Anarchists Solve Wealth Inequality

104  2019-03-03 by minority360


I need people to stop banning my lolis. That's all I need! Just let me be with my drawings. Let me enjoy cute happy anime lolis that are so full of love and affection. That let me forget about this horrible world and the shitty people in it. Is that so hard to ask for? Why are people so fucking hell bent on banning lolis? What do they or society gain? I don't like scary slasher movies about people murdering people(illegal BTW). But I don't call for them to be banned nor insult those that enjoy them. One of the few things in life that makes me happy. Little glimmers of joy in my shit life and they fucking ban it because they want to make an extra buck fron ad investors.

Maybe there's a reason why people want these pure, perfect maidens? Could it be that the real world is filled with darwinistic people? Filled with murder, drugs, deasise, genocide, virtue signalling, inequality, false politicians, false ronance, bullies, ect. Where everyone is out to push eachother down to get on top? Yea, no wonder people are so eager to want something better.

Is it really difficult for people to mind their own business? If you don't harm anyone, why ban it?

You know. What about GTA that glorifies crime and actually hurts people in the real world with predatory microtransactions? What about rape fantasies? What about guro? What about furry porn? What if she's canonlly legal age? What about girls that look mature but are underage(Ikkitousen, HSoTD)? What about all that incest porn on pornhub? That's illegal IRL but no one is harping to ban that. What about r/trees? A sub dedicated to glorifying marijuana but one problem...weed has been and still is illegal and classified as a class1 drug in the US. Or the sub that literally shows real kids being killed. Or all those propaganda and ad shilling? But no one bans that!




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What a bunch of retards

yikes sweetie. this aint it.

Imagine how insufferable taking to an anarchist must be.

It's a tranny as well. Just call them a mean word and they'll mentally collapse.


Day 1 at working at the Food Lion kills xir self because black co-workers called him a funny looking faggot.


> Thinks every single person who voted Trump needs reeducation or execution.

These people think the working class is Starbucks baristas and bartenders.

Is it me or are the majority of anarchists transgender. It seems that way tbh

they're both autistic

Autists tend to do autistic things

of fucking course it is

nobody talks to anarchists irl, that's why they're insufferable

Also why they're anarchists

Anarchists used to be cool, ya know. They made all kinds of good music and were fun to be around.
Now they're just all faggots wtf is happening to anarchy smh

Anarchy went from an image of mad max macho to fucking hippie flower fields

The antifa training camp video is also on of the funnier things on the internet. Made so much funnier by the fact that they voluntarily uploaded it before people started having a field day.

Imagine how insufferable talking to an anarchist irl must be.

Different to talking to a libertarian how?

marginally less pedophilia 🤣

Unlike anarchists, real life libertarians are not like Reddit lolbetarians. There’s tons of them in Texas and they just want to shoot their guns and for you to get the hell off their property

There's four types of libertarians: drug addicts, Republicans who want to feel special, three people who actually care about the complex philosophical debate over freedom, and pedos

Lol it doesn’t take a genius political mind to understand the concept of respecting people’s privacy and property

Like 1/3rd of the lolbertarians I've met IRL have at some point constructed some absurd hypothetical involving international waters and a boat they don't own that would allow them to fuck children.

Which, to be fair, means I've met more non-pedo libertarians than I've met well composed adult anarchists who hold down a job and can socialize properly.

Sounds like it’s more the company you keep tbh

If the company I keep is "people that go to my uni" then sure. I guess I should go to school in a different state.

If you keep coming into contact with people like that, maybe there's something wrong with you and the company you keep.

Nah, they seem like pretty typical representatives of their ideologies. Especially the adult-children anarchists.

Just how uni is I guess, it takes all kinds.

Libertarians probably have a higher success rate at establishing careers and living successful lives outside of friendly ideological bubbles (eg. academia), and that almost invariably involves being able to get along with people you disagree with politically.

there are actually a good amount of lolberatarian leaning people in academics, specifically in economics

Sure, that's where I come from. I was mostly trying to draw up an exception to the fact that there probably are some vocal left-anarchists within academia, but they probably don't have to actually interact much with people that they disagree with due to the nature of the industry.

