Gillette seemingly backtracks on toxic masculinity with their new ad.

82  2019-03-02 by Ghdust2


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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Arbeit Mach Three.

But why ze blades cozt so much.

SJWs on suicide watch. Another internet battle lost.

you're gonna comment on some irrelevant ad but you were suspiciously absent from that megathot thread yesterday. we needed your guidance saint pizza. are you on the ping list? i wanna start calling in thot patrol.

you can ping me

Oh fuck yeah, dis gonna be fun


hhbomberguy’s recent commie video on suicide watch

Lmao that guy looks exactly how you'd expect

Fun fact: in that video Mr. Combover claims he’s going bald.

You could've just said he has a cope over his comb over.

a cope over his comb over.

I’ll meet you half way by henceforth calling it a copeover.

i made it 25 seconds before i had to close it because that guy is such an insufferable fag, i still dont know if he was pro or anti corporate wokeness

holy fuck

that guy got jaundice or something? why's he look like that?

jesus tapdancing christ, is it possible to be any more woke than that fucking guy

No matter how woke he is, he’s still a cis white male and therefore the enemy.

Also probably a rapist/sex pest.

Holy shit those commenters are even bigger bitches than chapos

stand up and take action! (sorry if thats ableist)

Why would he be on suicide watch? This ad is just more advertising virtue signalling to generate clicks

It took people this long to realize that companies aren't your friends and that message had to come from this fag? I hate people.

that message had to come from this fag?

he certainly thinks so

Is that Guile from Street Fighter 2?

Looks like I can go back to shaving my feminine penis with their razors again

Lycanthropenis. See a doctor.

The Jews did this.

Based trussy

unironically I use a gilette men's face razor on my delicates

Jesus Christ, how many swipes of deodorant does this guy use


88 times a day.


Holy Hell, that's a lot.

Take the deodorant pill

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I wanted to read that cesspool, Gillette cunts

Gillete didnt want to be cucked again


Do they have a twitter?

Sentimental commercials are even worse than purposely controversial ones.

Maybe this is actually supposed to be controversial because it suggests men might be ok

Oh yeah. They know what they're doing. They're just playing puppeteer and it's hilarious.

24 hours and there’s a rant about how Gillete is abusing people’s values to seem appaealing and sell products. Bonus content is that they support fascism cause it’s a white guy in the military getting a job.

24 hours and there’s a rant about how Gillete is abusing people’s values to seem appaealing and sell products.

Wow just like every other company 😒

Gillete is abusing people’s values to seem appaealing and sell products

Bold move. No other company in history has exploited people's values for their own gain. First time

It is unprecedented.

Ugh wh*te “people” 😩😩😩

Even fuckin' Bob Marley sounded white af.

Bob Marley was just as white as he was black.

Jesus christ, just sell the fuckin razors.

It's for deodorant

It's the next commercial that's going to go after "the Jody market."

Are you telling me a company thats run by rich boomers don't give a shit about millennial social justice? So a company pretended to care about something in order to pander to a group for more money?

Fuck the troops

This but unironically 🤭😘

Unless they're mass-murdering commie oppressors 😍😍

Fuck them, then marry them and then cheat on them

Gillette: makes ad showing white men as harassers who are responsible for rape and must be controlled by women and their woke PoC friends

also Gillette: makes ad glorifying a classically handsome white guy in the military raising his white children with his stay-at-home classically attractive white wife

now this is radical centrism!

Perfectly balanced as all things should be. Too much to one side or the other...

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I'm offended by whispy falsetto singing and banging piano chords. Hey fagette, would it kill you to shell out a few bucks for an old country ballad?

what's the point of these adverts? surely they're too long to be broadcast on TV

I think they're designed from the ground up to go viral online rather than to air on tv in the traditional fashion.

This. Just people talking about them. Everyone knows what Gillette does, all they care about is keeping their name in your head.

I thought Gillette was for the mayocide? 😠

Sorry but I'm not letting marketing execs tell me how to act.

That 👉🏻 daddy 😘 can shoot 🏀 his toxic masculinity 💪🏻 in my bussy 🍑 all 🎆 night 🧨 LONG!

Pandering to feminists to pandering to military worshipers.

Ever think of just selling a product you jackasses?

Imagine being offended by seeing a man being a good husband and father.

Gillette is early frontrunner for troll of the year

Gillette never said anything about toxic masculinity though. The conversation surrounding their ad used the term, but they weren't the ones saying that.

Wait, corporations that use political causes to sell products aren't sincere?

They really didn't understand what was wrong about the last ad, now they went the other direction lol. With how diverse modern USA is you don't come up with an ad like this unless you are doing it on purpose. A smarter ad right next after the last one would have been something more self aware "Don't take yourself too seriously but don't let yourself go", I dont know.

Gillette backtracks toxic ad against masculinity.