Nazi pug man gets a show on BBC Scotland. /r/Scotland cries

637  2019-03-03 by aonome


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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I like how they hate him for joining the only party that backed him up. I also like how they try to sidestep the fact that he was arrested for a joke.

Lefties are nutso cuckoo bananas.

They’re so mad that he calls it a joke too as if he was unironically using a pug to spread his nazi ideology.

Like Hitler would own a pug. German Shepherd master race.

Stfu pugs are the Chad's of the pack, getting laid at base camp with all the bitches while the muscle dogs go out and do pleb work.

Pugs cant even have sex those genetic freaks are too small.

GTFO nerd

Your small, genetic abomination of a pug is an incel just like you.

It's over for pugcels

Hmm, drama poster calling something a genetic abomination? Sounds like projection sweaty.

It's called experience retard.

Lotta experienced retards here then

Check out the Sherlock Holmes ovah here

Thanks! those unpaid internships really work

We need a pug sex expert...

...if only I could page Zaccums

They can have sex. It's their breathing that makes them stop every few minutes.

Shepards übertreffen die Möpse hinsichtlich Nützlichkeit und Schönheit bei weitem. Sie, mein Freund, haben einen hervorragenden Geschmack an Hunden.

Möpse is the most superior word of the supreme language.

German science is the best science


Pugs would be gassed.

It’s one of those things where they know he wasn’t serious, but since it’s the sort of thing a woke progressive would find taboo they infer that he must be on the right, and therefore a piece of shit who deserved what he got.

This is the sort of logic that justified any sort of arbitrary speech restrictions: “Regardless of the explicit content of your message if you’re the type of person that would say this, then we’re going to go after you.”

well its hard to discern sarcasm on the internet teehee :) best to be on the safe side :)


what better way to spread a message of genetic superiority than a dog thats been bred so its face is all mushed together

Are you saying a dog who can barely breath and is known for it's eyes randomly popping out isn't the prime example of an Aryan being?

The issue is that he called it a private joke. When he uploaded it to his meme account or we

Imagine earnestly believing this is a meaningful distinction.

Lmao wdym

This is like 'Jordan Kermitson is alt-right' levels of mental gymnastics.

Literally mocking Nazis is not enough to escape being labelled a Nazi.

I'm a leftie, don't put me in the same category as these intersectional lunatics.

That is the left in 2019.

Maybe in Burgerland.

I'm a leftie, don't put me in the same category as these intersectional lunatics

A dying breed, eh?

Maybe a dying breed on the internet where the degenerate San Fransisco rich brats are purging any opinion online that doesn't support their retarded ideology that is LARPing as left. I don't know, maybe the backlash that is already growing against them might end up helping the actual left too.

Nah, that group is basically completely engulfing the "left".

this but unironically

What the fuck is radlib.

Radical liberal, i.e. having a basically liberal viewpoint, heavily or entirely focused on identity (rather than, y'know, class), while maintaining a flimsy pretense of affection for revolution, socialism, and other such things.

Basically neoliberal imbeciles who spam identity politics hard to LARP as left and differentiate from other economic rightwingers. Basically the worst political cancer you can imagine because not only they support corporate shills like Hillary Clinton but also push a lot of people to the alt-right with their retarded identity poltics.

Clinton was a moderate, not a radical anything you moron. Idpol is the left now. Name a current Democrat contender for President that isn't completely absorbed in identity politics.

Clinton is a psychopathic warmongering cunt that destroyed Libya turning it into a fucking hellhole and tried to do the same to Syria. The orange moron you support is trying to do the same to Venezuela now btw, same shit different dipshits. There's nothing moderate about Clinton, she's a disgusting corporate puppet that fully exploited identity politics in her campaign to convince dumbfucks that she's any different than Republicans.

Sanders and Tutsi aren't actually absorbed in identity politics and try to avoid this shit as much as they can. Can't say the same for Cortez though.

Corporate puppet warmongers are the moderates you dimwit.

They're not by any sense of the word. Just because they're extremely common in Burgerland it doesn't mean there's anything moderate about them. War criminals aren't fucking moderate, shills of fucking bankers that destroyed the middle class aren't fucking moderate. For every percentage increase in unemployment there are thousands of deaths more, did you know that? Take your "moderates" and shove them up your ass.

So your claim is that there is large intersectionality between posters to r/Scotland and San Francisco brats.

Well, it's certainly an opinion.

Maybe a dying breed on the internet that is controlled by the degenerate San Fransisco brats who are purging any opinion online that doesn't support their retarded radlib ideology LARPing as left

Tell me, which one of these words did your brain not manage to process? Reddit for example was very different 3-4 years ago before the San Fransisco shitstains started mass censoring the site. In fact it was more left than now but hated your kind.

It's hard to put into words just how big of a faggot everyone involved in this conversation is.

no u


Maybe a dying breed on the internet that is controlled by the degenerate San Fransisco brats who are purging any opinion online that doesn't support their retarded radlib ideology LARPing as left.

Sir, I am from India and we have traditional Stalinist uncles who literally kill the fascists except for the fact that they are dying and are being rapidly replaced by Intersectional bunch. Just an example to show how rare a creature you are.

