The online Juggalo family is torn apart as members of its community are forced to swear allegiance between a longtime moderator and a shitposter who keeps getting his comments removed

54  2019-03-02 by snallygaster


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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How have we never called fags faygs? The extra flourish suits them

Also, I miss old arguments on the internet when up and down votes didn't dull the threats.

Yeah dude the campfire tottaly turned me of on gatherings in general. Cant even listen to ICP the same.

Honestly, they sound like us but smarter

That was my takeaway too

That’s why everyone hates them, because they’re jealous of their big-brains and actual experience with the American working class.

I can relate. People only hate me because of my big-brain.

I hate you because of your big brain and because you’ve never asked me out

You wanna go get some pizza?


This is still ongoing drama. Scruffy quit the forum after some sort of irl confrontation with a different shitposter, and the shitposter in this thread is back as 'Donald_Trump'.

STILL? Its been ongoing since 2016? :O

What else do juggalos have going on for themselves?

Apparently yeah. I found this thread based on a meta-argument from a few months ago. I guess juggalos hold grudges

Yeah dude me and scruffy got into a big ass fight after the gathering cuz i said i had the best weed and mushrooms at the gathering cuz im from the bay area. But we just trolled u guys into thinking we were best friends bonded thru campfire. It worked.

You guys should see some of the heated pms we sent each other.

Our campfire sucked last year.


They sound wholesome and trashy at the same time lmao

The first and last time I ever smoked crack was at a Leftover Crack show in Oakland, AMA.

Crack: Wack?

It’s like cocaine but shorter-acting and much stronger. Makes your whole throat and mouth numb, probably good if you’re trying to get throat fucked now that I think about it.

That's sounds nice tbh.

My question is did you light up with Scott or Ezra?

Neither, boomers.

Ooph... next time they're round try to hang with Stza. He's out of his mind but a hell of a good time with

Alright, what the fuck happened this time, children?

Shhhhhhh... Don't move....

👀 👀 👀 👀 a condescending juggalo 👀 👀 👀 👀

Reminder ICP is a Christian Band