Literal Chapotard wanders into a thread desperate to show all the altright CHUDS he’s not a skinnyfat little twink. BUILD THE R/DRAMA WALL 30 FT HIGH

130  2019-02-27 by flotus_scrotus


I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


  1. This Post -,,,

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Ihop has the peg jump game too

fite me irl fucker not online and c wat happens

bragging about your lifts on the internet

Is there anything more pathetic? Oh right, being a chapotard

I mean, there's being an /r/drama poster and being so pathetic that you have to do everything in your life ironically because you're afraid to be a real human being, but sure

I’ve seen what chapo posters normally look like, and you’re probably the closest to being a man. On the other hand you’re still subhuman for posting on chapo, or even using the internet.

now that i can agree to

The secret Joestar family strategy...

Imagine taking fights on the internet seriously lmao

I actually just made this comment to see if you were pathetic enough to bite, and lo and behold, you did. You just can't resist, can you?

Now looks people, how i will make the monkey dance. Make another comment for me, monkey! Defend your precious women and worthless minorities.

"uhh huhhuh i was only pretending to be a dumb asshole" wow you got me with this new and exciting ruse

I dont understand monkey speak, but that was a great little dance, littel fella. Now dance some more!

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.

Explain why laughing at poors is a bad thing

imagine taking fights on the internet seriously lmao

imagine taking anything seriously! god i'm cool

lmao we can all tell how mad you are m8

lmao my entire existence is predicated upon not believing anything and it's really funny when other people believe things

You can believe in things while also not care about some retard on the internet making an ass out of himself. I thought creatine was supposed to improve brain function? Apparently not.

wow imagine bragging about having a worldview that mirrors edgy 14-year-olds, what an absolute faggot

Hey man, im sure you had en edgy nihilist phaae at 14 too


This, but unironically

Having strong convictions and beliefs is a good thing, expressing them on reddit or really anywhere online is retarded.

yeah, i forgot that the internet has nothing to do with reality. it hasn't helped to turn the posters here, into nihilistic, empty husks of human beings or anything like that, and certainly doesn't perpetuate the use of harmful language either. you got it, smartman

The internet outside of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and larger news sites rarely bleeds into real life, and people that spend time in non-normie spaces rarely act the same in real life as they do online.

New snappy quote please

harmful language

Awww. I was upvoting you till I got here :(

what, did it trigger you? using slurs is Bad, actually

Did no one ever teach you about rubber and glue friendo?

i'm a straight cis white dude; none of this dumb shit actually affects me personally. there's this crazy thing about living in a society™ where you're supposed to care about other people, though. this is foreign to the hellman's jar of this subreddit, i see, but lord

I definitely care about other people. I just don’t think calling you a retard causes harm unless you let it cause harm.

Dropping the bar on your head - that would cause harm.

i dunno, why don't you take it from people who actually are in the community of people that gets called "retard"? or "kike"? or whatever? that's what i tend to do; it seems like, you know, the obvious fucking way to think about this.

stoicism is a failed and dumb philosophy.

This is a personal attack and literally causing me emotional harm.

i mean, meme about it if you want, but this is a really great read. cw for sui tho

This isn't chapo, all the suicidal people would have gone and done it already like total chads.

i'm glad you're so enamored with me but you're kinda behind the times, babe

Sorry I'm not as online as you

Stoicism is an ancient philosophical tradition thats been influential for centuries but let me tell you about a 19th century philosiphy that's only ever resulted in failed states and tyranny, chud.

stoicism is a failed and dumb philosophy

True stoicism has never been tried.

Let me tell you this, r/drama is a den of snakes or something

i forgot how that pasta goes.

You would have LOVED the late 90s

I take plenty of stuff seriously, just not internet arguments. I'm glad you do though, fresh lolcows are great

Too much time on KF, or is there just a lot of linguistic crossover?

The latter, KF is too retarded even for me

This but unironically

You just flashed your pasty legs at the whole sub because you can't stand the thought of us thinking that you're not a big boy with big boy muscles. Now you're claiming that your ability to give a shit about that makes you better than other people.

You are an incurable brainlet.

Totally not seething btw

Uh, how you say... send pigu? Sendo pigu prease.

Why do people who post on Chapo constantly think it's at all necessary to "be a real human being" i.e. show genuine emotion on a really gay website like reddit? Can one not show genuine emotion or interest in their real life without needing to on a forum for dweebs?

To seriouspost for one minute, I take many things in my life seriously, including for example my politics. Why does that have to translate to using the internet as a personal crusade against people who disagree, on forum I might add where the entire point is to make people mad. And that's fine if you find that behavior pathetic, because it honestly is. But that doesn't equate to people here not taking shit seriously in their personal, offline life. It seems as though Chapo posters want people to bear all on an anonymous website for whatever retarded reason

Just because someone doesn't take a gay ass website like reddit at all seriously doesn't mean they don't take personal matters seriously in their offline lives.

It seems as though all chapotards constantly want people to bear all on an anonymous website. I don't understand this behavior at all but its so common among these people

>arching your back that much doing the bench

To hell with what regulation says, it’s practically cheating.

