring low frame rates, lots of repeated footage, terrible pop music soundtracks, and child porn known as loli

Also exaggerated emotions that appeal to autismos.

Creating more autismos as well through teenagers growing up learning shit like "oh katie-chan is just tsunami lol". Fucking anime has turned my brother and cousin into socially stunted losers incapable of forming relationships.

Two nukes weren't enough.

some dont

One punch man has no loli bullshit and is even funny

FMA also no loli and pretty good.

Yea but why would I even watch it then

Just shut the fuck up and stop proving the point. Jesus.

I too watched a Marvel movie.

the studio that made this anime (Doga Kobo) has an upcoming anime about girls getting into lifting weights so that's actually pretty cool.

It currently has an airing one about a lesbian pedophile so that's actually pretty cool too.

this is my guilty pleasure this season

I like it better than last season's lesbian pedo anime.

Cringe post.

I upvoted this post because it is very bad and i want other people to see it

That's how I upvote everything here


Is that a revolver that shoots a giant laser blast?

what are some good anime this season?

Dororo, its based on a manga from 50 years ago that means no pedoshit (child porn was stil legal then in japan)


great story but really sad

There was a ps2 game kinda based on this.

Also didnt osamu tezuka do some weird hitler manga?

blood will tell i think was a really shit game.

looking into this dude u can say he invented the whole manga thing, he may be the one who created weebs

looks good gonna check it out

What sort of anime are you into? This season is fairly solid.

i like sad and tragic stuff.

There isn't a lot of super tragic stuff this season, I can only think of one.

Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka is fairly sad, not sure how tragic the story gets. But its a magical girl series where all of the main cast has PTSD.

And big boobs ๐Ÿ‘

arguably The Promised Neverland, but that's one of those shows you should go into blind



Have you watched Death Parade? It's my favorite sad anime.

Really? I found it so forgettable I've literally forgotten what it was about.

Thanks for sharing.

You're very welcome. Any other anime you want my hot take on?

What are your top five least favorites?

Will have either dropped them early or forgotten about them too much to remember off the top of my head, (I prefer interestingly bad to bland) tbh. Hmmm. Akame Ga Kill was a bad one I watched to the end for whatever reason.

I get more annoyed by anime that are hyped up by the community and very disappointing though, like Erased.


Donโ€™t have a definitive bottom five overall but out of everything Iโ€™ve watched over the past year Danmachi, Re:Zero, and Kado: The Right Answer were three shows I finished but didnโ€™t really enjoy. Re: Zero is really only on my list because I found Subaru so goddamn unlikeable from start to finish but that hasnโ€™t stopped people from calling me a contrarian for not enjoying it.

I haven't seen the other two, but I actually ended up liking Re:Zero a lot because I like Subaru. I get finding him annoying, but the story makes him suffer enough that I don't mind those aspects, and I like how he's confronted over his white-knighting and has an actual character arc. instead of being a bland self-insert MC-kun. As far as isekai goes, it's probably the only one I like of what I've tried aside from konosuba.

To be fair to Re:Zero fans you guys are probably tired of people shitting on Subaru after having having to listening to thousands of smoothbrains parrot some variation of โ€œSubaru is dumb for not killing himself when he fucks up lmaoโ€. You have to be denser than a neutron star to not not pick up on how return-by-death is physically and mentally agonizing for Subaru no matter how he dies.

check madoka magica

Go for Dororo. Mob is great and has some top tier sad scenes but leans very idealistic, not at all tragic.

Scums Wish. Theres even a cuck in it.

my personal favorite is the autistic plane one (the one with the ww2 planes, not the shitty waifubait with the gripen)

Other than Evangelion, there is no good anime.

Take that back. TTGL is good.

I am liking Kotobuki for this season so far.

All those responses are literally what pic is about, kill yourselves, all of ya.

They just can't help themselves.

Watashi ni Tenshi ga Majorita. Look it up it's great.

Alternatively, look up home made keep yourself safe solutions

Made in Abyss is coming out with season two. RIP Assy

seems like its going to be a movie. so wont be able to watch it for atleast 2 years unless you live in weebland


Ewww fuchin weeb

Ha, unlike you weebfags that should all die, i'm blessed with superior furry genes.

Without furries there would be nobody to follow the weebs into the ovens and hold the door shut from within.

the only reason I haven't tried watching anime is because I don't want to become like the people who do.

I'll bet you guys keep body pillows of Tokugawa Ieyasu, fuckin' weebs!

I don't watch anime but I don't hate it, I just hate fandoms of all kinds except people who like Tom Waits

I only watch anime with giant robots because I am a patrician

JOJO>literally any other anime in the history of time

I love that little Naruto kid. What you people don't understand is that, while he does have a 9 tails fox inside him, is a master of natural chakra and has super advanced ninja techniques, his real power is that he CHANGES people.

He usually wins the bad guys over because he's so noble and sensitive.

First Naruto cries

Then the bad guy cries

Then I cry ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ

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Anime is superior to western media. I haven't seen an American movie in like 11 years that isn't formulaic boring bullshit. it's always capeshit, wokebucks shit, romantic comedies with unspeakably awful execution and bad characters or the occasional horror movie that's about as scary as Bible study.

Change my mind

why is the revolver shooting a laser?

It's anime, it's just exaggerated physics for a gag.

well whoever made this can gag on my nuts

It's the same about gaming