Polygon writer is SHOOK that announcing a fictional character was gay didn't end homophobia.

144  2019-03-09 by yeliwofthecorn


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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Needing a CGI model with no genitals to be your sexuality’s champion.

Not learning to use Blender specifically to make character models with genitals.

Not learning to use Blender specifically to make character models with genitals.

does Overwatch even have a plot??? I thought it's just a multi-player FTS. Not like Halo which has a campaign

It has a backstory that they occasionally release PvE modes around, basically there is a huge robot uprising and "Overwatch" helps the world resolve it

It’s more of a rough outline so porn artists know who to draw fucking who.

Yes, the Overwatch team fought off the sniper girl 👧 and her team. Then the world stopped liking Overwatch and they were disbanded. Then Overwatch said “Fuck it” to the ungrateful people of Earth 🌎 and started a professional fighting league where they traveled 🧳 the globe 🌍 and wrecked cities for point-based victories. They later spent their points on prize boxes 📦 filled with new clothes, stickers, and holiday 🎄 themed spray art 🖼. The citizens of Ear👂th now watch the Overwatch fighters on their televisions destroy their beloved cities and they can’t do shit about it. Such is life.

You forgot about the fight robots, buddha robits and sex robutts.

Is this real?

It's simplified, but you can only do so much when you have 100 words and 10 of them are emojis.

Kinda? There's a basic plot of a robot uprising war happened, but that's it. Blizzard hasn't expanded on whatever is going on now.

All we know is Overwatch were the good guys, got disbanded by the government and now there's a group of bad guys called Tallon who have some ex-Overwatch members.

So yeah, no plot. It's mindless shooting.

lmao how does this guy ever leave his house without having a complete breakdown.

He knows it's stupid, but these complaints are like one of those dances honeybees do.


Not even a paragraph in and people are described as toxic. What was I expecting, I suppose.

I'm glad Apex has a character called Toxic. Who is the only white man. And who literally gasses the minorities.


You mean holoCaustic.

So, he got called a faggot in Overwatch and had to write an article about it. He must be new.

What Overwatch characters aren't gay this point?

The fat ones

aren't gay YET

Bastion X Zenyatta when?

With porn who isnt gay

Jeff Kaplan

I think just the gorilla but he counts as bestiality. And I am being serious I don’t think Overwatch has any non-lgbt characters.

Zarya is like the most MAGA-esque character going who hates race mixing humans and robots living together and literally does everything in her power to help her homeland.

Yes, she's clearly a DERF. Droids exclusive RADical feminist.

Yeah but she also fits the butch lesbian look and her comic made her tolerant of omnics.

Imagine reading into a video games lore

Imagine reading into an FPS’ lore

Imagin reading into FPS lore which exists only to interest Patreon porn makers in the game.

In one instance, a player pointed out I was low on health and told another that “Soldier Seventy Faggot” needed healing

lmfao based

That's just fucking funny

Seventy-dicks would have been way funnier.

Calls your character a faggot

Heals him anyway

I think homophobia actually is dead

This game was for faggots before there were any in it.

Content warning: The following text contains a homophobic slur.

Jesus Christ what a fag.

Ah yes, cause whether or not my character sticks his average sized meat sausage up another dudes sausage grinder while spinning his half erect penis in circles is what I really care about when I’m playing a shooter video game where back story literally doesn’t matter and no one cares. Stop trying to appeal to people that don’t play games @twittertrash

You want to end racism and homophobia? Stop talking about it and making it a big deal. You’re only flaming the fire.

Yeah because minorities have always gotten so much by shutting their mouths and acquiesceing.

I don’t think they’re the only ones that should shut up.

lore was a mistake

vidya was a mistake

Blizz made an FPS with a diverse cast of characters. They brought it on themselves. They knew they'd bag the woke crowd.

Blizzard pumps their own farts through the ventilation system, this is exactly who they wish to court just to be in good company

When will the zionists realise that the majority of people are not homosexual nor accepting of it being normalised?

Sure, if you're in an incel developing nation that might be true.

Chad first world countries appreciate the bussy.

a majority of Americans say women continue to confront obstacles that make it more difficult for them to get ahead than men.

lol. Bunk study.

Like the dawn of time? I think that's when they realized it tard.

There’s a wide spectrum of genders, backgrounds, and combat roles in Overwatchalready, but now there is one who is like me, and it created a sense of empathy and connection I wouldn’t have been able to find as easily in Reinhardt or McCree.

Imagine being this stupid and gay

Is this an article or a blog?

Why do journalists think they can just write articles that just say 'Hey I did this thing'. It's a new website, not your diary.

If this journo had a brain, he'd realise that blizzard have done a jk Rowling here - all the gay stuff is in media outside of the game which most of the players will never read or give a shit about.

Yeah, it's almost like that's literally what the article is about if you read it.

What kind of retard takes time out of their day to read a Polygon article?

Ah, very clever. You weren't saying something stupid because ignorance is actually better than knowing things, as long as it's about something you've already decided is bad. If you see a headline, you should just guess what's in the article, and complain about it based on your guess. And if the article actually agrees with you, fuck, who cares? You have other things to go and be wrong about. You fucking dullard.

I don't remember claiming I wasn't saying something stupid. Also, you seem angry. Perhaps you should go to bed?

People who unironically use "lore" and "Canon" should be put to death

There’s a wide spectrum of genders, backgrounds, and combat roles in Overwatch already, but now there is one who is like me, and it created a sense of empathy and connection I wouldn’t have been able to find as easily in Reinhardt or McCree.

unironically this is why there will never be a good rpg anymore, faggots like this lack the ability to role play and need a pg13 story about inclusivity with a happy ending spoon fed to them like the retards they are.

I really don't see the appeal in balttle royale/ battle arena games.

TF/TF2 were great.

No idea what that is.

I knew these people were naracisit faggots but to only play a character because it's sort of similar to you is a new level of pathetic. Just play the game and shut up.

yall homophobes so mad

proceeds to write a polygon article