Normally as you become a productive member of society you have to assimilate to whatever norms of propriety and not flip out at everyone who disagrees with you. The alternatives are either (a) find an alternate path to being a productive member of society where this isn't required (eg. academia) or (b) just become a bitter failure. And of course there's endogeneity here, where becoming a bitter failure can cause your ideology - but rarely does this mechanism cause libertarianism (which would tend to assign blame to you instead of some external force) instead of say communism to alt-rightism.

but rarely does this mechanism cause libertarianism (which would tend to assign blame to you instead of some external enemy)

Lol what? Typical libertarians can't go five minutes without blaming the government. I've seen libertarians attribute their failings to the existence of government plenty of times.

Oh you've seen it "plenty of times"? Okay then I'm sure it must be just as common. Totally reasonable.

t. other guy talking out his ass

Yeah man "typical libertarians" literally screech about the government every five minutes. You sound like a real expert on the topic.

"Oh no, someone stereotyped my pet ideology just like I did to another ideology!"

I didn't stereotype anything. I claimed a differential rate in incidence between two groups - in this context, the claim is that libertarians are more-likely to have successful careers that require them to interact with people they disagree with. Saying "not all libertarians have successful careers" does not contradict this, and saying "all libertarians screech about government all the time" is obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

All you're doing is just trying to obfuscate the point by turning it into "how dare you shit on me so now watch me shit on you."

Look, you claimed that libertarianism doesn't give its adherents any kind of "hook" onto which to project their own personal failings in the same way communism and anarchism do with "capitalism". This is very clearly bullshit as stupid libertarians can and do blame the government with the same frequency as stupid communists blame capitalism for their own personal failings.

I'm not here to go on a detour up your asshole about rate of successful careers among libertarians vs communists. I have no idea what the actual statistics are for that, nor do I really care. I'm just calling you out over that one statement.

This is very clearly bullshit as stupid libertarians can and do blame the government with the same frequency as stupid communists blame capitalism for their own personal failings.

Yeah nah I'm gonna have to disagree with that. You would really have to really dig to find examples of this in libertarian spaces. On the other hand, you have subs like /r/lewronggeneration and /r/latestagecapitalism which are almost premised on this sort of cultural resentment.

It's like claiming that there are just as many female incels as male ones. It's insane but if someone comes along and says "prove it" I'll just roll my eyes.

I'm going by my experience during my libertarian phase in Arizona and the people I spent time with during said phase, my experiences growing up and living in Texas, and my time spent hanging out with ancaps and libertarians in Ventrilo. I'm not going to bother with the whole internet-spat "prove me wrong" bullshit as I'm sure neither of us cares to go through that spiel.

I'm less familiar with southern libertarians, but I just have a lot of trouble imagining it being the case that personal victimhood narratives have the same traction in these circles.

It's not outright sympathy-mining like you're thinking of, but there can be resentment.

no u

Not all libertarians are insane, just a few of them. Anarchists on the other hand...

They are literal children though.

I've just started studying IT and at the orientation one of the things that was said was that IT was going to generate something like several trillion dollars of new wealth in the coming decades. And they genuinely said it like it was a good thing and for us to pumped about it. Even though, statistically, we're actually going to see less than less than 1% of it.

That's good, undeniably good, for everyone involved. Unless you are a literal dumbass, you'll actually see some of that money. If you have skills and are good at what you do, you'll see more money, and if you have any kind of entrepreneurial sense, you'll actually manage to make quite some money out of this. Yeah, not everyone becomes a zucc or whatever, but people still manage to make bank of the tech business and this shit aint stopping.

I honestly feel incredibly sad for this kid. Imagine having the chance of studying (already making you more privileged than 99% of the world out there) and having this mindset that people who do better than him are what's wrong with the world.

if only they understood that 'wealth' means more than numbers in bank accounts

if only they read 'the wealth of nations' and actually paid attention to what it said

A real anarchist would understand the billionaires want to kill them, too. I assume this other nonsense is just Russian troll farms

Anti-Semitic dogwhistle tbh

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

The fuck do these squiggles mean?

They're macaroni pieces

"Indra is supreme over all"

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

Shiva would like a word.

