The story as old as time: girl meets Discord, Discord meets girl. They do not go for long walks on the beach because that's ableism. Soon, tragedy strikes. What was once love turns into screeching.

201  2019-02-28 by opi


whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


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i agree snappy, she's obviously a troll.

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<venmo feminism

To be fair that's supposed to mock both e-thoting and feminism

She is unironic about wanting free money.

that just means she doesn't get the joke.

To expand upon this : she believes that smoking DMT cures gender dysphoria (Also gender dysphoria is apparently caused by watching anime.)

I'm not a scientist, but this does sound eerily plausible.

Based Blanchard

gender dysphoria is apparently caused by watching anime

Well it's not wife material, but really close.

Have you seen how many people who get off at the thought of being women reference anime

All of them. Trapposting, basically, was built on anime characters.

I thought it turned men into pedophiles but that makes sense too

Anime is to blame for all of the world’s problems

A weeb cries out in pain is he strikes you

This could be possible tbh. Like it's retarded to "know" that it does, but if scientists put iut a paper that said it did I'd totally believe it.

This could be possible tbh

that smoking dmt cures gender dysphoria or that gender dysphoria is caused b anime?


Hardly sounds like its worth the risk.

It could plausibly work as a miracle cure to whatever mental discomforts you're currently suffering from or it could irrevocably make you identify as a quarter peeled Albanian orange, spending the rest of your life in a tempur lined room sporting fluorescent lights with no off switch.

Did you used to give presentations at schools for DARE?

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you’ve never tried a psychedelic.

I did some shrooms in Amsterdam 7 years ago, shit was pretty cash.

No one says that anymore

The 7 years ago part should've given away the fact that I'm a raging 25yo boomer.

Sounds like you need to smoke some deemsters and chill out

Nah, psychedelics are for butt boys. The real fun is in self-dosed dissociatives.

This man is telling the truth, K is fuckin awesome

Or it could be like any other psychedelic, in which case it amplifies what you already believe or grabs random shit out of your subconscious like if you saw the Jurassic Park reboot last week.

Eventually, she'd create a TERF-adjacent ....

Anyone else enjoy the left's self-imposed misery?

Jamie, pull that up

This is now the official position of the /r/drama Journal of Medicine

Well teen boys look like teen girls while teen girls look like MILFs. She need a research grant?

if DMT cures autism, then that'll take care of anime and gender dysphoria

How come none of my week friends are turning into cute traps then, Huh?

To serious post for a second they are bullying a woman with autism and spreading her nudes around. That's pretty fucked up.

That's called patrolling the thot, sweaty. Do the crime, do the time.

No that's called being a cunt. Like, she shouldn't have shared nudes and seems aggressive, but reading those comments makes me feel that everybody involved there is a piece of shit.

Granted, I don't have the full context, but this is some 4chan Losethos level shit.

4chan Losethos

what does this have to do with losethos

im really not seeing any parallels there.

The same way that 4chan assholes pushed Terry farther and farther until he broke, people are harassing this person, and she seems to be unable to realize she can just leave. It's just a shitty thing to do to, and that comparison seemed apt.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

-Barack Obama

everybody involved there is a piece of shit

Discord and Reddit

Well, yeah.

The whole thread is depressing tbh.

okay but don't share your nudes if you don't want them spread around. I don't get how girls don't understand this, there's thousands of galleries on imagefap and such with girls who didn't get the memo.

Yeah for a normal person that makes sense, but what about someone mentally ill?

yeah I feel pretty bad for her tbh, stuff like this is fucked up.

Why would you feel bad for her? She's obviously larping whatever it is she claims to have. People with real disability don't find themselves as fucking lolcows, come on man, use your brain.

I mean people with mental disabilities absolutely do find themselves as lolcows lmao


See: darqwolff

Yeah getting ‘Chris Chan’ vibes from the whole thing.

This person seems to be able to form a coherent essay/ragepost.

Anyone who can form basic sentences should know not to send nudes over the internet to randos.

Apparently, this is the "empathy" they keep telling us about.

Spreading her nudes around is pretty low but honestly I think the bullying is warranted.

Not to support what they are doing, but she did them for drugs/money. kindof sounds fair tbh.

No, I made a joke about drug money because I needed to refill meds at a pharmacy. Go get tested for brain eating amoebas.


Where are these nudes?

On the internet, didn't you read the comment

being a NEET and arguing online all day isn’t real autism

Wait until she comes here and gets milked all over the thread.

We need pic links.

