Boomer meme implies soylent-chugging urbanites aren't effective warriors, r/Forwardsfromgrandma starts C O P I N G

119  2019-03-14 by wsbking


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Is it really that enjoyable to circlejerk over straw men of people who oppose your political views? Or do redditors think the shit posted on that sub is what rightoids actually believe?

It's easy to enjoy being retarded when you lack self-awareness.

They're mega coping.

muh both sides do it constantly, so yes

It's like masturbation for them. They know this is a shit Boomer meme but they can't help but join the conversation about who would win a hypothetical civil war

they can't help but join the conversation about who could win a hypothetical civil war

r/drama couldn't either. This thread is full of retards who they they're experts on military matters 😂

The argument these people makes are devoid of any historical precedent: “Surely a sparsely populated rural region with handheld weapons would have military mastery of a network of industrialized urban centers with an overwhelming population!!”

This has been the basis of nearly every insurgency.

I’m not sure if that person is shit posting or not.

I would bet a top-shelf bussy and a half that they have smug posted about how the US: “should have known invasions wouldn’t result in victory in Afghanistan and Vietnam, you can’t fight an entrenched population devoid of centralized leadership while occupying their land yadda yardda my wife’s son is still playing my Switch”.

They have to be joking, I mean, come on:

even if this hypothetical civil war were to happen, wouldn't the blue states that are generally way richer than red states be able to hire a shit ton of mercenaries to do the dirty work?

This user is joking or is 13 years old.

Also there's a user posting one word replies( "Yes", "yup") and getting hundreds of upvotes, super red flag.

I just did a full Game of Thrones binge in anticipation of the new season soooo yeah, I think I know a thing or two about war and mercenaries

Just use mercenaries

Man, I don’t even know where to start.

How valuable do they think money from a country in a civil war would be? Do they have any idea how fucking expensive a military is? Would they pay for it all in bussy?

Where would these mercs come from? What would stop them from just taking over the US? If your military is so anemic that your first thought to fill all of it is to hire mercenaries from outside, you’re going to get got.

God damn. Fuck. What an idiot.

There's a reason basically every insurgency in history was based out of the countryside, if there was ever a commie revolution in Burgerstan it'd be based out of bumfuck Tennessee.

That's literally how West Virginia was founded. The disenfranchised poor whites in Virgina took to the mountains, started harboring runaways and deserters, and cast their chips in with the Union. They were the original Y'allqaeda.

But insurgency is what a losing side does. While the stupid meme implies the red states will win

Bumfuck Tennessee is pretty great tbh

Where the whisky flows like water and the fields are full of bounding, plentiful bussies.

Other than Iraq?

Yeah. For some reason Iraq's military was lacking veterans and hilariously undertrained causing shit like this . Usually, the military can actually kill you.

Modern Arab militaries are notoriously incompetent.

What is Vietnam, Alex?

Despite the pathetic circlejerk that erupts over the union beating a country with 1/4th its population, the South didn't really lose military. It lost primarily because its economy was on its last legs and the southern leadership favored reconciliation and chose voluntarily to end the war in a way that would preserve their nation without waging a 30 year insurgency. The modern south/rural world would never revolt because very few people actually care enough about the division, but the Taliban are proof enough that neither of these factors mean shit in the modern world. The US withdrew from vietnam after losing 50k men, it wouldn't be able to survive an insurgency on the scale of the real civil war if it happened today.

the confederacy didn't really lose military.

What is General Sherman?

It's true that the csa did mediocre near the end of the war, but it couldnt even afford uniforms from the start and was at that point usually outnumbered >3:1. The main point is that arming a soldier is many times less expensive now than before, guerilla warfare would be the only option today rather than being off the table, and the front-based traditional warfare that gave advantage to the side with the bigger army wouldnt be there

The main point i was trying to make is

No, the point you were trying to make was stated crystal clear: '...the confederacy didn't really lose military. Which is flat-out wrong. Your point about guerilla warfare was also wrong, as evidenced by the mass and willful surrendering of Confederate soldiers near the end of the war.

