Microsoft Daddy tweets statistics of how much better the world is compared to 200 years ago. Commies outraged that other people’s lives are better without gulags.

386  2019-03-10 by Dr-Dingleberry-PhD


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Counterpoint, they didn't have Twitter 200 years ago so it can't have been all that bad.

Imagine thinking that the average peasant in 1700 lived a better existence than the average fat Chapotard in 2019.

No twitter tho

Was it any better tho? My Great-Great-Great Grandfather, Adolphus Jorio, was banned from the town square for "bringing shame up stouties." Such bullshit.

However, no twitter.

But he was tarred and feathered after he told the town crier to learn numerals and make use of himself as a tally clerk.

At least that didn’t get posted to Twitter.

this is so sad

Locked the town square cause y'all can't behave

It's a compelling argument.

They did.

Spiritually, they definitely did.

More pleasant? Absolutely not.

More satisfying / meaningful? Probably. They at least got their supply of Vitamin D and got off their asses to do farm work every day and clinical depression was a lot less common.

Wasn't depression less common because depressed people just died?

Hard times create strong people and filter scum, we're living in a really peaceful time so we have blue checkmarks.

No, they were placed in mental asylums where doctors hosed them with cold water and the guards beat them for crying too much.

I mean, have you read twitter?

Another counter point, women and non-whites had limited rights 200 years ago.

Was the 19th century a utopia?

Gamers live in the wrong century

Imagine gaming in 19th century. It would have been like 2011 Xbox live, but with less kids.

I sure can imagine playing Historically-Accurate slave beating game like Thomas Jefferson did. Though breeding with your slaves... Meh.

This sort of propoganda shows that those on top are starting to tremble in fear.

I'll sell you a couple of ('s for $0.25 a piece.

Do I have to buy the open and close parentheses separately or is it a package?

If you were born 200 years ago you would have been dead before the age of 12 for being too autistic.

Yeah probably

Communists would rather people to be worse (except them, of course) than their ideology to be exposed for the black cauldron of idiocy, pseudoscience, and propaganda that it is.

This is just my theory but it boils down to a few things.

  1. Their lives suck but they don't want to do anything realistic to improve it.

  2. The far left and far right actively try to recruit depressed people.

  3. They appear to be unable to handle the truth that middle class westerners have it pretty well off.

It's really funny in a way to hear non military, middle class, white youths living in America talk about engaging warfare revolution. Like wow Jeff Bezos existing and college loans might suck but it's better than rationing food and being shot at.

It's a little bit of columns 1, 2, and 3 at once:

Their lives suck, usually by virtue of their own actions (or lack thereof). They on some subconscious level know this, but get to suppress it when fringe left groups tell them it's all the 1%'ers faults or patriarchy's fault or whatever else. When they see data like this, that nagging truth that the world has never been better and they have no excuse to not be rocketing upward if they just committed to it gets thrown in front of them. The longer and harder they commit to the left, the more suppressed this reality is, and the more vitriolic of a reaction they deliver when it's confronted.

Eh, I think it's much simpler than that.

These losers have personality disorders and find the though of having to play by rules that someone else wrote is literally the worst thing in the world to them.

Imagine being 20 and thinking you're the smartest person in the world who deserves everything right now, then you need to put on a suit and impress a boss to get a job. They can't handle it, and would rather see the system burn, but note how none of them even pretend to want to work the same shit job even post revolution.

, but note how none of them even pretend to want to work the same shit job even post revolution.

Their solutions is even more woke. They'd force neurosurgeons at gunpoint to serve fries and pick up trash to equally distribute the load, so they can have time to fingerpaint.

This whole comment thread was a joy to read. I belong here.

You think I'm just shitposting or whatever, but this shit actually comes up.

A lot of column 2. One side you have trannies and on the other side you have wagecucks. On both sides you have incels.

Radicalization 101:

Find people who are unhappy and/or unsuccessful and give them a scapegoat.

ISIS Version: You're poor and not getting laid because of women and westerners.

