T-Series wins—Trevor Noah is cancelled.

244  2019-03-01 by mmmmdarkmeat


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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Lmao what kind of retard finds those "jokes" funny? smh

A lot of people voted Hillary.

How anyone can watch Trevor Noah and not want to throw themselves off a bridge in embarrassment I'll never understand.

He has the opposite of comedic timing. He can say something that could have been funny and make it unfunny by virtue of his inflection.

Veering into problematic territory here, but it feels like his accent really doesn't help with that

In 2050 every American will be assigned a personal commonwealth nation expat. This expat will live in your house, eat your food, and then spend an hour a day bitching you out about how you're a provincial idiot whose house and food is not good enough for them.

And they say there isn't a hell...

British commonwealth? Can I stay at your house?

Americans do have a weird fetish for British people degrading them; even ill admit I enjoy Kitchen Nightmares

his racist Indian accent?

Do you have a link to he racist Indian bit?

Where is the racism?


I hate the little “...yeh??” thing that he does. Maybe that’s a SA tic but it makes him sound insecure about his own jokes.

It could be worse, he could end every sentence with a 'ja, nee' instead.


John Oliver gets around it by referring to America as "we". Noah calls it "you", which is infinitely more obnoxious.

Imagine being from Africa and telling some else what a functional government looks like

I think it's the combination of the accent while trying to do a scathing commentary mainly on a country that is not you own. And no, I'm not American and I don't care that he has an opinion on the U.S., but it's weird the apparent spokesperson for his viewers (and the general population) political opinion is a flagrantly biased newcomer to the country.

Basically burger comedy then.

Comedies haven’t been funny since ZAZ, so yeah you right. 😪

I did like Kentucky Fried Movie when some guy says the gamer word infront of a lot of non-mayo Americans.

A true daredevil.

Not a fan of him or Meuers, Oliver is pretty good though he his contentnis hit or miss.

oliver's alright when it isnt retarded culture war shit. i liked his video on mlms for example

you might like his recent video on psychics

hm ill have to check that out, thanks

His standup is pretty good but he absolutely bombs at The Daily Show holy shit

Regardless of political alliance, at least Jon Stewart could deliver a punchline. I never expected for Noah to completely replace Stewart, but shit I thought they could at least a somewhat funny American to cover, oh I don’t know, American politics

Regardless of political alliance, at least Jon Stewart could deliver a punchline

Jon was also a down to earth Newyorker Jew who did multiple segments about how 9/11 first responders needed help.

He earned views outside his target demographic that Noah can never reach.

Agreed, entirely. The Daily Show was more satire and less political propaganda back then.

why the fuck would you take a video on your phone of your laptop playing a video

gas brainlets

This is what happens when you grow up with phones

You actually have a life instead of being chained to a chair?

It's a Mac and we all know that Mac users have a subhuman IQ.

woah woah woah there big guy you got too much dip on yo chip now

Love the username, my guy.

u2 sweaty

Better than /r/PCMasterRace lmao.

Sounds like you need more RGB lights in your life, kiddo

Evolution of the "This is my hobby even though I have no fucking idea how any of it works" crowd:

70s/80s: ?

90s/2000s: Ricers

2010s/2020s: PCMR

2030s/2040s: ?

I made friends with a liberal vegan gym rat who is also a ricer and into building PCs

what a time to be alive

Fact. I only own Macs.

yea i definitely prefer using devices that harvest and sell my data enmasse. now everyone knows how much i love bussy!

everyone should switch to Linux until Apple starts designing their own CPUs for their computers like they do for their phones

I feel bad agreeing with this but I see no other choice

If y'all think I'm a pedo then you should at least recognize my cybersecurity expertise

Imagine overpaying and using a shittier device just to hide your porn preferences from (((them))).

imagine cheaping out and wasting your life to save like a couple hundred bucks. poor people lol!

Imagine thinking someone seeing you worship bussy online affecting your miserable life in any way.

imagine trying to shame someone for bussy preferences on /r/Drama

That's what I'm saying, you somehow think it's bad and you probably wouldn't even show your post history to mom at the family dinner smh

granny is dead she was locked in my basement

So, Apple devices?


This video literally came out a week ago and this is the best example of it so far.

that kiddos voice makes me want to take a shotgun to my temple.

shotgun goes in your mouth... smdh can't even kill yourself right

Watch it a couple more times.

