someBODY once told me

179  2019-03-07 by MasterLawlz

The drama sub would show me

all the reasons I should eat lead

I was looking kinda dumb with my glasses and my dog

in a pic I unknowingly posted

The hates start coming and it don't stop coming

The incels dox me and then I start running

Why not sticky posts for attention?

Phedre comments, I get an erection

Not much to do, not much to see

So what's wrong with stickying bad memes?

You'll never know if you don't post

And you won't enrage Ed_Butteredtoast

Hey now, you're an autist, stop the pinging, I say

Hey now, you're a virgin, hire a hooker, get laid

Wil Wheaton is a cuckold

And he thinks this sub is an alt-right stronghold


better than the 2 hour ps sticky

Your stickes are boring

but I worked hard on this one

If I owned my own fridge I would print this out and hang it up. Actually I’d have to use the school’s printer, too.

This one was great. Fuck that guy.

Good song ringo we'll put it here with the other ones


Another phenomenal sticky Lawlz, congratulations from all of your loyal fans. Smiles.

I legit thought "damn this is lame".

Then saw Lawlz name.

Now it's one of my faves.

It's all about brand recognition

Special OlympicsTM

You'll never know if you don't post

And you won't enrage Ed_Butteredtoast

I like this part

Don't ping my daddy

Don’t talk about Phedre that way

Don't talk about Ed that way.

/u/phedre I saw you in an auto chess game. You didn’t even reply. Fuck you :(

corrections for meter:

line 2 should read: all of the reasons I should eat lead

line six needs another syllable somewhere.

line seven should read: why not sticky some posts for attention

line eight: Phedre comments and I get an errection

line 10 is a mess

Chorus is gold though, overall 6/10 effort

it was sorta hard because sometimes it still wouldn't sound right even if the syllables matched up lol

Thank you for your insights, Mr. Graham Nash Esq.

I'd like to think of myself as more of a Stills type, but I'll take it.

This might be one of your best ones. You should still stress test some rope, of course, but nice sticky regardless



Why bother commenting the entire thing?

Imagine r/Drama 10 years down the line. You post "z" and everyone is like haha this is our meme, so funny, nurse I gotta pee.

sounds pretty ideal tbh

Where do you think "zoz zle zozzle" came from? It's from the future 🤣

This is better than the original song. Change my mind.

This but unironically ♥️♥️♥️

ok, THIS is epic

Where's the vocaroo link?

Record yourself singing this and than share it

I’m sure you enjoy negative attention. It’s must be the only attention you can get. That’s sad. What does it say that a permanently disabled person in constant extreme pain and illness is more level headed than you? Is into self improvement. Is still capable of being empathetic, while going through possibly the shittiest thing. Alone. Doctors have compared my pain levels to that of women giving birth without epidurals. Yet I can still be level headed and strong as fuck.

What does that say about your character? I would have left you alone, honestly, if you hadn’t been so cruel and relentless with me. You wanna see emotional? You’re a fucking asshole and you think it’s cool. You’re so disconnected from people that you enjoy downvotes and negative attention. What does that say about you? You’re willing to go to any extent to hurt someone you don’t even know. Someone who is, frankly, going through enough. And self admittedly, going through enough.

When we become a socialist country, and thanks to people like you, we will become one sooner than later, I honestly wonder what we’re going to do with extreme views like yours. With your extreme hatred. How are we going to handled your extreme disdain for others? How will we strengthen ourselves as a nation when people like you think people like me, a person who owned her own company, was pulling in over $200/hr by 25... a person who always paid for her unlimited card, who paid less unfortunate people to swipe others in. Who paid her taxes. And I literally built myself from nothing with no help.

You’re SO entitled because you have some financial security right now?

I’d rather be impoverished to the bone than have your behavior and mentality. Truly.

You have no security. It’s all fake. You especially don’t have any mental or emotional security. If you did, you’d realize you’re not the only person on earth and that other people deserve basic human decency. If you went through what i went through the last five years? You’d be dead by now. You would have crumbled. I might be currently bedridden, but I assure you I will spend what little energy I have making sure that people like me

  1. Are acknowledging to exist and
  2. Are permitted to speak about the issues that plague them
  3. Are never silenced by shitty people like you.

Do you still feel good about yourself? Are you even able to consider how that is possible?

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

I am a bot. Contact for questions


Chapo pasta? Never seen that one before.

ML calling someone else an Incel lol


Doesn't matter what the quality of your posts is you deserve credit and the stickies solely for the effort you put into them 😘

i dont know the man but i feel that master lols is the kind of fellow whom would lend a hand to his fellow in need

I have thrombosed hemorrhoids.


Unironically Lawlz, this was great. Do you have any musical talent? I've found that most people suck ass at song parodies because they neglect to line up syllables, even musicians. You look like the sort of fucker who plays the clarinet, so that's what I'm going to assume (I'm a chad cellist, no cucked woodwinds for me)

As a kid I played violin and then trumpet in high school but never stuck with either

A man of many wasted talents! Nah, fuck the violin, why hold the wood on your shoulder when you could hold it in between your legs

This post is literally worth more than your life.

This is the worst /u/MasterLawlz sticky so far.

Is it though?

It doesn't even work properly as a parody of all star.

>67% upvoted

Big oof

Except it's been scientifically proven that the best lawlz stickies are the ones with the most downvotes

This isn't so bad it's good, tho, this shit is just bad.

Come on Lawlzie, I know you can do better than this. I believe in you.

That's so sweet. Thanks, friend

Damm, now I feel tingly all over.

you might to want to get that checked out by a doctor

Are you asking me to play doctor witcha bby?



Lawls only plays doctor with /u/basicallyadoctor


The one lawlz sticky that is worthy of being a sticky.

This whole thing is becoming less and less like "Oh look a cute puppy" and more and more like "This puppy won't stop humping my leg!".

at least I'm getting laid in this metaphor

It's good that you can feel proud of your part in this metaphorical canine frottage . It's this kind of optimism that makes me think you'll go on to hump great things.

Drunk. Sit on couch. Open up /r/drama. See an Mlawlz sticky, prepare for cringe. Sing the whole song out loud in drunken euphoria.

Phenomenal work you’ve done here. Excellent. Stupendous.

if i actually sung this out lound

what does that make me


id post a recording but i neither have a mic nor can sing

lawlz stickies >>>> distortedface stickies


needs more >>>>>>

This is the worst post you've ever made.

And that's saying something.


Dammit, well now I'll upvote this as well.


u have to read my new post tho

it's pretty long tbh

Well you have to.

And tbh I read your post and it is actually pretty good.

Especially liked the Ed rhyme :)

Dude bussy lmao

> Wil Wheaton is a cuckold

it really do be like that tho

I’d like to help you but unfortunately the spectrum discriminates and I’m just standing here with open arms for actual (((people))) bb what u need?

You're our little Ewok, dude.

I’ll take that as a compliment


smh he's gonna sticky no matter what at least this one has some effort put in to it

Did you really try to rhyme lead and posted??

Last verse was fire though. 🔥🔥🔥

Nigga you gay

I may be a homeless fentanyl addict but at least I'm not this

Lawlz is unironically the best mod.

This is the only thing I've ever laughed at that was posted by /u/MasterLawlz

Does it hurt typing out such a blatant lie?


I laughed Mr. Lawlz. Thank you again for another fine contribution to the local discourse.

I hate that I actually like this one

Everyone on /r/drama must eventually face the dark day when they realize they like lawlz stickies

And he thinks this sub is an alt-right stronghold


He’s blogged about us before