Fascist Version: You're poor and not getting laid because of brown people and immigrants

Communist Version: You're poor and not getting laid because of K-K-K-ORPERATIONS

Communists would rather people to be worse

Being underage should be a bannable offense.

world doesn’t seem feel that it’s getting better

i know you are giving me actual data to back up your point but i FEEL that it is wrong.

This but unironically

I meet people who say they refuse to have kids because "the world has never been as bad as it is now" and just disregard all of their opinions from then on.

Imagine being so whiny that you say your first world, 21st century life is not worth sharing with a child.

I'm not scared about children living life today, I'm scared what their life will be like in 20 years.

Burning black ice on the matrix and calling you a hyper-nigger nonstop over your old shitty reddit posts?

That sounds like what I'm living now.

I'm more scared of the entire reforming of the planet's environment, and the political consequences.

Places that were uninhabitable will become fertile, and places that are bread baskets will be death zones.

I don't think it will be the end of humanity, but it's not going to be a fun time of adjustment.

Not a even giving your child a chance to be a warlord of the plains.

Fucking selfish if you ask me.

Hmm. Thought I’d be child free for life until I read this. But to have a child...gussy needs to be involved. 🤢

Hopefully in ten years we'll have genetically engineered bussy babies

Lol what a worry-wart.

I don't have anything to worry about. I'm not having kids.

Places that were uninhabitable will become fertile,

Nope. It takes a really long time for loam to form. If it's tundra now then the soil there is worthless for farming and will be for the foreseeable future.

and places that are bread baskets will be death zones.

Yes but really if climate change was a big deal then people calling for action about it would be calling for things that are inconvenient for them (nuclear power, Logan's Run) instead of just things that they already want.

It's already too late to stop it. That's why it isn't getting done. Look at California, the agriculture already isn't sustainable.

That's just the almond industry eating up all the water while it's cheap. For all of the environmental problems we have where we need to get the government involved to get a desirable outcome, this one just needs a simple market correction that won't cause any actual suffering.

They can make adjustments to have less water use, but you can't make it rain more. It isn't going to get better.

No, it's going to get worse, which it should, because Californian agriculture is unsustainable. There is absolutely nothing bad about this.

That's just the first casualty though.

More rainfall is an expected outcome of warming. You're freaking out about stuff you don't know the first thing about. There is no comimg apocalypse.

In some areas.

Oh, the horror. How will we ever live with a slight variance in precipitation.

It isn't slight at all. It is going to be massive drought in some areas and too much in others.

You aren't appreciating that all this speculation is a load of horseshit and the planet is fine and will continue to be fine.

The planet will be fine. We will need to adjust.

Lol we're in the middle of our biggest wet season ever

Yeah, and I heard it snowed this winter. I must be over reacting.

There is a 20 ft ice wall on the i80 pass between sac and reno

Hydroponics are a thing.

Dude, weed lmao

Antinatalism is just an incel cope.

no problem, as long as the wall is high enough

Scorching the US to own the browns

It will be pretty similar if you live in the U.S.

Everything is improving on almost every metric, and 20 years from now we'll basically be living the Jetsons.

More for me then. I'm covered whether I'm right or wrong.

More amazing than even ours right now.

What makes you think that?

Because it's been true throughout all human history.

There have been periods of stagnation and struggle.

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The mere possibility of suffering is a valid reason to not want to introduce a life that can experience it. Get better at deontology

That's just the polite way of saying "I'm doing my part to help the mayocide."

I tend to be glad people like that don't reproduce and put all that shit on their kids. That's where ADHD and GAD come from

tbf its good they don't have kids

They're honestly doing everyone a favor.

The data is for the world, not the first world. People just look at rising lines and think it's applicable to the USA or Germany. The feeling were right.

But it’s over a 200 year span. I would think that if it wasn’t for the first world then the lines would all be a lot lower.

It isnt.

"Am I out of touch?"

"No, it's the peasants who are wrong"

"Am I out of touch?"