Up until two years ago I thought I was more left-wing. I mean, my Trump-supporting cousin calls me a Liberal snowflake. But I'm sure these leftists on r/Scotland and r/PoliticalHumor would call me a Nazi incel.

Don't let reddit define what you are, r/Politicalhumor is literally a DNC shill sub that along with r/politics had its entire mod team replaced when DNC PR companies were taking over these subs around 2016. It's also spectacular unfunny like all astroturfing "humor" is so that's like you saying you think you're no longer funny because fucking r/politicshumor told you.

you're also a faggot that doesn't like penis right? a faggot that only likes vaginas

let's face it, having sex with a woman is the gayest thing a man can do

If you don’t agree this guy is a literal nazi then you aren’t a lefty. If you support free speech you’re right wing, by default

Man, ain't that making it black and white as can be


Black and right wing you mean?

People on the right love controlling free speech though so I find it hard to agree with you there

Ya for dumb shit like cuss words, but now the establishment left has taken their views from twitter outrage, anything that offends is to be deplatformed or shut down. Obviously many actual liberals still support it, but I’m talking mainstream.

Repulicans are trying to stop people from boycotting Israel. I don't care about Twitter. Repubs are trying their hardest to curtail free speech

Both sides shill for Israel, and hard. When that one based terrorist congress woman criticized Israel her party jumped on her quick af

republicucks right wing


"I'm a leftie"

lolbertarians actually believing this

Nah they are the majority and thus lefties

You are a liberal or a racist

To the gulags.

Is it Lefties or kikes?


Liberals are not leftists.

Also, it isn't even limited to liberals. The current Tory (conservative) government has gone further than any previous government in attempts to crack down on hate jokes.

True, in Britain both parties are basically the same when it comes to cracking down on free speech, because they are both neoliberal.

Leftists are no longer liberals, but that doesn't mean liberalism isn't on the left, it just means it's going extinct.

Leftists are no longer liberals

That's the opposite of what is happening - liberals are more and more co-opting leftism, attempting to move the 'left' conversation away from the class struggle towards a concept of racial justice. This new liberal 'left' thinks things such as anti-capitalism is anti-Semitic.

How the fuck are they co-opting something they established? Corbyn is a fucking commie not an old school western leftist, who by the way were liberals you nutjob. Bet you're a filthy commie scumbag too. Marx is the laziest person to exist and anyone who thinks he has anything worthwhile to say is an utter moron. Signed, a proto fascist whatever the fuck that is.

lol the tories aren't liberal? If you're going to seriouspost at least don't be retarded

isn’t his name enough reason to hate him?

It's amazingly retarded that the whole article presents it like he was unironically talking about gassing the jews when the actual joke was how fucking offensive and unacceptable antisemitism is.

Jesus chriiiist it's not even one of those "xD I was pretending to be retarded (for 4real tho)" jokes. The joke is that nazis are bad. These fucking people I stg.

There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about this. He breached a law more than a decade old, found in the Communications Act 2003.

The following is not my opinion. It is from the actual sentencing remarks.

“As a matter of law, the test is not whether the video was offensive but whether it was grossly offensive. That standard is an objective one in which I must apply the standards of an open and just multi-racial society, taking account of context and the relevant circumstances, applying reasonably enlightened contemporary standards, considering whether the message is liable to cause gross offence to those to whom it relates: in this case, Jewish people. It is a high test. I concluded, applying these standards to the evidence, that your video was not just offensive but grossly so, as well as menacing, and that you knew that or at least recognised that risk.

The fact that you claim in the video, and elsewhere, that the video was intended only to annoy your girlfriend and as a joke and that you did not intend to be racist is of little assistance to you. A joke can be grossly offensive. A racist joke or a grossly offensive video does not lose its racist or grossly offensive quality merely because the maker asserts he only wanted to get a laugh.

In any event, that claim lacked credibility. You had no need to make a video if all you wanted to do was to train the dog to react to offensive commands. You had no need to post the video on your unrestricted, publicly accessible, video channel if all you wanted to do was annoy your girlfriend. Your girlfriend was not even a subscriber to your channel. You posted the video, then left the country, the video went viral and thousands viewed it before she had an inkling of what you were up to. You made no effort to restrict public access or take down the video.”

What kind of idiot would think that this explanation makes things better lmao.

The Sheriff who presided over the case. Their opinion, not mine

He got prosecuted because some powerful wealthy Jews decided to make an example of him, and whitey still feels bad about the 6 million.

As a matter of law, the test is not whether the video was offensive but whether it was grossly offensive. That standard is an objective one

I don't care if this guy taught Stephen Hawking how to math, anyone, much less any professional with a college degree, who says that you can objectively define offense is either lying or dumber than a bag of bricks. If this is the best appeal to authority you can muster it's no wonder the establishment is backing down from this guy and handing him TV time.

Distancing himself from people like Sargon, PJW or Robinson would help tbh.

No it wouldn't, it would just sever him from any support.

How come rightoids don't get outeaged when people are arrested for joking that they are going to kill Trump?

Like whom?

Because basically everyone in the world is a fucking hypocrite.