The main point i was trying to make is that arming a soldier is many times less expensive now than before, guerilla warfare would be the only option today rather than being off the table, and the front-based traditional warfare that gave advantage to the side with the bigger army wouldnt be there

You clearly have no idea about the costs of equiping and maintaining a modern military. Especially in the, highly hypothetical, scenario of your enermy breaking off with 3/1 of your economy, most of your major ports, tech & population centers.

And lmao @ the thought of rural magacels being able to carry out any sort of 'insurgency'. They'd be dead of diabeetus before they even reached the front. Comparing them to groups of people battle-hardened from generations of constant warfare, like the Taliban and the VietCong, is insulting to the later.

It's true the CSA did punch well above its weight, but that's largely because they had some genuinely great generals.

Sherman was okay, but I'd put based Ulysses at the top for the Union side.

What is General Sherman?

The only general you remember from high school I’m guessing.

Guess that hit a nerve. Or is it an old burn?

Lol controversial tag. Dramatards absolutely S E E T H I N G

Pretty easy when you're going up against Joseph E Johnston for a good portion of the Atlanta campaign.


The real mistake these guys make is thinking it would be North vs South when it would actually be urban vs rural.

Another mistake is they think red counties are 100% GOP and blue counties are 100% Democrat.

In reality, the 2nd Civil War would be more of a geurilla war than a traditional conflict like the first one.

It would literally be hutu vs Tutsi, except less ethnic difference and more guns. But the ethnic difference is a big one, because without uniforms how the hell are you gonna know who to shoot? Aim for the guys with big black glasses and skinny jeans?

Far leftist men all look exactly the scrawny same and dress the same too. They would be easy to spot, uniform or no.

It's stupid to speculate anyway after decades of developing and practicing counter radical efforts.

The Oregon bird sanctuary and Waco are way more relevant than the civil war here. Any leader motivating a group to usurp the government will be dealt with swiftly while we all laugh at the 55 gallon drum of lube.

"The north didn't really win, it just removed the capacity for the south to wage war."

Peak cope lol

They did win, but the victory was due to factors that wouldn't be present in a modern war

Supply lines do not exist

"The Taliban prove you can fight any army by losing all your land, being forced into hiding, then being murdered anyway."

“The north won”

starts tantrum war because they still want to own people

economy relies solely on agriculture from said people

economy shits the bed as rest of western world industrializes


This is your brain on inbreeding culture

So Rockefeller was trying to figure out how to make the south rise again (and make 💰, you know). He had this big brain idea of "Maybe stop stepping in bubba's shit?"

the union beating a country with 1/4th its population

Nobody had conquered territory that vast since Tamerlane and certainly not in 5 years. Hence the shock among experts in Europe at the outcome of the war.

the southern leadership favored reconciliation and chose voluntarily to end the war in a way that would preserve their nation without waging a 30 year insurgency

This is actually very insightful. Recognizing that the Americans would have just turned over the task of hunting down and killing... uhhh... honorable southern gentleman to blacks was definitely an important factor in the surrender.

The poor whites would have also been happy to help.

How many posts do you have to sperg on every day to survive

Despite the rather pathetic circlejerk that erupts over the union beating a country with 1/4th its population, the confederacy didn't really lose military. It lost primarily because its economy was on its last legs and the southern leadership favored reconciliation and chose voluntarily to end the war in a way that would preserve their nation without waging a 30 year insurgency.

That’s how war works retard. Why do you think their economy was on its last legs? “Chose voluntarily to end the war” lmao maximum cope

chose voluntarily to end the war in a way that would preserve their nation without waging a 30 year insurgency

lol, that would have actually been the better outcome. An insurgency would have meant that the federal government would have kept the garrisons and never abandoned reconstruction, the terrorists would have been slaughtered by the Army, thus eliminating the KKK, and with that continued federal control over local and state government, no Jim Crow, either.

Not really. While rugged, mountainous rural terrains have traditionally been ideal strongholds for guerrilla movements, most large insurgencies recruited from all over the place.

And, whatever the case, most large insurgencies were not (unlike in this hypothetical) made up largerly of obese meth'd up inbreds with AK's and their auxiliary skinnyfat suburban HS kids.

