Future billionaire darqsplains investing to professional options trader.

97  2019-03-04 by snallygaster


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Mr. DarqWolf, what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room isΒ now dumber for having read it.

my favourite bit was where he wouldn't open a paper trading account

money is just paper dude, it's the same thing

If you aren't conducting market trades in bullion are you even trading at all?

What does chicken stock have to do with this?

After the apocalypse it will be the primary currency

It's only paper till you spend it, bruh

So I actually don't know much about the trade myself. Is the reason you sign an NDA with those companies so that they can't simply replicate the same methods you use themselves?

If you don't want to give away edge, that's exactly what you do.

How do you have the time to manage an investing company and be a mod of several different subreddits?

I work like 4 hours a day and most of our day we do nothing.

How does it feel to be unironically living the dream? You're like a poorer notch.

I don't have anywhere near the money Notch has.

but how much autism do you have?

Are you hiring?

I think you deserve a custom flair for doxxing yourself to own a retard on the internet.

I was getting doxxed every other week so I just made my profile public. I don't really give a shit. You can't exactly send my profile to my boss and my family knows it.

you should be careful tards are usually very vengeful and have no life to distract them, grandpa tic toc haunted this sub for months when he got made fun of and banned, i didnt even think he was serious we were meaner to pizzashill or lawlz and they still come here,

For lawlz negative attention is still better than 0 attention

Hey i'm getting started in investing, how do I get as get at roasting reddit mods as you?

Can you help make me rich

Darq is such a treasure. Such smug confidence in himself even though time and time again he's proven himself a talentless loser going no where in life


this is true

The stock market is such child's play /u/DarqWolff could be the richest man in all recorded history with only $100 of birthday money and one day in the market. But since there's no challenge in that, to say nothing of honor, he's chosen to live life on the hardest difficulty setting. He has forsaken the trappings of luxury; paychecks, autonomy, sexual intercourse. Instead he's taken a higher path; the path of tendies, GBP, and children lacking in appropriate parental supervision. Any asshole can make millions trading options, but only the truly exceptional can claim the mantle of NEET.

Who wants to live comfortably and have a legacy for themselves as a self-made billionaire, when you can literally eat tendies out of trash cans and groom 10-year old children into becoming your Tulpas?

Further up the thread was this absolute gem of a pasta bowl

For serious though, the market can't beat me if I'm actively fighting it.

I'm curious, are you actually on the stock market, or are you afraid of it?

If you are already on the stock market, I just wasted a ton of time typing the following, but if you are afraid of it, you might want to listen.

When I first got onto the stock market I was dominating it consistently for at least a month before I stopped focusing on it so much (even started going days at a time without so much as glancing at it) because it was interfering with my job. People were getting their food deliveries late because I was distracted by all these pennies, and I don't believe in pretending to do a job that actually needs to be done so I decided to cut that shit out and shut down the constantly-having-anxiety-and-overanalyzing-everything-in-market-terms part of my brain so that I could actually go a shift without compulsively checking my phone or frantically trading.

Right now I need to focus on getting a newer car so that I can make more money, then I need to focus on getting from my motel room into an actual apartment so I can save more of the more money I'll be making, then it will be time to start dumping money into my trading account, probably cut down my delivery schedule, and get fully into my trading.

It then gets a lot easier because the bigger my portfolio gets, the more trading I'm free to do, which is an exponential difference in these early stages. For example, when I only owned 1 share of AMD, I couldn't freely sell AMD at whatever price point seemed high because that would cost my entire standing in the company and if it didn't bounce back into my price range I would just lose money. Once I owned 2-3 shares of AMD, that became something to play around with, because if I sold one too early I would still have the final one to hold or to sell at the best possible time.

So far I've mostly only been able to hold normal retail stocks like VWAGY, AMD, etc and trade "penny stocks" like OPTT or GERN. I don't know shit about OPTT or GERN except what I've learned as an investor. I know VWAGY and AMD intimately as major parts of the world I live in. The bigger companies that are more expensive to trade can also be much, much safer and more lucrative to trade for someone with my specific type of expertise. So when I go from having around $400 to having around $1200 in the market, that should way more than triple my ability to make gains even though it's only triple the amount.