When has this actually happened? IIRC Kathy Griffin isn't incarcerated.

Because threatening to kill someone is a direct threat and determined by scotus to not be free speech?

Nah you can threaten to kill people, it’s only illegal if it’s a “true threat”. Well, except for the president, they’re a more equal pig.

Oh okay so only some speech is feee speech. And that's decided by the courts. So explain how that is any different from this case?

Jokes should never under any circumstances be banned, unironically America's freedom of speech protection is God-tier and I wish we had it in Oz.

Fuck the BBC

Based and blackcockpilled

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

He really needs to teach a parrot to recite the Communist manifesto. Only then can we be healed.

Braaawk! Polly want a gulag! Braaawk!

He certainly won’t be getting any crackers under communism.

Polly's gonna end up in someone's stomach once the store shelves are all empty. :-(

Aww, cmon man, "prolly" wants a gulag

Mr Meechan, if you feel so strongly about free speech, why didn't your solicitor broach the subject during your court hearing, instead resorting to lies about it being a "private joke"?

"shut up. Virgin."

I see. During your fund raising effort, you made around £100,000 from your supporters to pay your legal fees. How much did your solicitor charge in legal fees to appear once in the local Sheriff Court for a few minutes?


Uh, huh. You've previously claimed to be a communist - not a group closely associated with free speech. You've also recently joined UKIP - not a party closely associated with communism. Do you actually have any political viewpoints you're willing to stand by?

"Hurr hur. Triggered?!"

Mr Meechan, thank you for your time. Now we'll go back to the studio, to hear some angry Orangeman squeals about the EU.

IMAX just slid into this dude's DMs for advice on projection techniques.

Yamete O-meechan

IMAXopen minded chad just slid into this dude's DMs"""vagina"""

its too bad we can't ping that fucker over here

I don't really care about this particular comment but how do you write something like this without feeling the need to.... up your personal safety massively right after?

Hahahahaha what a massive faggot.

JFC some people need a state mandated lobotomy.

What an absolute loser, holy shit. Comments like this really make me wonder about "there's chemicals in the water" theories. Men like this didn't exist 50 years ago.

The absolute state

The writings of someone terrified that the Scot Thought Police are going to come for him next.

First they came for the Nazi Pugs...

This was written by someone who's afraid of police visiting him for internet comments in the UK or Scotland.

literally wrote a fanfiction of what he wanted to say lol

just add some bad art and its a tumblr political comic

This conversation I just made up totally makes him look bad, doesn't it?

Is that notch again

Fuck the BBC. Could only last a week before showing what a bunch of cunts they are.

Calm down lol?

Imagine hating black cock this much

Someone's bussy is sore...

Tbf they are a bunch of cunts, he’s got a point

Good bots

This is just retarded britbong nonsense, nobody in America really gives a shit.

nobody in America really gives a shit.

lol american conservatives are obsessed with this guy and his court case.

This is sort of true. What happens around Europe especially Western Europe has the attention of conservative Americans. Like brexit probably helped during trumps campaign.

brexit helped trumps campaign robert mueller has entered the chat

Americans like to point out what a shithole our country would be without protections for freedom of speech.

You say that almost like it isn't an extremely good point for them to make

Europeans don't seem to get that they live in nanny states so its fun to point it out.

Fair enough. Eurocels have burgercels licked in a few places like healthcare and not getting shot in school, but at least I don't have to worry about the nanny state forcefully giving me a prostate exam every time I take a shit or whatever you retards have to put up with. My government is woke enough to realize if I die at 55 of prostate cancer than they don't have to pay out social security and that's how I like it.

be responsible middle class American with health insurance, low tax rates

get cancer

don't be worried because usa has highest cancer survival rates on earth

get treated quickly, out of pocket costs are capped at 8k.


go on internet to hear euros talk about how backwards America is

laugh, drink more of the mountain dew that gave you cancer in the first place

shoot home invader with ar15

I'm glad I'm reading this while wearing my Red, White and Blue American Eagle underwear.


And don't get excited, I'm on r/drama so I'm obviously not a grill.

post Bpussy

Le 56% face

fuuuuuuuuuck i spent all of my money on booze and weed and tv dinners and video games and now i cant afford top of the line healthcare >:^(

I see nothing wrong with this.

Be American.

Know that cancer only lasts for a year so costs are capped at $8,000.

After one year stop treating cancer because I'm cured.

Die of cancer.

this one was weirdly accurate

lol burger pride

Literally every country in the world has either been saved from Nazism by the US, saved from Communism by the US, had their government toppled by the US, or had half their population bought and shipped as property to the US. That is in the span of less than 250, who can match that?

S-s-shut up Amerifat 😡


what about India

Currycels don't count REEEEEEE

not getting shot in school

I'd rather have a 0.001% chance of getting shot in a school than a 0.1% chance of getting blown up or hit by vans of peace.

Over the last 5 years, rough numbers :-


200,000 in 330m chance of dying from an easily curable disease.

65,000 in 330m chance of dying from a gunshot wound.


349 in 500m chance of being killed by an Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist.

65,000 in 330m chance of dying from a gunshot wound.

