It’s a showdown in r/Breadtube with ContraPoints fans versus Pewdiepie fans.

38  2019-03-04 by Ghdust2


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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accurate to what most breadtubers might think

I saw me some gamer gate references in there. It truly never ends with these guys.

The three biggest events in the last century gotta be WWII, 9/11, and gamer gate.

VietChan war vet here, I was a pet of the 5th Demigender Squad down in the boonies of 4Chan, where the VietMong set up camp. Saw lots of hateful memes rain down on us, saw some good nonbinary genderqueer agender alienkin get triggered, it was hell.

*yeets on you while "fortunate son" is playing

The word "fascist" has lost all meaning whatsoever.

Just like "left", "right", "socialist", "conservative", "liberal" and a bunch of others. We're gonna need a new language soon at this rate.

Unironically ContraPoints is worse than Hitler.

less sexually appealing too

That mustache 🤤

I'm not clear on which of those two dudes' mustaches you're referring to.

eh, I'd still take that bussy, no homo


that breadtube shit is the faggiest thing imaginable lmao

imagine unironically watching hbomberguy or shaun_jen or contrapoints and considering yourself an intellectual

Imagine unironically posting on drama lmao

pretty sure i never claimed it matters

but breadtube faggots legit think theyre intellectuals lmao

Oof was that supposed to be a burn that was weak as fuck lmfao i’m sorrt

Not everyone bases their personality about being online you fucking nerd

Go outside for once

lmao youre also a chapo nerd

Not everyone bases their personality about being online

says the guy who larps online about fighting the system

Go outside for once

but theres fascists and neo nazis out there!!!!!

Whatever you say fucking nerd lol

Ppp.p.pppost hoguhguhgg?

fucking nerd


Why are all chapotoddlers so bad at coming up with insults

The simple answer is, they banned all the good insults.

why do you think youre cool though lol so much teen angst

No u. People on the internet making fun of people on the internet for using the internet is just dumb, like pot kettle shit

But you're literally on the internet

neck rope

Learn to code, chapo phag.

Post hog chud.

Chapo fags OUT OUT OUT!

neck rope

You make no argument lmao LOL lmao legit Lol

my argument is that teenage anarchists and communist roleplayers arent real people and their ideas and thoughts are basically white noise


Based bro!! Own those commies lmao LOL legit cope bro;!!!!! We all inTellectual on this day bro LoOl!

im sorry did someone leave a tv from the 1990s on a blank channel

Bro lol! Too funny legit intellectual lmao

Nice alt account, faggot.

neck rope

lmao LOL lmao

Absolutely S E E T H I N G

Lmao legit lol yo bro you think you are intellectual bro lmao LOL SEETH!!!

Hyper cope


chapos get out

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Imagine posting on Chapo. I'd probably kill myself.

You should totally go post on chapo

But then I'd have "He posted on Chapo lmao" on my tombstone. It's a lose-lose isn't it.

Сэр, я вынужден попросить вас покинуть помещение.

Are you a tranny?

50:50 chance

Oh, you're one of the commies that ruin my urbanism circles.

You realize the “free market” leads to homeless people freezing in the streets? But nah you’re right we should protect the people buying 2million dollar homes and renting them out at 3k a month minimum.

"Muh markets and evil corporations," whimpers the commie when pressed on any policy issue. You realize complex societal problems aren't solved by good intentions alone, right?

As part of a CIA plot I'm going to make a new account, pretend to be a chapocel, eventually become a mod, and then close the subreddit for a week and watch as you all commit suicide.

Don’t you have some trannies to whiteknight for, you NEET waste of resources?

can you give me a quick rundown

basically chapo users making youtube channels and claiming to be some sort of "counter culture" to oppose what they see as dominant on youtube

"omg everythings reactionary why is youtube suggesting jordan peterson to me even though all i watch is faggy idpol videos" is the main sentiment

contra is defo least bad, she has to warp her opinions imo to suit her base

Daily reminder that if you dont work towards the commie utopia you are the enemy and we will hunt you, exept thats too much work so we will stay in our couches leeching from anywhere we can, do your part comrade