Nice Nerdwriter1 copycat rofl

With how rarely that guy posts I personally don't mind a copycat.

Trevor "I say funnyTM" Noah.

Pearl necklace?

Kevin Carter was a great photojournalist. RIP.

That vulture photo is fucked up. This is event had a huge impact on him.


Fuck that has layers

The tweet was retarded but that cunt in the video is so cringe, not funny at all

That's called a late night show host sweaty 💅🏾

Subscribe to pewdiepie


I like trevor noah

He's never done it for me tbh. Not self-depricating enough

Not self-depricating enough

He's not Jewish.

He's not Jewish.

I could tell when he wasn't funny

Not everyone can be a Mrs. Maisel.

Borscht belt is best belt

You're part of the problem

war is not funny

lol yeah it is u gay nerd

Yeah what's not funny about all of the football players from my high school coming back from the Middle East with no legs?

How did John Stewart approve of him smgdh

John stewart isn't funny either

no John Stewart was a legit funny guy, so was Colbert... back in 2004

it's really abnormal how Daily Show his can have so many hideous offsprings that are somehow successful though, there is not one today that's remotely watchable

tbf, writing for Jon Stewart is extremely easy because you only have to write half of a show. The other half he's going to take up by staring blankly at the camera with a "wha happened?" face or something.

That's him giggling at you because he knows you'll never be one of (((them))).

Colbert's satire of a dumb but endearing conservative was much more enjoyable than his incessant whining today. He honestly comes off as such a bitch. I think all these talk show hosts just staked such a claim on Trump not becoming president that they are doubling down and making fools of themselves.

I like them all.

no John Stewart was a legit funny guy, so was Colbert... back in 2004

No Stewart wasn't. I dunno if you were a kid back then or not, but he wasn't funny. He would just read what a politician he didn't like said and then look at the camera funny.

His top moment was telling the Crossfire guys that they were ruining the country by being so partisan. Fast forward 15 years and people like Stewart are doing the same shit.

That crossfire bit was amazing tbh. Both of them going "HAHA crappy joke... this is a joke right?" in between nervous glances at each other and the producers and shit was fucking gold.

I hate you.

Jon is a silver fox 😍


Made Jon look funnier by comparison.

Lmao gettit Bollwood musicals rofl


Remember when Trevor Noah was talking about weird African pride bullcrap when French-raised blackpypo won the world cup?

You can guess someone's IQ by how quickly they start promoting ethnic nationalism.

You can guess someone's IQ by how quickly they start promoting ethnic nationalism.

Real talk, if i'm 30 seconds into talking with you and you don't start doing it I'm like "ok this guy isn't too bright"

Scene: Two men meet at a bus stop.

Hey I'm Ben

I'm John, nice to meet you.

You too. Nice weather we're having.

Yeah, it's finally warming up.

Indeed, quite lovely.


...sooooo, religion's for fools, eh? Fools...and liberals.

where did you get this transcript of my conversation yesterday?

We from the NSA know everything about you. And we know that you are a really disgusting person. I mean fapping to pictures of your mom? ewww

He was calling them African despite them being French by all means except genetic heritage.

my dog is a cat by all means except genetic heritage

This may come as a shocker to you but you're American, not 56% british and 34% whatever.

but you're American

what the FUCK
this is the worst insult i've ever received on reddit
don't you dare to make such evil assumptions about other people
for the record, i'm 100% EVROPEAN


The correct term is Anglo-Saxon sweaty 😤

Not really. "French" is a nationality, not an ethnicity. I'm saying that French born and raised black people are French, not that they're Franks or whatever.

Likewise white Americans aren't British or English; they're American.

Claiming that African Frenchies aren't French but rather African is like saying mayo Americans are English. In the end it's some advanced we-wuzzing.

Daily reminder that Trevor Noah and literally every shitty late night host that reddit loves are all trash and unfunny

Craig is a beautiful boy, you take that back! Just because reddit loves him and wants him back on the air as well doesn't mean I will let his name be tarnishes by association!

Ginger man makes me chuckle at times.

Ya I like Conan a little still, did you see that retarded power mod from liberal_irl calling you a literal nazi?

😂 When we inevitably post in wrong think subs making fun of retards they see this with their nazi detector bot, this is likely what they are referencing.

