Based transwoman of color says that trans people should put effort into their transition. Tea is spilled, wigs are snatched, and privilege is checked as leftbook melts down.

440  2019-03-04 by LGBTQdrama


In The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a syncretistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.

We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:

The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.

Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When Sauron is defeated, it is not because Aragorn is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realises his mistake.

I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Gollum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.


In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.

In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


This but unironically

Quintessentially Lynchian, Lovecraftian, Gigeresque, Baudrillardian, Tolkienian, Boschian, Kafkaesque, Barkerian, Burtonesque, Cronenbergian, Verhoevanesque, Peakeian, and Baconesque.

>missing the subtle Borgesian undertones


What the fuck is the original context of this quote?


Fan art for tlcs tranny show

/tv/ jazz thread.

So this is what English majors do after they graduate

retarded incorrect analysis




Oh my god I actually laughed to a bot post.

Nothing to be ashamed of. The bot is easily the funniest poster here


I’m fucking crying laughing


Wtf that’s rude


Damn a lot of these people have fetish victim fantasies. Pls don't make us part of your kink.

But making you part of my kink is my kink. Don't kink shame me!

Hm, I think this can only be solved by some 6d intersectional chess. Bring your best pronouns.

kink shame

Seeing this phrase a lot on this sub.

You can practically feel the rush of euphoria as they write:

Fuck off, I got kicked out of college, fired from my job and came home to find everything I owned on fire in the yard and got chased for several blocks by my roommate with a fucking axe.

why do they always make up the most insane shit that is so obviously fake?

What? That’s literally what it said in the post

That's why we need to abolish gender.

based hot take comment.

no, we need to abolish white people

Of course, mayocide is the noblest goal. 😭

We must sieze the means of deduction(of gender)



as in force all male zoomers to be traps?

As in acknowledge biology m8

ok then you can fuck off with that boring shit dork

I identify as <animal curiously associated with women's anatomy>. I are subtext expert!

I’m more disturbed by the fact that one of them thought tilapia wasn’t a real fish.

Is there a tranny who is really into fishing?

I mean, actual fishing. Like, with a rod. Er-

I see what you did there lol

Also that someone things that cats have five fingers and has an opposable thumb.

lmao @ at that one person who claimed he/she/it was kicked out of college, got all its possessions set on fire, and chased with an axe by a roommate, all because it was trans..

more likely it was because you are a bad person or hang out with insane people..

How can a college legally kick you out for being a tranny? Unless it was Liberty University or another bible school, they don't care. He probably did some crybully shit and got expelled for misconduct.

probably sexual misconduct

Kept trying to pressure lesbians into dating him because he's a woman, too.

But the cotton ceiling!!! /s

Aka male feminism

It probably was some kind of bible school. For some reason trannies are always drawn to places they know they aren’t welcome.

I don't think those credits are transferrable to real schools anyway.

Some are but it's easier to not go at all. Someone told me that they went to a Christian college and after being told it was accredited and they attended they found out it wasn't so clearly Christian recruiters are not above lying.

However, I don't see why someone who isn't religious or is LGBT would go somewhere like that.

Civil rights suits are very profitable.

yeah like the men's room

He probably did some crybully shit and got expelled for misconduct.

or, more likely, it literally never happened.

but victim mentality goes hand in hand with being trans

and is, oddly, so tightly bound with left-wing (leaning anarchist) politics, as well.

Name a more iconic trio, I defy you.

Being a tranny and suicide

trannys and loli pedophilia

Trannys and drug addictions


smh reading comprehension

so tightly bound with left-wing (leaning anarchist) politics.

my man trump literally cries on twitter when SNL makes fun of him

let's not pretend it's exclusive to leftoids

literally cries

You keep using that word...

ebin princess bride meme bro never seen it before


A disproportionately high amount of transgender people are genuinely awful human beings to the point that the fact they want to chop their dick off is the least concerning things about them. There's a high overlap with cluster B personality disorders and general neuroticism.

