Literal barbarians who raped,pillaged and killed were so much better then great civilizations of the past becasue they "RESPECTED WOMEN" of their own cultures

263  2019-03-18 by MoreProfessor3


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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Gaul-cels represent! We wuz the thorn in Rome’s side n’ shit.

Somebody should tell her that Sparta is mostly a meme though.

A meme that is mostly admired by literal fascists these days.

And That's A Good Thing

Same goes for their brand of rabid transphobia.

Radical white feminism always devolves into fascism.

Thia is why mayocide is an essential part of the revolution, Insallah


How many times must I tell you people? إن شاء الله‎ means "if God wills." IF, motherfucker. By writing this, you are implying that there is a chance that the mayocide will not happen.

If Allah wills, and he absolutely does

Speaking off, if you ever go watch 300 from the perspective of it being an intentionally untrue fireside story that Spartans told eachother to hype up themselves about how supposedly awesome they are (which is what the movie is about according to the filmmakers btw), it goes from being a really fucking retarded action movie to a kinda smart critique of how civilizations glorify their successes, histories and virtues.

Whoa. The filmmakers deliberately pretended to be galaxy-brained in order to produce some hot takes. That method may prove worthy of emulation in my personal life.

I mean I'd consider it a galaxy brained take if only they were able to realize that their audience wasn't going to have the capacity to understand its essentially satirical if you don't deliver the information to them via an enema

Ya. Given that it’s an American movie that should be a given though.

Hey, it was great for the 10% of women who weren’t Helots subject to rape and murder at whim!

literally buying into the noble savage nonsense

My bet is these people have seen Avatar a few too many times.

They probably think it’s anime too, those imbeciles.

I think he's referring to the shittt James Cameron one actually. Airbender doesn't really have anything to do with Noble Savages, where Dances With Wolves Ripoff does.

I always thought of The Avatar as a Pocahontas retelling.

It's dances with elves you fucking zoomer.

Yeah I can see that, too. Its a bit of both I'd say.

The Germanic "savage" tribes conquered huge swathes of Roman land and literally became their noble elite. France(Franks), Lombardy(Lombards), and Iberia(Visigoths).

Caesar himself noted how the Gauls and Germans were less spoiled by civilization.

There is also Tacitus's Germania, but his idealization of the Germanii mostly served a rhetorical bludgeon with which to criticize Rome.

It's the only record we have of ancient customs too, and apparently the ancient pagan Germanic tribes were highly monogamous and noble people. Not what you think of when you hear "savage".

Well, there's Herodotus, too, but he's much more scattershot and much less reliable.

what about the Moriori

I like the story of Boudica. She was the wife of an Iceni king and when he died without a male heir the Romans assumed his territory would default to Roman rule. However the Iceni custom in such a situation was for his queen to take over as their ruler and when the Romans disrespected this, her people were prepared to follow her into rebellion. It’s hard to know how many of the details are true and Roman authors certainly loved to write about crazy barbarians doing silly barbaric stuff like treat women as people (good thing our armies are over there to civilise them, right?) but it’s nice to know that she’s been picked up as a British folk hero either way.

just leaving this here

from what I have read "barbarian" cultures like the Steppe peoples.Gauls.Celts often had higher amounts of Gender equality then "civilized" peoples they would be fighting like China,Persia,Rome,Islamic Caliphates(you know the great civilizations and societies of man where women were treated like property)

It seems necessary to suppress women to build a successful civilization then?? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Or that you simply have a very bussy-centric view of what a "great" civilisation is.

Why is an empire of cities and industry better than collectives of villages of tree-humpers and sheep-shaggers? Because the penis says so?

There is better shopping and hair/nail services in the city.

CMV: The fashion industry is the most mysogynistic in existence, its very existence relying on the promotion and exploitation of womens' insecurity.

Counter-argument:- it make ma dick hard

Also CMV: Men who say women look better without makeup are neckbeard shitlords and fuck you for trying to take my foundation away REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

This is what is known as internalised oppression.

/r/TrollXChromosomes is just waiting to hear your sage words of wisdom, brother

Yass, imma get laid!

Wearing make up is marketed and used with the express function of making you look more attractive. Lots of women simultaneously complain that the patriarchy forces or coerces them to wear make-up, then when you ask why they're doing it they say 'for myself'. Just be honest about it.