My arch isn't even good. "Arching is cheating" was a meme we were all laughing at on the pl sub a couple years ago; I'm glad you're so up to date.

t. cheater 🤣🤣🤣

True, you hardly have any arch. I’m conflicted on how much it protects shoulders, feel like retracted scapula achieves most of that. Very nice lift overall.

Also send hog.img

I think my shoulders would be in better condition if I had better back mobility lmao, but I got hit by a car on my bike so it's not as good as it could be

You can definitely see from side views how much it can help prevent that external rotation, though

Ah gotcha, that is unfortunate. Shoulders suck. I started skipping some pulling and OHP immediately began eating my left one.

but I got hit by a car on my bike

cyclists BTFO

but I got hit by a car on my bike


S E E T H I N G so hard that you invade a thread dedicated to your previous spergout to start a whole new spergout

This is what a gommunist looks like

Hey man I don't control the totes messenger

Hey man I don't control the totes messenger anything

A true 🅱️ommunist

you have to do everything in your life ironically because you're afraid to be a real human being,

This is literally the basis of millenial amd gen z culture

Lol you're the one who doesnt want to compete in social hierarchies with your more well adjusted peers

What does this even mean lmao

Socialism appeals to trannies, drug addicts, and other social outcasts because when the government provides for you you dont have to worry about competing with those that are normal and well-adjusted. Unless you're a diversity hire, most companies and organizations are going to seek out those that are socially capable with moderate political views. Not many organizations are going to pursue the bipolar tranny that whines about trans erasure and Hegelian dialectics and the other dumb shit you cant stop talking about.

Oh, I get it, it means that you're a worthless piece of shit. Gotcha

Lol I'm not the one advocating for gibs

No, you just dehumanize people, have no understanding of politics whatsoever ("the democrats are too far left" lmao), post in /r/conspiracy, and post a bunch of racist shit too. I'm sorry for calling you a worthless piece of shit—I should have called you a worthless, stupid piece of shit. blocked, bye

combing through post history to look for a comeback


Blocked, bye

I love how both sounded and act like the entire sub's ex girlfriend

Post gussy

You're the one calling people worthless pieces of shit. How is that not dehumanising? Oh wait, you're a chapotard so hypocricy is your bread and butter.

Yikes, sweaty.

nothing I post is ironic, sweaty.

Given that you're a male feminist those muscles are probably used to hold down woman as you rape them, so in your case it would be better off for society if you weren't swole.


Yo bro have you ever had a gf? Asking cause I wanna get into lifting too but I'm anxious lol like do you have more luck with girls now? Looks like you do also you sound pretty cool lol wish I were like you and girls liked me

implying chapocels have a life in the first place

The Chapo hard at work making gains

I think you can brag about your lifts as long as you also share an embarrassing lift story.

I remember one time I deadlifted 215 and this big burly black dude came in and deadlifted less than that and I felt like a superhero until I had to roll the bench bar up on my thighs as I failed a 105 bench.

lmao someone tell this retard that just because you can lift weights doesn't mean you can fight.

and seeing how fanny flustered that faggot is getting in these comments i'd be willing to bet all it'd take is a stiff breeze and a teenager-tier insult to get him blubbering like a baby.

“I bet you’re not strong”

shows proof of him being strong

“Whatever bro I could easily take you in a fight, I weigh 180lbs and went to a couple of MMA classes”

Physically strong and mentally weak, the best possible combo

I can’t believe my throw away snipe at libs doing calisthenics instigated this. Yesterday a MAGAcel told me to dress my children in drag over a low-effort Mayo joke and now some dude is posting his face online because people riffed on libs no lift.

Why do people even effort-troll?


You done good.

Thats gonna be a yikes from me folks on that whole toxic masculinity display trying to intimidate others with feats of strength.

do better yall




He counted the clips🤣

Wow I spent a whole ass week posting and commenting in this sub telling everyone I was a chapocel and I never got a whole thread about me 😤😤😤 This is ableist af, yikes

sorry babe, i'm the king lobster here

Sounds like you've been cleaning your room 😏

15 pounds of toe pressure, and a Dodge Charger....

A little bit of cyanide, and free lemonade...

I'm sure you do, given that I wasn't lying. What do you bench, 165 on a good day?

Imagine being such a sad little person that you post a webm of you struggling to lift weights on a thread in /r/drama in some bizarre attempt to prove you aren't a sad little person.

that wasn't what i would call a struggle, but i understand your calling it that given that you've probably never achieved anything in your life. also, it's more weight than you can deadlift, i'm sure, so who really cares what you think about it?

the only person who's little here is you.

Honestly the fact that you haven't been modded yet is a mystery

“ch-chud I worked out a bunch so now respect that tranny or i’ll fight you”

gets fuckin shot lmao

Completely Agree!


haha wow you got me, very smart

>implying the SRA doesn't exist btw

But he does have a point though. Arnold Schwarzenegger could pound the shit out of George Costanza l, but if Constanza has a .44 at his hip its a totally different story. To smash enemies of the people we must have both superior physiques and superior aim.

God I would love to clean some mosins with you, comrade.

Oh, absolutely. It's almost as if all of these blackpilled morons never read Marx on guns 😮

No i’m somewhat serious.

implying socialists aren't 80% trannies and other mental invalids that would turn the gun on themselves the moment they got one

Ok sweaty

chapo trap house is a good podcast

More like crapo crap mouse