And I was already constantly multiple times over the market before, so at that point it will really be easy as fuck to beat the market without any real chance of failure.

There's the kind of confidence where you know the chance of failure is small and there's not much you can do about it so it's best to just keep yourself focused on success instead of worrying about it, and then there's times where you actually just know for sure the chance of failure is pathetically tiny and there would be nothing to worry about even if you wanted to. The former is where I've been at most of the time so far, the latter is where I'll easily be once I get to where I can freely trade companies I actually know.

It's just too easy. You have to consider two things.

One, I'm one of the smartest, most well-informed civilians on the planet, a genius among geniuses, a king of smart people, so I can tend to outcompete in fair competitions with other smart people.

Two, and more importantly, the stock market does not primarily attract smart people. I don't know where the idea that Wall Street has smart people came from, but the reality is there are very few smart people in the finance sector and the few there are do very well for themselves.

You won't find smart people getting beaten by the market average. The market average is a very pathetic performance by a big collection of dumb people, it just isn't comparable to what you can do with a brain that actually works.

Just go look at an investment news site. Read some articles and try to discern good ones from bad ones. Consider that other people are also trying to discern the good ones from the bad ones, and betting millions and millions of dollars on their conclusions. Knowing people - in fact, being a denizen of /r/Drama, really intimately knowing how populations react to information they can read - do you really not see how incredibly easy of an opportunity that alone creates? Even if you're not very smart, you can probably find at least one article where you easily know the exact reality of the situation the article regards, and you also easily know exactly how everyone else is going to react to the article and what kind of delusions they'll have about the reality. I'm sure you can find at least one that you just "get" because you have some info most people don't - everyone has some area of expertise. And if you can do that, you can see how the type of people who read all the time and try to be experts on a lot of different shit would be able to keep finding articles like that, and from that, you can understand how the competition of the entire modern world really works.

Every single person with any intelligence in the stock market absolutely decimates the everloving shit out of the market average by actually getting rich, which is what I'm going to do. The market sits around pretending to enjoy single-digit-percentage gains while above-average people - I'd say probably anyone around the 98th or 99th percentile - keep doubling or tripling or quadrupling their money until the exponential impact of increased wealth starts to work in reverse and it starts getting harder to trade your positions because they're so big, instead of dangerous because they're so small like in the beginning. After that, it gets impossible to keep doubling or tripling shit without being a mega-super-ultra-genius like me, but beating the market remains easy as fuck for anyone who tries with that kind of money.

If you're not smart enough to get rich, you should still be able to beat the market. If you're one of those people whose brains just don't work right for this shit and you can't beat the market, then don't trade actively, just buy and hold companies you like (maybe with one of the free brokers who discourage active investing like M1 Finance instead of Robinhood) and you'll still at least beat inflation or the interest bank accounts offer.

Seriously, if you have $50 to hold onto, get on the market. You have nothing to fear if you're not retarded.

This is probably one of the best pastas that Darq's ever served up.

One, I'm one of the smartest, most well-informed civilians on the planet, a genius among geniuses, a king of smart people, so I can tend to outcompete in fair competitions with other smart people.

I am guffawing

My name is Darqwolf

genius of geniuses

Gaze upon my options spreads

ye mighty and despair

The bigger companies that are more expensive to trade can also be much, much safer and more lucrative to trade for someone with my specific type of expertise.

He's talking about blue chip stocks as if this is some kind of unique insight he is providing us.

I can't believe a man who has made what amounts of a couple of meals at McDonald's wrote all of that like he's George Soros.

I take it back, maybe he is a genius for being to so consistently put out quality pasta like this

Well this was just delightful.

imagine not being a millionaire lmao

Reddit may have changed completely since the first days of Darqwolff, but nothing has changed for him.

Dont downvote darq u retarts 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

See, this is way more entertaining than his age of consent essays. Beating the market, beating his meat to 10 year olds, is there anything /u/DarqWolff can't do?

He's performance art, right?

You would think such a insightful trader would have enough confidence to ask a girl out instead of using an imaginary friend.