When the opposition is obese stoners with no weapons or children, I don't think that matters to much.

Wow, retarded.

The Taliban is made up of goat-herders who don't even aim when they shoot and they've been dabbing on modern militaries for 30 years

The Taliban, just like the VietCong a couple of decades ago, were made-up of people battle-hardened from generations of near-constant warfare.

A hypothetical new Southern Rebellion would draw manpower from some of the sickest, fattest most pampared first worlders around. Who's country hasn't experienced a war on its soil since 1812. Comparing the two is legit insulting to the Taliban.

lol wait did you forget about the war from 1861-1865? That was all on American soil.

All of those people are dead loser.

Yep that tends to happen. How long did it take for you to do the math?

Fortunate Son intensifies

"The trees speak English but with a thick southern accent"

conservative areas rising up against a radical city based government and fighting a brutal insurrection? never happened in history

Lol, they lost.

But insurgency is what a losing side does. While the stupid meme implies the red states will win

Vietnam? Taliban? Hezbollah? Current Yemen?

All countries supported by outside parties and made up of battle hardened badass motherfuckers, not fat methheads

But insurgency is what a losing side does.

It always cracks me up when the popular perception is "if ISIS invades the US the rednecks and gangbangers will take them out in no time."

Eh not really. The basis of every successful insurgency always has been supported by foreign powers / external forces.

City's can be sieged, countryside can't.

Yes it absolutely can you nob.

a countryside can't be sieged

  • The Art of C O P E by a r/drama poster

What is Biafra?

It can be barrel-bombed :^)

Allah, Souria, Bashar in the distance


Most insurgencies lose

say what you will about antifa being all mentally ill and physically deformed freaks, but they are capable of walking, running etc without the use of mobility scooters, so in rough terrain off-road they will have a clear combat advantage over the magaboomers. part of the war will also come down to whether suicides due to being misgendered outnumber deaths due to obesity + rage induced heart attacks

but they are capable of walking, running etc without the use of mobility scooters, so in rough terrain off-road they will have a clear combat advantage over the magaboomers

this is classic misunderstanding of Trump's voter base.

Sure, a lot of young people would be on the left side in a hypothetical war, but take a look at what you're getting.

The chess club? Sure. Ap students? Maybe.

But 95% of every athletic club is going to be a MAGA kid. The Football team, wrestling team, maybe you'll get basketball if you're in an urban environment but if you're in the suburbs that BB team is MAGA 9/10 times.

The next generation is conservative, it's just a vocal minority that makes people think other wise.

nice cope, magas are all old and have diabetes, statistically

not a cope from me, I don't really like Trump.

I'm just telling you, 2020 will be a lot closer than people think because all those CHAD 14-17 year olds can vote now.

Image believing that young people will actually vote.

Young people literally never vote.

The next generation is conservative, it's just a vocal minority that makes people think other wise.

As a zoomer I can tell you that's a fucking lie. Most are center left with a local minority of magatards and commiecels.

I, as a fellow zoomer, I completely disagree with you. Most people in my grade/age group are either right, or center right.

I'd call you out for coping but I live in California so that might be skewing my view of gen z.

Yeah if you live in California, and even some of the kids your age are vocally conservative you can bet your ass that it's at least triple that in the rest of the country.

If gen Z is majority conservative the resulting drama with the millennials will be great.

I'm real excited for 2020 for more than a few reasons. Dramacoin is gonna be great that year, regardless of where the pendulum swings.

Zoomers talking about politics lol

every actual poll shows gen z is basically the same as millenials politically, but autistic 4chan/reddit zoomers think they represent the whole generation

Millennials are the awkward middle child, I just realized this

The next generation is conservative, it's just a vocal minority that makes people think other wise.


The next generation is conservative, it's just a vocal minority that makes people think other wise.

There's no evidence of this and plenty of the opposite.

The next generation is conservative

actual polling data shows that Gen Z is really similar to millennials.

even zoomers who identify as republicans are still even more 'progressive' on some issues than millennial republicans.