"No. The people with data are wrong.

Polities are made out of people, and the stability of said polities depends not only on objective, material well-being but also on their subjective well being. Someone who genuinely believes that statistics are more important than what people believes is probably suffering from actual autism.


You're actually retarded. People's temporary and widely fluctuating feelings have no impact on the overall trend of the world's improvement. Also, just because you and your stupid friends are depressed doesn't mean the rest of us are. The world is so much better than it ever has been and their's nothing you can do about it downie.

lmbo, some people get sad when it rains, proof that life is worse now than before polio vaccines

Jance, the girl with a face full of isle 10 at the hardware store, fucked up my non-fat no whip carmel spice latte this morning, so I feel that you're entirely correct. The youth today need to catch black lung and die.

Stop. Downvoting. The. Lolcows.

Translated: brown people were better off sustenance farming... Wait what? A fox news host suggested my microwave is a luxury? How DARE he?

eh he feels that way because his remembers how his parents and grandparents lived but does not know how to articulate it because he is a retard.

whats the point with "200 years ago" - why dont they do it with "50 years ago" or something like that.

Microsoft Daddy is working with government confirmed. Boom.

Hes concern trolling on Twatter straight from the Bay area. His standard of living is in the top 5% or better.

How someone with a tech background cant understand that the misery of the world is just put on full blast now while it used to be that faceless people in bumfuck nowhere died every day without anyone noticing, is a real mystery.

Microsoft Daddy is the government you rube.

50 years ago half of Europe was under a communist dictatorship, gay people were routinely and openly discriminated in the West, China was under Mao (with the Cultura Revolution about to start), South Korea and Taiwan and Greece and Spain and Portugal (circa) were dictatorships, South Africa had apartheid, Germany was split in half, SEA was a warzone with Pol Pot becoming dictator within a few years.

So much better.

and today we have open slaves market in Libya, ISIS caliphate for last few years with slave markets and video live streamed beheadings and humans being burned alive, worse than ISIS narco gangs doing worse than ISIS things and nobody cares but hey "vuvuzela - oil - I mean people are hungry", two nuclear powers dropping each others planes and threatening war, Saudi dictator throwing a fit in Yemen (with western blessing) because Syria war did not go well, right wing parties on the rise all over the west, South Africa has reversed apartheid, Israel apartheid, Israel killing civilians on live TV nobody cares, EU is on shaky legs with Brexit Italy Hungary Poland and France etc.

and thats just from top of my head

Yes, areas in the world are still bad.

The difference is 50, or 500 or 5000 years ago more places were that bad.

You hear about open slave markets because its a Big Deal today. People are shocked, action gets taken. 500 years ago it was just another day.

Yes, some areas in the world are still bad.

but hey who cares - its mostly muslims - right

Imagine thinking slavery in Libya only started a few years ago. You had slavery of African slaves all over the Arab world for over a millennia now.

Imagine thinking that there is no slavery in Western countries then.

Excuse me that wasn't real communism

gay people were routinely and openly discriminated in the West

And will be again in the near future, InshaAllah.

Something is missing, something VERY important we are not tracking.

He's referring to the orangeness of the current president

My friend I am concern are population africa growth rate. I am encourage China are manage infrastructure educate develop resource NOT allow superstition.

Lol Google translate.

Is that CCP shill?

Yeah. It's got like 39 likes.

Baidu 翻译*

Where is the drama here? All I see is civil discussion between Gates, Hungry cryptoskeleton and random woke Pibbler (Pibbles/Nibber, new meme I'm trying to push through, updoot if you like.)

The drama came when some Marxist wrote a response to this tweet in the guardian. Here is some debate from reddit. Vox even did an explainer on the controversy.

ty just ty

That second reddit post has some spicy comments. OP is unhappy.

Bill Gates is the perfect example of why we need to steal all billionaire's money. He's so out of touch with the common person he can't even understand the struggles we face like when you go to a restaurant and they don't even have gluten free pizza.