Are trannies real women though?

Of course!


I can't tell if a penis is feminine or not until it's in my butt.

Truly the litmus test of our time

You sound like one


Daily reminder that nobody gives a shit what you think fat boy.

A) I'm not fat b) idc I'm a mod lol

Since when has reddit liked them in recent years? People liked Oliver back in 2015 but like for him died pretty hard. From what i can tell the general consensus is getting to the point where people are so sick of these talkshows that they are (rightfully) retroactively are going back and calling Jon Stewart shit, too.

Jon Stewart did nothing wrong

"9/11 Man Bad!"

Trans women are mentally ill men.

Is this you coming out as trans?

Daily Reminder that in nineteen ninety eight the Undertaker threw Mankind the off Hell in a cell plunging 16ft through an announcers table.

laugh track

reddit likes Noah the same way it likes Nanette

it's just the idea of it that they enjoy

While "funny" is debatable, Jon Stewart wasn't trash

Old Colbert > Jon Stewart


They can't even make current year entertaining instead of political soapboxing.

Unironically they deserve the rope because of their inability to work with primo material. dubya was nothing compared to this.

I puked in my mouth and I can’t swallow it - my wife thinks I need the Heimlich.

All late-night since Letterman left NBC has been trash.

Holy fuck did I just laugh at a Trevor Noah bit? Am I retarded?

It's /r/comedyheaven in a nutshell

Sorry geek. Its time to put you down.

We need to take of these effing nerds on this effing subreddits.

Keep Yourself Safe

You're not alone, guess we've both got some screws loose.

"He's going to be cancelled for the one time he's funny"

It is possible.

They're right that a mayo would be facing death squads by now for making the same joke.

Fortunately, liberals noticing "PoC can't be racist!!!!!" was a strategic error is my kink, so I am hard as fuck right now

Sometimes I struggle to believe that there is someone out there actually being paid to write this sort of comedic abortion.

He's semi-funny and a complete asshole for selling out to spew this crap. This isn't funny, I wouldn't get bent outta shape over it, its just dumb comedy skit stuff, not informative.

Seth Meyers and John Oliver is way better than Trevor. Even Hassan Manaz and Samantha Bee are pretty good

Imagine liking Current Year man in Current Year + 3 or whatever we're at

they are all trash comedically and also they all blend together, Noah at least has some hot 'wakanda is great because it's a racially pure homeland' take from time to time that differentiates him

John Oliver



His & Hassan's long segments are nearly apolitical. They both do really good take downs of malicious practices that are happening. Complaining about drug pricing, pay day loans, student loans, censorships, etc. have no political bent unless you forcefully make it one.

I bet you watch capeshit

You have been using reddit for a decade. A decade of your life which could’ve been used for marrying the woman you love, raising a family, starting a business, accumulating wealth. But no. You waste it on fucking Reddit and you’re still a Virgin. And now you’re pretending to better then a capeshitter.


oh no! you've gone back and read things ive posted. im so embarrassed. xd

this is the same guy that is always known to take the PC moral high-ground whenever he can.


really goes to show how phony people are.

Eh, someone from racist SA is probably gunna be racist. More news at 10

>pronouns in bio

who cares what he thinks

disgusting and dehumanizing tbh

Poor poor white people ;_;

Holy shit, even twitter hates Trevor noah

Politics and serious posting aside, his delivery just wasn't too good and kinda awkward

Only thing worse than a cunt who uses "/s" in a post is someone who uses a question mark when they're making a statement.

Blocked and reported.

But imagine the public outcry if anyone were to make a black joke 🙊 but this is okay right ?

Please review your current Progressive Stack Reference Card; jokes about south and east Asians are a-ok. For mayos it is encouraged.

Please award yourself 5 social demerit points for questioning the Stack.

Thank you.

based of the bts guy to call out trevor noah

The quip and the song is horrible, but the idea of Bollywood-styled war sounds like a pretty entertaining one.

Is thinking he has good idea, but poor execution giving him too much benefit of the doubt?

Imagine caring about a mistake a nonmayo had, what a brain let.

Trevor 'Pajeet Shoah' Noah.

he is the black Jimmy Fallon

yeah but he is right, Indians are faggot

T-Series wins

Fuck you op, downvoted for giving me blue balls