60  2019-03-12 by The_Reason_Yang_Wins


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


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We need a petition for yang to post feet.

id pay all my yangdollers to lick that toe ring after she took it off

I wonder if when you are lightly sucking on her toes does she giggle like an anime girl or have a big horsey guffaw?


That's it, i'm a democrat now

id rather have her fungus in my mouth than her gussy

May the lord open

I unironically came to this


> posted by: The_Reason_Yang_Wins

🤔 Is this out of the character gimmick or is there a correlation I'm not seeing? How will AOC's feet help Yang win?

I'm pretty sure this helps everybody win

I may be a 👨 Yang 🍙supporter 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 fine 💯 ass 🍑Succdem 💦 feet 👣 my basic income 💦💦 bout to 😘 become 🍗 toes in cum🔫

Thanks I hate it

nice reddit phrase

You know, I like really enjoy/love my r/drama friends... but sometimes I like legitimately get worried for them.

I now love you more than the trump gimmick guy

Great pasta, unironically.

But these are far from "fine ass feet" 😑

Republitard cope 😂

You’re being stupid

They look cute

Not really. First of all this doesn't even look like her, second of all, they're super flat and her toes are pretty ugly as well.

They look cute in the photo

i like how bulbous the toes are

...Please don't let this post gain any kind of traction you fucking embarassments.

Isn't embarassing ourselves the point of this sub?

But we were already embarrassing ourselves prior to coming to the sub. Perhaps it's to normalize the embarrassment so society accepts us for who we are?

wtf, I love the democrats now

No crumbs. Theres nothing worse than when you notice a girls feet or knees have crumbs on then.

Do you all have face blindness? This doesn't look anything like AOC

Same energy though. Kinda weird.

No one can look past her feet 😩😩😩

The center part gives it away. It looks more like AOC than the other girl did.

Get this shit out my feed

Do not cuss plz

K thx bye 😘

Shut up nigboy

What the flying hell!!!?

That’s so inapprops! You kiss your mother with that kinda mouth?

Way too harsh imho



Like the buildup in my foreskin

Stretch it over the tip like it’s a coat


/u/The_Reason_Yang_Wins thats not AOC you retard

That's a completely different woman. But that's besides the point. Don't let this creepy shit get popular you fuck wtf.

Oh hi, Mr. Garrison.

Seriously though, you're probably right.

Also no horse teeth

You don't need to analyze the nose to know this woman IS NOT AOC. AOC is ugly as sin and this woman is not.

tfw no commie mommy


They can't handle a powerful woman with fine toes.

Hello to journalists reading this thread o/

Ugh, novelty accounts 😒🙄

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

Gibe toes

This is NSFW. I don't want my boss thinking I like AOC.

She looks like she has a smelly twat. Or would just smell funny in general - you know those kind of girls? Probably uses pads too.

or this is like next gen marketing ya freaking sheeple.

Needs more dangling stilleto