Telstra (Australia's largest ISP provider) has blocked a number of sites including 4chan and 8chan from being accesed, depriving poor Aussie shitposters from their main source of bants.

645  2019-03-18 by HarryD52


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Other victims apparently include Kiwifarms and Encyclopedia Dramatica

KF, 8chan, and 4chan are blocked in NZ too. weirdly tho if you go straight to a board on 4chan you just bypass the filter

Yes Kiwi officers, this post right here.

God I wish

Why the fuck does she do this to my dick wtf

Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

lmao, incompetent ISPs blocked but not *

More likely /b/tards working at ISP network management told their boomer boss "look we banned 4chan it's all over now you can leave us alone".

I guess the 4channel dashboard is working too.

you're welcome guys

No one asked for this

Any time man

All work for me, even on the homepage for 4chan and 8chan

Do people even post on Encyclopedia Dramatica still

They're still at it. It was pretty stagnant until one of the former owners tried to wipe it and profit from the domain; got a bit of a revival after that.

That’s good to hear, I used to always browse there back in like 2012/2013 but then stopped cuz they fell off not too long after then


Yeah same there was a point where I realized it wasn't even halfway funny

from what i remember, the opposite is true. it was going well until one of the owners decided to wipe it and profit off the domain. their profit venture failed and ED was brought back but a lot was lost. it's not nearly as big as it was before then.

So concise.

ED loses a lot of its humour when you spend 2 seconds thinking about what kind of persons writes articles for that site.

ED loses a lot of its humour when you spend 2 seconds thinking about what kind of persons writes articles for that site.

Yes. They're all /r/drama subscribers. Anne-Frankly I didn't enjoy ether of those two seconds.

It's a perfect time capsule as to what pissed people off in 2006-2008.

Enjoy your perma ban and likely perma suspension from Reddit you fucking idiot.

What’d they do ? It got removed so I can’t read their comment. Did they post the shooting video or somethin

They posted haram, yes.

Subreddit permaban? Why?

There's a name I haven't heard since 2007

Sage goes in all fields for Aussie shitposting.

20 years after Columbine, turns out 4chan and 8chan caused Columbinewhatever current thing is.

Good, austr*lians should not be allowed to communicate with the first world

Well don't come calling when you've got the next batch of uppity religious folk innocently milling about their place of worship.

Criminals having free communication is a bad idea.

We got set free, not like you 57% 3 fifths burgers.

Aussie lives matter

Oi look at the balls on this sick cunt right 'ere.

If we only could disconnect the Leafs, too.

Day of the rake when?

When’s the gang rake start, homies?

Rude 😡

Please do it. But also block CNN, The Guardian and NBC for maximum centrism

Literally all of Toronto would erupt in screeching

Toronto would erupt in screeching

So normal status, right?

It honestly depends on whether Trump said anything within the past 3 hours, but yeah pretty much 😧

He shares the same oxygen as the rest of us and thats bad enough #AsphyxiateToResist

Wasn’t Toronto where all the obnoxious feminist protest videos came from before the election?

Literally all of Toronto would erupt in screeching

Sign me up!


If we could range ban all of Ontario the entire internet would be a better place.

Isn't this kind of racist? Didn't know that was tolerated here.

I didn't know that Canadians are a race, eh.

racism doesn't just happen against races

thanks for short-circuiting my brain

Just stop buddy. Your shtick died a long time ago

Then why the fuck would it be called racism?

because youre basically attacking a whole nation. and thats not ok

there is nothing wrong with attacking ameriKKKa

You're unironically my favorite poster here 🤗

Imagine not being able to read properly

/r/drama is just /int/-lite anyways, I suppose here will have to do for now

I don't recall this place being flooded with shitty language generals

But then the flaming faggotry and autism matches so good enough

Bueno, eso podría ser porque usted es demasiado estúpido para darse cuenta, pero acá hemos tenido mil hilos en otros idiomas

can someome translate subhuman to english please

br*t language is already subhuman, i thought there would be more overlap

Well, that's because you are too stupid to realize it, but here we've had a thousand threads in other languages.

Well, that could be because you are too stupid to notice, but here we have always had a thousand threads in other languages

No speako dago.


No u

Mes fils en français finissent avec genre 10 haut votes. Ca me fait mal au cul, je dois bien avouer.

La plèbe anglophone s'est toujours montrée incapable du moindre raffinement.