No one was talking about gunshot deaths, they were talking about getting shot at school.

Yeah its worth having a horrific chance of getting shot just as long as its not at school...

Lol, nothings as dumb as a gun nut.

Luckily im not a black male in a gang.

the shot in school thing is so dumb too

thats like the government banning cars and theyre all like "well we dont have car crashes"


lol im in australia where we have gun control u fag im just saying at least we arent as gay as england about it

Every time I point out how you can get fined or thrown in jail in Europe for jokes, some Eurotard inevitably responds with some variation of, "You don't have freedom of speech either because you can't threaten to murder people!!!"

Well they are retarded because they weren't raised to know any better. Its our job as Americans to flex our constitutional dicks all the way to Europe so they know they are pathetic.

Amerifats are such pussies they couldn't even stomach public execution of dave for calling ainsley harriot a nigger lmao

because Europeans love nanny states

why are 56%ers so bad at banter

Everyone should be obsessed with this case because it sets a fucked up precedent. Having said that if it was an antifa youtuber getting jailed for jokes something tells me Trumptards wouldn't care so much. But again, wasn't Count Dankula a leftie before this happened and he was pushed to the alt-right because of the fucking woketards? At this point I'm just arguing with myself.

From what I know of him was he used to be quite left leaning potentially even a socialist. Along with supporting an independent Scotland. Then in an ironic twist the only group of people that supported him in the Political sphere where British Nationalists belonging to UKIP. In the end I don't believe he is Alt-Right. I keep seeing it plastered on him without further proof except for the fact he associated with people considered Alt-Right and he made that video.

And it is a dangerous precedent. I still need to read the full details of the case but he was essentially made an example of in the interest of nobody. In the grand scheme of things his entire case cost more than the fine he was issued. Of course not counting his long term employment opportunities including that current one with BBC Scotland.

To touch on though on what you said about Trumptards not caring is the opposition got the same treatment. I do distinctly remember Count Dankula calling to support Graham Linehan (The writer/creator of the Black Books TV series) being charged and then issued a "Verbal Harassment Warning" by the police for being alleged to harassing and divulging personal information with a transgender woman over Twitter. Despite the fact Graham Linehan was one of many who called Count Dankula an Alt-Right mouth piece who made that Pug video with intent to cause hate against Jews.

You're right about the alt-right part in my post, I don't know enough to make that description, I edited it out. But I have read enough on the case, it's even more Orwellian than you think.

The prosecutor actually made the argument that the state can make assumptions about the a joke's true intentions (eg to support a far-right narrative and antisemitism) even though the person who actually made it says otherwise. In other words they tell the person they prosecute what they really thought when they made a joke and prosecute based on that. And the best part is that the fucking court agreed with that argument and fined him.

From what I know of him was he used to be quite left leaning potentially even a socialist

He used to be a commie and has the hammer and sickle tattooed on his chest


The best thing is his explanation of it is usually "I used to be a communist, then I grew up".

Mate, you make a living shitposting about internet memes to manchildren, you haven't grown up at all.

Mate, you make a living shitposting about internet memes to manchildren, you haven't grown up at all.

He didn't grow up, he leveled up

Produced by

Dick Wolf

well, relatively grown up.

Still an improvement on being a commie.

Being dead is an improvement on being a commie, anything is. Atleast if youre dead you won't be bringing society down with you.

holy shit this makes this the best example of the left shooting itself in the foot I've seen in a long while

Along with supporting an independent Scotland.

thats the thing with scottish people, they can have whatever personal views they want they almost all vote for the Scottish party. its sort of a good system though, even the scots on the far right and far left will come together in solidary with their shithole sub country of scotland. even Sean Connery supports it.

Dangerous precedent. If you pug to do a Nazi salute, then who knows what animal you won't be able to next?

He was a straight up commie when compared to amerifats. None of this mater's though because he played EVE so he deserves what ever he gets.

Oh, Hes an EVE player all my sympathy has gone and i sincerely hope he gets the chair now.

Like leftied are obsessed with britbong exit drama. If it makes your side look good, apparently its worth blathering about on the internet. Im looking forward to seeing the right left alignment over india/pakistan.

A whole nation living rent free

cool meme

We like to keep a eye on future colonies.

every retarded thing the left does globally makes americans vote for trump more


What does those this shit have to do wih trump

Everything revolves around daddy

I've recently become a solipsist, only I believe that Trump is actually the only real person in the world and we are all just participants in his elaborate fantasy

Trump won in Scotland?

if hed litreally whipped his tadger out and said "i just wanna be a nazi" he'd probs have got off easier

I still pay my license fee because I’m a believer in public service broadcasting, even though the BBC is clearly in dire need of reform.

But I’m not paying to give alt-right shills a platform.

Disgraceful decision by the BBC.

These people are parodies of themselves.


This is good for drama coin, blue checktards will keep up their perpetual outrage at anything and everything until they get their own way because it works.

Obviously it’s bad for society but who cares about that anyway?

We need to care about society to a certain extent. Dramacoin will lose its value if society seizes to exist, its like the ying yang principle.

Yeah but imagine its peak just before society crumbles.