Cmv: men and women have conscious and subconscious motivations to increase their sexual desirability, and even if it's not conscious a major reason why any woman wears makeup is for that very reason, even if they claim otherwise.

It's purpose is also to maintain class distinction.

Written language

Administrative organization

Vastly improved medicine and hygene

Development of scientific knowledge

More effective responses to natural disasters and famines


All I'm hearing is "my penis has an obsessive need to conquer the planet and 'tame' nature".

Real Anarcho-primitivist hours who’s up?

On the other hand:

More freedom

Personal horse

More democratic political system

Non-manlet because of balanced diet

Don’t smell like shit because you don’t live in an overcrowded city

Make a living by raiding wagecucks


but apart from that, what have the Romans ever done for us?

lol peak postmodernist

Literally every single time I see a completely retarded take, it's a Chapo. Every single time.

Galaxy brain can't recognise sarcasm if it isn't explicitly labelled.

If someone says something completely retarded, and they're a Chapo, why would I ever give them the benefit of the doubt?

Because if you're not nice to us Chapos we might off ourselves.

You are NOT helping your case!

I genuinely do try my best ever since I read that thread, but it's hard sometimes

wait was that post about civilization bad supposed to be serious lol

The agricultural revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः


Because the penis says so?

I realize you're baiting here but I'm loving the implicit suggestion that "the vagina" loves being waist-deep in pigshit and vermin 24/7

only when you’re up against OTHER civilizations who’ve suppressed women. just need an armistice

Unironically based and redpilled

Controlling marriage, the ability to have "legitimate" children and having power over the sexual availability of women -- most of what men desire out of life -- is how power holders control men's behavior and force them to conform in their communities. That's why religion with its focus on women's sexuality can help a small ruling class dominate a society and subjucate the masses when there's insufficient separation between church and state. The Catholic church controlled the nations of Europe when it had the "divine" authority to coronate kings, approve of royal marriages and the legitimacy of royal children. People tend to focus on economic power since Karl Marx discovered the material theories of societies, but control over sex, marriage and children is far more instrumental in exercising in subjucating masses of people, when religion overlaps with government. I.e. forming civilizations with an obedient disadvantaged class of ppl who work for little reward to build great works. The more that consent of individual with rights is needed for rulers to stay in power, the less government needs to rely on religion and its chokehold on sex, marriage and children to control the masses. Controlling sex, marriage and the ability to have legitimate children means those who want undue power over their communities must convince the men to physically and politically suppress the women and then compel the men themselves surrender to their critical thinking and values to obey representatives of the absolute moral authority (clerics, bishops, priests, imams) in the community.

Seriouspost fag

It's true. I crave the /r/drama snark but when I start typing the seriouspost fag comes out.

China,Persia,Rome,Islamic Caliphates

mfw Indian civilisations arent even mentioned.



Pick one

One of the cradles of civilisation while most of europe was still living in caves.

Yeah and Uncle Rico used to be a quarter back, what's your point?

Do you take your poo to the loo?

Nah, i choose a poor neighborhood's walls.

The virgin egalitarian barbarians vs. The Chad patriarchical civilizations.

Have you tried to assemble a shelf with your mother or wife over your shoulder nagging you about if you're doing it right?


Now imagine a a million men being nagged by their mothers and wives and daughters while they're trying to build a home for them.


Nothing would get done.

If the men are all fighting and dying the women are the only ones left to do regular labor. Huge strides in women’s rights were made during and after the world wars for the same reasons.

I like the story of Boudica. She was the wife of an Iceni king and when he died without a male heir the Romans assumed his territory would default to Roman rule. However the Iceni custom in such a situation was for his queen to take over as their ruler and when the Romans disrespected this, her people were prepared to follow her into rebellion. It’s hard to know how many of the details are true and Roman authors certainly loved to write about crazy barbarians doing silly barbaric stuff like treat women as people (good thing our armies are over there to civilise them, right?) but it’s nice to know that she’s been picked up as a British folk hero either way.

When will people stop hyping Boudicca.

She threw away every advantage her army had by charging headlong into a prepared defensive position.

400 romans vs 80000 britons dead

Never trust gussy.

to be fair Boudica's forces were less of an Army and more of an angry ill-equipped disorganized mob of which half were women and children going up against professional soldiers

Those numbers would have been written by roman historians too so they are probably very exaggerated.