La migra

Ah, mierda


Aaaaaaa Spierdalaj!

You're going to jinx it

not enough bussy

not enough bants

too much moralfagging

too much ledditposting

and worst of all you're posting here

Also depriving 4chan from 90% of it's shitposters.

Sometimes the shitposting is truly something else. #NotAllAussies


Well, they're not blocked for the Optus network, but guess its just a matter of time.

Aaaaaaand it's blocked on optus now.

Not blocked by iiNet, Telstra users are pooftas anyway

imagine living in australia

Yeah, imagine living in the second wealthiest country in the world per capita...

Just imagine 🇦🇺


lol, and burgers is still above them even going by actual per capital

Most Aussies will barrack any lie that sucks them off. Truth is we really are just south sea Alabama, a slightly lower poverty rate thanks solely to centrelink.

lol, and burgers is still above them even going by actual per capital

Most Aussies will barrack any lie that sucks us off due to burger TPS and a media pumped superiority complex.

lol, and burgers are still above them even going by nominal

Most Aussies will cheer on anything that makes them feel better than burgers.. Truth is we really are a south sea kansas by culture and daily habit. Love it here; but we travel more than yanks as much because it's boring as fuck as anything else. Unless you like bushwalking, you will run out of things to do nationally within a few weeks of paid leave.

You don't understand that income is not the same thing as wealth. According to wikipedia, Australia is second in wealth per capita.

Telstra costs way too much compared to everyone else I don't know why people still use them that have alternatives available

Boomers who never bothered to switch to an actually decent ISP when Telstra became privatised.

George Orwell was wrong. We don't need governments to implement thought-policing, when corporations are eager to do it for them.

But Ray Bradbury was right.

I really don't get why some people hate 451 fahrenheit so much, I loved it

Metric System 4lyf

451 fahrenheit


You mean it's fahrenheit 451?

Yes. Also F.


A year or two ago I saw some gaymer sperging out about how Ray Bradbury was a "conservative" so everything he made is bad, and the 1980s text adventure game based on Fahrenheit 451 is bad too. Apparently he offended the woke folx in one way or another and they started a campaign against him.

It’s a short story trying to be a novel. The end was sooo lazy. I still enjoyed it though. It’s just not beyond criticism.

And redditors are proud to be the first to proclaim that it's 100% ok when corporations do it.

Only if it’s their corporations. Like capeshit companies, mass media, soy journalism, etc

It legitimately scares me how quick idiots are to throw away their freedom, and to private corporations no less. Fucking Disney is gonna run the US in a few years at this rate

I'd buy that for a dollar.

Implying the mouse isn't already the puppet master

Walt hated Jews because he wanted the monopoly for himself

Little did he know

Imagine living in the year of our Lord 2019 and unironically liking a corporation not named Morakniv.

You mean you don't trust most international discourse in the hands of the people who invaded San Francisco so hard that they made studio apartments cost 100k per month. Do the rich assholes who step over the shit of a million homeless that they created and then act like arbiters of utopian social justice not deserve to decide what speech is right and what speech is wrong?

Sure, censorship has been outsourced to corporations, but it's okay because those corporations are PRIVATE.


Shut up Retard. 😎👊

ANCAPS win this one. 😙😂💸💹

In defense of San Fagsicoians, the reason the rent is high is because of their shitty housing regulations.

It's so weird to me that a group of people who do nothing but bitch and moan about how evil and heartless corporations are, and who routinely bring up Citizens United, can so quickly get on their knees to suck the dick of these same companies when they decide to violate the principle upon which the First Amendment was founded.

What's even more scary is how many people seem to think Free Speech is something that only exists within the purview of the U.S. Constitution, and isn't a value we should uphold in every society, regardless whose government is running it. These people always go "nobody is stopping you from going outside and saying those things, there's just consequences to you saying them", which was exactly the point of enshrining that right. Even the English weren't physically stopping anyone from saying shit, they just made sure their lives sucked after it was said.

TLDR: Nuke the west, we've lost the right to live.

It's only bad when it's "CHINA BUYING OUT REDDIT", but very good otherwise.

And the very same people supporting this censorship were the same people spamming shit everywhere about net neutrality.

All of a sudden reddit is a lot more flexible about net neutrality.

Uhhhhhh yeah but like... private companies don't have to abide by the first amendment cause like, the first amendment exists in a vacuum and isn't based off of one of the core tenets of a free society, or anything like that.