The dramacoin bubble

A pug and Terry crews. They really have a great sense of choosing who to express their outrage for.

Why do they hate Crews?

He just said kids need a father figure,so naturally all the single moms and soy grins had a field day with saying he's perpetuating toxic masculinity.

Yeah, look at all those super successful kids who grow up without a strong male role model and definitely don't have behavior issues and end up in jail at a crazy rate

Stfu chapo

Fuck chapofags

Imagine listening to a podcast named after Male ejaculate and taking their view points seriously

"I'm gay and I need to get my political opinions from other people" - you

I been hating chapofags since before cum town existed, bitch


Imagine thinking being a father is toxic masculinity

i mean he ain't wrong

Other way around, they hate his groper


McEnaney's got a soybeard

When approached for comment, Meechan responded with an image of someone holding a gun, with the caption "shut the f*ck up journalist".

It must be utterly terrifying to have an anime girl pointing a 2D gun at you.

After displaying the stunningly good judgement of spending your free time teaching a dog how to do the Nazi salute on command, please let us know what your opinion is on other issues.

From the article

The appointment will outrage members of Scotland’s Jewish community


Trying too hard.

O hai Ewindal <3

This is the weirdest reunion I've ever had.

Same. Let's never speak of it again.

are there even any Jews there?

There are lots of Jews named "Scott" so there are bound to be a lot of Jews there.

can't argue with that

Google says there are about 6000. So basically, no

Interestingly they make up 5000 of Scotland's 7000 successful inhabitants.

Scotland like to pretend they're inclusive and diversie yadadada when It's just full of white junkies and underage pregnancies

They’re like the South but kinda cool.

  • dumb but cool sounding accent

  • aspirations of independence

  • dislikes the rest of the country they're a part of, despite being the poorest part of that country

  • largely Scottish ancestry

If they didn't pretend they'd be the next Norway if it wasn't for the Anglo boot holding them down they'd be the South of the North of Britain.

More like the reservation.

It was Scottish Jews that were the ones that put him through the courts. Some kind of Scotland Jewish Congress or some bullshit.

I guess the author knows how Jews react to things.

That's pretty bigoted them to assume that Jews complain about everything.

Jews upset at derogatory portrayal of Nazis in rude joke.

X doubt.

Reminder this is what scotts are like

This is what the English have to put up with

Also any time you post an inbred looking British person they will always be Scottish

Nice try dude

Stop being a benefits scrounger


Stop being a benefits scrounger

Oh okay

This but unironically

the english aren't any better, the anglo menace needs to be dealt with

The brown man fears gods chosen people

Are C*lts human?

Don't lie mate I've seen enough Jeremy Kyle to know you guys have your own fair share of fetal alcohol syndrome.

It's hilarious how these people argue semantics to claim he was not prosecuted for making a joke. Like if the offense isn't called "crime of making a joke", then obviously he wasn't prosecuted for a harmless joke... 300 IQ.

You should look at how the US supreme court handles socially contentious issues and tell me how they arent right.

That headline, though.

Scotland is full of SJWs now?



Pretty much every seperatist region in the west is significantly more left-leaning than the rest of the country. Quebec in Canada is a Liberal stronghold and the only place that is likely to go NDP, Catalonia joined CNT-FAI during the civil war and still to this day pretty much all independence parties there are left coaltions, and Scotland is very, very strongly Labour.

And then there is Flanders

Youre retarded lol. The plq is right wing, the new cons and lefties are anti immigration and religion. Quebec politics is all over the place, defining it based on the screechers in Montreal makes no sense, they boycotted the last election because there was no progressive party. Fuck there were posters for a protest against Quebec solidaire racism at my uni last week, fucking quebec solidaire, their spokeperson is a mayo woke feminist with a mustache . There is no left right dichotomy here, were just idiots.

Quebec hates immigrants. I don't even mean refugees, just literally all non-Quebecois people. They're not traditional lefties because they don't agree with leftie culture, they just want money from the government.

scots and irish don't much like non-scots or irish, either. They're culturally traditionalist, but socially progressive, in part for the reason you said, but also largely in part because they do not like the status quo they live in currently where they see themselves treated as second-class citizens to whatever the dominant group is, so they instead join the side which advocates against the conservative status quo.

The SNP is super lefty SJWs who say that if we get independence everything will be free despite being a nation of alkies. That being said I will guess 90% of SNP voters don't have a clue what a SJW is or give a fuck about trannies, feminism ETC. They just don't like the English and don't really pay any attention to what the SNP actually do. Scottish people are not at all politically correct.

The UK is a silly place. Jew jokes? BAD, go to jail. Paki sex gangs that rape and kidnap children? STOP RIGHT THERE RACIST.

nazi pug *criminal*


Britain is a Democrat's wet dream (except for being far too white).

Meanwhile, the EU is chock full of unwoke countries who still think drawing the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) should not result in a public stoning.

Which is why it was so hilarious seeing conservative Americans celebrate the Brexit vote, as though it was the act of a "red-pilled" populace sticking it to the EU "cucks".

