Daddy gets a third date

97  2019-03-01 by Ted_UtteredBoast


whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. This Post -,,

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i srote tbjs

*wrote this

Daddy and Kimmy on a tree


- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

Music 🎶 Once... Twice... Three times a Lady 🎶

You have to hand it to Rocketboi, he's doing the equivalent of milking a lolcow irl. Daddy has been giving him so much free photo-op & propaganda material he's prob gonna be handing over some to his kids/successors.


You... You aren't actually believing this isn't gonna be yet another bamboozle, right? It's been, what, the 4th-5th time on a row? And after that lulzy 'commemorative coin' fiasco, to boot?

Man, this is sad even for DDF.

"i'd rather have another gook war" cope

You're not very good at this.

No u

If this is bait this is shitty bait

If it's serious posting the irony is delicious

What's the irony though lol? Reddit was unironically celebrating the possibility of another war yesterday.

Even you can't be dumb enough to believe that.

Did you see /r/worldnews and /r/news yesterday


oh that explains it lmao

Imagine being so irrevocably embedded in the DDF you start to unironically believe their retarded talking points.

I think we were just shitting on the notion that Trump "So good at negotiations, he failed to get his party who had spent 8 years campaigning on repealing a bill to repeal said bill" dumbshit moron was going to achieve anything.





This is sad. You're like a kid hoping daddy will finally come home after getting out to buy cigarettes 3 years ago.

You're becoming a copecow.

Oh man, are you ok if I make a bot that will reply to you every time you post with an screenshot of this comment in case Kim actually agrees to denuclearization?

Kim will denuclearize when hilary wins the election

Eh, I'm confident she'd win a 2020 run.

"This time we will build the wall ban the mudslimes repeal obamacare jail Hillary achieve world peace for real!"

That’s certainly what it feels like matues. Let’s hope he lets the lower talks occur and they have some idea of what they are negotiating, before the next one. I don’t know how you assure a brutal dictator we won’t come there and jam a knife up his ass once he gives up his nukes.

I don’t know how you assure a brutal dictator we won’t come there and jam a knife up his ass once he gives up his nukes.

Giving up the nukes is fucking retarded regardless of whether you’re a dictator or not. Look at Ukraine.

Ya its basically assured that you will no longer be given any respect, and that Uncle Sam can come in whenever he wants and tax that ass. Kim knows while you can possibly take drunpf at his word the (((people))) that run the show will do what they damn well please. At the end of the day I like that they aren’t testing, that shit is so bad for the environment.

Tbh Norks are so starved, meth'd up and indocrinated, I doubt they'll ever be in a position to violently rise up like Arabs did during the eponymous spring.

Yup I was actually thinking about this yesterday. The structure of their society and their two economies, make it so that even if they seal team sixed Kim, they would just have another dictator to deal with. North Koreans are like the ‘foids’ of people, they are always littles and don’t have any will to be the change.

90% upvoted

DDF is S E E T H I N G dude C O P E lmao


They were just a little slow in assembling

I can't wait until someone unironically makes this post for



Bussy lmao

As of my up doot its 88%

Booty a little sore today?

Lmao, isn't this basically a rightoid's agenda-post.

*"S-s-see, /r/drama? Daddy can still do this!"

Rope the trumpies and end their suffering tbh.

Life-fuel for peace-celd

Trump confirmed for negging ricecels


This is like watching an abused house wife come crawling back home to her changed husband

The face Kim made when the reporter asked Trump a question about Cohen was priceless

Trump knows he's going to have to put out, right?

Trump already offered to put out. If he wants Kimmy, he's gonna have to go ATM.

Giving up the bussy before the third date

Fuckin' slewt

surely this will be the end for north korea, daddy will for sure hit him with his bigly good negotiation skillz

No granny panties Donnie boy.


Why little rocket man no give up nukes after I put man who fabricated evidence to justify invasion of Iraq as National Security Advisor?