What this corporation I like is doing isn't technically illegal, therefore you're not allowed to criticize it.

Also, the corporation I like is engaging in activity against a group I dislike.

They don't really come from the same place though. You're free to say what you want and the government won't punish you for it, but that doesn't mean others have to tolerate you when you do.

Shit like the Twitter call-out culture is aids and should fall under harassment/doxing laws tbh but Reddit isn't violating one of the core tenets of a free society by saying they don't want to host snuff films on their platform. If they own it, they get to decide what's on it (besides illegal shit of course). They have the right to their property, and I'm sure the landowners that made up the US political landscape in the 1700s would've agreed with that.

I’d like to preface this by saying I am a retard, but even retards need to serious post occasionally. Why ban the entire subreddit? I guess I can see banning certain videos, i.e. the NZ shooting vid and the ISIS snuff vids. I think it’s stupid to ban them but whatever, it’s not difficult to find them elsewhere.

Why get rid of the entire subreddit, though? A vast majority of that stuff is on the level of the shit I used to watch at OSHA trainings and are actually kind of useful to see how fucking easy it is to off yourself accidentally. They were all catalogued neatly with no need to worry about viruses and general website cancer. The comments mostly added needed context to to the videos and weren’t overly toxic.

It was fucking great to visit once in a blue moon to see unedited vids of stuff you may have seen on the 6 o clock news with all the interesting shit blurred and edited.

It was absolutely retarded to bring down the ban hammer on them.

I did like the subreddit too, but it's not hard to see why they don't want to be the website known as the one filled with people dying in it. It could really hurt their advertising income and create bad publicity for them.

I think it’s stupid to ban them but whatever

Y tho? Why does watching dozens of innocent people get gunned down by a guy who should be forced to watch his mother get raped and burned to death need to be seen?

Why get rid of the entire subreddit, though?

It wasn't advertiser friendly.

doxing laws

Imagine thinking this exists.

Indeed. Freedom of speech in the US can die without government (officially) lifting a finger. ISPs, domain name registrars, web hosters, etc can make sure no alternatives to the "respectable" social media and news/opinions sites exist.

Want to try to make Usenet popular again? Good luck finding a news server that carries newsgroups full of wrongthink.

A privatized version of China's social credit system wouldn't be that far-fetched either.


I bet life is easy with blinders on.

life is easy when you aren't a whiny faggot crying about not being able to post on 4chan

How are you too stupid to see the ramifications of ISPs choosing what sites you can or can not visit?

We're dealing with a gamer. Be advised.

What if they block video games or even steam!?

How will i dab on people and call their mothers whores because my dad doesn't love me for being a 26 year old effeminate tranny speedrunner.

What if they block video games or even steam!?

Wtf censorship is based now

You've convinced me I was wrong.

He's just assuming that his side will always be the one deciding what is or is not acceptable. Presumably because he's too young to have noticed that sometimes prevailing opinions change.

I'd never forget that moment of shock, a couple days after the election in 2016, when everyone realised all the executive power they silently allowed Obama to amass would immediately be transferred to the host of television's The Apprentice.


| defending gamers

You deserve an ass-whipping for failing to notice the myriad examples of online speech being vilified, censored, and punished over the past 5 or so years.

lmao imagine being such a faggot that you cry about some retards being banned from Twitter/4chan

KiA poster

oh ok you're just mad that you can't openly talk about being a pedophile anymore

It's one thing when a private enterprise bans you from their service. It's another when a private enterprise bans you from having a choice of service, purely because it may hurt their bottom line.

Fucking dumbass.

man posteds in bad subreddit, I win

lol calm down dude

...yeah, actually

So where's the downside?

Good luck finding a news server that carries newsgroups full of wrongthink.

Why not create one ?

Nothing is stopping you from exercising your rights to create your own private platform.

Because it wouldn't have the audience they think they have a right to.

Why not create one?

Bcause once you build your own website you need a host, and you need ISPs to list you & search engines to index you, and payment processors to allow you to make back the running costs of the site.

Once you've got any serious wrongthink on your site those firms won't do business with you, so your platform dies.

I'll refer you to my previous comment. Also, The_donaven just mentioned payment processing. I had forgotten about that.

George Orwell said nothing at all about thought policing the populace. His opinion of the 'proles' was very low, they didn't care at all what citizens thought, because the book was about the stranglehold the party had on the government. The spy-eye was turned exclusively against employees of the government to keep them all afraid and pliable, with the idea that if you have 100% of the government completely under your thumb there's no worry about dissent or overthrow.

