In the aftermath of this mass shooting, you’ll never guess what’s at the top of r/all

505  2019-03-15 by 2938_throwd


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Hot Take: It's better for people to be talking about friends & family themed capeshit than to be at each others' throat because of some murderous memelord and their nihilistic manifesto.

Capeshit is worse

Based and kinopilled.

Don’t act like the dark knight wasn’t kino chen.

I hate capeshit in its current state more than anyone on this sub. But I think there are 3 capeshits that are acceptable to like.

Dark Knight

Superman 78

The Raimi Spiderman movies.

Everything else is gulag worthy

Dark Knight is trash

No u

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Fuckin yeeted on him


its awful

That’s 5

No u

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Yo can you do that again, but this time make it a Steal Your Face logo or just a simple 13point bolt? I just figure we're best friends and that you would love to take the time to do this for me. You know, because of all those good times we had together. What with me responding to your post and all. Good times.

Agreed. I just don’t watch movies in general, but capeshit is by far one of the worst genres. Right behind the romantic comedy.

I went through a period where I was more tolerant of shitty blockbusters (mainly when I started drinking). The thing with capeshit is that we're getting the same type of shitty blockbuster over and over again. I had made peace with the sorry state of popular filmmaking only for it to get 10x worse.

Universal's attempts to turn classic monster movies into capeshit is a prime example of this.

a Universal shared monster universe isn't a bad idea at all though. It just needs to be low budget and not blockbusters.

yeah I agree, and specifically it needs to not try to be capeshit

1989 Batman was good too.

I'm lukewarm on it, but it has a distinct style and flair that puts all modern capeshit to shame.

When was the last time you saw it?

It may not be as good as you remember.

Batman Returns was tight



The only live action capekino is Mystery Men.

The animated capekino are Justin league: A crisis on two earths, The dark Knight returns 1 and 2, and finally flashpoint paradox.

I don't see The Killing Joke, so I'm afraid you'll have to go along with the officer now.

Killing joke's only famous because it was the first time anyone say something edgy in their children's comics decades ago ,otherwise it's eh.

So the other two Batmen aren't okay but Tobey Maguire dancing down the street in an emo haircut is?

Imblying Tobey dancing is not the figure representing the acme of hope and aspiration in Current Year - 13.

Its Current Year + 4 tyvm

but Tobey Maguire dancing down the street in an emo haircut is?

You can include Batman Begins if you want but yes

If by “other two batmen” you don’t at least include the original with Jack Nicholson... I don’t know. I’d be vaguely irritated.

I liked Logan.

Kick-Ass? Mystery Men? I also think you need to include Superman II alongside the first one because they were shot back-to-back and are, effectively, a two-part movie.

spiderfag capeshit


i find it endlessly entertaining how every time some anti-capeshit obsessed fag comes clean about whatever shit they like, it's just more marvel-tier garbage

marvel-tier garbage

if you mean the MCU, nothing is that low


Tim Burton's Batman movies were gret for thier time. Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, it was a good era.

Barman begins is better than dark Knight

Iron Man built the MCU template: his solo movies are bearable

Last superhero movie I saw and the reason I stopped watching superhero movies

That was the capeshit peak and it's all been downhill since then.



This, but unironcally.

Civil war is preferred to avengers civil war

That Mel Gibson movie about the civil war was badass.

It wasn't about the civil war and no it wasn't.

Capeshit is unironically a genocide of retarded children. It needs a Disco-Demolition style cultural backlash.

Capeshit hate is no longer real woke, it's faux woke.

No shit, they aren't great movies. They're about a bunch of 9/10 models doing shit that makes sense at the surface level.

The movie entertains you for 2 hours, you give them between $10-$30.

Obviously there are some deeper levels to them because the people making them are all professionals, they're not quite shallow but they're not food for thought.

Hating them like the Cool KidsTM of /r/drama does comes off as super embarrassing.

As for OP saying "It's the most important story" and implying the 49 dead is the most important story on the internet is also retarded.

There is very little to be gained from discussing the manifesto or the shooting. It was a tragedy, no doubt about it. But there is nothing else worth discussing about it.

We know how the killer did it, why, when, etc.

People died today, people die everyday, there is a 99.99% chance that the shooting in NZ today will never affect you in any direct way.

The shooting is going to make them take away my memes

Epic srs post 🙌🏾😎

Downvoted and blocked, faggot. Not going to read any more of your drivel


I wholeheartedly agree.

everyone who agrees with that gets gassed



True. Constant desensitization isn't helping the modern social fabric.

👆🤣🤣🤣 THIS! 🤣🤣🤣👆

Honestly the sooner that loser falls back into obscurity the better, he shouldn’t be remembered

True, but he's directing Suicide Squad 2, so we'd be hearing about him regardless.

There's really no escaping the capeshit, is there.

So thas it? What? We some kinda subscribe to Pewdiepie squad?

His manifesto ranted about the effects of nihilism on our society. But you wouldn't know because it is banned on Reddit.

This faggot whining about nihilism is like a whore whining about sex-centered culture.