You had me until gluten free pizza hahaha

in all seriousness though, because we live in current year, gluten related problems are also rising. Because almost every food we consume is getting made with wheat and stuff like barley, rye and oats also contain gluten, and not to mention the recent variation of wheat crops have higher percent gluten peptides in it, we are going to face higher incidences of gluten related problems. Keep in mind, these conditions can arise even if you don't have any gluten related problems now.

So technically speaking, gluten free diets is something that is going to be an inevitable reality in the coming years for huge swaths of population...

Is this why papa johns make me shit boiling water?

I told you 50 times already, they don't sell pizza at sushi restaurants.

Lol at the guy who linked to his PayPal looking for NEETbux

His feed is one long string of e-begging for a 4k gaming PC. And he's 50.

I love the self-avowed Trotskyist who's clearly never read a word of Marx, claiming that "the 300 years before 1917 didn't see a whole lot of improvement."

Yeah in Marxist theory it's pretty clear he argues that capitalist society is an improvement on what came before, and it also creates the conditions that will lead to a new advancment. The Communist Manifesto is a short dumbed down version of this argument and a lot of these Tanky idiots still don't seem to get it.

You could quote Marx/parahphrase Marxist arguments at some of these people and they would lose their shit.

> In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. The mode of production of material life conditions the general process of social, political and intellectual life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness.

Marx saying "idpol requires being delusional and thinking feelz>realz" is probably a good start.



No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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He took the Pinker pill. Enlightenment and good vibes will come to him, but only if he BTFOs leftists on twitter and uses their butthurt as nourishment.

Those two have been besties for like a decade at least. I'm pretty sure Gates buys like 50k copies of every new Pinker book.

I'm pretty sure Gates buys like 50k copies of every new Pinker book.

Sometimes I feel like Pinker is the last sane man in academia. I just imagine him and his little jewfro standing on a desk sailing through a sea of intersectional stupidity while people in pussy hats call him a fascist for suggesting they can't control the sum total of human behavior with Twitter spergouts and marches.

Well there's him and JBP. Something about being a tenured psychologist makes you an extra big retard.

Wasn't this a Thing™ a couple of weeks ago?

All these metrics are affected by technological advances, which can and have happened under leftist governments.

Democracy is also not intrinsically a good thing on its own

Literacy rates have also historically been really high under leftist governments, especially for women who tended to be much less literate before.

You forget that Tay does not exist under communism. Checkmate, Reddit janitor.

Taylor swift would have been shot under communism. Is that really the world you want?



Stickies the seriouspost


Based and ☭pilled

Is this is truly an eggplant take, congratulations.

Yeah it's not like the Soviet Union was completely left behind when computers became a thing

They always relied heavily on capitalist countries for R&D.
The KGB's biggest role abroad, in terms of manpower, was stealing technology and commercial secrets (and something like 70% of their weapons platforms were based off NATO stuff).

China is basically doing the same plus forcing tech transfer from foreign companies entering their markets.

Also, almost all of the technological advancement of the Soviet Union was made so as to not be behind the US.

Literally driven by competition.

Sometimes i wish we just glassed both nations. Figure out your own computers and missiles you twat

Democracy is also not intrinsically a good thing on its own

Restored Jacobite Monarchy when?

Have sex, incel

Why do faggot mods sticky cancer? Asking for a friend

Democracy is also not intrinsically a good thing on its own

You like people ruling without the consent of the governed, eh? I, too, have a fetish for being raped.

Facts don't care about your feelings modcel

Have sex, incel

Who cares about women being literate? They just used it for gossiping anyway

Apply yourself, leftist scum.

Its one of those communist minders from building 338. How warm is the chineese cage they let you sleep in?

Most boring mod here by a long shot.

Powermods are ruining this sub


this is good MDE bait

And they're gobbling it up too.

Especially for women

So they could labor under glorious socialism and get thrown in gulags the same as everybody else


Communism hurts innovation. Bill Gates would never have founded Microsoft under a communist regime. And without Microsoft, he would never have had the time to make this tweet. Therefore, capitalism wins.