It makes more sense when in the context of the time, when the Stalin purges were in full swing and the Russian government was murdering millions of innocent people for the crime of being in the chain of command of someone being purged out above you

Uh, no.

It was about the middle class. The reason they are employees of the government is because in a communist system, the government is the only employer. You either work for the govt, or you're an unemployed bum. I.e.,not middle class.

that's an interesting interpretation

What interpretation, it's literally in the book. There's a large section that talks about how the middle class takes over from the upper class and just makes themselves into the new aristocracy and continues the cycle. The govt in the book is trying to halt the cycle by preventing the middle class from gaining power. They don't give a shit about the proles who are described as being historically powerless tools of the middle class.

Maybe I'm confused because your statement made so little sense. I'm still not sure what you're trying to say. Middle class? not middle class? how does that even apply to what I was saying

You said that 1984 depicted a government concerned only with thought control of government employees. Which is false. The dystopia in 1984 was about thought control of the middle class.

Jesus christ man, did you even read the book?

You're being incredibly rude and inaccurate. The middle class did not exist outside the party. The 'outer party' arguably was less of a middle class than the proles were because the proles were not expected to perform for the telescreen 24 hours a day or participare in the farcical doublethink. Hence what you call 'middle class' is entirely made up of government employees; IE people directly tasked with making the government work. They don't make bullets or tanks or Victory Gin, that's the job of the proles. Thier job is to push the paper around that makes the government part tick.

If you want to say 'well it's a socialist economy so everyone is a government employee whether they're inner party or sweeping the street' that's all well and good but that would make the term meaningless. I am specifically speaking to the lower cast government workers who actually worked in the government who were constantly under threat of torture or brainwashing, they were the ones under surveilence, while the people who sweep the streets are not. That's 100% of what I am talking about, and what you are completely failing to respond to.

Extrapolating out of that, we're the proles because we do not work in government, so per 1984 parlance we would not be under constant electronic surveilence because we are not 'outer party'. By the time of the events of the story in 1984 the concept of middle class had become fundamentally meaningless.

God you are an idiot.

Yeah your arguments are completely overwhelmed by your pointless personal attacks, which makes me feel that you're really grasping at this and rather than being actually right you're simply furiously trying to not be wrong.

Do you even know where you are, motherfucker?

In a nose to tail circle with another dog, each verifying that the other is an asshole?

Yeah. Welcome to drama, bitch!

All you have to do is obscure the relationships between corporations and governments by being part of a massive network of "non-profits" and shadow organizations.

We don’t need corporations either.

Maybe it's a DNS block? Just change yours to that of Google's and that'll get you to access it.

Yeah I can confirm it's just a DNS block.

Lmao how will shitposters ever recover.

By paying a whole $40 per year to get a VPN.

That's like 800 Australian shekels though

Dollary-doos pls

Change your DNS for free.

Plenty of streaming and piracy sites are blocked in Aus too. A VPN is fairly common.

I pay 3 dollars per month for NordVPN. I love it because it allows me to be endlessly right-wing on reddit and just make another account when I get banned.

Easy to remember with a simple mnemonic: Heil.Hitler.Heil.Hitler.

I'm so sorry about that 😿 but as you know plebbit has been moralfagging about "don't see the vid omggg" and my comment *might* be taken as "encouraging aussie cunts to visit chan sites to see the vid"

Ughhhh I really fucking hate what plebbit has become. Everything is full of so much faggotry I swear 😾😾😾

ur my favorite big pussy 😻

use instead

Reported for being a terrorist sympathizer and Google user

Who even uses their isps DNS servers?

People who don't want crawling internet speed.

maybe because here in America we're a lot more used to giving up certain freedoms for safety, but I don't see anything wrong with this. WTF is wrong with these people that they don't give a shit about the victims of this tragedy!?

I guarantee that every single person who responded to that tweet doesn't even go to the sites that are temp banned. When did humanity lose all its empathy?

Says the sociopath completely disregarding the inalienable right to access chan sites.

When did you lose your spine? Also we have certain restrictions on our freedoms (not yelling bomb in an airport) but our freedoms are not being “given up” you fucking dumbass. I hope the dinosaurs 🦖 eat humanity soon.