Stop with your logic.

James Gunn might not be a child diddler but he is 100% a pedophile.

the only notable thing about the shooting was that it wasnt in USA.

It's really not that interesting story

I actually am going to effort post some bullet points on how big this really is.

  • 49 is high even by burger standards

  • Livestreaming the shooting

  • Evil salt rifle and shotgun

  • High capacity magazines

  • Left a manifesto

  • Tons of memes

  • Subscribe to pewdiepie

  • Shooter lived and is in police custody

  • Wanted to start a race war

This would actually be blowing reddit up if it was in the United States.

I agree but 8 is just part of 7

that'd only be because amerifat shooters would struggle to get in range of 49 people tbh

Funnily enough the subs that are still riding this hard (deplatform pdp!!!’ ban TD!!!!!) are literally playing this freak’s game.

I suspected the news NZ will drastically change their gun laws would be the top spot in worldnews because of how polarizing it is. Instead, the top post of the day is a cross post from FTAR which headline is hilariously misleading.

Unironic radical centrist take is this is basically fodder for the far left and far right and they're both going to exploit to at the expense of everyone else.

Who would have thought mindless atrocities don't help anyone wow we are really making progress here in the year of our Lord 2019

Although the right wing subs are furiously jerking to the Aussie cunt that said the Muslims are responsible for their own murders. Telling it like it is = murder brown people to protect the mayos

That's exactly the reason it isn't blowing up -- it absolutely destroys the narrative that this doesn't happen in other countries.

Maybe we should stop giving such extensive press attention to these morons considering it is proven to increase shootings and creates copycats.

Evil salt rifle and shotgun

Salt rifle?

Probably because yet another white guy shooting up people isn't shocking news. Just a sign that another month has passed.


Maybe in Fattieland but in my country it's all about those #trucksofpeace.

We need a time unit beyond a month for every white guy shooting... how about a day for every leftist hypocrisy, or an hour for every Islamic attack?

Half of day? More like half an hour...

No, the in the US but it is in kiwiland.

I really don't see the problem here.

Worse news than the shooting tbh

Breaking news on the next year:

Regular /r/drama user shoots up movie theater room playing capeshit


My actual face when I'm trying to walk the dog but still haven't woken up yet. 😕

I'm an alpha that forces my dog to choke down every last bite of it's sperm-flavored shit when it poops in my house. Hopefully I can pop it's tits out so the degradation is spicier. Maybe I can put it in milkshakes and hamburgers and return them, claiming the fast food wagie staff did it.


Hi, I'm a journalist from BBC. I want to shine the light on the misogyny, racism and xenophobia on reddit, especially this subreddit, which deserve nothing less than what r/wpd got.
But I want to ask you about your connection with the NZ shooter. Did he hang out at r/drama a lot? Can you tell me which user is shooting up a movie theater for a scoop.

which user

which mod

His username rhymes with markbolf

The post bellow is a crazed gunman with mental sickness.

It's gonna be /u/wazzupnerds

You're looking for /r/subredditdrama - that's generally where the school shooter types hange out

If one of you manage to livestream that and drop references to bussy, shill's sentience and ed's retardation it'd be great

I hope he makes Disney let him use the penis monster from Tromeo & Juliet in the new sequel.

There’s a SRD thread there too. SRDines continue to get flooded with /r/all-fugees

Yes please. Normies go there are leave us alone.

Its almost like redditors are nerds and this site is about video games, comics and porn.

Lol fuckin retard, get outta here

That gross mayocel deserves to be forgotten due to cape movies.

love triumphs hate, y’all

and nothing says love like a decade of kidfucking jokes made by a guy in his 30s

more important than autistic shooting spree

So basically the same thing that happens when a mosque in the Middle East is hit by a terror attack since no one seems to care once it’s out of a desert.

that was yesterday, get over it already!

I thought you were talking about the 3+ pibbles posts

So what would happen if you record the video and send it to a friend on another app?

We did it, guys! Our nightmare is over. Thank god we'll have the great James Gunn back to complete his vision for the trilogy where a CGI tree baby and a sitcom star trade quips and roundhouse kicks over top of '70s lite FM rock.


Hahahaha this kid isn't gonna shit right for years

It's dumb that this is the hottest topic but...

I'd be willing to bet Disney has been in talks with him for at least a few weeks, but waited until after the performance of Ms. Marvel to pull the trigger on the decision. Probably because the film is underperforming for its intended goals and they're scared losing their hottest director is just going to kill what enthusiasm exists for them at the moment.

Who cares weather or not people pretend to care about this shit.

Get over yourself OP. Get off this SRDing take.

This has to be the most retarded agendapost of all time. Please keep yourself safe.

Maybe if Reddit didn't bow to NZ's demands, people would be more willing to discuss something more serious than a movie and a director.

Glad he's back though.

Spotlight uhh moonlight uhh fuck nigga poo poo pee pee uh

Yaaaaassss, more 😋 capeshit daddy!

Marvel fags are the worst. I wish my life were so simple, I wish I were so easily amused.