The EU might as well be Germany and France. They're the only 2 non-NEET countries that matter and they are the EU "cucks". It's good to leave the NEET Chads like Poland and Greece to their care.

To be fair i think Brexit is just the opening shots in a generation long war to break the institutional cancer that afflicts us. I think other countries will inevitably follow the UK and the EU will disintegrate in a disorderly mess just like the USSR did.

Meechan isn't in jail and the Paki rapist gang are, despite Tommy Robinson's attempts to fuck up the trial. What are you on about.

Good job UK, it only took decades of people reporting sex crimes and the fathers of the kids getting arrested while trying to rescue them for you to do something about it. Now we can go back to focusing on the real criminals, nonviolent comedians on the internet!

No one is focusing on Meechan. Even the judge was pretty dismissive of the case lol. The only reason people think it's relevant is because the dipshits on social media signal boosted the fuck out of that nonsense.

Imagine living in a place that uses valuable police resources and tax dollars to police the internet for mean comments. The fact that these laws exist at all speaks volumes.

I don't think I ever disagreed the laws are retarded, just with this pearl clutching bullshit that Meechan is behind bars and Pedo gang isn't, when it's demonstrably untrue. Lol, please do keep getting worked up into a tizzy over some nontroversy that doesn't affect you in anyway though.

lul u mad?

Fuckin bottom tier bantz from an inbred tea guzzler thats falling over himself to defend pedo Pakis. Why did I expect more?

I'm not even from the UK. Please continue losing your shit over some dipshit wasting some other countries resources with a court summons. 100% using the exact same resources that the pedo gang investigation needed. Lol the amount of retarded circle jerking around this guy is hilarious.

Im not even from the UK.

But wait!

Posts constantly in UK sub and Ireland and references living locally.

Fuckin lol

Ireland is not part of the UK, but I wouldn't expect someone who promotes a ukipper to know that. After all you're all as brain dead retarded as Meechan lol

Ireland is not part of the UK

i’d say denial is the first stage, but that’s about to be functionally true again

No one really cares about Ireland in any way, its not like it does anything more than provide tax shelters and be utterly useless in any international matter.

Cool, cause we were talking about the retarded Nazi pug man, not Ireland. Lol but nice try

I guess a retarded government would be a solid indicator of a retarded population, thanks for clearing that up.

going through post history to settle dispute

big yikes.

taking 30 seconds to make better targeted shit posts

Do better.

Oh you're shitposting. I thought the hibernocel got you triggered for a sec. Carry on.


inbred tea guzzler


I'm not even from the UK.

- Is hibernocel 🤔

Previous comments implied I was a Brit, and tea guzzler isn't usually slung at potatoe pickers.

all britbongs are equally inferior

imagine the UK using tax dollars in literally any sensible way

any form of british resistance to the UK government over the past 600 years

Based Ollie Cromwell did this with the added bonus of kicking the Mick.

gonna arrest you next if you dont stop being so retarded

Go away alt fag

sorry i have a duty to help the less abled

Living up to your flair

Come back with your main account, alts are for fags.

Using an alt

Weird cope but ok

My bad, you just post wayyyy too much in drama.

You act like there is any other sub worth being active in

Good job UK, it only took decades of people reporting sex crimes and the fathers of the kids getting arrested while trying to rescue them for you to do something about it.

now imagine how long it would have taken if the rapists were white radio hosts

I really enjoyed that, thanks!

Lmao keep deluding yourself you spineless rat

Good stuff kiddo. Keep up the good work 👍

they arrest Pakistani gamgs for being racist?

Little Jews crying again about anything that doesn't fit to their desired world view. Buncha fags

uh what does this have to do with with “worldview” exactly

Found another crybaby Jew

Learn how to use words lol

You're in drama faggot...

bitch i live here

Then you're even more retarded than I thought


lol Jews didn't even care initially, he got arrested because the local council was scared at the idea they *might* kick up a ruckus.

You’re as retarded as the people in that thread lmao

Found another big nose

You’re mad

I’m disappointed

seriousposting lol

this is why it good that the Muslims are making europe great again

Meechan will star alongside reality TV personality, James English, and Edinburgh-based dominatrix, Megara Furie.

Wait WHAT??

BBC is fairly woke now

If you open the The Mail past the first page, they have another headline labelling the dominatrix 'sleazy', just so you know how serious they are about being progressive.

The Scottish sell themselves as these rugged, surly, no nonsense people but the minute a dude teaches his dog an offensive trick the whole nation is screaming

There is a culture of fragility and racism among cybernats. The bitterness over things like sports is funny to watch

They really hate English people to the point of supporting terrorism.

Isn’t that reasonable?

Yes it is. Anglos are scum tbh.

i think it is, we must remove the anglo menace

Not really. They've had thousands of years to get their shit together and still can't manage it. Scotland is just fortunate that it was the eternal Anglo oppressing them and not an actual competent oppressor like the Persians or Egyptians.

They've had thousands of years to get their shit together and still can't manage it.

What does that have to do with the English?

not an actual competent oppressor like the Persians or Egyptians.

How would either of them get through Turkey?

What does that have to do with the English?

Nothing. That's the point. Scots blame England for muh oppression when it's really a failure of P*ct culture.