A disproportionately high amount

Oh yeah? What's the proportion?

a kajillion to 1

Yeah? I bet you're replying expecting me to come in and hit you with some facts and numbers, right? I chuckle softly and instead of sifting through Google search results, I simply turn to you and give you a knowing smile. You freeze up, but fear turns to... a peculiar sense of lust as I stand up from my chair and reach my arms around the small of your back to pull you in close to me. I hope you weren't planning on... "JAQing off", as the libtards put it. You whimper. I twirl your hair around my fingertips as warm, comforting breath passes through the thinned locks. Maybe someone else could do that.

This is the cringest shit I have ever read.

But little did he know, Cringe was his fetish


no seriously i know 10 trannies through my work and through programming communities and 7/10 actively scheme to tear down others to make themselves victims. Four have sent themselves death threats for attention.

... where the fuck do you work that you know 10 trans people?

My guess is Google.

i direct you to talk to my lawyer


7/10 women are batshit insane, so it's really not that bad comparatively speaking. Crazy trussies are just good at behaving like gussies.

Cool story bro




This entire post is just one big serious posting mess.

Trannies are retarded and people that dislike trannies are retarded and we need to keep it at that.

A disproportionately high amount of transphobic people are genuinely awful human beings to the point that the gender bigotry stuff is one of the least concerning things about them. There's a high overlap with cluster B personality disorders and general neuroticism.

And again, I don't mean "bad human being" as in the "has politics I disagree with" sense. I mean stealing, domestic abuse, guilt tripping, drug addiction/dealing, rudeness, selfishness, child grooming, death threats, histrionics, that kind of stuff. Sane transphobic people generally just try to fly under the radar and avoid interacting with those in the "gender critical community."

yeah I too run into a lot of child grooming transphobes

don't forget the autism

But is there any personality trait worse than having political opinions that aren't radical centrism?

Most likely it was because it happened in their head.

if you have a skin condition that means you can't shave


some people get really irritated skin when they shave closely.

By my understanding its more common with black people but I don't have solid numbers on that.

Using a safety razor will fix this, it worked for me

Electric razor too. Will leave stubble tho, preferably to having an itchy face

Yeah I can understand all the work involved putting a trans person off, but we all know 90% of lazy trans women don't have that condition

Honestly I was talking more for my fellow men

Based trans woman in the screenshots linked is totally in the right. You cant call yourself a woman and not make the minimum attempt to seem like one. Waxing exists for those who cant shave

But you run into the problem of defining what a woman is by exclusively feminine things, which is what the feminists have been fighting against for 40 years (at least).

Yeah I agree, but unfortunately trans women are actively redefining being a woman to just being anything that feels like a woman. It's worse than just saying women look like women I think

yeah but who cares if the definition of 'woman" is devalued?

its all just a scam to sell dresses and dodge the draft.

Those of us who have the capacity to worry about the fabric of society and shit of that nature

Maybe that was a fucking retarded fight to have to begin with. Maybe this whole "acting like men and women are totally and completely the same" thing has fucked all sorts of things up.

Im not saying thats wrong. My feminist indoctrination led me to believe we should value feminine things more, but that line of reasoning couldnt compete. It turned for a while into, feminine things are bad, before trannies and "toxic masculinity" came into the picture. Now, having accomplished everything they set out to do, theyre just trying to remain relevant.

I don't understand why this is so controversial. If you're a biological woman, but you've been cursed with broad shoulders and a caveman figure, perhaps a tee and board shorts aren't the way to go, unless you're trying to look like a 15 year old who plays outside linebacker.

well, now thats a different thing altogether. Youre talking about a literal woman with more steroetypically male features. Doesnt mean she shouldnt be able to wear whatever she wants

That literal woman basically already looks like a tranny. That's my point. Of course she can wear what she wants but that doesn't save her from the Target employee saying "can I help you sir?" on seeing her from a distance

I had to switch to a oneblade. I had switched to a one blade disposable before that. Lift and pull electrics and multiblades were terror on my face.

Yep 99% of beards I saw in the military was black dudes, only saw a white dude with a beard once.

Who defines "looking cis" though

Just because you're too autistic to recognize the visual differences between genders doesn't mean the rest of society is too.

i could. but you also have an anime pfp so its not worth my time.


anime pfp vs autismotrannies

Fuck, I don’t know who to side with

Anime pfp if it's Cowboy Bebop.