We know she did rally a fuckton of Celts though, and we know there weren’t that many legionaries in Britain. The numbers might not be terribly off.

We only know the amount she rallied from the Romans though as all the references used today are roman because the celts were retarded barbarians that didn’t really write

In which case, trying to overwhelm the Romans with sheer numbers isn't the worst idea you could have.

if anything that makes it worse, she knowingly hurled countless women and children towards the Roman Legionary meat grinder.

To be fair



Romans: 10,000 I Boudica: 230,000

Casualties and losses:

Romans: 400 dead I Boudica: 80,000 dead

wtf, how can you be so shit at leading

Those numbers are most likely wildly inflated, for one.


The tips touch again!

TLDR, giving gussy equal rights is bad for civilization.

I have literally observed you turning into a radical

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

A radical centrist, you mean 😎

In other words, oppressing women is essential to civilization.

I mean men created civilization women just sat there, looked pretty and opened their legs for the kings

Isn't this being demonstrated in real time?


Women are civilization destroyers, the Greeks knew this that's why theres a Greek play all about them having power and they basically ended up destroying Greece.

What play?

Lysistrata most likely, but to be fair, almost all greek play can be resumed by "and then the foid fucked shit up".

from what I have read "barbarian" cultures like the Steppe peoples.Gauls.Celts often had higher amounts of Gender equality then "civilized" peoples they would be fighting like China,Persia,Rome,Islamic Caliphates(you know the great civilizations and societies of man where women were treated like property)

notice how all the barbaric pro gussy cultures are mayo and almost all the civilized anti-gussy cultures are not. Proving the need for mayocide once again.

steppe peoples


Why do they always ignore the no-sexual promiscuity part? These noble Gallic and Germanic women didn't fuck hundreds of dudes.

Thats r/GenderCritifcal they hate sex-positive women more then conservatives

Then I wish them the best.

Having a high IQ relative to other feminists doesn't mean they're high IQ.

Probably, but you should look at the results, not the intentions. If this version of gender equality leads to monogamous, noble women, I can't condemn it.

The long-term results of monogamy are better dating decisions and a nobler society in the long-term. I can't not be supportive of a branch of feminism that seeks similar goals to my own.

They say they're not sex-positive in contrast to feminists who are for sex work and all, but you'll find loads of them have FWBs and all, so, still THOTs really.

Isn’t that something noble women have always done? Also who gives a shit

A story from the Gallic Wars tells of a woman who murdered a previous lover because she wanted to honor her husband by ensuring there was but one man alive who had slept with her.

Did Romans not rape, pillage and kill?

well they did but the contributed to the sciences and arts same with Persia,The Islamic Caliphates and China

In fact rapine and pillages are the proof that a society is advanced. It really show how burgerland does not have a culture as they just destroy, without raping the ennemy women and taking away the children as slaves.

"It seems that the easier life gets, the more resentful men become of women" Holy shit. How uninformed do you have to be to believe this? It should be "It seems that the easier life gets, the harder that some women think that they have it." Do these legbeards really think that women in the west have it hard?

I think it’s fair to say that the easier life gets, the more resentment seems to be growing on both sides of the aisle, men and women.

Agreed. Boredom has made us all become irrational drama queens. As Fight Club put it "I see all this potential, and I see it squandered. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables - slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war... Our great depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won't. We're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." While quoting Fight Club probably makes me an idiot, and it being a bit less relevant due to 9/11 and the 2008 Financial collapse, I think it still applies to current day.

This is why we must support the anti-vax movement, it's the only way to get back to the good old days

BRB gonna contract polio to own civilized society 😎🤒🤮😵😵

It's an extremely intelligent movie. The biggest problem is it seems that it's biggest fans think Tyler Durden is supposed to be a sage of wisdom when in reality he is a cautionary figure of what happens when pussified, commodity obsessed men wake up to the fact they're massive pussies and go to the opposite extreme to compensate. Tbh the films one of the genuinely rare cases of being ahead of its time.

The funny thing is that a lot of them are essentially agreeing with Jordan Peterson in that thread without knowing it.

The actual disconnect is elsewhere. "Civilized" life is often not easier, day to day - and that was only more pronounced earlier on when agriculture was a brutal slog. Hunter-gatherers lived easier, and often healthier lives - but they could not sustain enough numbers to compete, the hunter gatherer lifestyle places very firm limits on population density.