Lmao how is cyberbullying real just close your eyes nigga

Shes also trying to scam people by using sock puppets and setting up multiple gofundme's for people she made up from Flint, Mi and other places hit with disasters. It sucks people are spreading nudes of her but I dont really pity people who run schemes like that

Just wow

How many times did you jack off when you could have been making something of yourself?

Says literal homeless person to commies. A slap fight so pathetic it's more sad than entertaining.

>Unable to meet her own basic needs
>"I am not you servant anymore"

What kind of shit servant was she?

I want a fucking refund, the service has been terrible. 1 star.

"It's the patriarchy's fault i literally fuck my dog"

Have we found radfem chris chan

Today I expressed my distress at having no way to access food because I live alone in a squat where there is no grocery store or co-op that I can get to without external help, which I don't have.

Mutual Aid strikes again!

I felt sorry for her at 1st and offered to buy her groceries online and have them delivered but she just forwarded me to a couple of fake gofundme's set up by her sock puppets

It's not as fun when someone is genuinely mentally ill and not just a giant asshole.

What if you can be both?

Well then it wouldn't be "just a giant asshole".

It's obvious she isn't mentally ill.

Yessss. This is good drama.

This former "indigo child" has a bunch of alts, including the one that posted this.

A cursory dig through any of her profiles is just a comedy goldmine.

Indigo child, the perfect crossover for anti-vax mommies and hippie mommies. She had no chance for functional life.

Do they call them indigo children because their skin turns blue and cold after they die from an easily preventable disease?

OP from stupidpol here. This has led to people illegally posting private sexual images of me, with some of them under the belief that I am underage. That makes their distribution of my photos intent to distribute child pornography.

The police have already been contacted, an investigator has been assigned, and warrants are being processed to obtain identifying information about the people sharing private images.

Ge your popcorn ready and stay tuned because next up on r/drama... stupidpol and related sub posters catch felony charges!

If that were true, it'd be a stupid thing to announce here on Reddit. You're not doing yourself any favors by acting this way, this behavior is super toxic. Maybe take a little break from the internet for a while, give yourself a mental health day.

👆🏼 100%

I can't find the pix 😭

good, because the photos come with criminal charges. would you like me to add your username and this comment to the police report?

Those seem like some real spicy pictures.

So, add this comment to the police report, but show those nudes.

That's not really how that works. You should definitely stop this, it's not healthy. This is very toxic behavior. Take some time away from the internet, give yourself a mental health day. The internet can be a rough place, sometimes it's best just to step back.

Feel free to tell the police that I admit to not having seen you fuck your dog 🐕

Umm. Wat.

I thought commies hated the police and the government/state?

Do your beliefs change that drastically whenever your feelings are hurt?

I think it's bullshit what is happening to you, and those people are in the wrong. However, you're making it worse for yourself by continuing to post. The police are not going to care about a report full of Reddit names. Half these people might not even live in the same country as you. You really should take a break from posting anywhere right now.

It sounds like you've got a number of real life problems that should be taking precedence over internet drama. If you're actually living in a squat, I think you need to work on fixing that first. Easier said than done, of course, but you have options. Go to a shelter, contact a church, make an appointment at the welfare office. You could maybe even try Adult Protective Services if they are a thing in your area.

You can't possibly be this autistic. You should take a walk and calm down

I've heard they can backtrace your username

You know that's not how it works, right?

you prolly wouldn't live in such a shithole if you got a job instead of being a laughing stock on the internet

Didn't you read her posts? She has dozens of vaguely defined disabilities and she's experienced every kind of abuse and indignity that a person possibly could. She's probably getting raped right now.'

There's absolutely nothing about her situation that's even slightly her fault. She's a victim, yo!

And plus like, capitalism is wrong dude. Get a job? More like, literally being enslaved by Hitler. No thanks!

she became increasingly interested in what some of the mods called "venmo feminism," which is a tongue-in-cheek way of saying e-thotting. Since some of the mods actually do that on the side, evidently Ruk was influenced by them and started posting nudes in exchange for money for drugs.

venmo feminism

I love it. The left can meme i guess.

I was told by someone who has been chatting with me there for the better part of a month to eat the spackle from my walls, and that it is filling.


Men are too fucking comfortable. You do not understand suffering. You lack empathy and love. Why do you think the incel meme is so strong? You have no revolutionary spirit. You are comfortable to sit at home knowing that all your basic needs will be met by a culture which has developed to serve you, and those who serve your whim are the women.