How would either of them get through Turkey?

I believe taking things too literally is a symptom of the 'tism.

Scotland has spent the last 2,000 years with Roman and English boots on their neck. The only thing rugged and surly about them is their boy hole after the weekly rebellion gets put down.

I was told there's a certain class of moralising, slavish and Europhilic Scot that has based their sense of self around calling England racist, hating the Tories, gay/transexual identity politics and wearing badges about loving refugees, but it's a shallow and sad bunch.

I'd believe it since country based subreddits in my experience tend to be laughably out of touch with real life opinions of that country.

My dad is Scottish and when I moved here I was expecting everyone to be easygoing salt of the earth types like him, but when I got to my uni induction day and the student rep introduced herself with “my pronouns are...” it unfortunately set the tone for a lot of what was to come. Luckily if you get tired of it you can just go hang out with old people or drug addicts

Its the same middle class, young, female/soy, guardian reading, latte swigging, liberal arts degree shitters you have in the states.

Whole nation? More like tabloids trying to sell papers and your typical pearl clutching middle class lefties. I can guarantee you most people would just laugh or not give a fuck.

He wasn't arrested for having views unacceptable to the government. He was arrested (under UK law, by the way), for broadcasting offensive comments over the internet.

These are the type of people who unironically watch V for Vendetta

Remember when lefties used to be the edgy ones. What the fuck happened.


counterculture became mainstream.

You gotta have a license to TV in the UK?

Yeah and you even have people whose job is to go door to door to ask if you have your TV lolcense. Or so the internet would have me believe.

It's not milkshake duck, but it's something like it

The hell is a milkshake duck? Is this some chapo retardation?

worse, old twitter liberal retardation

It's recycled goonspeak on weird twitter referencing the concept of discovering something enjoyable only to immediately find out that thing is insufficiently woke.


Lol it has a fucking wikipedia page

The best part is they have to pay the BBC license lmao

William Wallace to this...

why would you reward someone who calls himself “Count Dankula”?

Count Dankula is quite entertaining on youtube so there's a chance the show will be good, and cause more worthwhile discussions on easily triggered national subreddits.

BBC changed their mind when blue checkmarks complained, he won't be appearing now

Damnation, and fuck the BBC.

Oi m8 you got your cheeky goose-stepping pug loicense on you?

I still cannot understand the legal basis of his conviction. It is a total farse. How could his joke promote hatred [or whatever was that bullshit]

It ALL boils down to him making a joke and the persecution twisting the law [which is already quite subjective in its definition of "grossly offensive", what is that even meant to be?] to punish him because some group was offended.

"I found it proved that the video you posted, using a public communications network, was grossly offensive and contained menacing, anti-Semitic and racist material." Let us see the situation. It's a guy who trained a dog to make a Nazi salute. Whatever. Bad taste joke. Bad offensive joke. There was no mens rea. There was no criminal intent.

"The evidence before this court was that the video was viewed as grossly offensive within Jewish communities in Scotland and that such material tended to normalise anti-Semitic attitudes and provoke further unpleasant anti-Semitic messages and as such" - that is just such a far fetch argument. We might as well apply it to murder jokes, rape jokes, and so on.

The entire law under which he was convicted is bullshit. If this case goes to ECHR I am pretty sure he would win. There was a case of a woman dressing as Jesus and pretending to have sexual dreams. That was cencosered and ECHR overruled it.

At least he made me aware that I shouldn't bring my pug to the UK- I can't get her to stop denying the Armenian genocide.

genocide is when you kill poeple tho

And BBC Scotland has already announced that they're not going to be airing the segments with him.

Rightoids on suicide watch 🤯

"Nazi pug man" lol...



What's wrong with that?

And why did you say "nazi pug man" in quotation marks?

I knew you were going to be prejudiced and assume some bad shit from nothing. lol at your insecurity for assuming I was imply anything negative by quoting "Nazi pug man".

Listen, it was a funny thing to say, "Nazi pug man"... it's funny, thus the lol. That - is - all. lol at the insecure mods on reddit.

What are you talking about fam

This is the rabbit hole I was talking about with these reddit losers.

From finding something funny to "kink-shaming and centrist-shaming".

Jesus Christ, what's next on your insecurity list? How else can you further your prejudice?

The rabbit hole continues...

Big yikes!

Right, like, damn, you can't find a title funny anymore without being judged? lol

Perhaps jealous of the kinky centrist mod cv you got going!

No kinkshaming

No prejudice. No False Narratives.


Good for him!

Stalin locked the thread now because of evil drama trolls... Lmao

Y'all couldn't behave.

The judge in that case had no idea how the internet works, if he thinks that putting it on line shows that the defendant didn't mean for it to to annoy his girlfriend.

Neither did his lawyer for that matter

Apparently we can't discuss this without resorting to nothing but personal attacks and the added brigading of this post from /r/Drama so I'm locking it.

Literally one of the top comments his giving him shit for having a bad hairline and calling the dude ugly, even tho he's pulled a wife that's literally every NEETs goth girl dream qt3.14.