Bill Gates could never DAB SO HARD under communism tbh

Pretty hard to learn how to read when the Soviets have taken away all your food

Please tell me how many technological advancements happened in communist regimes. Because my parents, grandparents, and a fuckload other people who have actually lived in USSR could swear that technology-wise the country was fucking medieval

defending incel commies

Petition to demod /u/DistortedLines

also take him on a free helo ride

I don't think it's meant to defend the right so much as hush the hysteria that the world is being a dystopian nightmare, you do tend to hear that hysteria more from the left these days but the right screeches it too.

Please ban everyone taking this obvious b8.

In 2019 as a first world Westerner, you can do/live/be nearly anything you want. I know people who hitchhike across America and live off next to nothing, I know people who work a couple months out of the year and live in their old house in the woods, I know people who live on hippie communes.

The difference between 200 years ago and now is the resources and technology of today allow you to do nearly anything and have no chance of failing. You can try on lifestyles like clothes until you find what you like. Even the most anprim of individuals can still come into town and get their spleen removed and then go right back out eating grubs and shooting squirrels with a slingshot.

Opposed to this miracle that we should all start our day being thankful for is the modern left, who now has as a core tenet of their ideology a reflexive and instinctual revulsion to hearing that things are good.

if people in general would just listen to any fucking 10 minute presentation by hans rosling they would learn a lot about the world as a whole and realise how fucking retarded they are (I went through this phase 10 years ago)

people are incredibly misinformed about basic shit

They think charity is bad to rationalize the fact that they would never take a cent out of their weed/scarf fund to help someone else

don’t you feel many use these trends to dismiss efforts to improve things today?

Said the jazz flautist, to the man who gave billions of dollars to improve things and uses the trends to get other people to support it.

The absolute moral bankruptcy of "ethical tech" in Silicon Valley, you make apps and then you lecture Bill Gates on Twitter.

Charity is theft, free the Mosquitos

All these graphs show is life has got ‘better’ for just 1 of c 2 MILLION species on the planet - at expense of almost all others. Plus, add ‘happiness’ - that’s going down. So we’re killing our world - and deep down we know it & long for a different relationship with life.


This bitch doesn't know what per capita means.

what about psychological issues, increasing working hours with increasing productivity etc etc

Who cares if life expectency is up and fewer kids are dying and many diseases have literally been eradicated, life sucks because I have to clean tables in addition to pouring coffee and I occasionally have to fake laugh at jokes aka emotional labor

Remember when AskHistorians went full censor mode after a prominent moderator was unable to refute this very premise.

That was fun. Its a shame we can't ping anymore; that one faggot iamnotabear6 was just begging to be plucked and roasted

A lot of this data has been compiled on, a really great foundation started by the late Hans Rosling. He released a book called Factfulness last year, which goes more in depth into the vast improvements we’ve experienced in the modern age.

Really fantastic read, and Bill Gates has been very vocal about his support for the book, even giving out free copies to college graduates.

Take the Steven Pinker pill.

Wait vitalik commented?

Gulags and hashtags

Something is missing, something VERY important we are not tracking. Maybe we should also track quality of life ??

We should track how bored people are now compared to 100 years ago. I bet this is the primary reason for people to constantly bitching how hard to have it on Twitter.

I am very confident that almost all of the people I know would not be as successful as they are if they were living 100 years ago. It is enough for me to believe we are living in a better time.

That's just stupid. Things are way better partly because of communists. Daddy Marx worked hard for it. These people are moronic.

Not strictly better, but communists showing what happens when richfags go full retard, surely helped with setting up the whole "American dream".

Lmao that one guy asking for Age of Empires 4 and the other faggot asking for money to his paypal to "survive"

Lol the "philantrope", fucking tools

Funny how people here praise Billy for doing the shit USSR was used to do all the time as part of their propaganda.

Makes you really think about how awful shit is going to be, if they unironically switch to western version of "muh 1913"