Literally the only reason she has the opportunity to say this in in this situation is because of her comically defective genes she was born with. If she wasn't disabled, she'd be your run of the mill white feminist comparing how hard her life is to a haitian child or a starving victorian orphan covered in soot, while bashing white males for having super privilege as if white femoids aren't also privileged AF. And she'd be on gendercritical talking about aborting and enslaving men, how men need to stop complaining and don't have any problems or feelings, and twomanychromosomes writing open letters thanking random females for saving them from being viciously gangraped for the #521515125 time. This is EXACTLY in the spirit of Chris chan and Kiwi farms. In this moment, I am euphoric.

P. sure she isn't even disabled. At least, not really. She's just pretend-disabled.

"Selling" nudes for drug money. I find it hard to believe anyone genuinely disabled would be remotely attractive enough to get people to look at their nudes more than once, let alone pay them.

the ol fybromyalgia

I think Hitler's crusade was cut short, he should have gassed everyone, i mean everyone and in the end after the deed was done, he should have entered the chamber himself.

[X] but unironically

Intelligent women....

This has a lot of weight coming from a die hard revolutionary comrade who is too obese to leave the squat building it’s infested.

You're just mad your privilege-blanket is being pulled away, no longer will she be your servant.


Lol. You clearly haven't seen my actually good nudes yet, and never will, because that's private. As was everything else until people decided they want to catch charges.

I was told by someone who has been chatting with me there for the better part of a month to eat the spackle from my walls, and that it is filling. I was then called a retard and mocked.

You did noting but complain that I don't post more nudes, and mocked me for having my photos that show my dog sometimes include my naked body. You accuse me of fucking dogs.

Fucking based.

What is this "thot" crap? Where did it come from? It's not even a good word for an insult. Think about traditional insults. "FUCKER!" Man, that is satisfying to say. "CUNT." Ouch. It's like the word is taking a bite out of you. "SLUT!" Almost impossible to say without venom. "THOT." Uh, wut? It sounds like dropping a piece of rubber.

Ah, but you see, it's a clever acronym for "that ho over there!" Not better? Somehow more stupid, especially if you're calling someone a thot to their face (well, who am I kidding - to her face). "You're a that-ho-over-there! Uh, yeah. Take that!"

You know how autistic replaced retarded and gay? Thot replaced hoe and slut. Get with the times grandpa, no one gives a fuck about your boomer insults

Cope harder, thot

Did you not read my post? I just said, I prefer cunt. It sounds much more insulting. If you're going to disparage me, put some bite in it.

Thot sounds like magical creatures who inhabit an enchanted anime forest. "Don't go in that forest, Tusuki, or the thots will steal your dreams."

you're not a leftist, you're a radfem


OP deleted the text, but here it is:

Those of you who know me from there and are actually literate are aware that I am a severely and permanently disabled woman with major access challenges and immense difficulty in getting even my basic needs met. Today I expressed my distress at having no way to access food because I live alone in a squat where there is no grocery store or co-op that I can get to without external help, which I don't have.

I was told by someone who has been chatting with me there for the better part of a month to eat the spackle from my walls, and that it is filling. I was then called a retard and mocked by someone who apparently has no comprehension of the difference between cognitive processing (Autism) and intellectual disability (mental retardation).

Men are too fucking comfortable. You do not understand suffering. You lack empathy and love. Why do you think the incel meme is so strong? You have no revolutionary spirit. You are comfortable to sit at home knowing that all your basic needs will be met by a culture which has developed to serve you, and those who serve your whim are the women. Intelligent women do not want to serve you, they want to destroy the pitiful security blanket that you call 'masculinity.'

I am not your servant anymore. I will not tolerate you treating me second-class. I will not even tolerate you treating me as your equal if you show such a severe lack in intelligence and education. I am a better person than you are because I actually give a fuck about other people and do the hard work every day to make their lives better. How many times did you jack off when you could have been making something of yourself?

I tried repeatedly to get you to put your money where your pseudo-socialist mouths are and to donate a dollar to Bleach for her surgery, to a mutual aid program to bring safe drinking water to Flint, asked for help feeding my service dog. You did noting but complain that I don't post more nudes, and mocked me for having my photos that show my dog sometimes include my naked body. You accuse me of fucking dogs. You did not even think to ask "what is happening in this woman's life that she has not clothing to wear? isn't she cold? what causes this?"

To you, my status as a precarious woman is a source of humor. It is a way for you to see the darkness of life as a woman who truly suffers from the political system that supports your comfort as a 'bit' or a 'joke' or 'comedy'.

You call yourself 'socialist' but the only society you are building is one of sociopaths and narcissists. You are not my allies.