On the other side of things, the newly civilized folk were suddenly put in a position where keeping their women barefoot and pregnant suddenly became a civilizational advantage - because to put up the numbers, you have to breed them first.

These are some of the reasons why primitive societies were often more egalitarian than "civilized" ones - and why they often could not stand against them in the end.

Caesar made up a ton of shit to make his travels and conquests seem more exotic. That's really the only recorded history we have of the Gaelic and similar tribes but it's full of embellishment

Keep coping, Cato the Younger

I also heard the "barbarian" Mongols gave their women more freedom than the Chinese and the Chinese looked down on them because of this.

Same Mongols who went on a rape tour through Europe?:)

well those weren't Mongol women cause Its true Mongols respected "their" women other human being including women were nothing more then cattle to them

also the Mongol Rape tour only reached Eastern Europe thats why Hitler considered Eastern Europeans non-white and Nazi Germany would use the "Asiatic Horde" in their propaganda against the soviets to dehumanize them

it's well know fact that Russians are Mongol rape babies larping as Slavs

This but unironically

found the Ukrainian

hohols are Russians in denial

Lol imagine thinking Caesar's propaganda for the Gallic Wars was anything but propaganda. 😂😂😂

Yeah but nuance when reading historical sources is hard ya know

Gender equality: men go to war and women stay on the back insulting those who do not want to fight.

It seems that the easier life gets, the more resentful men become of women. Not entirely sure why... easy life makes men feel inadequate?

So close to self awareness

"B-b-but muh radfems are woke on the trans question so there can't be anything wrong with them!!!1!"

"B-b-but muh radfems are woke on the trans question so there can't be anything wrong with them!!!1!"

i mean, that checks out then, doesn’t it? you’re comparing groups of barbarians who all raped, pillaged, and killed. so it makes sense to put one group ahead of the rest based on a single criterion

Where is the drama? Fucking boring. This place is beginning to suck hard.

It seems that the easier life gets, the more resentful men become of women.

Talk about the tea calling the kettle black. It's literally the exact opposite. Life has gotten exponentially easier for women and instead of being thankful and appreciative, these women are still carrying on about "muh feminism". This has to be some of the least self aware people ever.

In barbarians society women were seen as equal but when they pillaged villages etc the men were taken as slaves and the women and children were killed because they had no real use

It's considered surprising that femcels secretly want to be dominatef by a member of the rockhead gang?

This is a comment that OP herself a while back

That reads like the "first let me state that I am not a pedophile" copypasta that goes around on /r/bestoflegaladvice.

She is completely right in her analysis. Damn, Drama opened my eyes. Some feminists are good women. Ted Kaczynski was a smart man by virtue of his accomplishments in mathematics.

Women have never thought about why there are so many "toxic masculine" type men around, they've never thought for a minute about how they like to sleep with these men but, bitch and moan about them anyways.

Women are all stupid, the only value they have is in making babies and sammiches.


Amazing how similar this guy is to the NZ shooter politically

How ?

What a pig. I love it when father fucked pigs try to latch onto some culture when those same cultures throughout history have done everything ethical in their power to remove these subhuman genes from their respective societies.

Father-fucked conservative pigs are the worst.

how is wyoming a misogynistic state?

Warrior cultures like those of the steppes were actually pretty damn misogynistic. When a warrior culture develops, they almost always develop values for personal strength. Because women generally have less muscles than men, they become valued far less, and so heavily misogynistic cultures developed with lots of rape and concubines.

There were sometimes exceptions. Like, in Scandinavia, women who showed masculine traits had their own special privileges. But for the vast majority of women in these cultures, they got shit on.

I like how she brings up the steppe groups, even though those people literally kidnapped women and married them that way

That subreddit is really fucked up, is supposedly about feminism but 85% of the top posts are all just thrashing trans-women

I appreciate them for fighting back against the trans trend

Dork-thots, especially the good looking sluts, all secretly think the same way; love is when dad comes into the room late at night when no-one's watching. This one just has the lack of self-awareness that comes with being a creepy, rapey dork growing up with creepy, rapey dork geek fag parents.

A Spartan woman who died in childbirth was considered as heroic as a Spartan man dying valiantly on the battlefield,This was a far cry on how the Athenians and other Greek cities viewed women

Being so woke you gush over protofascist society's view that pumping out more potential footsoldiers is the highest honor a woman can be bestowed with.