It's been my experience that the combat sports are populated by magacels. So the magacels will have the advantage of youth/strength/marksmanship and will be backed up by the mobility scooter obese magacels, many of whom have either direct combat experience or decades of firearms practice.

It's over for citymillennialleftistcels

Nah dude hip city dwellers are master axe-throwers


Shooting at bottles 10 feet away and doing judo with your uncle does not constitute strength nor marksmanship

running isn’t great against cletus’s ar15 even if he isn’t exactly the fastest guy.

Hillbillies and rednecks live in the sticks their entire lives. They're practically born with 4 wheel drives.

ngl if I ever live to see yallquaeda curbstomp uniqlo camo wearing hipsters in open combat it will, without a doubt, be the highlight of my life.

Here's a taste. Some pre-stuff. Do you like pre-stuff?


Was that a pot of beans???

maybe chili?

It's hilarious how every there's actual fighting, antifa always gets their asses kicked.

Guys guys, I know we are unironically scared of the idea of guns, but come on, we are basically rich, we can just hire other people to do our work for us anyway. Its easy, just do a dark web scan and hire a mercenary forehead

Galaxy-brain tier tactics from the soyim here.

All I can picture is that scene in office space were they're looking up money laundering in the dictionary. Except with mercenaries and google.


Yikes. Do it right or don't do it at all

hiring mercenaries to fight your war for you

This has never ever backfire and is a great plan without any drawbacks/s


What, what i say? It's a terrible plan.

Stop serious posting

Dude bussy lmao?

Good boy

Life fuel for foederaticels


some good old boys sign up, take the payment, fuck shit up, leave

You can trust me, John "Redactor" Hawkwood. 😎😎😎

Stop putting /s after obvious sarcasm


Fucking rapefugees 😨🤢🤮


the funniest part is that the leftie side wouldn't have soldiers. You've trained these kids that America was never great, violence is bad all the time no matter what, war is wrong, etc and now you think that you're going to turn these kids into A war machine lmao

You've trained these kids that America was never great

That's the saddest part of it. In Stalin's time, communist propaganda taught that being a commie was really the most American thing you could do. Now these kids are left with nothing to identify with except self-hate.

the cities are full of limp wristed liberals the mighty redneck shall conquer them all

When your cope level is so high you start sounding like imperialist japan and their horrible take on USA war morale.

This entire thread is a cope mine lmao

Very nice cope you have there.

no u cope


Nice cope eomji.


violence is bad all the time no matter what, war is wrong

Cletus's kid would be stringing up his enemies from trees and gutting them like deer. Meanwhile these kids would be like, "I can't believe you'd do that to a deer!"

Good luck winning a civil war if you're not willing to kick hundreds of begging enemies that you've just executed into a mass grave.

> Implying one of the laziest, fattest countries would mobilize its populous for a civil war over politics.

The thing is why would anyone even bother to invade bum fuck no where Arkansas.

The blue states would control all the ports. Literally just starve them out. Good by wal marts and any technology.

Suddenly Mexico is your only trading partner... see how that works out for ya

Has this dipshit ever seen a map, or heard the term "The Gulf of Mexico"? Every comment in that thread was dumber than the previous one.

The big port cities on the Gulf are mostly liberal.

read: african american

Y'all better bet your ass I'm putting sea mines in the oceans

Galveston... Mobile maybe?

The thing (voting rights for felons) I'm most proud of in my life so far is voting for this. To see it passed is amazing and makes me happy in the best way

Lmao imagine your life being so pathetic that being one of over five million to vote yes on a fucking state amendment is the thing you are most proud of in your life

In these hypotheticals why do they always leave out the fact that there are tons of people in the dem states who would side with the red states.

It isn't like they automatically have California's whole population on their side just like the right wouldn't have all of Texas.

But in all states the people better suited for a full out civil war like police and military and former military I would guess more would fight for the right in America but I don't know for sure.

People everywhere would easily go right. Every farmer in CA fucking hates liberals with a passion so the "lol we'll just starve the rural folk who've lived in the boonies their whole lives because we're rich liberals" argument looks even dumber. And what happens every time there's even the tiniest bit of unrest in the country? Liberal cities start rioting and burning themselves down. Whether because a gang member got shot, or the lakers won a championship. No one ever goes out to bumfuck nowhere to riot, they're so fucking lazy they'd rob their neighbors.

