r/PoliticalHumour shamefully resisting our Asian daddy

713  2019-03-11 by Saucy_Slav


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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I love this quote so much I want to make love to it

You should listen OP, no one ever fucks around doing pointless shit when they were in college and turned out to be normal, happy people

This cuts close. This bot knows me too well

Yeah wish the same could be said of the beard on your neck

The quote misses this possibility though: in college I was content to be friendless and troll, and now that I’m older, I am still content to be friendless and troll.

You could've just linked your thread.

I'd reccommend not using the same racist dogwhistles you use at 4chan over here, won't go over quite as well.

We already got a NPC in the comments.

Democrats' only chance at beating Trump and they do this shit when people are trying to meme Yang into the Oval Office.

Fairpoint, sorry. And yeah I can't wait until they make Bernie out to be some big racist, Dems always seem to hate themselves more in primaries then the actual incumbent president

The danger-hairs and soyboys want to keep Trump in office so they can LARP as oppressed people, pretty hard to do that when someone like Yang wins the presidential election.

Asians are White now. This shit moves quickly.

Are you kidding? Asians aren't just white, because they are at the top of succesful races they are HYPER WHITE, even whiter than white people, because success and wealth=white, unless there's an oppresion angle, then they become lower life-forms oppressed by the Übermensch white people.

Yes, the regressive left really are that psychotically racist.

And yeah I can't wait until they make Bernie out to be some big racist

neolibs tried this already

didn’t take

b*rnie's announcement speech gave me ptsd ;_;

this is just liek louis ck THINK OF THE SURVIVORS

IIRC the new angle they are going for is him not supporting reparations.

Why would the Dem establishment try to win anyway? Trump is surely the best thing to have ever happened to their coffers, and even lets them not waste any effort at all on thinking up actual policies - they can just point at him, say "I'm not him", and get a flood of unconditional donations from an insanely worked up base.

maybe they should try asking the the reparations question again after one of the candidates has a real proposal, ijs

Bernie Sanders is already racist and sexist and antisemitic afaik.

Isnt Bernie Jewish? So the rumors are true, he hates himself.

Hating himself would only confirm the Jewishness

What even possessed you to post a screencap rather than the full thread? It feels like it would have taken more effort for less net drama gain.

until they make Bernie out to be some big racist

Enough Sanders Spam has been doing that for 4 years


Fair point*

fake + gay

rAcISt dOgWhIsTLeS

What group could this even be interpreted as dog whistling over? White liberals?

At the risk of getting called an NPC myself, the reason that the NPC meme is considered a fascist dogwhistle is because it positions your opponents as literally less than human. Like if liberals are "NPCs", they don't have thoughts, they're just robots on preprogrammed responses.

Think what you want of it, but yeah calling your political opponents NPCs is a dehumanizing tactic and pretty similar to other dehumanizing slogans used in fascist regimes.

I get it, it's a joke of course. Just funny videogame jokes, but telling alt-right spergs that lefties are just brainless robots is basically begging for a mass shooting.

Are they pulling off that BS "guilty by association" stuff on Yang? Lol, who the fuck will they be shilling for?

I unironically dont know what is and isnt racist or anti-Semitic anymore.

FBI crime stats = RACIST

Criticising Israel = ANTI-SEMITIC

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

FBI crime stats = RACIST

Zoomers and boomers say.


Criticising Israel = ANTI-SEMITIC

Only boomers say.


/u/TheReasonTrumpWon needs to reserve this for lulz

why even a have Boolean variable. You can simply put 1 in the while loop condition.

So normies can understand the meme

At least the ones who haven't learned to code yet

Because they already understanding of Iterative functions

yeah thanks to memes

Any dumbfuck can understand while (thing = true)

Can they tho? If i gave a piece of paper with "for(;;;){}" How many people could explain what the fuck is this shit.

What does 8=====D~~~~ mean????

a variable with strict and normal comparison for a value around 8+-4

I don't understand perl

Very few because it's less comprehensible without the fucking words there you retard

Nobody used a strings in the last example either.

Please stop.



Why would you use strings in the incriminating part of your for loop? Fucking retarded.

So i can do this " for(string dentedonfaggot = "WLMJ6D7";;){}

for (Retard retard : retards) { \ \ retards.add(retard); }

The way it's written it gives you the notion that a politics argument is going on and presumably will exit when it ends... although there is no actual logic implemented to that effect and it's a basic infinite loop. It is more self documenting I guess... the compiler would just simplify it to while(1) probably.

The compiler would simplify it to a branch instruction.

It's implying that once it's kicked off it never ends, which is more or less true

Unless that variable is volatile and something external modifies it.

Also, how did they break out of that while loop in panel 2?

Don't have to break it. You could run it on separate threads.


Interrupts 👍

Even fits with the meme


it could be a multi threaded program and PoliticsArgument is modified by a different thread

Imagine thinking your a programmer when you use Java

C++ gang

lol no i'm certified* scaffolder bitch.

*Getting certification is just sitting and listening to dude who tries to sell his company shit to do you.

Lol no c++

Imagine thinking you're a programmer when you use C++

Fortran on punch cards only

If you are not writing direct instructions to manipulate registers in assembly then you aren't even trying.

Imagine not even rewiring the vacuum tubes for every input

Imagine using Fortran punch cards instead of communing directly with the machine spirit with sacred ritual and holy ordaining.

C++ is the boomer of programming languages. Utterly outdated and BTFO by trendy millennial JavaScript but all of the C++ devs are smug and condescending as fuck regardless. CidePlusPlus when?


WEW I've heard enough


imagine giving a shit about what programming language are you using

shoves u into a locker

Dude you raised so many questions. How do Americans shove each other into lockers? Are their lockers just bunch of reused garages?

gives u a swirly

heh get some nerd




At least Trump isn’t Asian yet

How long until he is Asian?

He's got the penis for it.

Less than 48 hours

What is causing his transition?


eyelids droop making the visible eye smaller as a person ages. trump will be honorary asian just in time for 2020


voting for Mao Lmao

not voting for Commie Mommie

I didnt know more government control was ok with you niggas as long as it comes out of the mouth of a lo-mein nibba.

Human centric capitalism and trust busting

You didnt think they would sign on to the ultimate neet bux?

Buddy I don’t see anyone else worthwhile running on neetbux as a platform

Yang is bad juju

More than 10bux? wtf I love china now.


dude bussy lmao give me that hat design pls

As a non-NEET, I wouldn't say no to 1000 NEETbux every month



Boomer tier hashtags


well, my reddit account is older than the period of time youve had hair on your neck.

I was laughing *with* you not *at* your hashtags. I'm sorry, daddy 😔😢

lol you good :-)

This little shit always trying to snatch up my shekels.

sad flex

Eh, you're here too


I knew that you're a southern inbreed hick.



Yang Or Get Ass-fucked?

Why not both?


The worst part of this stale meme is all the retarded pseudocode people write

What's with the whole acting like they understand 4chan thing? I'm pretty sure they literally have no idea that there are boards other than /pol/ and don't actually understand what goes on. It's like that it's a meme you dip kid. Dunning Kruger effect in action I guess.


Leftists: we're not racist like the right

Also leftists:

As good as his politics might be, he is a man from the statistically most privileged race. If you can't see how that will play against him in the current climate you must be blind.

Op shamefully shilling for yang?🤔

They have been pushing this yang meme hard on pol, that coupled with the 1k bucks a month promise will get him the neet vote.