GTFO weebcel

that's where you root for casualties

this is where I belong

lmao this tranny is aiight

Are you in High School? You screenshot a highschoolers bullshit

Highschool sex workers


Better than primary school sex workers

i was a homeless prostitute in a wig in the uae. Real women find a way!!!

Get yer Snappy/Bussyshill quotes here folks

Are they referring to the United Arab Emirates? Because I find it hard to believe they weren't definistrated from the top floor of a 100 story tall building.

Trans citizens are persecuted. Trans foreign prostitutes have coke done off their assholes while lying on top of a rich prince’s pet tiger.

How is it hard to believe? (((Arabs))) hate gays, but are perfectly fine with bussy so long as it pretends to be gussy. Iran is like one of the top countries in the world for sex changes or some shit. I mean boy, goat, or tranny, it doesn't seem like they're overly choosy.

Iran isnt the UAE dumbass

I didn't say it was? My point is that trussy is more preferred to bussy in that part of the world.

Iranians aren't arabs.

That part of the world

Literally all around them

Just the south west.

It's ok, americans are naturally challenged at geography.

caring about Iran or anything around it

You're right. It's a hell of a privilege. Nay, an American right.

A woman for duty, a boy for pleasure, a melon for ecstasy

The UAE generally turns a blind eye to foreigners to make it more of an attractive tourist destination. There's a lot of shady shit got on there.

you were lucky to have a viral Tik Tok that set you up as a famous trap

Ok firstly what the fuck

Secondly, link anyone?

I second the secondly

I'm not commenting for any particular reason.

I thought traps were gay guys who dressed as girls, not trans?

They can be both tbh

I thought trans were sex-pest guys who dressed as girls.

Trap is a description of convincing looking feminine people born male, developed by straight men. It's not really a community in and of itself.

The drag community is just people that dress up as pretty women, often they're gay but they don't have to be. It gets kind of confusing here because while trans want you to use their pronouns, with drag queens only the character that their playing is female, while they themselves are not. So you get weird shit like people trying to be PC and using female pronouns to refer to the actual person who plays the drag queen when that's not appropriate in any since.

posting for future link

Hit or Miss, I guess they never miss huh?

Tik Tok has a lot of videos of "pretty girls" in cosplay that look pretty convincing. The heavy makeup and costuming in cosplay makes it fairly easy to hide the fact that you're male. Of course you then look at other photos of them and you realize that you're gay, then you start making out with your brother and sacrificial children. That's what happened to me.

That person is pretty based. Mod...them.

Also that last screenshot, oof, such a cherry on top.

first discord trannys, now tik tok trannys?? :O

Tik Tok Trannys sounds like a band name.

yeah one that gets shut down and all their music disappeared like PWR BTTM when they go male feminist on their fans

Fucking finally. How stupid do you have to be to pretend to be trans?

communism rots your brain. They literally have uWu in their name

are you really trying to argue with me about what looking like a woman is when i have put in years of effort and you look like an otter

***IT'S MA'AM***

i was a homeless prostitute in a plastic wig in the uae. eal women find a way!!!


united arab emirates

legit yikes

thats a tough one

you literally mocked my black trans lesbian fiancee upthread..

Oh lawd lawd which one of you retards put this in there?

I enjoyed the side conversation about whether the meme was a monkey or cat

(Obviously monkey)

Oh come on, that's a cat!

Come on we need the group name

This is what they mean when they say trans black woman are super soldiers right seriously tho who is this how can one person be so based

An entire fucking rainbow and you choose just 3 smdh

Like what the fuck do you people care? They are all delusional anyway according to your psuedo-medicinal belief, who cares if they put on a bit of makeup? They should all be constantly shamed and castigated as just men in dresses their whole life, and funnily DESTROYED by an epic white male rightist, it doesn't matter how good they look.

psuedo-medicinal belief


Dude, no one cares if "they put on a bit of makeup". I do care about not being attacked if I don't instantly recognize and acknowledge them as women rather than men with an odd fashion sense.

Be trans AND reasonable, how about it?

40% when

i had to cut off all of my old friends

Rather poetic way to phrase it.