I agree that the claim it was for his gf is bogus. All of these "youtube prank" videos are made for a mass audiance while claiming a kind of privacy. And during his trial he seemed determined to use it to develop notoriety, and ever since.

These retards literally think the snapchat video compilation for a channel of like 10 subscribers is a mass audience.

This shit is why I support the setting up of a Mutawa in the west to enforce Sharia law. Inshallah

Posting a link to a thread is brigading so let me post a link to a thread

ban mods tbh

From braveheart, to the pussies you see now. What a shithole country, no wonder nobody likes them.

There are a lot of gormless retards in Scotland, evidently.

"As best as anyone can tell, the prosecutor said "It's not for the defendant to define for the court what the context of the video is".

That does not mean 'context is irrelevant'. It means you have your version of events, that it was a joke and therefor acceptable to do - but the court will decide for itself whether being a joke is enough of a justification - and in this case it decided it wasn't, primarily because the rest of the Dankula's story didn't add up.

...cause making decisions on the legal acceptability of your actions is what courts are for."

The fact that somebody wrote this and unironically thought this state of affairs is just is extraordinary to me.

I'm old enough to remember the late Cold War and I remember hearing about the Stalin era; the Russians have got no freedom, they can be sent to jail for making a joke, for making fun of Stalin.

Imagine the above comment in that context; "you have your version of events, that it was a joke and therefore acceptable to do- but the court will decide for itself whether being a joke is enough of a justification."

Can we make jokes about Nazis and the Holocaust, or can't we? Monty Python did it, Spike Milligan did it, we had a whole sitcom about the war with comedy Nazis in it, apparently Jimmy Carr and others have made holocaust jokes, the Sex Pistols had a song called "Belsen Is A Gas"... None of them were ever prosecuted. Apparently you can make jokes about these things if you are well-known and wealthy, but not if you're poor and obscure.

Apparently we can't discuss this without resorting to nothing but personal attacks and the added brigading of this post from /r/Drama so I'm locking it.

Butthurt mods strike again.

resorting to nothing but personal attacks

Meanwhile the top comment is making fun of his appearance and the second is a made up conversation (and not even a clever one at that).

I have auto-RES tagged all /r/Scotland users .. they always turn up on other British subreddits and all they wanna talk about is Scotland, some Scottish politician, Scottish independence. They all pile in to any Scotland-related thread too and upvote the fuck out of all their mates. Absolute twats 95% of them, at least.

They're only topped by Irish redditors in the cunt league to be honest. Irish redditors are the biggest winging victim-obsessed crybullies in the redditshere. No1. topic of discussion is England, England Bad, the English, the British empire, colonialism, English Racist. As if the Irish weren't fully involved with sending their settlers around the world to populate other peoples lands, or in enslaving Africans. What irks me is the Irish get all the benefits of being white, but they also somehow magically get to successfully paint themselves as victims and oppressed people. I have never interacted with an Irish person on reddit that wasn't a whiney permavictim cunt.

Truly the Jews of the white race.

They're only topped by Irish redditors in the cunt league to be honest. Irish redditors are the biggest winging victim-obsessed crybullies in the redditshere. No1. topic of discussion is England, England Bad, the English, the British empire, colonialism, English Racist. As if the Irish weren't fully involved with sending their settlers around the world to populate other peoples lands, or in enslaving Africans. What irks me is the Irish get all the benefits of being white, but they also somehow magically get to successfully paint themselves as victims and oppressed people. I have never interacted with an Irish person on reddit that wasn't a whiney permavictim cunt.

Can confirm, r/Ireland is easily one of the worst subs on the site

t. Mick

Too right mate, poor old Blighty gets a right bad wrap. Never did nothing to nobody.

Heart reacts only for our beloved Britannia and her infinite benevolence lest the Gammon get all red in the face and shouty at the sight of themselves in the mirror.

Touched a nerve did I, Mick?

No, but I wouldn't be surprised if you touched kids.

I touched yer ma’s fanny

Sure you did Gary Glitter, most likely when she was six.

Y'all can't behave

That top comment is so stupid that it makes me nauseous. Imagine smugly having a fake conversation, like the kind you'd imagine having while you're in the shower, and then posting it on the internet - and then people think it's so lit that like 40 people show their appreciation with orange arrows. Jesus Christ this website is stupid.

Why is every city or country sub full of woketards?

Lol they just locked the post.

"B R I G A D I N G"

His defence that it was "just a joke" failed in court.


It was also a lie

Does this guy think the dude was actually planning to gas the Jews?

No, he thinks he trained his inbred dog to gas the Jews.

You'd think with all the money Scotland gets from the UK they'd spend some on education.

If you guys wanna know how bad a drama post is, just look at the upvote count. The quality of a post here is inversely related with its popularity.

This but unironically

Butthurt we are making fun of the idiots that made a huge deal of a "Nazi pug"??

No not really. You can check the top monthly posts and see for yourself.


Count Dankula finally got a job!

i like how he got arrested because they said context doesnt matter

and then all the twitter nerds keep saying it too to reference his joke, whoops looks like theyre nazi criminals too

>Jewish people complaining backfires.


well this is bizarre

The worst thing about that man is the fact that he owns a pug.