Happy Maha Shivaratri!

त्वं ब्रह्मा त्वं च वै विष्णुस्त्वं रुद्रस्त्वं प्रजापतिः ।

त्वमग्निर्वरुणो वायुस्त्वमिन्द्रस्त्वं निशाकरः ॥

Thou art Brahma, thou art Vishnu, thou art Rudra, thou art Agni, Varuna, Vayu, Indra, thou art All

I do not comply with these meaningless awards pushed on us. A high-five however has universal value

Yikes, sheesh, oof.

What a lame asshole.

Anarchism is just a youth subculture like emo's.

The thread proves the trope that all anarchists are in middle school.

> my brain every time schools tell us about it

Anarkiddies, or punkers pampers as call them over here.

> reminds me of that Anita Sarkeesian

Proudhon, Bakunin, Anita: the pillars

You know if we killed all the billionaires we wouldn’t have to worry about that right

You know if we killed everyone we wouldn’t have to worry about anything?


Internet “anarchists” are just communists who are in the closet.

Their definition of “anarchy” is so magnificently tortured.

Not even internet anarchists. Actual anarchy ideology is just a more retarded version of communism.

Communism: we will tear down society and replace it with a utopia where there’s no government and everyone is equal

Anarchy: we will tear down society and a non-hierarchical governing non-government system will naturally form and we will live in an equality utopia

I guess they do not realize that humanity began without a society and eventually it naturally turned into what we have today after literally thousands of years of fucking up and killing each other.

Commies literally want to abolish currency and take us back 1,000 years to the Stone Age know the Stone Age wasn’t 1,000 years ago right

Okay bud 2619 years u happy now

yeah but that’s primitivists, not commies or anarkids

Commies want to abolish currency. Economically, this is the equivalent of tossing your 3 ply toilet paper out the window to go wipe your ass with sticks and poison ivy

My favorite is that one guy who said replace currency with a digital point system where you can also give people points.

the idea is we had to kill each other the first time around bc we didn’t know how to make food, and then one thing led to another

Actual anarchists are ancaps though, the most memeable of all ideologies.

“in the closet”? most anarchists are openly socialist/commie.

Their definition of “anarchy”

you mean “no hierarchies”?

Which is about the stupidest thing imaginable. Even anarchist tribes had hierarchies.

"If we brought down all the big harmful corporations we wouldn't have to worry about global warming being as bad as it is!" - my brain every time schools tell us about it

During the middle ages people didn’t have to worry about global warming either. It was a wonderful time indeed.

“These people...these useful idiots...of course it will be quite the shock for them when the revolution comes and does not deliver their grand dreams of equality and utopia. They are so brainwashed, so deeply infected you could drag him to the concentration camps and force him to look and he still will not believe. He will not believe until a military boot descends to crush his balls. And that is the great irony, by then it will be too late.”

On Mars they don’t have to worry about global warming, either

You wouldn’t have to worry about global warming in pretty much any context other than the one we’re currently living in, really



Leave the agenda snoozeposting to Ed, there are retards in the thread and we can laugh at them.

If we overthrow aristocracy, we will enter new era of freedom, equality and fraternity. the musical.

but that actually happened

it was rocky, the first guy turned out to be a lunatic, but it happened

I really want to gild you but I also don't want to support Reddit anymore than is strictly necessary to communicate these ideas. Will a high-five suffice?

Broke performance art by someone who feels the need to explain their moral stances ad nauseum. Peak /r/anarchism

I really want to gild you but I also don't want to support Reddit anymore than is strictly necessary to communicate these ideas. Will a high-five suffice?

Every day I lose more and more hope for humanity. If dude reads this, I need him to know how actively he is supporting reddit simply by posting anything.

well I think he thinks that’s “necessary” lol

they are right though

commies, conservatives, anarchists, nazis, all of us can get behind killing Jeff Bezos except liberals

You know if we never had the agricultural revolution we wouldn't have to worry about that

The left is learning to meme

I'm sure billionaires feel the same way about anarchists

Daily reminder that the first step after a commie government takes power is killing all those useless tards

Modern society could learn something tbh