Liberals would destroy themselves before cleetus would even have to bother loading his gun. Honestly, the only fighting done would be from liberals trying to escape their burning cities and robbing farmsteads because they'd be starving to death. And reds have studied up castle laws for years now so good fucking luck. Hell, Hickok45 alone would win the "war." It'd be so fucking one-sided it's almost sad to think about.

farmers would just starve the cities

holy shit how are you burgers this shit at economics, food imports is not hard for a coastal metropolis, its how they function.

Ports destroyed.

Now what?

Ports destroyed.

With what? Incendiary meth bombs?

Most of the military is conservative. At the very least you would have artillery available.

Imagine thinking any but the lowest dregs of the US military would desert those who feed, clothe and pay them & their families to join some ragtag yokel revolt in the Appalachia lmao

be. Our good friend Burgerdal?

People who say this were never in the military.

There ain’t gonna be a new civil war, and if there was it’d look more like north Ireland than anything

People who say this were never in the military.

Ok I'll correct myself. COMBAT ARMS is mostly conservative.

Because there would be more people in Red states helping the Dems.

Do any other countries routinely talk about how easy it would be to kill each other?

Bad example everybody from the Welsh to the Manx fantasize about killing the English.

The whole world, really, but do their fantasies extend into strategic discussions?

Ig you're right. Burgers were a mistake.

No, because we've already spent hundreds of years discovering what happens when the English and Scots try to kill each other.

I think we called it a draw and decided to tag-team the Irish instead.

The problem is, all the people you'd expect to be these warriors or whatever are actually obese and stupid. All that militia shit died in the 90's, it's for hobbyists now.

heavily armed obese retards will lose to disarmed skinnyfat retards


I'm not disarmed if that's what you were going for.

And anyway, it's a moot question because all of these militia groups are full of feds anyway.

Congrats on being the only fag in your apartment building to own a Glock.

However, Billy Fentanyl has an arsenal of weapons that blue state residents have voted themselves out of owning, and has been religiously maintaining, shooting, hunting with and cumming on them.

He isn't in a LARPer militia, but he does get a hard-on at the first thought of a civil war, and rest assured that in a civil war him and every other member of his sisterwife clan (along with his Marine cousin and Army brother) will band together and make Fentanyville into a veritable soy grinder.

And there are roughly 100 million Billys throughout every rural area in the US. Libtards will get dabbed on.

I don't live in a blue state. The only people who believe this shit don't actually live in Fentanylville. It's telling all these right-wing terrorists attacks come from dysfunctional but fairly well-to-do families. Think redneck chic, aka the dude who drives a lifted pickup to his job as like a real estate agent. Those guys are especially prevelant in places like Texas. Actual Billie Bob's aren't functional enough to actually revolt, which is sad because their lives legitimately suck ass.

If billy was in a militia he'd probably spend most of the civil war fighting other militias that they disagree with over minor doctrinal disputes.

We gun protek dis her walmart wit ar lifes!!

heavily armed

Yes, all that fat does make their arms heavy. Makes it really hard to lift up and aim their guns.

Jethro's musket will save him from weaponized drones


Unironically could use another Shermans March though. Let's boogaloo already.

Unironically the Brits should burn down Washington again, then the French should burn the English and then the Italians should burn the French...

could you not i like my house not burnt to the ground tyvm

As a non American, both the linked thread as this one are pretty cringy tbh.

> As a non American

Opinion discarded

Imagine living in a country that constantly fantasies about killing itself.

Whats with all these serious posting conservacopes acting like the entirety of the cities is a TD parody of a liberal.

These fucking people think that the next civil war is gona be states that voters for trunk vs states that voted for Hilary fucking L O l

One side has mastered science and technology the other hangs stainless steel nuts from their trucks and likes to "roll coal"

mastered science and technology



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The actual truth is that a civil war stalls out after a few hours as the liberals need rural soy and the rurals need imported/manufactured goods.

You might not like it, but this is what peak combat performance looks like.