🤔 Australia does seem like the perfect containment zone for some kind of Jurassic Park 🤔

>containment zone

Fuck nah there’s no containing the emergence

When did you lose your spine?

it was collateral damage when removing the balls

Says the sociopath completely disregarding their inalienable right to access chan sites.

What freedoms have you given up lately?

The shooting was streamed on Facebook Live. Not the first time horrible things have been streamed there either. Yet Facebook will get next to zero heat for this. Wanna wager why?

Giving a shit about the victims of this tragedy != becoming a booklicking faggot

The victims are dead. What the fuck do they care about some video?

How is it to do with victims

Don’t most people on the Chan’s use proxies anyway to spoof other flags?

its actually rather annoying to post on 4chan with a vpn as most of them are banned for being used to post CP

Sucks for the rest of us abiding shitposters

VPNs are generally rangebanned so a legitimate poster can double-dip into paypig territory and also get a 4chan Gold Pass.

Ah that’s a good point. I’m sure there are ways around it still.

Good, vpn users deserve as many annoyances as possible.

You’ve been able to manually pick your flag on /pol/ for like years now.

fuck sake

Can we block Telstra from connecting any where except behind China's firewall while with it. It's for the greater good.

lmao. australian shitposters finally off 4ch. moot would've been so happy.

Poor Australians have nothing left to do but rape Kangaroos and kidnap Abo kids/try to raise them as whitoids.

I can't believes there's people happy to get censored haha

"Never underestimate the stupidity of the general population." - some fag

that sounds like something literally everyone in the whole world has said at one point or another.

let’s battle fascism with fascism

Imagine being this stupid

let’s battle fascism

Imagine being this stupid

In solidarity with the mayo oppressors down unda I've added blocks for Telstra subnets to my corporate firewalls.

How do they think this is a good idea? If you’re gonna censor the internet you don’t tell people that your doing it. Fuckin boomers

I swear, I believe these governments want these attacks to happen, because their responses always seem to be designed to do exactly that, and just piss more people off.

Guess all that trading and experience dealing with the CCP is paying off. and Bitchute are blocked too

wow that's so racist they only target australians omg...

Fosters, Australian for beer. Australians, definition of cunts.

Twitter should be the first site that is banned. Way before any other site.

The effort they are going to to scrub the footage off the internet is pretty amazing. Has any other terrorist attack had this level of obliteration?

Australia should have their own "internet barrier reef" similar to the great Chinese firewall to keep them out of the civilized world's internet tbh

spez could actually redeem himself if he bans kiwis from reddit

It never even began for Oceanuscels.

In the middle east their shitty firewall only blocks it over port 80.

Lol monopolies

Really gonna miss those Australian shitposts.

I had no idea Australia and NZ were so fucking "safe".

The entire reason I wanted to visit is because I thought it was slightly fuckin crazy. Starting to look like (the politicians) view it's becoming a utopia, but it really seems to be going to a dystopia.

Assuming those Australian shitposting won't just use VPNs.

Not only is it a overstep, it's not even going to work.

If you actually visit 4chan and 8chan you probably know how to use a VPN so I'm not sure if this will do anything lmao

I wish we could get a show of hands of the people on reddit who support this who also supported net neutrality.

people are quick to cry thought policing but the fact is this shit has never been acceptable and people take freeze peaches in the internet as a right when in actuality it has just been an oversight and boomers are starting to catch up

I'd guess that most aussie shitposters have ways to get around the block though

Hahah this worldwide tyrannical great-firewall style censorship sure is wacky.

lol who gets telstra as an isp though thats like americans deliberately choosing comcast

I support this. I hope they get banned from reddit and twitter too. I hate interacting with these fuckin prisoners.

Imagine the greatest the chans can reach without aussie interference.

just use tor problem solved


isnt it fuckin illegal to do this?

This isn’t in America, but if it was Net Neutrailty would’ve stopped it.

Well boy-o's I guess I'm gonna hug my guns and constitution even harder than usual tonight 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


Have any Australians successfully got around the ban?

I manually changed my DNS settings and enabled that app as per someone’s advice and it didn’t work

Please help I need to shitpost

following the instructions at should allow you bypass the ban. If you've already changed it for your IPv4 and that didn't work then try changing it for IPv6 as well.

Hopefully when I finish my degree and the Australian economy collapses I can finally move to the USA

Odd time to censor the people.
What about all the other shit that's cropped up in the years
inconstant morals?

Has any other website been so frequently Streisanded as 4chan?