Looks like someone ate the pasta

272  2019-03-17 by MPHJ-7


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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This can’t be true! First word, second or third line down. Should it be “guerrilla?” Not Gorilla. It’s…

Gorilla warfare is more hurling feces than shooting guns. It's super effective.

Literal strategy of the NVA

Who will win, the FBI or a navy seal with access to the entire arsenal of the US Armed forces

don't mess with anybody trained in gorilla warfare. they'll rip your face off.

Tell that to Harambe

I wonder if the FBI already has an email response template for this meme.

Somewhere there's a fresh feeb, dead in the soul, writing up responses to these tips wondering where his dream of being an american james bond died.

4chan is now in custardy.

its over for 4cels

White people honestly and unironically think that various branches of law enforcement exist to cater to their every report, that CSI and the NSA is going to get involved when your house gets broken into, and the FBI is going to open a case and send college educated agents with TS//SCI clearance to go after your aunt that stole your cat and ran across state lines.

White people love being narcs

That’s exactly what happens.

And then when that doesn’t happen they bitch about how “well the cops didn’t do anything when my house was broken into” as if the whole law enforcement apparatus is going to be allocated to your shitty beanie baby collection that was stolen for meth money.

The rite of passage as an adult is having your shit stolen and finding out that no one cares.

How many thousands of memes a year do you think gets reported to the FBI? Surely they filter memes and send an automated response? Does some new guy have to read butt hurt blue check marks all fucking day?

Surely they filter memes and send an automated response?

But imagine if there's a Meme Murderer or a Copypasta Killer even: he sends people threatening copypasta, they are like, oh, that's copypasta, but then he murders them exactly like the pasta said!

Written/Directed by Jordan Peele

Blue checks need to be gassed. Change my mind

They should be Boered in camps instead. I hope that changes your minds.

Change my mind


imagine how much bullshit the fbi has to sift through for twitter users

I think all bluechecks hang out in /r/ChapoTrapHouse

Somebody tell her the dancing baby meme gif isn't real before she sees it and has a breakdown.

I don't know why, but your comment is absolutely hilarious.

Regardless if it's a copypasta, its mean and people should send emails like that

We should have the FBI and counter terrorism agents spend their whole days making sure no one sends mean emails. Lets us white collar criminals get away with embezzling.

I know this guy. The feds will never get him. This is the infamous internet hacker known only as "4chan"

PayPal address in Twitter bio.

Nancy Pelosi sassy applause as background pic.

The absolute state of twitter foids

God what a fucking retard

I’ve only met one operator with experience in gorilla warfare

Based and Harambe-pilled.

Fucking hell the boomerism and retardation this one twitter thread caused has made me want to toss a child around like Harambe.

The copypasta is nearly as old as the boomers that are freaking out about it lmfao boomercide when

boomercide when

over the next 10-20 years

We're already on the cusp of the great boomer extinction but you can't rush these things

Those women on that Twitter thread are all about 50 and are technically Generation X.

I've never watched one of these "Parents/elders react to internet thing" videos but these replies gives me a good insight into what they look like.

it's a copypasta

Nice Find!

Boomers were a mistake.

"why isn't it spelled copypaste i'm so confused???"

> boomers

Modern medicine was a mistake, people aren't supposed to live past their 30s.

Wow, I'm not new to the internet either but I have a life and don't surf it all day long either. Get a life dude. WTF?

^ this

My favourite bit of this is his use of the term "gorrila warfare" despite the fact that he is sending mail from the correctly-spelt "guerilla" mail account. Bless him.

Imagine being this fucking stupid

Some senior moments all around.

One one hand I truly hate with a passion all these checkmarked retards. On the other hand seeing them sperg out over the pasta is pretty funny

Remind that these people that are clearly so ignorant about so many things are many more times successful than people like me or you will ever be. And that includes fields such as tech journalism.

And they're the ones with influence on lawmakers. "We demand that you shut off the internet, a Navy SEAL threatened to kill me!"

So many clueless checkmarks.

You can blame smartphones.

Checkmarkcide NOW

She keeps talking about all the terrible emails she gets and doesn't post any of them.

She's probably lying cos she feels stupid for eating the pasta

God how do you live like that?

ماذا قلت عني بحق السماء, يا أيتها العاهرة الصغيرة؟ لعلمك, أنا قد تخرجت الأول على صفي في القوات البحرية الأمريكية, و قد اشتركت في العديد من الغارات السرية على القاعدة, و لدي على سجلى ما فوق ال300 قتيل مؤكد. أنا مدرب على حرب العصابات و انا صفوة القناصين من بين كل قناصين القوات الأمريكية المسلحة. أنت لست اكثر من مجرد هدف آخر لي. سأمسح أمك من الوجود بدقة لم يرى مثلها من قبل على هذه الأرض, تذكر كلماتي اللعينة. هل تعتقد أن بإمكانك ان تمر سالما من بعد قولك هذا الخرة لي عبر الإنترنت؟ إذا فأعد التفكير أيها اللعين. بينما نتحدث, أنا اقوم بالتواصل مع شبكة الجواسيس السرية الخاصة بي عبر الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية و عنوان بروتوكول الأنرنت الخاص بك يتم تتبع أثره في هذه الحظة لذالك فالأفضل لك ان تستعد للعاصفة, يا يرقة. العاصفة ألتي ستمحو كيانك الصغير المثير للشفقة الذي تطلق عليه حياتك. أنت بعداد الموتى, يا طقل. أنا من الممكن أن أكون في أي مكان, و في أي وقت, و أستطيع أن أقتلك بأكثر من سبعمائة طريقة, و ذلك فقط بإستخدام يداي العارية. أنا لست فقط مدرب على نطاق واسع في القتال الأعزل, بل و عندي إمكانية الولوج لترسانة المشاه البحرية بأكملها و سوف أستخدمها لمداها الكامل لأمسح مؤخرتك البائسة من وجه القارة, يا قطعة الخرة الصغيرة. لو كنت فقط تستطيع أن تعرف طبيعة العقاب الآثم الذي كان سيجلبه عليك تعليقك "المتذاكي", لكنت أمسكت لسانك اللعين. و لكنك لم تستطع, و لم تفعل, و الآن ستدفع الثمن, يا أيها الاحمق. سأتغوط الغضب عليك كلك و لسوف تغرق فيه. أنت في عداد الموتى الملاعين, يا طفل

Have you owned the libs yet?

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Stop oppressing me.

There’s a GTA Online joke here somewhere...

You know what's easier than robbing a bank?

Look at all those 30 year old boomers feasting on that pasta in the replies. It's a goddamn banquet

the absolute state of pasta eating twitter foids

blue checks were a mistake

Couple years back Anne Wheaton (wife of shut up Wesley) fell for the same shit and sparked some the usual suspects circlejerking about it.



Twitter is the staying inside of the internet