/r/Aww takes a break from posting pre-dinner gifs to discuss vegan food

41  2019-03-13 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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It wouldn't surprise me to find out that eating vegan a couple of days a week is actually good for you. I would never go full vegan because I value kinetic energy, I'm just saying I don't get pissed when the vegan box lunches are all that's left.

It's more that it's just bland and boring.

vegan food tastes like fucking shit lmao

Yeah lmao let’s take some food and remove all the parts of it that made it taste good.

Kinetic energy is motion. What does it have to do with your food?

He is a mighty hunter. Meaning he only eats roadkill he ran over himself.

Don't like veggies? Are you 4? Load me up on some fucking potatoes, squash, peppers, greens, crispy broccoli.

Oh yeah, fuck your barbecue, these peppers and squash are the shit!

internalized parental oppression

greens, crispy broccoli

The way he says that is so faggy

Jesus christ all you fuckers are gonna get pancreatic cancer lmao

At least I'm not gonna die as a queerosexual, okay?

Fuck vegans. They're so fucking annoying I swear.

They are made in a facilities which make direct contact with other products which are made with milk. Hate to burst your bubble vegans but Oreos are a no-no.


Vegan pussies get huffy because the normies poked fun at them again, news at 11